Florence Left Us Speechless! Unveiling The Ultimate Secret For Vanlifers!

Florence Left Us Speechless! Unveiling The Ultimate Secret For Vanlifers!

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good morning so last night we literally slept in  the train station parking lot worked out really   really well we uh bought our tickets online on the  Italian Train app and we're walking 100 ft to get   on our train because where are we taking them C  we're going to Florence Florence yeah so let's get   on the train let's go see what we can find today  you guys might be thinking why are these guys on   a training again well it's difficult to park the  van in Florence to drive in Florence if you guys   saw the last video you got an idea of what it's  like in any event we're parked at a train station   just outside of Florence it's only about a 20  minute ride in so we're on the train headed in   and we are super excited because everything we've  learned about Florence is that it's an amazing City all right so we caught the 747 train arrived  in Florence a little after 8 what's next now   all right we have a reservation to go see one  of the most famous things in all of Italy and   it's probably in a top 20 famous thing in the  world we are taking you to see the statue of   David that Michelangelo carved and the cool thing  is we can tie this back to our video that we just   finished up from the marble mines because we  were up there at the Carrera marble mines and   that's where Michelangelo got his marble to make  this amazing statue but to go see this you book   it in advance we did it with a tour guide that  hopefully helps us skip some of the lines when you   go see something this famous there's going to be  people we got an 18-minute walk to get there let's go yes actually I think that big building is the Central  Market so we can go whatever way your Google says all right we have made it to the meeting point  in front of the Academia we're here a little bit   early and so there's that moment of like are we in  the right place are we not but we are quite a bit   early so waiting on our guy there's a few other  people look like they're showing up so we'll see   our tickets have showed up and we've also met  our lovely guides guid's name is Antonella and   snow will do better with the Anon and she speaks  five languages so the Academia at one time was   a university and since then it's been split to a  museum half Museum half University the museum is   dedicated to mangelo but our guide actually went  to University here So these paintings date back to   the 13th 14th 15th and 16th century leading up to  the Renaissance and just an interesting fact about   these things there's so much information it's a  bit overwhelming but these were actually stolen   by Napoleon and taken away and then they've  been brought back here to this Museum and restored and what you can see Innovation the views   because the painters started painting in  the 14 Cent what they could see not the   gold amadas no no no no this one with  the team of musicians sorry no you're welcome so um all right I believe we just learned that piano  Forte is the guy who invented the piano and I   believe we're talking back in about the  16 1600s is when the piano invent was   invented and all these instruments are back  from that period looked like mostly in the   1600s and so these were very famous groups and  specifically because of the guy who invented the piano I'm sorry now the main attraction is the seven  masterpieces of my mangelo um including some   sculptures of some prisoners that are kind of  you would think he didn't finish them they're   kind of partially done but apparently that was  his plan like they were trying to escape from   the stone like a pr prisoner would do so those  are housed there and the story behind them is   that uh he was sculpting them because they were  commissioned by a pope now the pope passed away   never paid for the work so Michelangelo just  took him to his house and just had him laying   around his house house several Cent centuries  later some wealthy persons stumbled up on them   and they ended up here where they rightfully  should belong in a museum for Michelangelo but   of course the Superstar is David the statue  of David of this Infamous uh religious story   David and Goliath it was commissioned in 1 151  it was supposed to be a statue to represent   the rebirth of the City of Florence and it was  going to be housed in the church and they had   this vision of what it was going to look like  and that Vision included him having clothes   on but when Michelangelo got done clearly David  is there in all of his glory and the church was   kind of like no he can't go inside our church  he's naked so he ended up living in the plaza   outside of the church where he lived until the  late 1800s when he was brought here now several   years later in the early 1900s they put an exact  replica of David back there in that Plaza so you   can go see that as well but the real deal is what  we just showed you here in this Museum and it was amazing in the 1400s Florence was booming science  Arts medicine politics government all of it it   was really a wealthy upand cominging city in the  world a leader to the world but it had one big   dark problem it had a baby problem babies were  being abandoned all over the city City for many   different reasons famine poverty you just illness  a lot of reasons so what happened is a gild a very   wealthy group of people got together and started  this place that I'm sitting on the steps of right   now it is called the hospital of the Innocence  and what it became was the world's very first   orphanage women could come here and go up to  kind of a revolving door and turn their baby   in when the moms did that many of them would  cut a CO coin in half and make a necklace for   the baby and they would keep the other half of  the coin in hopes that one day be reunited but   once they spun that revolving door the baby  was gone and the mom could not get them back   they went down a literal small Chute where they  landed in a Manger type thing at the bottom that   had a statue of Mary and Joseph on each side and  from there the nurses that worked here would take   the babies and immediately start to take care of  them and it wasn't just for the babies they raised   these children uh the boys were taught to read and  write uh the women were taught or the girls were   taught to sew and cook and as the girls started  to grow out of being able to live here you know   got too old to live here they could either become  wives and the orphanage would actually provide a   dowery with them that went along with them if  they got married or they could become nuns so   they took these babies in and they raised them  into adulthood so they could survive on their   own almost 400,000 children came through here  between the 1400s and the 1800s and still today   this place works very hard on helping uh children  in need here in the City of Florence and probably   throughout Italy I thought it was a story that  we should share with you guys it's not one of the   most famous places here in Florence but I think  it's a pretty special one and now we're off to   sort of the Central Plaza in downtown Florence  and this is where the largest one of the largest   churches in all of Italy is and all of Europe  really for that matter the dwomo and you can see   in front of us that huge Dome and actually that  wasn't completed for several for a lot a lot of   years they couldn't Engineers couldn't figure  out how to build that freestanding Dome as we   approach this church it just keeps getting bigger  and bigger but this thing is giant isn't it snow I   mean the windows are as big as our B the ground  Windows over there I don't know if you guys can   see the scale of that but this right here leading  up to it's a four story sort of apartment building   and I got to tell you that's probably 10 to 12  store wow it's just huge as we told you earlier   we went to the Carrera marble quaries the marble  mines to see where they they they mind all this   marble and obviously the importance we showed  you with the statues of David and a lot of the   sculptures around here what I did not know is  this whole entire dwo do dwo is built of marble   and you can see the white marble now there's  also green stone and red stone and I'm not   sure that that's marble but the white definitely  is marble and this church is so incredibly huge   and like none we've ever seen with the tile work  the inlays the marbles the carvings I hope we can   get to inside this but as we approach here  I can see a line right here that wraps all   the way around the church and then as we come  around here guys look at this huge Tower right here and look at the ornateness of this church  it's so h huge I just don't it's a terrible   word to use I know such a generic word but it is  enormous and the lines to get in all these places   are just enormous as well wow now you can pay to  get in this and you can see people all the way up   on top of the Dome and this Tower here is sort  of a separate building and you can pay to get   in that as well I believe the admission to get in  the whole Trio of buildings in this huge Plaza is   $30 but you can see the lines are incredibly long  the tickets are tough to get and something we just   decided to not do because we thought we could  just stare on the beautiful outside of this and   uh that's what we're going to do but this church  is absolutely amazing as much as I'd love to go   inside it's just not in our cards today guys and  the Duo's in a huge Plaza and as you can see it's   surrounded by all sorts of little restaurants and  places with little tables set out so you can have   food or wine or galatos you can shop for jewelry  or basically any anything you want I believe this   must kind of be the shopping district we are  sort of in the center of Florence right here there're just museums everywhere for what they're all on this building yeah who  knows what these are tell us I think they're for   torches yeah you all these motorcycles are  these rentals or something think it's it's   just yeah but they're all the same they all  have a little bit different I mean would be   like a Honda Toyota and a hey everywhere  you look in this town it's some sort of   Museum some sort of famous art and I think that  goes back to the 1400s when this place was just   thriving and booming and was like the center  of the world at the time but they've done an   amazing job of preserving all of this so we  can walk around the streets and see it it's fascinating so one of the last places on our stop  before we went to to the Grand Market which I'm   really excited about was this Plaza right here and  this is where as you can see they have the statue   the copy of David this is where I guess originally  it was but this is a literal statue garden and   I think snow said there's just all sorts of  museums and historical sites here almost all   of them have an admission but here these are out  in the courtyard and we can all just see them on   display what a stunning display uh Florence is off  the charts from history from art from a culture   perspective it is just mindblowing we stumbled up  on this Plaza not really knowing what to expect   turn the corner and it is just filled literally  filled with statues sculptures art old buildings   and now when we tell you some of these things you  need to you know our dates could be off a little   bit you know we're not history Scholars these  aren't carved in stone facts but it's stories   we've heard while we're here or that we've read  while we're doing our research but there was a big   Dynasty in this area uh I know they thrived in the  early 1400s and um they were very very wealthy the   Michi family and uh I think they were around for  centuries but they were very generous they donated   a lot to the Arts they built operas they built  the first theaters in this area they commissioned   sculptures and and helped artists survive and  thrive uh The Story Goes though that they had   all this wealth and were so generous with this  area of Italy that they wanted to be a little bit   more powerful they wanted to have a little bit of  say in the government and how the business of the   city was ran but apparently they were a little bit  better at the art side of things than the business   side of things so the local politicians uh the  Commissioners or whatever you would have called   them at the time did not want their input on the  business thing and there was a little bit of a   power struggle and there for a while the medich  dynasty some of the mediis actually got exiled   out of Florence while the government was trying  to kind of get things in order but I think we have   that dynasty to thank for a lot of this beautiful  art you see when you walk around this city they   may not have been good at business but they were  definitely generous with the things they gave here so right up there if you look very close  you're going to see a very old sketched carving   of a profile of someone's face in this wall  now there's two stories there's some Legends   to this but it is a pretty pretty much a fact  that this was carved by Michelangelo and and   that is a form of graffiti uh is still here  hundreds and hundreds of years later there are   two stories the first one a little more Grim  than the second but apparently he watched an   execution happen here in this square and this  is the face of the man he saw executed and he   wanted to Monument that into uh you know kind  of just put it down on to him what would be   his paper the other one is that he was just  standing around with a buddy and you know of   course Michelangelo was a famous sculptor kind  of a celebrity and his buddy dared him to do   it so whichever story you think it is but a  little piece of graffiti from probably late   1400s early 1500s carved into the side of this  building kind of a cool story you can smell the leather Italian leather right look at all these backpacks and purses  pouches and jackets and belts Hi how are you wow all this walking around has us worn out  but we wanted to do the Central Market we're   hungry so we're going to do food before we do  the market tour but it's a zoo here so it's   kind of difficult to get food but we got some  christinis here we got let me show you here we   got bacon and artichoke we got truffle and  mushroom bacon and asparagus and shrimp and   a shrimp salad crust peie this is our little  starter we'll go from here they might not look   pretty anymore but we got them all divvied  up half and half which one you starting with   ctie well I think I'll start with this shrimp  one right here it's got a big old shrimp on it it's got like a potato salad I'm going with a truffle that's good okay thank you thank you oh you're you're   fine no thank you this is so  cool you just cut it with the scissors all right we got some pizza or  fukashi and this is a vegetariano with   some mozzarella cheese and then we got  another broccoli another sort of healthy   one and uh if there is such a thing you  just say Healthy Pizza all right broccoli broccoli on pizza is good oh it's got a lot of  cheese it's just good get in it Kurt get in it vegetariano beautiful nice little red sauce some  spinach sundried Tomatoes mozzarella delicious   we're going to enjoy our dinner guys we'll see  you down in the market so so yum it looks like   this Market is mostly a food market haven't seen  any Yuka for a while look at all the olives we   have some dried uh Tomatoes sundried Tomatoes  all sorts of dried beans different flowers of   course a lot of cheese chees here apples peanuts  walnuts chestnuts oranges very popular here some   nice looking strawberries oh and look at all  these delicious greens over here I don't know   what this is down here on the bottom but super  long R means we might come back and get some   of that asparagus that looks delicious some  nice Peppers some different kinds of squash   some really kinds of I guess they call call it  bitter melon squash I don't know Shard cabbages   all kinds of good kind of vegetables here guys  this is really a lot of choices passion fruits   plums pears tuna which is from the cactus  avocados all sorts of melons papayas lemons   pomegranates kiwis sweet potatoes all sorts of  potatoes beets shallots onions wow this has got   everything ooh Blue Crabs here and uh some kind  of sardines or anchovies lots of snails oysters   at the fish market here trout or something like  that a salmon up top this is a little flounder   or fluke sometimes they call it halit sardines  all sorts of different squid or calamari octopus   shrimp whoa lots of different Seafoods truffles  are very popular over here so here they've got   olive oils truffle oils different kinds of  pastas o the dried Meats I think you saw those and from Parma they have the Parma hams and  the parmesan cheese and the different salamis all   sorts of dried salted cured meats and different  wines at this little stall you can actually sit   down and eat right there in the little tables uh  wine all sorts of different wines here look at this just keep moving through this Market uh  different kinds of powdered herbs and spices looks   like a lot of spicy stuff maybe some dry Tomatoes  different kinds of pastas salts oils pesos pesto   obviously real big here a lot of different  balsamic vinegars definitely the cheese booth   and you can see all the different kinds and I am  not a cheese expert so I couldn't dare to tell you   this but I can tell you we can smell the cheese  and we can smell the Salted Meats oh and look   here's the Lardo guys we had that up there in our  last video foro all sorts of salted hams meats and   here we have different flavored and Seasons rice  and look at the fancy tricolored pastas and all   the different herbs with the peppers and things  like that and they also have some flowers here   all right and I was just starting to think that  I hadn't seen a panda or here they call it Pandy   py delori all you can see all the tasty sweets  here the different C sa and muffins and cookies   and the fukashi and the pizzas and the different  kinds of bread here multi-grain Breads and look   at this stuff up top wow looks all pretty tasty  even a big brownie right there all kinds of bread   here biscuits they call these things biscuits  up here I believe a lot of those kind of crunch you can see those well all right and  here you can see the dried mushrooms   they have several different kinds of  mushrooms they have the garlic and the   dried peppers hanging there and then they  have all sorts of dried tomatoes you can   buy sundried tomatoes you can buy in the  packs and all sorts of Candi fruits they   got pears oranges uh looks like pomelo which  I thought was grapefruit maybe not they've   got nectarines kiwi Ginger cherries gum quats  bananas all qu sorts of different dry fruits there yes sir do you know my price today I do not   know your price today but thank you  I have to catch train I'll get it tomorrow if you like this video be sure  to subscribe to our Channel and hit that   notification Bell so you guys know when  we put out new videos and don't forget you   can always follow us over on Instagram to see  what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2024-02-08 18:42

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