Fooled into Eating Expensive Turkish Breakfast

Fooled into Eating Expensive Turkish Breakfast

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First of all, good morning, how you doing, brother? Good morning, I'm good, Carlos, how are you? I'm good, but I'm hungry. I'm looking to try some local Turkish breakfast around. I can recommend a really good place just like 50 meters ahead from here. On the left side, there's a nice restaurant. It's one of the best restaurant that you can find in the town. It's called mivac They have great breakfast, lunch, dinner.

And they are my friends. If you ask them that you're my guest, they do ten percent discount for you. And I'm sure you will love it and you will go for second time. All right, all right, sounds good, sounds like a good deal.

Thank you, brother. - Okay! See you later. - Have fun! Bye-bye. - Thank you! Hello Mr Kitty cat.

Alrighty, we're on our way. There's not really much of a breakfast hunt. Because...

Well, we know where to go. It became a hunt until I asked them. And he suggested this space over here. We're gonna try some local Turkish breakfast here.

In Old Town Istanbul. They got a fresh orange and pomegranate juice everywhere. It seems to be the thing over here in Old Town Istanbul.

And check out the local busy streets, guys. This street is just always packed with traffic all day. So it should be somewhere up there. Well, actually it's right here.

Oh, and it's already kind of packed. All right, we made it across. I thought the car would have got to stop for a moment. Actually then I got out the way.

All right, so, yeah, this is part of the restaurant. All right, looks like we might get a table right out here. Check it out, all right. All right, a breakfast plate.

For like 12 bucks. I'm guessing this is it right here. All right, so we're gonna go ahead and try all this stuff out. Tables for two, please? - Here or inside.

Let me see, let me see where's the best. Look at the chair, comes with a blanket. So, believe it or not, it can get pretty cold in Istanbul. It's sunny right now, but when the sun's not out, it's gonna be cold. All right, so I think I'm gonna order these.

Do you recommend these? Are these typical Turkish breakfast? - Hi, my name is mithium I can recommend breakfast plates, Turkish breakfast, that is inside cucumber, tomato, cheese and spring roll homemade. And French fries. And Turkish honey, jam, and butter with olive and include the breakfast plates, egg, fried eggs.

arabic peral and tea. All right. All right, that sounds good. It looks delicious. So I'm gonna try this guy, this one, and that one, please.

Yeah, and breakfast of sultan Some people said There is inside more yogurt with some garlic. fried eggs and butter sauce. Some crispy breads. It's different, I mean, I can recommend for you. And egg with sauces, in the sauces made the beef and with egg breakfast. All right.

I'll give it a go, thank you so much, brother. We're gonna have a beautiful day in Istanbul today, guys. The weather I think... It's already spring but I hope it's gonna feel like summer soon. And hopefully we're gonna have a delicious beautiful breakfast.

All right, guys, let's take a look inside the kitchen. So the natural pomegranate juice. This is very common in Turkey, right? Yes. - Everywhere. All over the streets, guys, you see pomegranate juice being served. So this is where the magic happens.

They got their oven there. They cook stuff up here. This is for the breakfast plate? - Yeah.

All right, so where everything's gonna be prepared in there. cutting up some more pomegranate It looks like you need a lot of pomegranates to make one cup of juice. All right, that's it.

Thank you thank you. I love seeing the kitchen, seeing the magic how things are made prepared. Even if it's just juice. Hi! The juice girl. Fun fact, guys, Alejandra makes the best juices.

That was pure, pure pomegranate. What do you think? It's tasty. Tasty? - Yeah.

All right. Time for me to sample my pomegranate juice, guys. 100% natural just juice in there. You, guys, saw him pumping it out. It's good, it's fresh. It's bitter.

It's a bitter juice. And it costs 126 TL. Which is about six dollars USD and some change. We get served a plate with a bag. And inside we have a knife and a fork. We're waiting for the food.

Alejandra is looking at traditional Turkish clothing. I've tried some traditional clothes. Walk around Istanbul. Dressed up like a Turkish person. Here the sauces. - All right. But it's very hot.

Alrighty. And this one is called, brother? Excuse me? - The name of this one is? the sauces. - Ok. - Ok. That's the breakfast of sultans - Yeah.

And Turkish breakfast plates. Okay, so we have olives, cheese, honey. French fries, ham .

This is? - bicerol There is inside some white cheese and fresh meats. Perfect. And this tahini with jam.

And this is before mix it with chips or bread. And after it you can try. - Okay. And egg, fried egg, single to breakfast plates. Oh God, we have fried eggs. It's very important for Turkish people. - Yeah?

Yeah. I think worldwide, everybody loves, everybody. Yeah, you guys, have everything here involves the egg, almost. That has eggs, this has eggs. - Yeah. This has eggs. - Yeah.

I took this breakfast, so I hope so you like it. I think I'm gonna love it, brother, everything's most beautiful. Thank you so much. - You're welcome.

Thank you! Alrighty, whoa whoa whoa. Potential thumbnail here. First up to bat is going to be the sausage with eggs. Let's see how that is. It looks like scrambled eggs with sausages. It's very hot? - Yeah.

Very very hot. Very very hot. Oh. A lot. - Really? I gotta try it. It's one some of the best scrambled eggs. The sausage in there with all the juiciness of it.

The strong taste of sausage is just simply phenomenal. But a french fry, even better. Made your thumbs up, I'll give that...

I'll give it a eight, that is delicious. What do you give to it out of 10? Seven. - Seven? Yeah. - All right. All right, so here we have croutons with yogurt, garlic and some spiciness in there.

Poached eggs too. This is gonna be something interesting, something completely new. I got yogurt, I got a piece of the poached egg, I got a crouton in there. I got all the spices, a little bit of everything in there. Surprising taste. Like this, you take the garlic when it first goes in your mouth.

You get this feeling of the full yogurt and the hot egg mix there. And, overall, everything becomes hot, the yogurt really settles down, and become warm. Then the egg yolk from the poached egg.

It gets all in there and creates a spicy taste. There's more on the spicy. you definitely taste those herbs and spices that were added in here. Is it hot? Not at all. Just something completely different, you really got to be a yogurt person. I for one I'm not.

However, it doesn't shine me away from trying this dish. And eating a little bit more of it. Because, overall, it's just the spices in there that are mixed in there with the egg.

Just settle things down and make it right much more appreciable. I'm wondering if Alejandra's gonna like this dish. Because she's not a fan of eggs. Yeah, you see? She doesn't like the egg. So let me find... All right, got the egg whites here.

The egg white with the crouton. Let's go for it. You got white stuff all over your mouth. Yay or nay? It'll start to swaddle that, right? What if they cook the egg more? Because is the poached egg, but it's not well cooked. Yeah, the flavor in here is delicious, I mean, you see this these oils and all the spices there. But yeah, when it comes to the texture, you get the cold yogurt mix with the egg.

And it does create a little this balance of hot and cold. The egg kind of slimy, the poached egg all the yolk coming out. Mixing in with the cold yogurt. But then once everything settles down, to me, that's when you get to enjoy the flavors of this plate. Oh, yeah, maybe it's better with some bread. Some Turkish bread.

They love their eggs here. I was thinking of just having this like that. More egg yolk. Get some yogurt there. That's good. Let's go for this guy. The typical Turkish breakfast pastry.

Homemade. Oh, that's crunchy and fresh. Yummy? Delicious. Delicious...

Oh, yeah, you just... This just came out of the fryer. That is great, that's how you want to have this. I could eat one of these every single day when I'm in Turkey. They even put a little parsley or cilantro in there.

A little herb in there. Has herbs in there. Let me try something. That's good.

The yogurt complements, it's like a cheese, I believe. Cream cheese. He said this sauce is very typical. To try it out with the french fries. This one? - That one right there.

Peanut sauce? Peanut and honey. That sounds like it can be really good. He said to try this with the french fries, so let's do it. Oh yeah, it smells nutty.

Peanut. With a touch of sweetness there. Like a heavy peanut taste. It's like a peanut dressing. I like it. And then, the Turkish honey.

With fries. Now, it surprise me to see I was staying at a hotel, they had a small breakfast buffet in day. Every other morning they have french fries there for breakfast. I was wondering if french fries are breakfast thing over here. And now ordering this traditional plate, I have confirmed french fries are a thing here in Turkey for breakfast.

You're gonna try with the jam. It's good. You can dip the rest of your pastry and try but I want to try this cheese. Oh, I messed up the little knot. String cheese. Let's give it a go, guys.

It's good. It's really good. String cheese. If this butter, is this cheese also... Oh, this is buttered.

That was like a block of cheese. "No no, it's butter". It smells strong, you, guys, see all the pistachios there.

That's yummy yummy yummy. Yummy. But there's peanut sauce.

Is s it a pepper or fruit? There is pistachios in there too. - Yes. Like a dry fruit? I'm gonna try it. Ham with... Yeah, I like dry fruits. overall some good ham I like it. I'm gonna make good use of this honey. I've been given some Turkish tea on the house.

I love it I love it. Love me some Turkish tea. Alrighty, guys, so here's the total with my 10 percent off. All right, so this is the total with the 10 percent. 689 LT, so... 35 USD for this breakfast. Thank you, everything is very good, delicious.

Thank you. - He is from Uzbekistan. Uzbeskistan? - Yeah, Uzbekistan. All right, very good food. He's a Master Chef. - Master Chef over here. All right, thank you, brother.

Have a great day. - Bye bye. Alrighty, guys, that was the hearty breakfast to start off the day. Delicious food.

Delicious Turkish breakfast. And the day got beautiful. Oh, a kitty. Let's get away from this noise so we can get Alejandra's opinion. Hello. Scratch that we're not getting away from the noise.

Alejandra, what did you think about the Turkish breakfast? Good stuff, guys. My favorite was a scrambled egg with the sausage. That was good and then, the breakfast plate was very interesting.

French fries, the little pastries, are delicious, guys. Delicious pastries. With the cheese filling. And then, after that, I'm gonna go with... Just a mix of the breakfast plate. The cheese, the fries, jam, honey, never thought that would be a combo there with french fries.

But I liked it, guys. Hope you like this video. And see you on the next one.

2023-06-21 00:04

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