Gringos GO HOME!

Gringos GO HOME!

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should foreigners be worried about coming to  Medellin still recently angry locals have been   sticking up posters in the most touristic parts of  the city is there any chance that they're going to   be victims of any kind of violence gentrifiers go  home digital Nomads more like temporary colonizers   the reason why the locals are so mad absolutely  skyrocketing rental prices mainly caused by the   rise in the popularity of short-term rental  applications such as Airbnb and   couple this with the huge influx of tourists which  are arriving in Medellin every single day a city   which has famously had its share of problems now  has a brand new one I'm here with Mateo and he's   going to help us kind of unpack this issue of  gentrification and the problem that some locals   are having with foreigners coming into their  City living here raising the prices do you want   to introduce yourself first so everybody knows  who you are and why we should listen to you sure   um my name is Mateo monsalbi I'm an attorney by  profession and a businessman by heart born and   raised in Medellin born and raised in Beijing yes  I did live in Canada for for a little bit okay I   went to high school there for a year fair to say  you kind of understand both cultures Western for   lack of a better word and Colombian culture  right yes a little bit you can see Syria okay   let's get straight into it yeah I've seen a lot  of these signs popping up where people have been   saying different things Gringo go home stop the  gentrification and last year if you guys didn't   know Medellin received 1.3 million visitors am  I fair in saying that in the last five years the   tourism has really really boomed yes even despite  covert people kept on coming I believe that even   covet might have been a catalyst for people to  start comment even more and be more reassured   about the fact that they wanted to to give  Medellin a a try can you touch a little bit on   the growth of Tourism first of all in Medellin  because I know maybe 10 years ago not many people   coming here right maybe 15 years ago was still a  little bit dangerous things were going on people   were still a bit scared when did tourism start I  guess the first flocks of tourists started coming   and then when did it start really picking up  and ramping up we did get to see an increase   I would believe in the last 10 years before that  the only teachers that I the only people I might   see uh that were foreigners will be like teachers  and stuff that weren't the school that I will go   to okay but that was completely unusual now you  see people on the streets like from all over the   world very often what's very uncommon imagine  obviously due to the fact that we had such bad   reputation due to the violence that took place in  the 90s about 10 years ago you started seeing the   first few foreigners settling in the city those  people who said they were teachers and stuff   they were working obviously they might have got  a contract to come here and stay here so when you   saw someone like that was it very surprising were  you like whoa what's happening now yeah usually   you you would categorize the people that would  come to Colombia before that as very adventurous   okay that's the the obviously the theme that we  had yeah or would only be allowed for people that   were willing to take the risk locitos okay well  you know now you see families and stuff going   around back then it's kind of just someone who  really wanted the adventure and was like ready   to accept whatever dangers were there it was it  was even so present the fact that you know there   was this latent violence going on here and the  people who were working and selling the country   in in regards to tourism were so aware of of that  that the biggest campaign back in the day was the   only risk is wanting to say Colombia the only  risk is wanting to stay they understood yeah   there that people realized there was a risk when  coming here so they took advantage of that it was   really nice now things have definitely changed a  lot undeniable that there is still violence and   such is not outrageous like it was beforehand  it's funny that you mentioned that because I   have seen that slogan before that was basically  the first advertising campaign to get people to   come to Medellin right the only risk is that  you'll never leave to promote tourism yeah in   Colombia yeah that's so funny how times have  changed because you know only a few years ago   was like everyone come to our country come to our  country our country is beautiful and now it's like   everybody leave and what did they think was going  to happen I've seen this in a lot of places Mexico   is much worse once people catch on that a place  has low cost of living first of all is a really   beautiful place with a lot of things to offer and  really nice people people gonna start coming it's   supply and demand man when there's so many people  coming to the city the prices are going to go up   and up and up and up people are going to see that  property owners and they're going to jack the   price up even even more what are your thoughts  on the current situation the issues with I've   got to read a little bit about the the issue in  Mexico City mostly especially in Polanco once I   read about that it was hard not to have made a  dream pop up in my mind right away since a lot   of people are coming here as well I believe that  I agree with you in in the sense that obviously   the place is offering a lot of good quality for  very low price opportunities to live people will   definitely feel attracted by that especially now  with the easiness that there is to be able to move   from one place to another and just keep on working  from that place digital Nomad lifestyle yes as you   say it's only natural that that people will be  coming more and just the fact that we're talking   about foreigners who might be from countries that  have a bigger income more purchasing power yes   they have a larger GDP I believe that even when  you compare like the medium cost of living in   the US to a medium cost of living in Eugene you  would be seeing that my Gene is like 30 of the   cost of living compared to the US and you're  getting well just look at the neighborhood   we're walking yeah yeah super beautiful it's no  wonder people will be showing up and wanting to   live here the rising prices and inaffordability  for locals is that just contained to the tourist   spots mainly what I've seen in poblada is that  happening in other places first question and   second question is it going to spread everywhere  and the whole city is going to be destroyed like   people are talking about I believe that it's only  natural that will that it would sort of happen   in the touristic places in terms of housing  at least when we're talking about short-term   long-term housing like residential versus  commercial housing we look at a very big   difference in prices that's only natural because  we're talking about tourists for a coming year   for a short period of time you know it happens  here it happens in anywhere the prices tend to   be much higher than if they were to rent a place  for a longer period of time the phenomenon that   really has I believe sped up this situation has  been the short-term rentals apps and platforms   such as Airbnb Etc weather it will be spread  out to the whole city or not I wouldn't expect   it to be like that only because usually there's  a property sent to be in neighborhoods that are   considered like high-end neighborhoods affluent  neighborhoods of women estrato five and six yes   there is a lot of neighborhoods besides laureles  and polaro it's not really something that's only   happening due to foreigners coming here okay it's  not like gentrification but something that we were   not familiar with the neighborhood I currently  live in we learn and it was built on top of just   a bunch of uh plots of land there used to be like  Wasteland or so to say because they were located   right in between two dangerous neighborhoods but  now you look at the Endo model and it's one of   the high-end neighborhoods and that was before  the whole influx yeah of foreigners before the   tourists boom yes people Colombians from other  cities not not necessarily from other cities   just people from here so internal gentrification  I don't believe that it needs to be a foreigner   coming here yeah first of all I believe that  people need to identify the fact that it's just a   phenomenon that happens in real estate when there  is opportunity to to invest and grow the fact   that it's happening with people from elsewhere  simply an example of how globalization takes an   effect I'm not to to say whether it's it's good  or bad I believe it's just a phenomenon that is   happening there is not much you can do about it  rather than see how you can make the most of it   enjoy it there's a lot of good things that come  with people from elsewhere coming here let's talk   about that for a second because a lot of things  lead back to money right yes most things in life   honestly 1.3 million International visitors to the  city of Medellin last year what's a general trip   for someone they might spend a thousand dollars  on a trip right yeah maybe a little more what's a   thousand times a million yes a billion about that  you're the smart guy so billion dollars straight   into the city that can help a lot of people  right yes certainly so we need to think about   that fact as well the money that comes in that can  be spent on other things helping people improving   the city a lot of people argue that due to the  fact that most people that are coming here or   a lot of people that are coming here are digital  Nomads that means that we'll be talking about you   know not a lot of influx of income uh not a lot of  money coming in not a lot of development uh to uh   the country but what do you mean by that why  not for example I'm a digital Nomad and I come   and work here right I'm still spending on rent  I'm still spending on food I'm still spending on   drink I'm still shopping all those things still  get taxed all those things still are promoting   Colombian businesses and the economy right yes yes  I was going to say so not only that but also for   example you're making a Content yeah that promotes  Medellin people are coming here and starting their   businesses I I know this for a fact because we  help them so their businesses have got set up   here okay and there are a lot of people who are  coming here bringing ideas that will definitely   accelerate and increase the economy make life  better torture to say whether it's something it's   good or bad again yeah I believe it might be good  for for some bad for others yeah but it's also a   lot of uh a lot of perception yeah on how you can  actually take up on the on the opportunities I   don't believe that it's only a manufacturer I  lived in Canada for a bit okay and one of the   things that I really appreciated about Canada  was the fact that it was so Multicultural that   year Toronto was the most Multicultural uh city in  the world and you would go around just like from   a corner to another and see people from all over  just respectful of each other respecting the rules   enjoying the fact that they got to leave and raise  their family in a in a good quality environment   imagine used to be a very close City back in the  day you would only see Colombians here obviously   due to the situations that we're talking about  violence and such even in in 99 Colombia was the   Clara fell State yeah imagine that just thinking  about how back in the day we were so close up to   the world and people would not even think once  about coming to Colombia and now we're receiving   people from all over they're seeing that this  is Paradise on Earth I personally enjoyed that   I think there's a lot of opportunities not only  in terms of businesses but culturally I believe   this this all drives a Innovation and and growth  absolutely things develop and change when you get   outside ideas because if you only have the same  type of people in the same place they're only   going to have the same ideas but sometimes when  people come from different countries and share a   bit of their benefits and positive knowledge to a  city all that can kind of really gain momentum and   really help the city grow right yes it's really  it's so nice like yeah it's a beautiful thing   exactly what what I would be talking about  I'm sure there's more benefits than what   we spoke about but money and culture two big  big things and influx and new ideas you know   a question I want to ask you is sometimes when  you see things like this pop up people having   issues with gentrification or general issues  about things right they have a name for that   in US these type of people who find issues with  everything Karen's you know that term yes Karen   complaining about anything at all times just a bit  bitter type of people my question to you Mateo is   the people putting the posters up and complaining  about gentrification and saying Gringos go home   and get out of here do they have a genuine case  or is it the case that they're more being parents   so hard question and a hard question yeah I  personally am not on the side of of the people who   are being affected by this I believe I realized  that that's simply a situation that is happening   so we worked in finding a way to make the most I  see it as an opportunity nevertheless I'm certain   that that might not be the case for everyone I  understand why some people would be upset if for   example the university that's right in the in  the border of polado and the lower part I would   understand why students from that University will  be upset about this happen the prices of what was   usually their their dormitories or you know their  cheap apartments beside the University now most   of them have been renovated and are being rented  for five to six times the price that they rented I   never thought about that so people who naturally  may have been living in areas like poblado and   things like that maybe for many many generations  many years now they might have been kicked out   of their residence right because the landlord  wants to capitalize on this on the higher prices   I think that's I mean that's only understandable  that the landlord would like to capitalize on on   the higher prices but that's to be said as well  right A lot of these Colombians are complaining   about gentrification but it takes two men you know  what I'm gonna go you know where I'm gonna go with   this yes Gringos pay stupid prices dude I've seen  many Gringos paying absolutely the dumbest prices   I've ever seen I Googled yesterday Airbnb and I  went to povlada and I filtered in terms of five   thousand dollars and over per month your brain is  breaking now right thinking about that yeah I know   a lot of them five thousand six thousand seven  thousand dollars we're not even that nice wasn't   like a mansion or anything was just like a place  with a couple of bedrooms and not bad but people   were paying it but then I went and I looked at  because you can look at the host on Airbnb right   I don't want to mention any names but it was  like Colombian business names yeah even though   Gringos we are idiots for paying dumb prices  like this when in other suburbs meant much much   cheaper the locals have seen that hey instead of  charging a thousand or 500 for this I can charge   three thousand four thousand five thousand and  make more money it's harder than that definitely   it takes through the Tango in this case it's just  factors that go around the situation yeah cheaper   prices good quality of life the cost of living  in the in the US in the UK and around Europe is   getting higher in Australia why would people not  be looking for for other chances to to live a good   quality life but be able to make the most of their  income well the prices that you were mentioning   were definitely I believe a little bit explains a  little bit I don't want to I don't know if I got   it's not New York City Colombians watching this  oh we might just take a look at this for a bit okay [Music] they're probably going to ask us to  buy something so we'll keep going so we're here in the this is a center okay the famous street of uh this is one of  the famous streets of laureles this is   probably the second most famous street or region   after Provence all right probably yeah doesn't  look like much now it's more of a party Street it's uh neighborhood that that basically  has stages of the day for all types of   people but in the morning you usually find older  people going around enjoying the mornings the   the parts in the afternoon is a little bit  more busy and then at night you would see that   the nightlife actually turns up so it's very  interesting it's always it's always something   happening itself is a beautiful topic I might do  a video just on that another time but let's get   back to the topic at hand okay I'm kind of in  the same boat as you maybe I pay a little bit   more than you can you guess what my budget is  monthly budget maximum for rent yeah foreign that would be more in range of a club maybe a bit  high for a Colombian right that's about right yeah   that's about right so there are definitely  places you can find for cheap but yeah these   these prices especially the last ever since I got  back from Brazil like three four months ago just   skyrocketing man it's going really really  crazy one more thing I wanted to ask you   foreigners might be watching this video they've  seen these signs they're watching some Facebook   groups seeing some stuff on Tick Tock as I've  seen Tick Tock exploding with Colombians talking   about this gentrification should foreigners be  worried about coming to Medellin still is there   any chance that they're going to be victims  of any kind of violence or hate or something   uh by by these locals who are upset about um the  gentrification no I think there will definitely be   safe on the Discrimination side I think right now  it's just a matter of discussion okay it's just a   topic that's that's being discussed even local uh  business people are calling for the debate because   this press basically said like oh gentrification  prices are going up due to foreigners but some   business people here in we have we have requests  for a debate on this like it's not it's not all   bad that's definitely not the sentiment of all  the people in Medellin and honestly if we are a   spice us as managing people work together in  identifying what the situation what the what   the facts will be will be able to identify as an  opportunity and organize to take advantage of it   to make the most of it make something good out of  it so you're saying more or less safe foreigners   shouldn't worry about this this view that Gringo  should go home and get out of the country that's   a view shared by a small very small percentage of  the population most people like you they welcome   foreigners to come here they're proud they want to  show off their city they're happy about it right   yes and I believe that most people are not being  affected by poorers coming here either very few   like not more than five or six neighborhoods might  have been effective with by by gentrification   there are so many neighborhoods imagine man I'm  not an economist I'm not a real estate expert   I'm not a politician I just hold a camera I walk  around and talk to interesting people like you   one thing that could help is for foreigners coming  here do your research I have a video that I made   about three months ago called Medellin under 500  which I show you all the cool neighborhoods and   what type of properties you can get for 500 or  less so maybe do your research on things like   that don't just look at the first thing on Airbnb  oh 2000 for a dungeon Studio that sounds good   let's go that stop paying stupid prices for [ __ ]  do your research book something that's worth the   price and eventually pricing explosion will burst  and the prices will come back to normal that's the   best idea I can come up with and I'm not the most  smartest guy what about you yeah I agree with you   that's a good that's a good uh that's a good start  at least right there definitely should come a time   in which Things become more uh stable in terms  of of house pricing here there definitely are   a loss in place that protect house prices for  for local so yeah I already believe that there   are some tools that will definitely allow for this  to be more of an opportunity than a damage or or   a situation that would actually affect the local  community it's always good to to be open-minded   this is not something that's exclusive to Medellin  it has happened elsewhere it has happened in the   US it has happened in Canada I had such a pleasant  experience when I left went to live in Canada so I   want for people to be able to have that experience  when they come here we should definitely take down   the barriers of nationality and color and just  understand that we're all humans inhabit in this   world that true dialogue and communication will  be able to find better ways to to live in this   world and actually enjoy living together  they'll put you put it very very nicely

2023-05-10 01:59

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