Flying to El Nido Palawan (Smallest airport in the Philippines)

Flying to El Nido Palawan (Smallest airport in the Philippines)

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Good morning my friends and welcome back to  another video here in the beautiful country of   the Philippines here with the Bro again traveling  around this place and uh in today's video guys   we're gonna be uh taking a flight to one of the  smallest airports in all of the Philippines from   Caticlan here you're just off the coast of Boracay  over to the tiny tiny little airport of El Nido so   we're taking a uh about a 150 peso ride to get  us over to the ferry port if you saw a video a   couple days ago we took the uh plane then ferry then another means of transportation so it's   a bit of a journey to get over there we've got  the flight in about uh one hour and 15 minutes   so it's gonna be coming pretty good for maybe two  hours and 15 minutes to be exact and so we should   make it just in time luckily we're going to a very  small airport so you can cut it close uh the one   in where we'll fly out from but uh yeah this was  a very quick trip to uh Boracay beautiful place a   lot more to explore I'm definitely gonna come  back and show you way more of this island but   unfortunately I'm on a pretty tight itinerary  so we shall be back Boracay until next time all right kuya we've arrived a special drop-off spot for us 100 uh do you have change brother you  have change uh I only have uh let's   see what I have 100 for small 50 bro yeah okay all right we have made it to the ferry report  honestly so much more efficient just getting   your own transportation like we did ah oh there's  me it's my friend's name my friend's name yeah   thanks salamat all right guys and we are here at  the ferry port what I'm saying though is the uh   when I got the uh package transportation from  the airport a few videos ago it took so long   and it honestly was not cheaper at all I paid  like twenty dollars or one thousand pesos and   I had to wait for people and like Drop other  people off at their hotels and it was really   really unefficient like this Transportation  cost me only 150. so like uh three US dollars   to go there uh and I didn't have to stop at other  people's hotels so like just keep that in mind if   you're not in a rush like the package transports  just like the simplest without like talking to   people but it's also going to take you the most  amount of time so if you're limited on time like   I was I definitely uh regret doing that oh we're  going through this way salamat all right [Music]   oh they want to send this this way  here it looks like the tourist way   you gotta start you gotta put us at the gift shop  bro make sure we buy something before we leave   the car we're going to take one moment to pause  today's video guys and share with you our sponsor   for today's video which is Nomad esim. Nomad esim  solves a massive problem for me let me just tell   you in the first 24 hours whenever I arrive to  a new country I spend time figuring out how is   my cell phone going to work where am I going to  find a SIM card and is this a reliable service   provider. Well that's all changed ever since Nomad  esim came into play now when I'm sitting here in   my office planning for the next trip booking  my hotel, planning my flights, I'm also able to   pull out my phone hop on The Nomad esim app find  exactly which country I'm going to a phone plan   that works for me depending on the amount of gigs  I would like then I can purchase it right here so   when I'm flying and Landing directly in the  country that I'm going to I get off the plane   and I'm already connected so that's a big thing  for me one because of time efficiency that's for   sure number two is my U.S plan that I have I pay  like $80 per month plus like a $10 per day   international plan fee which as you can imagine  traveling for almost the entire month every time   I'm traveling that adds up very quickly so it's  efficient and it is saving money for me and so   that is why Nomad esims has been a game changer  for me as a traveler so if you guys want to get   your first esim and save some money doing it head  down to the link in the description below you'll   actually get three dollars off your first purchase  and you'll be connected on your next trip thank   you so much back to the video and this looks  like the entrance good into here wow okay so   we've got to find ourselves a ferry [Applause]  let's see here Malay tourism one day transaction boat ticket airport transfer over here bro all  right cat decline airport transfer good morning uh yes please two tickets to cataclyn  all right bro I'm getting them here oh wow that's good money wow all right so  it looks like we've got to uh pay for two   so we pay a terminal fee and then we  pay Caticlan on Airport transfer fee can I grab that pen right there oh thank you 300. 300, all right

we give this to you or to the next one foreign thank you very much very efficient we need two tickets to Caticlan, please  360 . the airport gotta put this right there   boarding in five minutes all right we're done here all right so these are the  tickets custom made right there   all right Port boarding pass and all  departures must present this all right thank you which one's gonna give  you all right we're good to go yeah all right oh so we got ourselves a tricycle  from the Caticlan port to the airport   perfect so guys just so you know per person  150 for the port fee here which is about   three bucks and then another three for the  fairy two which I guess includes a tricycle and so yeah about six dollars per person for us  to get back plus the 150 to take the tricycle   over here so comes out to about yeah nine  dollars per person uh not too bad or about   actually $7.50 since the shared tricycle was  150. so not too bad and as you guys can see if   you're watching this video how much faster it is  when we're not going through that booked company   here and sadly all of us leaving  this way foreign oh perfect all right they're telling us enjoy the beach on  the way out well we missed the beach already ah so we're gonna be hopping on MB Curt how do you  know that bro oh you got the uh MB Curt seat 44   ticket did they just give you one or two two  oh sweet all right it's the uh Bridge of Doom   all right so we're gonna film this while going  across whether going in or not two outcomes and there we go it's a pretty  nice pathway across salamat kuyas [Music]   all right and we're on that's harder to walk  on the ferry than it is on the bridge I'll see   much different trade than we took  to get here but it seems a little   more spacious we can just toss the luggage here all right and a quick ferry ride we have made  it we are oh and we're moving forward on the   boat still a bit of a uh cue to get off here  but uh think we only have just a quick eight   minute ride I want to say six minute ride to go  from here to the airport salamat captain kuya all right we've got a bit of a bottleneck  getting off here salamatic assistant captain all right gotta cross this thing here all right and we are making it right  across here we have made it safely we   know they know another Ferry welcome brother  anong pangalang mokuya Anthony nice to meet   you Anthony my name is Mac where do we  find the tricycles there sir okay salamat   thank you he looked over at me he's like hello  welcome to my Channel please subscribe to me we got the two persons are  you gonna be taking us on this right here all right two persons all right we got the little uh a little Cruiser   here oh that's a big little one  one there one there all right all right [Music] it's turned into a mini car I'd say this  is so much more efficient we hopped off   and immediately got on this I'm just obviously  guys in this video doing a bit of a comparison   because probably some of you that watched  my first video think like you know maybe   the way that I took was the best way on the  way there but it was so much less efficient   like I'm doing everything in like 10% of the  time maybe 30% of the time let's say it's more   accurate but um yeah otherwise we would have  waited for one of those big buses and when you   wait for the Big Bus there's literally like  30 or 40 people that are gonna hop right on got a nice little bar to hang on there all  right then we're arriving to the Boracay Airport is that a little market leading up to it right  here too snacks bags uh departures that's one   facility one terminal sibo like AirAsia and then  we've got the other one I think just right up here air swift that's us good for you brother fill them up all right we got  the world's biggest uh departure Lodge right here   seven eight nine counters this one we need to check all right  we got the bag tagged hopefully we see   that right over there in El Nido how  many uh seats are there on the plane doubling down all right we got a nice big  red tag on there showing that it's fragile it's perfect okay we're heading over this way to see what type of  food we've got going on here they pulled this over   on the rice meals there oh yeah oh so you got all  the good stuff here yeah fish fillet, Spicy Thai   chicken, good burger steak, Fried Chicken yeah all  right I'm gonna do a quick laugh over there bro   and see what else they have all right yep all  right I'm gonna do a quick lap over here and   see and very good all right on this side what do  we've got going on Fresh lemonades it looks like   fresh lemonades, chocolate muffins all right  this might be the one or vanilla cream frappes   that's great and then over there multi-purpose  little gift shop it looks like all right we shall see what's going to be the good stuff  then looks like this is more of just a cafe Maybe   chocolate muffin all right you're thinking a  chocolate muffins got my name on it   you need some uh pesos brother I  think yeah oh I have it thank you beautiful oh very good uh can I please have one  iced latte yep let's go with the the large one   today yeah and then there's a dark chocolate  muffins good out there yeah all right ayos yes oh warm oh yes please that's the best way  to have it yeah 343 okay airport prices foreign that's gonna be able to make it happen two pesos we got a Five Spot there all right thank you oh yeah looks like this is where the magic  happens for those iced coffees right here   that is gonna be delicious also  we got it looks like two shots   of espresso just mixing in straight up  with that milk oh that looks fantastic thank you oh thank you oh that was very quick I think that's the right size straw  paper straw here and let's test it out   we gotta give it a proper mix here  yeah okay get this thing going wow all right that is thank you very  much okay we found the Bro over here   coffee in a truck oh coffee and chocolate  muffin here all right and this is a uh   very tiny airport you definitely can't  get lost here I can tell you guys I'm   gonna be wired after this coffee because  I said I put two shots of espresso in here   but it's definitely what I need to uh wake  up right now and of course not yet ready   for lunch but definitely a warm chocolate  muffins gonna take the edge off right there   what do you think bro you want a bite I'm all  right dang bro you're missing out all right wow let me tell you that it's rich and chocolate you  can see all those little chocolate chips in there   melting so when you take a bite out of it you  just feel that Oozy chocolate right in your mouth   not the freshest months that I've ever had  but definitely uh pretty good pretty good I'll give this one like a six out of ten  far from the best but also far from the   worst quite delicious we're taking the  air swift flight straight to El Nito bus number five thank you all right  bus number five that is us right here   bigger plane than I expected to be  flying to StraightTalk needle okay all right bro we made it into the bus down the uh tarmac right here feels  like the bus is about to take off but I guess   where we load up on the planes are over there that  just goes to show you how small the airport is   going to be a rainy one today taking off number  eight number eight oh thank you very much all   right they're hooking us up with the uh umbrellas  good afternoon all right small little plane here definitely one of the smallest  commercial sized planes I've been on   all right guys we are taking off  now it looks like on the prop plane Bros that travel together Stay Together all right guys 45 minutes to El Nido let's go all right we are now up in here and a little  bit further outside of the Island area it's   much clearer day so hopefully we'll get some  better weather once we arrive in El Nino   all right looks like we're getting close  to El Nido a bit cloudy in this area   ones all along here which  looks pretty amazing to explore   the clouds you know it's a pretty hazy day  guys and the windows aren't super clean but   you can imagine how beautiful of a flight in this  would be if it was a clear skies you can slightly   see the tint of the watercolor it looks like it's  super blue which gives you that Island Vibes feel   but at least flying in you don't really see that  much development on this area like there's just a   couple houses sprinkled in the mountains and aside  from that at least this side of El Nido is pretty   pretty untouched obviously it's going to be  a completely different experience than when   we were in Boracay now we're starting to see  some more like occupied areas on the beach   it honestly looks like we're about to  land right there on the beach oh a huge   Pier right there that leads out look at that the  airport literally borders the beach that's crazy you know wow that is a tiny little terminal look at that [Music] made it to El Nido  thank you all right El Nido we have arrived   is it what a small little airport here got the red  carpet walking out though got the red carpet bro   they had a special welcome and  they knew the bro was coming all right wow yeah so that's the entire  departures terminal that's the entire   arrivals and we just brought with us  a 100 of the planes at the airport yeah I think we're literally the only plane  here so quick little 45 minute flight on the   prop plane so guys this is where we are we're on  the island of Palawan oh and you can see where El   Nido is there's a tiny little airport in El Nido  a lot of people think that you can only fly into   I think Puerto Princesa but if you do that  it's literally a four hour drive to get here   so that's why if you fly into El Nido like we  did just to get to the town center it's a 15   minute drive all right located the bag got it  bro all right now it is time to head to El Nido   this is literally the entire arrivals terminal and  somewhere out here is directly to the parking lot now my brother was just telling me that this  airport is owned by the airline and it only   flies to four cities and not too long ago  is actually a gravel area so it's uh kind of   cool to think that that's probably why a lot of  people don't realize the El Nido airport exists   oh bro we got the sign right there with your name  on it all right our buddy's got the bags Jake nice   to meet you Jake Jake's helping us out getting us  over to the kuna hotel where we're going to stand all right so as you guys can see we only walked  from there to here and we're already to the pickup   point just goes to show you literally how tiny  this airport is it's by far the smallest airport   I've even uh been in some private airports in  the United States before and I would say this   is an even smaller airport than a private airport  and it's commercial here all right Jake's got us a   uh van right here this whole Van's for us Jake  this one's ours salamat and guys the airport   has doubled in amount of planes there since we  arrived by that I mean there's a second plane   in the small little terminal this is the uh  parking lot right here so we've got some Vans and   a couple of places in the trees to park the  motorbikes and that's the entire airport on the   other side it looks like there's a helicopter and  a cup like maybe a one or two private planes but three planes total yeah wow  I'm like five different things   that is insane just goes to show how  small of an airport salamat kuyas air swift air swift yeah they  dominate this entire Airport   that's about saying that it makes sense now  why some Filipinos that aren't even aware   of this airport and they told me that there was  an airport in El Nido because it's such a small   one all right so we've got I think probably uh  just over 10 minutes to get us to the hotel here   and we're gonna get a nice little look into  the outskirts of tourist area in El Nido   somebody who's got rickshaws for transportation  lots and lots of motorbikes around here kind of like what we saw in Boracay you  know outside of the main tourist area   you find a lot of shops from Barbers  to local restaurants local markets   convenience stores and a fair amount of  construction happening looks like we're   entering into uh El Nido Town Center Jake's  giving us the initial tour through here how many people live in El Nido I think we're  done 8 000 more than maybe [Music] wow fifty   thousand yeah okay fifty thousand  probably in the greater El Nido area   actually a cool little town center  over here street food right there um and we're here edge of town there is our  neighbors the El Nido Apartments all right this is our place  good afternoon thank you   all right so cool little uh trendy place when  we walk in that that Brook look s like candy   yeah guys so we took the uh the ride here with  our buddy Jake and that was uh came out to 1000   Filipino pesos which is like $18 so it's definitely  one of the most expensive means of transportation   when you book it through the hotel so probably  on our way back what we'll do is we'll book like   directly on our own because obviously if you're  paying for the service you know you're paying for   the you're paying for the service of someone else  booking which means you know the hotel's getting   there cut from it so yeah I mean the nice part  is it was efficient but you'll pay significantly   more probably like six 60 70 percent higher in  prices all right so we are heading up to the room thank you we're excited to be here yeah thank you so much   you're welcome all right well it  smells very good when we walk in the design of this place looks like we're in a  log cabin here some wooden stumps as the side   table how's the view look bro it's good we got  a cliff in the background all right sweet we're   up in the uh up in the volcanic mountains pretty  cool looking uh places we're going to be exploring   while we're here oh whatever you want bro yeah  pretty basic room but uh you know nice overall   comfortable good air conditioning and inside  here bathroom looks nice fresh uh towels and   shower there looks like we got some drinking water  and all the amenities it's been water pressure   yeah looks like a great place enjoy bro all right  guys we're walking through the El Nido Town Center   because unfortunately the GoPro batter is dead  and I didn't realize it but uh we just walked   probably like three four minutes and we're at the  El Nido Beach right here and you can see from that   stretch where the cliffs are just right here are  the whole like beachfront areas so oh we've got   a tight little area cars are coming through here  what do we think for a walk down because it looks   like we're limited from this side 's pretty  high today probably from the rain coming in okay but yeah what a cool place well I guess  that's an expectation to have when coming to the   islands we're already getting rain down here but  I didn't even think this was the rainy season but   I guess you can expect that on the islands just  with tropical weather but at least for a portion   of the day a lot of the times you're going to see  at least a bit of a bit of the rain coming down   but it's cool the nice part about El Nido  it's a bit Cozier than let's say Boracay   I'm in the El Nido area stretches from right  there all the way to there so you can walk   from one end to the other and probably  less than 10 minutes and the time is high   The Tide is getting very high oh this  one's coming all the way up I can feel it yeah I'm like I'm surprised that uh it  makes the road yeah exactly I'm gonna   have to run across after this one forgot  to switch my shoes guys I'm wearing the uh   the flip-flops um when the uh  the full-on shoes you can see oh now we know next time bring out  the uh flip-flops the sandals   El Nido the center we've got  one shipwreck right there too   guys a bunch of cool little like plazas  right here restaurants in the back   we've got uh a cool little carving right here  on the uh on the design fun beers [Music]   oh look at this Modern Hotel right up there   such a Vibe if you can see all these places just  right along the uh the coast here Crepes coffee   milk tea oh yeah they're definitely uh serve  until the tourists over here with the different   options that they've got all right guys we've got  the next distance I jumped up at the exact time   we're gonna make it all the way to the  next base oh I have nowhere to go though all right cool yeah this is  me the whole way on the beach   all right so this is like seems like the main  area for the boats we've got a whole bunch out   here just kind of bopping around my brother and I  were just so shocked that like the tide right now   I'm sure like it's at one of its highest points  but it's just absolutely smashing against these   buildings you'd think it would have such an  incredible impact or destructive impact not   incredible but like incredibly destructive  I mean impact on these buildings so I'm just   wondering if they must uh face some serious  construction issues all along the coast here   we've got the Bro walking along the uh the dock  here the warpy dock whoa it warps when you walk   guys we just uh walked over this way and now  looking up here it is such an incredible view I   mean even though we've got like this odd contrast  of like dark gray clouds but you just see those   Cliffs that have these like really really steep uh  inclines to them along with like Greenery at the   top just such an exotic look definitely similar  to my brother made a good reference Ha Long Bay   in Vietnam also somewhat similar to like co-pp  area in Thailand you know kind of like a hybrid   of those two but in their own Filipino format so  it's a such a beautiful part of the world here okay then all right there we go we got a smile  out of you that's good all right we've made it   to the end here got a mix of pretty much  every type of boat around here from kayaks   to looks like this kaiwan three Island Resort so  that's probably the fast track to get you from   here to wherever that Resort is weaving you in  and out of those smaller little Islands over there   yeah this is such a cool Island landscape Wise  It's so so different from Boracay honestly in   so many ways it's completely different from  Boracay I mean there's a 45 minute flight to   get here so you can imagine it's pretty far away  all right there's the dock the local gas station   here and it's kind of the end here it seems like  there's some like local accommodation or oh that's   the Port Authority there all at the end here now  obviously can't build too much more there because   we've got the cliffs so that leads us kind of to  the tourist center I would assume right over here   the interesting part about El Nido is like every  place I've been to so far in the Philippines has   their own uh unique style of like vehicles to  get around so these little motorcycles actually   have like the front fender of what looks to be  a car this one says Nissan on it and they all   have named them double M2 that's a Mitsubishi  front comotica and yeah it's so cool someone   had mentioned that to me when I was in Manila  that like each place you're gonna find like a   unique type of vehicle and all the places you go  in the Philippines like this one right here it's   like a uh a Mazda motorbike here right like it's  all you can tell it's all completely custom made   and you've got like a uh I'm not sure what type  of bike that is but basically you weld all that   on there and you've got room to take a  couple passengers and their luggage so   that's uh definitely a really unique and uh fun  part to see in these places one thing my brother   and I have noticed is that uh there's a lot of  Korean signage all over El Nido so they must   attract quite a few uh Korean tourists to this  area oh we got laundry service here too we've got   the district right here maserat food here yes yeah  all right perfect we came to the right place then yeah perfect we'll take this one here get  a little people watching from here yeah we've got some delicious food here I know I know Patrick all right Patrick  so uh by the way it's so far so   good yeah yes oh okay it's a great  quote uh can I please have the beef same for me nice the Bro knows the good stuff to  get I followed his lead on that yeah and then can   I please have a mango fresh juice please Salama  two mango fishes anything else too uh anything for   you bro uh that's it all right just that picture  maybe a bottle of water as well yeah two bottles   of water please salamat so guys this is the  restaurant here it's a really nice Vibe like   murals all on the inside a nice bar modern look  here kind of like a cement industrial look mixed   with that kind of like you know Bali islandy type  of feel the ropes the spice up your life quotes   and then like at the very back this must turn into  a party place at night because you got the DJ deck   and a massive speaker there so yeah cool area  right across from here we've got a hostel and   then kuna that is the hotel we are staying at I  think we chose kuna because there's like a pretty   decent priced hotel uh I will say we didn't spend  like a tremendous amount of time trying to find   like the most inexpensive place or anything we  kind of just picked one and uh you know something   with a decent looking accommodations on the photos  and decent Wi-Fi so yeah guys now we've got a few   minutes until the food comes we've got the fresh  mango shakes delivered here let's test them out oh ice cold there's no better feeling than we're  like walking around kind of soaked from the rain   very humid outside in the evening and then just  take a nice Sip and a mango iced up smoothie here just cools down the entire internal body  temperature so much delish my friends   all right we got ourselves some delish far  right here let's go ahead and test this out fresh out of the stove nothing like some juicy meat inside of that  soupy flavor on an evening but I think we   got to do the uh Filipino classic where  you go ahead and uh squeeze that in there   get some of the uh pepper chopped  up get those juices mixed in [Music]   gotta add that into the soup [Music] minus the seeds [Music] yeah as you can see a really really good quality  overall nice presentation vegetables taste and   look really fresh oh no I haven't had a bite  of the noodles yet so let's test those out oh yeah that is super tasty  a nice soft noodle there and carrots and a little mix of everything I  like it though guys really good Vietnamese   food didn't expect to have this in El  Nido that just shows you an idea of   all the different Cuisine options that  you're able to find small little Island right here so guys for us to have two mango  shakes and a beef comes out to about 1 176   which is roughly 20 US dollars maybe about  21 US dollars for me and the Bro to have some   delicious food at a nice and modern restaurant  so really nice meal heading back to the hotel   all right here it is we just have a short walk  back to Kuna here we are all right guys so that   was our first uh day exploring or just a very  brief day exploring most of the transportation   in this video to get to El Nido but I hope you  guys enjoyed this video so thank you so much   for watching so if you guys want to get your  first esim and save some money doing it head   down to the link in the description below  you'll actually get three dollars off your   first purchase and you'll be connected on your  next trip thank you so much back to the video

2023-03-11 21:14

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