HAMPI Tourism: Visit these places at HAMPI

HAMPI Tourism: Visit these places at HAMPI

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hey all welcome to my channel explore with nand  this is part two of MP series and this is dat so   we decided to check out witha complex early in  the morning so the route to with complex very   beautiful Scenic and dotted with some fantastic  rock formations like this um you can actually   take some pick stopping by and then after that we  hit upon this tarata gate which is basically the   tool gate of those times and here the smaller  vles allot bigger vles are stopped so once you   reach the main site from the parking slot to  the actual main Temple complex it's about 2 km   walk or you can take those buggy Vans or the golf  cart vs which you can see in the picture they run   in good frequency and charge about 20 Rupees  to for an up and down trip but we decided to   walk and it was a good decision because we could  see some great Mups like this this is Gala mup or   the UTA mup it has some race platform the center  where the DT was kept and then work shipped then   as you proceed further you see Kuda basically  it's a Vish Temple not functional right now but   then the pillars of this Temple is all in horse  resembles horses and the the mythical creature   so that's why it's named as K mapa uh we spent  some time here took some pictures and then we   start walking further because entire route itself  of course it can be really hot on summer times but   otherwise the November to February I think it's  pretty manageable to walk in the early morning   time so we walked and it was a good decision  because you could see some nice scen ra on the way so the walkway itself as I said it's very  Scenic so it's got a lot of rock formations   great Mountain Regents there as you can see then  of course lot of greenary and then of course there   also busy nowadays because a lot of tourists are  such both domestic International so you have lot   of buggy Vans going up and down so it's a very  very active place in the early mornings so as we   proceeded further we saw this pushkar on the right  hand side so we decided to check it out and this   is actually a small pond with a lot of water in  it already and then in front of it we have this   beautiful small M with beautiful carving so we  took some pictures here and then of course we   I found out that this pushkar or the pond was  serving as a drinking water source during those   days because this entire walkway you will see  the same pillars like this now these pillars were   actually two tier those days which were actually  2m Marketplace and there were a lot of Traders   here trading on precious metals and you know other  items including horses as well so obviously this   Pond was serving as a drinking water source now of  course what you see is a single level single level   pillars because it got demolished or destroyed  by the Invaders so all the become single um tier   uh pillars the roof is also not there but the  entire length was a marketpl those days and the   hill on the far right is basically the anadari  hill where the Hanan Temple is which we'll be   exploring tomorrow once we reach the main complex  we decided to engage guide to hear more about the   complex let's hear from him 949 43 and this is  one of the famous attraction in the world site   they called so hisorical place four myology names  are there actually four theya so we are right now   Ina they sh sh theyi theti and sha they married  for this place that's why they sha parti second   marriage they happen here only that's papura  Pana one of the famous holy place in that is   a vak temp is there and Sh and for that places  that's the entire area they after R they Kish   the because of su Nala Neil Ang jamban anji Anan  so everyone living for this places actually and   this is the birthplace of Anan you can see the  top of the there that is birth r for that place   is only that's the ram perod they called this area  Kish KRA after one of the famous the kingdom here   you know King kingdom name about vagara this  is a famous Kingdom of this place but viagara   Kingdom started here M 13368 to 1565 sir as a 230  years entire viagara Kingdom ruled by in Dynasty   s Sala Haru the first founder of the vijar and  that time the rajaguru is there the name called   Swami Vijay VI they came from Karnataka Shiri sh  they came here and Bank of river is there called   ho River River name called tabra the River Bank of  you know famous king of this place you know that   name Raj s Krishna a very famous ruler of this  place mam Krishna ruling temp in 1509 to 1529   they ring for 20 years entire vagara Kingdom  they conquered Kumari to entire sou India is   a vagara kingdom but what is is a capital but is  a capital before there was another before when VJ   they started only Ani Capital but when Krishna  popularly there so many Temple and structures   built around here that's is the main capital  they made here and 26 km M seven fortification   seven largest temple seven largest market and  seven largest water tank and what is other main   road was there same like around hum 28 entr are  there but 3 to 4,000 temples are there because   both our religions live here sh Muslim andant and  both religion here and the May two religions here   Shas andna The sha live inak Temple M they live on  and this is one of the famous comp of this place   it's called vura and this theow people live this  place Market what earlier the main trading for this main trading for this places are because  so many Arab Trader they came here they made   international market around here and seven Bazar  and seven different different things are there   and this the main Bazar the main trading here  the gold and diamond pul and Sil and the main   trading because so many Arab traders they come  Chinese Arabian Persian Portuguese Mongolian   they have they kepes here they purch to theem  they give gold and diamond and spices they purch   to the H that's why they call Bazar actually  yeah actually that is a Vish Temple actually   but what the two pictures are there that's  now local mention because of two pictures   there that's why they local say their name but  earlier that's called Vish temp but now no was   there because they plan here and that time the  statues are broken sir that's why only inactive   Temple are there only everywhere inactive  temples are there only one Temple that is   properly Ro their like and around this because  when battle going here 155 it was a two double same like because when battle going in 1565 and  that time they plan here kings around 500 km   theyan B Kings andad R and AD Shah mhmad Shah  both batt and vijar when last they came here   the entire Kingdom desired by 6 month m 3 month  looted and three month Temple structure is broken   after when ruin big ruin here in 1565 after 200  years nobody leave here after entire Temple they   covered for the m and Jungle everything here  after 18th century they came in British in Indi   and that time on photographer they came here the  name called Alexander John Green and that time   District Minister was the name called Robert  and that time after 18 after independent and   the department of archology they came here 1958  after 1973 the working progress started here and   day by day by day they working entire Temple after  they made world heritage SCH site they choose year   1986 97 they declare this is the world heritage in  score after 2005 before not of tourist here only   the Western tourist lot of here because of German  French Italy Russia Israelis like foreign tourist   lot of here 16 R they selected 50 new note in  currency the beautiful stone Chariot M but was   inside the Char the temple but the Char is very  popular that's why so many tourist visited here   early 15 to 16 people visit after that note  when it was put on Note people you know very   well sir that's why everyone visit now is very  popular that's why the many tourist because now   is example now is real Instagram and Facebook  YouTube and so many YouTuber guys and real they   are put in everyone check the must should one that  time all broken and what you see the front side   these are new pillars actually when Department  of archology they came here again and what is   architecture original what is the plan a new  construction when department they came after the   restoration the new construction they kept here  and a small also here before ReliOn Temple when   enter to the temple hand wash feet wash enter  to the temple recently 20043 that ex here and   that time they found this water tank then before  they covered is a mud actually and what is a mud   level on top of the ex here that time they founded  here because now will going so this Wasing theing   the and what is you the left right side on both  Pathways bers original Park and push was used   for some Festival festival and ritual function  and used for the drinking also drinking dring   because they used market and so many people they  purchased here and drinking water for everywhere   normally when around hump seven temples are  major important Temple every temple in front   of water tank there normally that's called  a temple water tank because made of Temple   was and when us Direction Southeast the kitchen  and Northeast made water tank everywhere in the   Northeast in of the temple the market was there  and in front of the Bazar they made beautiful   water tanks and this is the main entrance to  the temple actually this called mahad you can   see lower of stone sir you can see the upper  part bricken structure was there what is the   right hand side black one that is original what  is the left hand side pink one when Department of okay so the right one right is  original is Rec restoration okay okay okay 120 actually this is the map of so we are right and the water one market and now here  this the main Temple the temple name called   temp is a dedicated temp these things  what so actually the kingdom they made   a two part actually north part and South part  and South part only residential area was there this part and Beau lake lake the lake this  lake is still there still there still there   Lake water for agult correct so this river water  used for the temple correct correct okay this side [Applause] can see the beautiful they  earlier they make like this this the   bachelor couple family doing like this that  time called sang namaskar and everywhere the   temple incription was there and ear three  language Canada and all written in the old keep this more two place for you sir the  queen Palace and lus and but actually this is   the one of the famous temple that's the temple  name called vij V so vij V is the dedicated Lord   Vish Temple actually but this temple buil two  King actually and the main part was there that   is the main G and this before krishnaa  and buil that Temple actually and what   is in front of all this art and architecture  so this is extend by Raj krishnaa they King   Wasing when Kaling the memory extend this  Temple 168 okay that's what they called vi v right one left one and fr one beautiful  stone Chariot a b fortification and made   of three entrance is all built by they coner  the main entrance to the temp original this   is the this is fully original there also  the outside part the right side is original   left is Department by AR okay okay okay so  these are all the fouring around the temple start only there and made a beautiful  you can see the right hand side this   the chanting actually you know famous singer  in Karnataka musical Godfather there's more   more than five compos for this place and  you see the left side that is Maring now   in big celebration in before 14 15 16 century  and that time statues they kept in the middle   married for that's they marage wding and this  p in front of the temple the first one called   and the second one is the Deep third one called  bip bip mean sacrif Temple sacrif ship temple   temple not sacrifice white r they white r  here the fourth one this is the FL one fifth   one this is the gapa but gapa in India in three  places actually but everywhere all Vish Temple   pillar was there because this the memory Chari  because the St Chari in India in three places and second of thir in but actually they look like a Char  shape and three place maor andraes I   see because temp Char sh they build  this is for made sh Temple for Shi   V Temple everywhere of G is there they made  a beautiful stone Char and inside stat okay like standing boths but the Charities never  because of show because when temp and the   people only the wheels everyone we because never  because it's made by not one single Stone but one   stone but seven pieces are there 28 interlock  all separate pieces are there so there layers   have any me yeah seven layers are there seven  layers so this is one one second thir four and   Fifth and big one six on top of the seven on top  of beautiful super structure was go that is the   eight you can see the left hand side on top of  the Chari and like same like a jungle picture here and CH of the Chari and beautiful super  stru there but entire Temple like a jungle   okay okay but when Department of Ary very you  can see sh beautiful color was their ceiling   inside the ceiling the green and because  Char is very colorful because because of   sunl the paint is the same some other shade  now you can find col so they don't have any   plans of painting this again no when you  painted repaint original original go that's   true so what is this nimma here is narim it's  called actually but it's not narim they called   Chinese dog oh is it so lot chines Chinese  you can see the waves on the corner that is   aod Chinese influence the lights the corner  Chinese dragon also here I show that side is   Dragon also here because you know very well good  to V Chinese they made of arit okay okay but can statue so this the lad toship the boths and  properly twoes now we see elephantes   because there is a Char broken  and somewhere ex they collected elant so there's some lightings  here now yeah there some some of   the special days use for light here  so that is just happened jary January 789 in the broken Market they came you can see the beautiful   carings out there first one Chinese is  there mongan is there is there is there PES open surrend CH proper know a musical pillar the are small  small columns are there in front of you these   are musical pillar called m three actually the  chii but second is very beautiful danc Chi so   when queen dancing in the middle and each  each member stand to there and the pillar   for the sand and the sand and that time the  sound will e they to the find because it's   not Hollow because of solid pillars and  what is the bottom we and upper part also   same way because of weight length distance Gap  thicknessing and diameter perfectly me to the   pillar and the pillar the sound will EO to the  find every pillar different different notes are   there actually 56 and 56 musicians are there and  the sticks and that time you can see everywhere   hooks are there also you can see the smalls  top to bottom tie the cotton for so this is   the hooks top of theing hook okay top to bottom  TI the cotton here and not go inside after each each the every different different notes  are SS are there but now no some tourist   no idea how to theill everyone enter to the  someone finger someone a stone and L have the   they broken same like this you can see the  left there okay that's why the support has   been given the ugly support department  support but it's ugly they should do something ah that looks okay better actually that's why not to just watch only  outside okay before everyone enter this also   some water drops I heard I'll show are very  clear there very clear one by one okay so this   uh this all for musical you can see in front  of you pink statue was there in front of you   was there indication the same pillar same sound  the pink statue there that one is okay and this   is this side corner what is indicate the same  pillar same sound will come out but this is a in around 56 pillar and 56 musicians but properly  the musician they stand there and the pill for the sci beautiful huh but it's called  bah mhm in front of the main Temple so we going be SYM here ah the  Chinese influence ches influence Chinese   influence okay but actually they made three  three architecture actually the first one is   GRA architecture and the architecture you  can go the Lotus Queen was there that made   by Indo Islamic the of hu look like Islamic  they Indo the three architecture they made   up here K three architectur architecture nag  architecture okay so all the support what they   given here is all because of issu some issues  no no no somewh support and they remove after   when work progress when done work after the  removal okay so these stru on top is what go original original okay they made up three entrance  to the temple actually so why you enter that is   the E Direction family one more this I heard some  kind of blueprint or something is that correct yes yes BL but that is very clear I  show that side very clear and I   show nature and all the are any other  any other but three language there lot   of written in the old Canada  okay because this is all are old Mah all here the story what is this tree very old  looks this the beautiful tree old tree tree   still also live sir but a white and yellow  flower oh it comes when when does it Bloom   right now there is there is there there is  there is there is okay when special distri   actually but now remove the old they to the  river Riv so north entrance this for common   people that is for the Royal the one we came  was for the Roy M ENT is Roy is a common after   to the main Temple after exit one more from  South dire I see proper exit to the South   so if in this door if you go hit theer no no  now it's closed now it's closed was there they   came here and L they the for ring and there is a  bring to the San the top onei okay and this Army of but every the stories are there there are stories watch okay this K 6 month e mon 6  month eating and 6 month sleeping fighting the sky and this and you see this  is for vishi the middle M and   this vishi okay this is and this the main s part okay is there a Temple no inactive no dancing Place only dancing dancing con so many dance  dance and great dance ches also the stories are there but the stories   is there that's theyy story in the  St St story in the St yeah correct yeah okay so this this pill this are original  are original the roof is okay the so this the temp incription who here take here this is the temple name wrp the top of   the headline okay and I show  the beautiful caring in one actually this again have Chinese thing right this all  Chinese car lot of top of carings so this the   multi Talent please come close here and this the  beautiful creativity carving they P one actually   and this is the big monkey sir when babies fell  down so mother carry to the baby child will care   fully up first one big monkey the baby monkey  please come this side you can see this is the   face hand body leg big monkey mother yes and  pleas come friend and this is the cobra oh   yeah and this the Shing of sha uhh please come  right side and this the first leg second leg   tail and Body Face flying go to the Lan in the  sky and the one look like a frog water differ in one can this is the lion face actually first one  yeah and the second first leg second leg Face Body   this side and this side both side two hor jumping  yes exactly and the third one look like a cobra   Hood in the front oh yeah okay Cobra Cobra Hood  opening mouth yeah and you see the top to entire   Cott here sir so when rain water they came the  rain water drop here only after water DP here   drop drop fall like waterit to this place so they  all look like pears in the water blue please come this this [Music] thing so this is the Prototype of Temple this  the of temples and see this is the first one   mhm and the second Lotus flow and the third is  a bangle design you can see the small books also   here also the small hooks also here uhhuh  oh yeah correct they showing hooks proper   right so much the main this is the foundation  and this are musical Builders and this is the   main roof and this is the upper part brick  constructure okay of Temple so every model   there this is the Krishna and that is a Buddha  that is a Ki that is aama so the same holes now   are repeated here same sir can everywhere  this musical hall because Ed for the coton   CL that's made this what they look like a nice  Bangles here yeah this the bang B made this HS   here I'll show you please come this side okay  this look like Bangles actually made five here   sir they L made horse carving second peacock  third is the lotus flowers the fourth is the   ladies Bangles for the C CLS and fifth is  the beautiful dancers this the dancing okay   sh around here beautiful caring musicians  also musician they sh the Dancing Yeah so it's dancers this the dancing H and every pillar  like carings are there and lot of this the Vishnu   Temple because this is the Krishna Temple you can  see the dancing Krishna and can kishna andish and   kishna baby sitting kishna car made around here  this is this is for the ACT for there one more   entrance South Gate yeah this a South entrance  enter proper the but not proper so you said the   curtains were put now that is to ensure the  wind something yeah wind properly wind will   cover after water they protected protected okay  okay because are without doors without doors yeah exactly that's SM what I see here is bigs second  level the second level and the third second right   okay okay big hooks right every corner there  is hooks small small hooks there for the flower   some special days when big function going  here they made a flower name and all this are this is the marage I see M oh [Music] nice this is vishas you can see the second third fourth and top of the top of the I  see ination of can L piure   second picture lak need golden the Golden after the middle is a Vish beautiful lotus flower  because a beautiful Pi caring is there and   dancers caring is there and du caring also  out made like one piece oh beautiful and   this is the beautiful entrance model this  is the replica to the entrance model and   what is M this the entrance kalasha entrance  kalasha entrance so what we see outside right   now only one part of it huh okay remaining  is gone all this is Vish fourth Incarnation M after the third one ising of a story of RNA Warrior so many religions live here  Muslim Muslim Army Warrior here in that's   Muslim Warrior here and different that different  picture that different different pictures there   but around this 20 pills are there so this is  a marriage this the marriage because it's not   a royal family not common people they married  for only god and goddesses and what you saw   that of laki same statue they K in the middle  they married for they give respect to the god   that's prop St ah okay okay one special days  used for the wooden I see this is story here this Vishnu sh Andi and that is L Jambu to the bridges okay they to the after to the Palace the very hry  they made yeah exactly burn the TA after bur   bur and then en L burn okay to the Palace all  stories WR here they made a carving around here so this the Vol SU two is f Su there  and there is R Su this a special the s in   one actually the face look like a dragon nose  look like an elephant body look like a horse   leg look like a tiger ears look like a rabbit and  the FL look like a py this a 7 in oneing was same   like this quality same like this showing this  animal so basically they T so much to make yes   very you been you saw that big Nar statue no  not this a car actually it's a one two body   you can see look like a beautiful elephant side  so when you cover like elephant look like a bull   yes exactly a sink size nose mou this side  is this isep the imag look like this a speci   carving they show caring here multi here once  we finished exploring the V complex along with   the guide now we came out and then we started  walking behind the complex and then we find   that this discourse Hall which is a beautiful  structure and then also we found the place where   you need to take the buggies back to the main  gate so that's the boarding Point what you see   there and then we just walk along the path uh  which takes you to other attractions like the   vup Paka temple nimma temple Gama Temple then  of course AA Temple and then also to the cor   and boat right across tar then um last but not  the least the matanga hill this matanga hill   is one of the points in humpy I understand and  it's very popular with the ters as well as the   people would love to see the sunrise and sunset  so there there'll be a lot of people climbing up   the hill and the early mornings and late evenings  right so there are two three paths to this matang   hill I think this is one of the this is one  of the approaches so we decided to walk along   this path and to explore all the attractions  what is available um so on the way obviously   we saw a lot of ruins uh ruins destroyed by the  Invaders who not only looted but in destroyed unfortunately so this is about the vijar architecture and then  of course we saw some more ruins along the way the   ruins even though they are destroyed are partially  fully whatever they look so beautiful like this then we saw this double  stor Mona which is more or less intact next to the double St mtia we saw  the king's balance uh which is also very   nice to look at then we proceeded in  the same part uh to reach the narima   temple uh and the Sima Temple as  well as that lamp poost and so on I could see the matanga hill as well I was in this mat Hill Point around  noon times obviously I was trying to climb   the local guide they say not to climb because  you know it's advisable not to climb because   I believe sometime recently there was an animal  attack Etc so he said if you're in groups or if   you're going in the early morning late evening  it's okay because there lot many people in the   on the hill so this is the ancient path so  nimma Temple the lampost the vaka temple all   lined up together in the same line so that's  the path which we following right now that's   lampost this is a v Temple lot of the F  temples are just not functional basically   there structures remaining there except the  vak temple which is the active one which is   still going on then Temple is a very beautiful  complex one has to visit this because the it's   really a photographer's Delight because  the structure here is so beautiful so   I couldn't resist taking some pictures here  it is adjacent to the matanga hill climbing point so that's a hill view I just SKT clicking pictures because it  was so [Music] beautiful so then this is the   climbing point you you see the steps there so  that's the kind of steps you need to climb up   M has own history which is very interesting as  RAM so then this entire Pathway to the temple   again is Bazar vaka Bazar if you look at again  there spillars very familiar site right so again   this are all destroyed now but again this would  have been again a very lively place during those days at least here some of roofs are intact  compared to to the main walkway near the V   Temple so that's matanga Hill view another view  so there was one more path on the right hand side   to matanga Hill then uh just walking back again  there you hit onto this tabra River boarding point   where you have this corle and boats available  to cross over boats when it gets filled up they   start cor was anyway a lot of people trying  taking the right so I could see that and then   I ended up my visit with the visit to the temple  here Kama Temple very beautiful quick D of Lord Rama so that's a beautiful  Temple here so just start a   quick D and then ended my first half of day two in a that's Kama Temple for you so I  hope this was pretty useful and uh   if you like it please share subscribe  and give a thumbs up and uh look for   the next part of the video which will be on  virupaksha Temple and the further attractions

2024-04-14 00:41

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