Healthcare in Asia Pacific | Rise of medical tourism in Asia | Dental Vietnam 2023

Healthcare in Asia Pacific | Rise of medical tourism in Asia | Dental Vietnam 2023

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hey guys welcome to this new video in today's video we're gonna talk about healthcare and most specifically dental here in Asia you may have heard emerging countries like Thailand Vietnam India that gets more and more attractivity worldwide for tourism uh purpose so people are traveling in the country to get some specific healthcare and today I'm very happy to have Albert with me who is the co-owner I can say of the dental clinic here in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam to discuss about this topic thank you Albert to give me some schedule today to discuss about this topic can you maybe start by introducing yourself and your journey in the dental industry hi yeah thank you for having me on your channel so my name is Albert I'm a Vietnamese Australian so I was born I grew up in Australia after my parents left Vietnam as refugees and I grew up with all my schooling education in Australia after school I decided on my career in dentistry cause I wanted to be in healthcare um but then dentistry because is a very hands on practical side of medical field and I always love to help people directly and dentists gets a chance to directly hands on proper patients in need to get them better and I've been working for 20 years now I'm a dentist uh originally but I'm also a dentist specialist I'm a periodontist which I specialise in mentioned gum disease ,surgery dental implants so I have a broad range of experience and expertise so come back to Vietnam now and set up a clinic making a bigger impact and bring my skills back to developing country like Vietnam to help people here in Vietnam and obviously people abroad that come back here okay interesting story Albert I guess so actually you had the experience of working in Australia as well as in Vietnam can you discuss a bit about the main differences you observing in western countries Australia and those emerging countries like Asia especially the ones you mentioned earlier so I think in the medical field in the western countries they they set the standards so if you're talking international best practice standards usually it's it's emerging from the western countries they have the luxury of established healthcare systems ,government, investments and so the healthcare systems in western countries in North America Australia Europe it's well established and the standards solid and then good being brought up uh trained and then worked for many years in Australia and in North America you know I'm used to the standards there's also a lot of ethics so I think ethics is important in healthcare because it governs and dictates how care is developed delivered and and understand is we have to abide by and it's interesting when I come back to Vietnam you know Vietnam is one example of many other developing countries um but which is take Vietnam as an example the standards are developing and and and increasing you know not at international level and sometimes can exceed that and we can go into more detail later but the way healthcare is delivered in the dental field it's uh very similar uh not too different from from western it's just about accessibility resources and expertise of the healthcare professional which is a a big topic to discuss but I've noticed at this country system level whatever differences you know between developed western countries and developing country like like Vietnam but at the lower level at a clinic doctor level the way care is delivered is actually very similar the only difference is the standard or the the quality okay so if we gonna narrow in Asia we have like well established countries like Korea Japan Singapore right Hong Kong maybe also that has a certain healthcare ready there for decades and then you have like upcoming countries we mentioned them earlier Vietnam Thailand India what are the major differences that you observe in those countries so in the emerging healthcare markets for example Vietnam India what's changing is clinics hospitals they are investing more more into facilities more into upscaling of healthcare professionals whether it's doctors support staff, nurses you know accessibility to supplies, equipment, materials it's it's really available it's a matter of choice so people at a management level hospitals or private clinics people know that healthcare because as converging market emerging developing countries as a standard living increases the population obviously demand better quality of life better healthcare as they focus more on their health so as the health system they need to meet that demand so we're seeing more investment at a skills level at facilities equipment technology that's becoming more available to these developing countries as a population naturally expect more and more as health as quality of life increases okay there are this trend of tourism healthcare right so people will travel from the west to those emerging countries to get special healthcare obviously mostly also cost wise when they will get very good treatment for affordable rates what are the major type of healthcare I could say in those emerging markets traditionally people I think there's two groups so countries where for example developed western countries or countries where they don't actually have access to the level of care medical care so maybe the infrastructure or the system doesn't have that particular special medical or dental service okay so either it's not being able to access the particular treatment or maybe the cost has prohibited like it's too high too expensive so you've had two groups I think you can classify those in need have medical condition a problem that need to be fixed with healthcare for some reason they cant access that at the home country and there's another group of people where that I should travel on like you just mentioned they're going on vacation to a particular destination and at the same time take advantage take care of the health in addition to the holiday I think there's two groups of people okay and so in types of different healthcare we can find here like plastic surgery rights so dental obviously what are the other big health industry people with particular needs talking complicated so they need surgery surgery maybe jaw replacement all the replacement some people with cancer cancer treatment dental dental problems can range from simply to very complex and become very costly and there's also now fertility issues which can be very expensive back in western countries so they're seeking that particular treatment abroad so cancer surgery cosmetic dental fertility I think that abroad types of medical dental treatment people will seek okay yeah I actually relate to the fertility one I met a doctor who is a doctor Ho Manh Hung that you may know in Ho Chi Minh City he's actually observing also this trend of Viet Kieu mostly coming back here and then some of them can be treated and can have those type of care that they cannot get easily in the US or in western markets so they come here and then they have access to that and then comparing to Thailand I feel that for this specific fertility industry over there it's really a business while in Vietnam you may still have more rules and things maybe more regulated so it's also probably differences that you have in those emerging markets some market may be very business focused while other ones will be more as you come back to the ethic you know like more doing things carefully ethically according to what the patient needs yes so I think this is where research is is needed and anyone seeking care whether it's even back home when you're seeking a place to trust to get medical dental care whether it's a hospital private or public clinic you need to do your homework your research find out about the the doctor or the clinic you know whether it's overseas or back in your home country you need to do your homework and find out get a lot of information get one opinion maybe 2nd or 3rd opinion and then from the other old customer feedback or word of mouth so I think it pays to try to get as much information before you make a decision anyways I think it is a general advice I give to my patients you need to go somewhere of course for quality care somewhere where you feel you trust that they can do the right thing but typically it's important I think we can share more detail of things to consider we can jump into that so for instance in the dental tourism industry I guess you have a lot of people Viet Kieu right coming here what are the major things that they need to watch out maybe the red flags and think that they have to be aware that also exist in those emerging markets so you know choosing the right provider was a process they have to go through If you're thinking about going overseas let's say medical and dental tourism then you do your research first so obviously you go online okay look up you know whatever service you need go on the website read as much as possible about the different options and if you're looking at the particular clinic look at the doctors look at their history experience the qualifications do they have overseas qualifications from where which university and the years of experience also look at all previous customer feedback to get an idea how the other patients other customers have had felt and then they share positive negative experiences and I think in this day and age with technology we can access is it's very easy now like you can go arrange online consults get information exchange get the consultation hit the preliminary initial consultation first and get a feel for the process how thorough they are how attentive and then you can trust a gut instinct like okay this they're looking after me what other services can they provide conveniences to make things seamless so it's part of doing your homework if they have on the website or 3rd party websites uh clinic facilities photos is it modern facilities do they have the technology how many cases have they done if you're looking at particular procedure okay so I think uh do as much information gathering as possible um so you wanna look at facilities make sure it's clean modern um infection control which means hygiene standards disinfection do they sterilize what protocols and I think this you have to see firsthand as well so do your homework before you fly over but once you get to hospital or the clinic you need to you know get a tour check to see the standard of hygiene is it clean if you ask or ask questions there's nothing wrong with asking questions and see how they they answer do they stick by certain international standards when it comes to sterilising disinfection philosophy okay so I think these are things you should look out for as as a standard okay expertise and facilities so that is for your own safety and well being okay and how does it work for the insurance let's say you have an insurance provider overseas those type of care can be covered yeah yes so you need to contact your insurance ask full detail of what's covered is it covered overseas cause a lot of policies don't apply to overseas care so before you consider overseas treatment see if your local health cover actually covers and how much and then uh you can contact the relevant overseas clinic or hospital if they're part of the insurance network if they're in network or outside the network and that helps you decide on what level coverage but usually um if you're seeking overseas care usually if you do have health insurance back home the coverage is usually quite minimal so that's the reason you go overseas to find these potential options to save cost okay so the cost savings can substantial if you go to these developing country healthcare markets you save 40% even up to 50-60% okay and then you can take into account travel hotel accommodation expenses and you still come out save it quite a bit so definitely look into the insurance how much cover you get it helps but usually it's it's very quite limited especially we're talking quite complicated high cost treatment okay and so Albert I wanna make a link to Premier Dental you guys are specialized actually in the high end or even premium care can you talk about your position and then why you choose to provide services for this type of audience so we don't specifically position ourselves for high end or the premium dental market actually my philosophy my mission coming back to Vietnam is offering premium top quality dental service make it accessible for everyone so which means that we actually offer premium level dental services at a reasonable cost because I've come back to Vietnam to try to help as many people as possible whether they're here in Vietnam or abroad expats tourists or dental tourist patients we actually obviously attract the high end premium overseas the Viet Kieus quite a lot cause we're spreading that we're offering great care at a very reasonable price so my team we brought ourselves on holding that top quality care which I would be providing whether I'll be back in Australia or in the United States we've been here for six years and word is spreading that you know we're offering this great level of care and that a lot of people can afford I'll give you a quick tour of our clinic here in District 2 Thao Dien, so we have this is the entry for your reception area where we greet our patients do the check in process and the processing scheduling and then just come through that leads into our sort of lounge waiting waiting area we purposely set it out like a waiting room so not your typical hospital waiting room where it's sterilized this is comfortable like a living room back in home so we try to keep our patients as comfortable as possible cause going to the dentist is usually quite nerve backing quite quite special so we we try to keep the relaxing ambience just to get everyone more settled before coming for the for the treatment so this is the waiting area and to to the side here this is actually our sterilization a room where we process and clean and sterilize all our equipment and the reason why it's actually here and transparent because we brought ourselves on best quality process so that our patients that have the reassurance and know that how how things are processed this is the quoted best international standards so we have all all the equipment that you need to guarantee safety for everyone okay so all our equipment everything is completely clean and sterilized okay and then we have we have a to the side here so this is one we have four dental chairs this is our first one so top of the line dental chair we have a screen monitor for patient education x rays we can explain also we have a TV for patient entertainment relaxation distraction special for kids and adults if if they prefer so this is a you know designed as as I would back in North America or Australia alright so top of the line equipment that you we import everything from from Europe and so this is exactly what you get at a top top clinic back in the western country okay so this is one example of a dental chair and this next this next room it's our X ray X ray facilities and this is again top of the line standard X ray CT machine that you wouldn't find at many clinics back in in the western country okay so we invested in the top of the line if everything's available you don't have to go different different centres or different location if everything's all in one in one location for for maximum convenience so again everything is clean top notch okay so process equipment so everything's all on hand so this next part is the actual surgery room okay for all our surgeries oral surgery dental implants so again we have the preparation area where the doctor the medical team come in wash you know scrub change into the surgical surgical gear before we we step foot so this is like like a like any any hospital it's the same it's just visualize version this is a surgery room we have a chair that doubles up for normal dental treatment or converted into a chair for for dental surgery and again it's a spacious we have a enough room for big cases sedation where we have medical work and this is just to come in with their equipment so we can handle all types of surgeries in the in this room and we have all the the safety oxygen medical emergency kit all on hand ready to on standby and we also have a patient recovery room which a lot of clinics don't have so after surgery they need to recover especially sedation cases then we have a recovery room with support staff for for our patients one particular unique unique feature of our clinic is that we we wanna be a family friendly dental center to cater for the whole family from the kids to the parents to the grandparents and we have a space here this is our play area library for the young kids to come in and whether they come in for the patient or with their parents doing treatment they actually have a safe and a fun play area for for kids so we want to introduce kids to dental clinic bit not threatening so they feel comfortable and look forward to coming to the dental clinic and so if it works works wonders so kids love love coming here and they have this whole dedicated play area and and we also have a a kids activity room for for arts and craft so they come in here they can do art and craft painting we also conduct a lot of school events we partner with local schools educational field trips and sessions to help kids do free dental checkups and come into dental awareness activities and programs so we would use these facilities quite a lot and I'll show you one of our kids treatment rooms so this is our our kids pediatric gym room so it's uh designed and decorated for for kids so they come in very colourful small dental chair for smaller kids so they feel comfortable with the TV on we have specialist pediatric dental specialist as well on staff to help take care of the kids at the best possible way quality and psychologically we can understand the kids so they get the level care that they deserve okay so this is our kids gym room that the kids they love which everyone even come in and feel very warm and welcoming okay and then we have other chairs as well but this is yeah this is our quick tour we have lot of space it's very different from a typical typical dental clinic cause we we dedicate lot of space for the non clinical treatment cause we think it's it's very important people come in feel comfortable yeah it's part of the overall experience being felt well cared for and have as much as a positive experience going to the dentist rather just getting quality dental care which is important okay so it's it's been a pleasure we can share this to a lot of people we welcome people in Vietnam and abroad if they want to get excellent level of dental care and well looked after for all all members of the family then we welcome them to our clinic thank you Albert so I hope you guys had a better understanding about the healthcare market in Asia and especially the dental market in Vietnam if you have any question you can check below and then leave us your questions and we can answer them fast if you enjoyed the video leave us a like and I will put every links below about Albert's clinics and order related information that you may wanna check out thank you Albert again and I see you in the next video thank you bye bye

2023-08-27 13:13

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