HAMPI Tourism: Must Visit these places at HAMPI

HAMPI Tourism: Must Visit these places at HAMPI

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hello welcome to my channel explor in this part  three of the hum series we will cover the day two   second half and day three first half activities  and attractions hope this will be useful for you so let's get started uh day two second  half TOA Temple this Temple is dedicated to   lorda the temp is BU by lhaa and to the go on the  Eastern side is a star attraction so one of the   most striking features ofure Temple is the US two  mathematical Concepts to build and decorated the   temple is repeated pattern that demonstrates the  concept of fractal the main shape of the temple   is triangle so on the other side the temp you  find those Marketplace which more or less they   impact and still we saw some activities going  on the restoration once you enter there there   are a lot of M to the right hand side and  then of course a lot of people because it's   one of the active Temple which is there lot of  devotees coming so it's PR busy and I believe   during the festivals and also other important  function this place will be teaming with people   so it's kind of fill up this so a lot of pja  activities and devotional activities happening [Music] here th also in the center so open on the far right which again leads   to the T River of back side  there's a mon front of the L in progress by the ASI because I could see some  work which is going on hopefully at the end of   the restoration everything will be beautiful  and nice this is D of the main D have a cool d there interesting concept of uh know seeing this  ined goam all throughout the day sun is in the   east and west using the concept it's a very nice  attraction here should visit then there's other   temples like lakidi and Shi Temple so had a  quick Bion there then it's time to explore   the many attractions in this locality so we  went to the G SAS ganesa and you know other   attractions this is L temp very very popular here  with people you also every day morning 8:00 goes   for a bath and a lot of people actually take  part in that so it took some pigs and F some   bananas and then M on so once you come to the  temple uh outside the entrance to the right you   will find a small hillock so turn that and that  proceed towards the left path uh that takes you   to the kaga the sanesa and the hakuta hill this  hill was sprinkled generously a large number of   temples archways and Pavilion the whole of the  hill was fortified with tall white stone walls   the r remains of which can be still seen hota Hill  is one of the best placees to see s and as not   about 30 s m large sunen B Construction Central  structure an area of 15 s m and depth of 1.8 m so here you can just walk around take  some P you'll get some nice picture   shots here especially the small Windows  which are the very beautiful windows and   then there's a step there's a steps  there where you can use that to get down so current condition of this structure  is not so good because it's has to be restor   further it's all peed off all over the place but  it looks so beautiful um in the the ccle area   down you can see some holes those are basically  Place holders are know place where the canopy   was put uh canopies of wooden structure which  are all bur down the by Invaders so it's a ni   structure which you can visit then we entered  the Z enclosure Z enclosure was a 44 seed area   reserved for the royales in Empire so here  you can see the two queens palaces all burn   down left and right and then of course you  have high fortified walls you know for full   protection and uh of course there was a star  attraction which was a lus Mahal Kam Mahal so   that's very well preserved and it's not ruin  right now I'm going look at the queen's palace   basement which has been destroyed for free then  as we proceed further we hit the lus Mahal the Mahal that's the one on the right hand side it's   a beautiful structure still  standing without too much of damage why it's called because the shape symbols  the balcony and the passages covered with a dome   that looks like an open lus butt the central  door is also CED as a lus butt this was a place   where the Royal ladies at the time used to mingle  around and enjoy recreational activities there's   also meeting with Kings and his mistress as we  move further inside of course there are three   watchs you would have seen but these were guarded  by the Unix those days and only they used to leave   the king inside no one else can enter then as we  move further down we see this huge Courtyard and   then you have the 11 elephant tables and 11  guard room or Mah rooms so the rooms are of   different shapes 11 elephant all elephant Stables  here so there's hierarchy like the center must be   the main elephant and then all the other side  elephants something simar which happens in B in   Kara of course the 11 M are the gods residents  on the right hand side of the elephant table so   that's this Courtyard and then from here again  you can go to ragath Temple other two temples   so it's a huge uh enclosure even the 4 Walls  have some nice cars as you can see there and   that's watch which I talked about so that's  day two and then day three I decided to check   out anadari Hill and go and visit our my Guru  Lordan so I crossed the T river bridge and then   reached this place uh it's a beautiful cic drive  good parking space available so I parked the car   left the CH in the car itself is preferred then I  climbed up that's the temple [Music] Hans and then   is his mother an and that's a rock sample which  is kept here 25 C of rock which is water so like   that which was used for building the ramu bridge  to Lanka so there a thriving Marketplace shops   ET in front before you actually start the climb  where you can buy all your buja items and other items the the steps are not pretty even  uh so initially they're not very steep   as well as you go up it gets steeper my  advice is that you can do this the early   morning first thing so that you beat the  heat and also the cloud because especially   on weekends and important is you can  have too many people here climbing   up the hill and coming down and there's a  single pathway so which can be very very crowded I've seen people are young and  old climbing this it's should not be an   issue at all and there are lot of listing  places on the way so that's a good [Music] thing so we've started the climb [Music]  now M confirming the birth place of her most of the uh steps are covered  like this but the last few steps are   as I told the steps are narrow so  especially the C Day can be really packed here wow hello everything's okay yeah just look at this [Music] formation oh what's up here we constructing some small  small buildings with the bricks there maybe   there some belief that if you build a  house here will fulfill the wish maybe   that's the my guess but I can confirm with  [Music] somebody oh doggy is also tring to   build a small house and request anal to give  one just look at the view here it was very   cold and also it was raining in the morning  but probably if the Sun is out you'll have   a beautiful view but other beautiful you can  see the V Temple complex Thea Temple all from [Applause] Top so pleasing twice this Bri is Bally if you  build a house you get a house   that's belief that's what we doing  here building houses get a house here so you heard the lady saying you build  a house here and you'll also get the wish   fulfilled by Hanan so that's why a lot of them  are doing it here somebody buil a higher R some people just inside par quick get back [Music] [Music] [Music] so once you clim this few steps then  you're right on top of this lock and its view   is just beautiful all around so many VAR  Landscapes you can see mountains Green   Fields then uh you know the river flowing  river flowing one side and then there   out uh it's a nice beautiful place uh with nice  bushar in the front and then there's a Temple   and then of course shabri was under renovation  so there was more Intrigue to it so visited the   temple and then took of the D main D and then the  surroundings are beautiful there's a beautiful   step tank bushar in front of the temple and also  lot of officials here know government officials   and police I was wondering what's happening  then realized minister of Transport in K Shu   you can see them he's actually the one who's  doing the Puja so he was here so that's why all   the action was happening and on my way I return  back cross the bridge T Riv and then we visited   next to the archeological museum the museum is  a must visit for everyone there's a clock room   as well and it is it's a big complex and you  have lot of exhibits and you know sculptures   which are kept outside damaged or in full impact  outside as well as inside so you can just walk   around look at the beauty of all this um Stone  sculptures uh some of them of course have been   damaged by the as some lters the remaining are  some of them intact and beautiful so if you're   somebody who's very interested in all this  you know history and archology and you know   are a student of archology and history then  this is the place to be Bel of information here I think I see a lot of students taking down  notes Etc so I think it was it was worth the visit   for us especially because uh some of them are  so beautiful and rare exhibits and I L [Music] ones this spent about an hour plus here and  it was worth it you feel like as if you want   to record a take pick of every stone exhibit  here or sculpture here because each one is so [Music] beautiful that's the entr to the [Music] museum it's a big complex so  usually you be able to spend   you you should PL at least an hour  plus to 2 hours minum this format is [Music] required so [Music] beautiful I think  those days they just thought how beautiful they   can you know make all the sculptures noway you  see some boring buildings out other the please   [Music] wait and such primitive technology you  know they can do such wonders imagine what would   have done if they got technology like what is  available right [Music] now just look at this car [Music] wow look at it all booty so beautiful [Applause] [Music] W brilliant right just [Music] [Music] brilliant [Music] each of them had  some story of the other to tell and that's   the way they were being sculpted so it's really  beautiful so you can see that entire complex is   full of exhibits here so you can spend really lot  of time walking around and then appreciating all   this once you enter you'll be greet with this  Krish and his two queens statue and then also   there is a family tree display in both card  and English so you can just spend some time   understand the the entire Kingdom's uh family  history on the left is car right is English   then also have some exhibits which shows the  entire Bird's view of the entire hum in terms   of the ruins and then the important landmarks  so that's something is there the C you enter the [Music] museum beond this we are not allowed  to do any photography or phot video recording   because the exhibits inside the Halls  fantastic and mizing and Priceless so   one has to seem to believe it there was  so beautiful each one had some story and   each one had some so finer carvings on them  so please do visit and have a look at these   sculptures some of them of course damage some  of them are intact and it's just worth it so m   is a great place to stop by next under sh Temple  surroundings Etc are so beautiful the temple has   who comes and does Puja every day so it's a  very beautiful site so that was part three of   humpy series I hope you liked it if you  liked it give a thumbs up subscribe if   you haven't subscribed till now and share  with your families and friends thank you   so much and look forward to my last part  which is part four of humy series thank you

2024-04-20 15:14

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