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we're about to spend 9 days in Zambia Zimbabwe and batswana come up with a game plan X up in  the pain you can't shake that all moving   in the me how you feel with it you put a  on it I ain't got no chill with it your   problem going to deal with it on the line  highis that's we never fall back where we at back we going stay right where we at  geographical F line s Andreas similar to that that was actually really cute and you can where I'm we never back way  down never fall came with the hands out get   them off 247 in the office pay attention cuz  I ain't repeating office yeah never met a   man I've been scared of careful you  going to get exactly what you ask for   whatever you bring me get in hand I  answer to no and I don't need the H   we a't never fall back hold our ground  where we at at we ain't never fall back   hold the ground where we at never fall back  we never fall back hold the ground where we at me right where I'm at we  never fall back we Ain never fall back we never and you can find me where I'm at  we never fall back if you were to step   out of this vehicle they would tear you to pieces you we go that was wild I was I was  trying to save someone but I just ran I was now gifted a camera and I think I'm  on the crew so I feel good girls trip plus Ryan my keep pushing boys come on push  harder yep keep going there you go do you want to go play with them  I do I would love to go yeah can we ride I got youe I don't want to go cow tipping  ring you'll notice this Junction it's like a   right angle because the tamani is actually  a fault line so a geographical fault line   kind of the San Andreas fault similar to  that it's not as big but um the water from   the okavango Delta floods in and comes out  of the Bor Junction the Bor River and then   into that fault line and then push it back  up so it's it's quite an interesting river system crops are basically they'll eat  anything depending on the size so turn around you know this profet I would maybe  about to take a small child but I I reckon   if I were to get out and to walk up to  it it would it would probably go away   probably Mo well want to find out take that  chance I to take that chance please do not   take that won let you love you too dearly  so I can I know you well enough see I get oh my God that is so cool yo he's  posing he like look at meing guys   big elephant to the oh my God elephants oh my God okay that was actually really cute I got that they're back at it they're back at it again  yeah as long as you can hold this they're not   going until they can nail it or until someone's  knee gives out yeah or that too 3 two 1 okay go over do we have four I okay yeah what's happening we're stuck I  don't no we're leaning though oh my God we   are too heavy Don't Rock the Boat Don't  Rock The Boat Baby don't tip it on you out too thick you're to break this I let go he's going for you he's going for you are you guys ready to go swimming good guess we're going swimming get up he's not St there let's go I got to get everyone in b b b h where is it oh God you get it my oh she dropped it oh it's loose put  it on the bed put it on the bed put it   on the bed put it on the bed no put it on the  bed put it on the bed a dropped you ripped it off like it fell off yeah like I was literally  holding it tail holding the lizard in two hands oh man I'm going to start by introducing you  to the team and also to all the babies to   know where they are coming from and that  situation they came across before being   rescued and then next online here we have got  a little one young C the youngest of all at   an age of a year and four months her name is  buo means future so the reason we called her   future and then over here we have got t t means  hope so T that's the first male to be rescued   after mam so the reason he called him V is  because that gap which has been hoping that   maybe would be called for some young car to  help and then likely it was him so he's at an   age of 3 years 6 months okay guys have a look  here I've got a a black buet here and inside   there are some fruits so you ask an elephant  to trunk up and they will LIF that trunk and then and then if you want to feed on the on the   TR you ask an elephant to take  it send take it do exctly that and then they will take from your hand good I wasn't expecting that that is so cute you she's  waiting put inside the M oh my then oh no the plan now for the rest of the afternoon  is going to be largely focused on a cultural   experience which is a totally unique thing  nobody else in Botswana has done this like   we're doing it um to the best of my knowledge in  shobi Village which is about um 20 minutes up the   road on the way to our camp okay so the first  thing we're going to do is meet the Sanga okay   so a Sanga is a traditional doctor so you might  know you might describe him as a witch doctor   a spiritual doctor versus a traditional  healer who is somebody who uses natural   um plant sources to create medicine um which is  called Muti so MTI is basically African word for   medicine so this guy is very much as far as  I understand um a Sanga so dealing with the   sort of spiritual side of things and you hear  stories of them people going and paying them   to put curses on people going um paying them  to make that improve their lives you know I've   got certain opinions about all of this stuff  but I'm not I'm going to express them now I'm   happy to talk about it over dinner but I still  find no matter my opinion it's still a really   interesting fascinating part of Southern African  culture African culture in general after the Sanga   we're going to play football um I know it's  really hot so we'll just see how that goes but   basically the idea is to help the local football  team we've got some equipment for them to donate   so thank you all for that that's part of your  your um fees you paid and um yeah it'll just be   a nice a really nice thing to just get a feel for  how communities live and to make communities who   usually don't have any kind of involvement with  tourism at all be involved and at least um see   that we're interested in in what they do and how  they live so that's basically what we're trying to achieve three two one go come on push push push push push push hey in Reverse  let's go that's impressive let's go yes all right um what is telling me is like um  he's helping people uh in a traditional way   MH not he's like a traditional healer or  a doctor he's helping if the people have   problems they can see him he can solve their  problems as well just like the doctor in the   hospital if you have a bad luck or you have  like uh witchcraft people trying to harm you   in and somehow he can help give you some  things to protect yourself again the evil okay okay so what is telling me that  uh if you want to like he heard that   we are going to play the football if  you want to win the team he can make it really if you have a if you have a business if  you have a business maybe like Brooks he has   his own Safari he want to grow his own Safar  to in a better way can you also quick make   the business and then lots of tourist comes  to Brooks company that's what he told me now   he's listening to this be here he's telling  him what to do so he's communicating with him okay okay um yeah he says uh you  should tell him what you want him to   do for for you mik is here what is a  mic M I don't want to see anything for   me personally but it's here yeah it's  here is here can you see him there yeah   okay Mikey yeah more are they being nice  are they telling you something about me okay so he telling me that there are things  that you want to do but you can't achieve it   but you you want to do it but you're not make  it properly yeah say interesting what is what things looks like stuff you trying  to do a business but you're not doing he just roasted you no knows no knows no knows no one  knows how high is too high no one knows   how low is too low who's going to be our  leading goal scorer right here right here   Ryan what's your background k through eight  soccer k through eight yeah kindergart so   like stop playing soccer for roughly how  these kids are I can take them all I'm from there really what's about how bad pretty bad dropped  his passport he literally dropped   th me let's make him find out the hard way  okay how good are we going to be are we're   going to be amazing we've also got the  the power of the witch doctor behind us   so we're going to kick we're going to  kick some ass get in a circle get in a circle we're doing great okay  you're you're the leader now 2 3 today is about bringing people together with  sport yeah I feel that bwana must Embrace   sport as a way to empower people and to create  relationships so this is what this is all about   and we're here to donate you this this kit so  we hope that these footballs will be of use   to you guys so when you're doing training you  can set up some drills also provided you with   a number of cones so you can look professional  okay they already do yeah they already do do apply pressure attack attack attack for the legs hey how did we do uh terribly half our team  is on the wrong side of the ball at all   times uh the other half of our  team is filming while trying to play guilty oh come on come ons but hey  hey I got the ball from a Defender and   I had a shot that just went wide of net yes  with the camera yes it's not bad no not bad hey guys say how are you how are you  how' you like the game good good good   who won we weren't watching  uh we won we won sure 1 2 3 One play solid I tried okay welcome to your home for the next few nights  these are glamping tents they look amazing there's   two beds in each one um you all remember your  roommates right so pick your roommate they're   all the same so go ahead and settle in with your  stuff your luggage is on the way and then we will   be able to shower soon hit dinner dinner's at the  lodge like 20 minutes away but go pick your new home can you tell me about your room right now  like what um um well we got our two beds very   comfortable we desk when we work yeah that's  doesn't give us much cuz we got no bills yeah   important thanks and the bug spray more important  actually I think that's more important the most   important thing here MTV Cribs let's go [ __ ]  get in here man come on get in get ready oh wow   yours is so much nicer so this is our kitchen  right here this is where weat where we sit we   can Mel knows what's up she she's that's Jazz's  bed over there ni you can see real nice and you   want to see the Royal Throne the restroom check  out the Royal Throne right here red isn't she   beautiful wow I know it's pretty good yep who's  going to be the first one to try it out one yet   I might be I brought you guys a housewarming  gift it's like a nice PL I know oxygen in the   room I know exactly way to put it we yeah look  at that it's going to get plenty of Sun real   good circul and we'll water it twice a oh look  at that W wild elephant right on our doorstep   wow wow you don't see that every day no oh wow  that's oh that's a solar fuge it's okay it's   okay these things can actually bite but this is  it's basically um it's not a spider it's called   a solar fuge it's a sun spider no so they can't  produce silk whated what happened what a great   find but they called red they call them you call  them a red Roman they're constantly on the Move   um they really scare people um because they  kind of um but yeah they can administer quite   a painful bite don't H don't grab it you're okay  but um it's it's really harmless it's not going   to it's not going to hurt you hurt yourself but  they basically just they'll never stop they're   just always on the Move searching for food so  it's like an add bug yeah basically and um yeah   so it's not it's an arachnid but it's not a true  spider cuz it can't produce spils what you do the lock oh my God good morning sunshine dude I've  been looking for this for like 4 minutes good   morning sunshine good morning dude I'm like  where's the loot bro where's the loot I I I   think we need to go talk to Mike why I think we  I think we need to go talk to Mike oh no okay   remember what we were talking about last night  that uh Like Elephant Walk directly through or   someone's tent's going to St on by an elephant  oh we heard something yeah yeah yeah yeah let's   go talk to blank oh sick Elton wants to say what  uh the noises we heard go okay so that was the   lion what I heard that too you're joking  and then the other one you know hippo no elevant oh baboon what remember the  night Drive uhhuh h h no I don't oh because of all those noices and then there  was hyenas behind our tents too I don't want   a camera in my face I was telling Beth at  I couldn't sleep last night cuz literally   all I heard were nois it's tiny I didn't hear  anything I heard one like cabara and I heard   like and I just thought it was a hippo  what are we doing here you only do I only   do it in a moving vehicle this is the Safari  Salon oh all the girls need the braids today   is this some like Cash Cab you just got  to ask questions while getting your hair braided it's not even 7 yet and we've seen hyenas  giraffes and elephants and it's 2 minutes to 7 3 2 one now now wait wait now let's  get the elephant ready 3 2 1 I cannot let go I can't believe oh my God they're driving  up now we just saw baby this is nut oh my understand we're only 2 hours through this adventure on  our Sunday morning stroll and we're not even   at breakfast we're not even at breakfast we've  had a painted Wolf Run next to us along us   like Twilight yes we had the giraffes walk right  across our car and a a group of elephants a found   elephants right in front of us and right behind  us I swear not even like 10 not to mention the   Impalas we just saw jump across we saw 63 Impalas  [ __ ] amazing so it's known as Mori game reserve   but it's effectively the national park okay okay  still incredibly dry similar kind of habitat but   we're on our way we're making a be line for the  water which is basically where all the wildlife   is going to be or a lot more Wildlife will be I  can't I'm going to say one thing so just notice   the eyes of the cheetah as opposed to a lion  cheaters are more active to day so you see they've   got like a black teardrop stain by the eyes it's  kind of people sets like a natural sunglasses so   they so they don't um they absorb the the light so  they don't um they don't get dazzled by the Sun so   easily his other other Predators see yeah deadly  but if you were to step out of this vehicle they   would tear you to pieces they' literally they  probably rip your rip your straight out come   behind your behind your neck bite you break your  neck finished and then stop feeling on you during   the day most of the cats like Lion they spend  the time just just resting they just given activ   during night or in the evening now they just try  because it's cool now can be start to hunt or even   in early in the morning yeah but this one they can  just see it but not proper like in in the night oh yeah they used to say oh there's 11 subspecies  nine subspecies but now they've seem to have come   to a conclusion that there are four um this is the  southern giraffe um actually a subspecies of the   Southern giraffe is the angolan giraffe which are  these ones and then you get the northern giraffe   and then there's the reticulated giraffe and the  Massi giraffe massai giraffe are the tallest they   get up to 6 m in height which is big and with the  with the tail so tends to be like it with a line   the bigger the main the more dominant same with  a lebra long tail is signifies a dominant male   so you can see the one a couple of these guys  are pretty long tails woohoo fantastic at all the all the wow this at the one with the giant Tom oh [ __ ] are you freaked out right now no  this is really cool insane I want the   hippo to be like right there want  me to go a little a little toe in yeah not complely fine life is hard dude oh my go go go go go go go go go go go go it's her whole ass it's like  anyway so what had happened was why would I ever seen that I was to swim  through all of Mexico looking at your ass isn't it ironic that there's like a perfect like   iton no no no no no no no no name  was what all nighter Aly wa wait wait all nighter Aly her name is  Anal Aly no it's all nighter Aly   now it's anal Aly now it's anal nerd her name is Alley stand up stand up stand up with my thank me thank me Serena yes ride me Ryan is that a name or a  command it's a name and they'll all call him Ryan   ride me Ryan ride me Ryan ride me Ryan say hi ride  me Ryan Ryan ran that is so weird it was JK golf Jessie okay does that mean that  means you're doing it right like what did you say I've got it  the dick his name is elephant [ __ ] Elton E I like that I like that jingle Jewel jingle My Jewel is Jenny  so we're here to bring awareness   to the baswan and culture and the many  animals here that have suffered during   the drought hi I'm gag Ginger  open we're ready to help the animals I was going to change  his name to enter me Evan but kind of hone in and focus more on things that  I find particularly interesting and hopefully   you guys will too um such as plants um tracks  invertebrates um signs of animals um and just   generally the the ecosystem as a whole when  I'm walking with you guys I'm going to be   extra vigilant um and I want everyone to just  enjoy themselves and not worry about anything   um but if you do spot something that I haven't  spotted just click your fingers but you can't   click your fingers like elephant okay and the  thing is to just remain calm from my experience   elephants are very understanding of of our  kind of reactions they're responsive to our reactions key indicators there's a lot of  elephant dung here that looks fresh um it's   not so it's very dry it's got a shiny look to  it cuz it's it's been baked by the sun this is   part of tracking be able to analyze um the ages of  movement of of animals so um but yeah I love done does that look like a what that look like is  that a tail B I think it's a tail bone is that   the lower would that be the lower vertebrae going  in here it's forming part of the tailbone that's   what it looks like to um could be a could be a  cow okay I say it was actually a cow again we   were saying that cattle get wiped out by lying in  this area um it's just one of the things about um   being a cow in Africa it jumped there it is  it jumped put it ler don't jump look at the   little the little eyes there some kind of bark  dwelling insect and just look at the camouflage   on there yeah that looks just like it look it  Blends in just I just literally saw it um it's   legs move get if you guys want to hold him just  what you do is you just put your hand just in   front is he going on my head he's going on your  head okay what you do is just put your hand and   let him just walk onto it gently if they puff  if he goes just ignore it it can't hurt you it   looks pretty chill he's almost there he's almost  there you got him I got him you see the coloration   actually changed oh it's got lighter it's gotten  lighter so we're a good combo look it's a besie this doesn't even feel real what do  you think of this view I like it it's amazing this is so much fun so awesome can you see you than you how you doing it's like snorting he's like  warning us that there he's like hey   I'm here I feel your vibrations oh oh he  was laughing at us now yeah he's laughing I don't know if any of that was good put it to put it on yeah my  K that can s love it love it nice a so cute no where's the I don't know how I got hereon it's open for one night and one night only the it's so unexpected that you can't  compare the two but I would break   it right next to each other honestly  that was incredible and that's drunk DJ you crying what my God DJ  just came to going I we never again I was I was going to say this is of  Jessie I was going to say based on uh oh   okay based on Susan's game last night Evan now  has one pigtail over each hole you can enter Jazzy can you explain to me where we are for on salt pans in the middle of nowhere were you sleep talking again I  don't know someone tell me was was I I   don't know like do you sleep talk I did  too we're probably having a conversation   in the middle of the night it's  a mon desert I found it in the toilet oh so how did y'all sleep that's good look F yeah  I like zipped it all the way to my face it   wouldn't be cold I was so cold apparently  some people got fuzzy blanket so so where   was your fuzzy blanket it was I didn't have a  fuzzy blanket I had sheets that's what I had how this is how they behave this is just it  happens are you sure this is in a zoo are you   sure we're not at the water it's a bloody big  one it's a bloody if you notice they're not   when we're standing here they they don't even  look at us cuz they're habituated to humans   but they're still wild in their behavior  so they're constantly checking checking   checking checking looking up looking for birds  at prey looking for any other kind of threats   um and they actually have different calls so  they'll give a warning sound for a different   type of threat so if it's a if it's like an  eagle they'll have a certain I can't do my voice   or if it's um you know whatever else a jackal or  something then a different kind guys I think the   collective noun for Mir cats as far as itware it's  a mob so a mob of Mir cats which is quite good he's not doing nothing go shut up ow okay good  good my legs hurt elevator elevator it's time for Africa this is my seat belt I  couldn't fall out the entire Drive hey hey no spiders no spider you got to take your pants off okay  you get one M&M for p two for poop what anybody else anybody else sound like cave women all right get Dr where the oh wait hold on not ready hang on you are  suching awkward like my back which way which   way this way way I really thought this was  a girl trip until now now it's a dude's trip again Jazzy literally just  threw D over 1 two three chest no you got you got a thr you Ryan and I just   braid each other's hair how  are you doing so who do you like it went in my nose yeah you know you  just got to let the guys have fun you know jingle bell jingle bell  jingle bell rock jingle bell I think we've got one clear winner  tonight ladies and gentlemen and that is this got it bye bye is everyone aware this is your  third country in 24 hours we're in Zambia this buet I know I need a  ride oh my God I need aide EV watch him you're the first one to K out no the don't to of the right now coming for the bo just  put the P lower down there welcome to Sania Katie that's going to save you if you fall  off right Noy imagine if like a little and this   time you don't have a [ __ ] Bunty dude imagine  if like there's a little bit of a flash flood and   like 6 Ines of water came pouring over and then  it all like pushed us over the edge see we're   like in the water we're not dangling a wel through  guys hello come on be your dang once you fall yeah W do you guys realize we're literally taking  a boat to the edge of a waterfall yeah that's   the point c not pull it to the well I wasn't  thinking of it until now than I lost my yeah   I left my sanity at the door when I agreed to this  again I'm probably going to lose my dignity when I   [ __ ] myself jumping off the bridge um oh that's  just the start of it great here's the Devil's Pool holy [ __ ] what the holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ]  let's go dude that's whereing D it's 1.7 km wide   which is about a mile in the quarter and 110 m  is the height which is 310 ft shared by the two   countries the H of this side is Zambia the green  trees you see there that's Zambia and on the other   side is Zimbabwe but if you can look down the gge  the water's flowing down that way in the Eastern   Direction then tend to the right and that's where  now it starts to find its own way up to the Indian washingt damn that dud oh it's cold you you're good how you guys doing you got speak way louder I was over Susan  just dying yeah Susan oh my God this isane let's go um okay  I'm very happy with this this is incredible how was it Evan it was pretty cool  thanks for being my floaty I love you fantastic   it's finished de pool now let's get some food  we did it knock it off the list that was insane   so everybody how was it we were literally  on the edge of a waterfall one wrong step over was anyone actually scared  no so get ready for bunie in the end I all well the view gets better and better as we  go too no we're not even there yet no could   this whole thing is basically a waterfall  rain season rain that's insane the whole   someone uh this this does this height kill  you yes yes this is well more than 200 ft no   I don't think so no no I think this is like  140 so see see if I'm right 421 what's 421   4 21 four people are going to break down CME two  are going to back out one's going to matter can   we guess who who's the four come on get put  this part in if he's right yeah this part's   only going in the video if you're right hold  on let me look at him yeah Jenny's a [ __ ]   he's going to cry Jenny's going to cry wait  which which one Jenny not Jennifer okay AR   arel sure going to cry D Maybe [ __ ] yeah DT  is 1,000% going to cry so they have 34 people   that's three that was only three oh everyone  Cherry's not jumping only Shannon is oh maybe   Shannon and then who's going to poop I I want to  I want to say I want to say uh Erica oh wait she   can't jump then Natalia natala will cry oh Beth  and Beth will back out I got a lot of money on   who's going to cry and who's going to back out  so please don't make me have to pay EV $1,000 today but on the backing out no one's going  to back out we're all on no one's backing   out how much money is on no one's backing  out how much I don't know tell me you tell me I already already said it to the camera  I already looked you all in your eyes from   a distance no back and I put money on it you  going to see that clip later right is that   going to be included what I want to know who  you said you'll have to find out in the video   okay that's why I said it's going to be thing  is if no one backs out then it won't go in the   video that's not the mentality we have no one's  going to back out but I want money so I'll bet 20   bucks that someone backs out I'm not looking  I already know I already know that Elton bet   that I was going to cry so I'm not going to cry  how do you know because we just talked about it   I heard I heard I'm going to cry on the Justice  swing don't look down on the no I think just like   like this and then just like dive and then once  I'm gone like I I can't go back at that point so   I'll be looking down so that's my game plan I'm  going to go for it yeah that's a great game plan   you can do she looks happy yeah Z lining she do  zip lining outside down I think everyone's going   to do it I think right huh everyone's going to  jump no one's going to back out my that sings   a song yeah that's for him thank you I think  I'm going to I need to borrow your shirt sh my   can I try it just on the walk there and back  out before do it getting ready to jump I have no heart probably going to fall which is still fine I was feeling nervous before we arrived and   then when I walked across the bridge  I was feeling fine now I'm feeling nervous thank you like Nike do I'm not  happy I'm happy but I'm not happy I could be I love your nervous smile it's like  you're ready but you're not ready not let's go the she already did arm out  keep them strong ready 5 4 3 2 1 do yourself a favor poop your pants I got to be   honest you never know what's going  to have man sure you'll make the video 4 3 2 1 okay there's the you're going to be fine be fine for I think I'm going to go into Pak rest she's going to do amazing cuz she's a  bad [ __ ] she's a badass bungee [ __ ] yeah there's no words to explain that one man  that was that was [ __ ] insane that was nuts yeah that was brilliant [ __ ] the first like 5 seconds I  regretted everything and then   it catches you and you're like no I'm good 5 4 3 2 1 I don't know if I'm nervous or not I actually  don't know I'm going to find out in like 8 Seconds w we made it what a [ __ ] day come on Evan come on come on Evan come  on now there we go yeah there we go Evan welcome to dinner um and  to the highlight of the cruise   I just like to say a very special  happy birthday to our friend here happy birthday to you birthday happy birthday to you bud happy birthday I just want to  give everybody a cheers to a fabulous   trip we want to thank Elton and of course Ginger and all things done such a far away  uh country and of course Mike um here thank you guys so much for the  wonderful time cheers everybody have cheers the moment they come is so quick such that it  can be about 20 seconds after we have told those   guys to set them free in 20 seconds they'll be  landing here so once we say please record if   it is a camera big cameras please try to put  your machine on auto so that you can record   nearly everything don't miss the first part  because it's the most important part don't miss it you heard the M noise as they were coming  that's intentionally do you know why to scare   the other part so that one is not Disturbed in  terms of his portion but the most dominant at   the moment is one far left but these other  three guys would always want to fight most   of the time for dominance but they cannot fight  him even if you look at his face is very clean as   compared to these guys that has C and scratches  on their faces because they less attack him just   one squat from him makes them go running  if you look at the way they feed they are   equipped with a very huge canines and they  do also have MERS and pre molers however   they are different from ours ours are flat on  top and U meant for crushing and pounding our food all right this one is  say you e one oh my God at the that's the adrenaline part of the activity I thought you bring was fuing careful back back okay  okay yeah get down back up back up your s must for a second so the male is the uh dark one the  black one so the reason why you have black   plumage it is because these guys when they  um incubate their eggs they do it as a team   the females will incubate in the eggs during  the day and the male will do it during the   night so the other reason why he has got a black  color is for him to be able to blend in with the   Darkness at night so that Predators wouldn't  easily identify him when he's incubating the   egg so this is a family of three father mother  and the daughter that is just a less than a   year old put your hands together so aggressive so  generally o is are harvested for their meat their   fair is used for uh decorating ornaments  and also feather dusters scuffs you name it are you sweating through your eyeballs not  yet are you sure I don't want to be the first   one I know we going to get bullied for it  this is so s us be like on the bus to get   there so we have fre hands for hugs smart smart you see you in Iceland I'll see you Iceland it's a   little little hot over here yeah  yeah just a little yeah just do that a little one we oh good now it's gone it's the sun I I was looking  at the sun too it's falling it's so nice meeting you my last announcement  get the [ __ ] in the van I love you but don't   be late you can't miss your flight till  next time till next time never goodbye   you guys all drive away see

2024-11-05 07:17

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