First time in JAPAN! 2 days in Tokyo with my husband

First time in JAPAN! 2 days in Tokyo with my husband

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Good morning everyone! Welcome to Tokyo and welcome to  Japan! Standing in this corner, where there is a bit   of crossing, there's a bit of fending machine,  there's a bit of bridge that has train tracks   on top of that, already gives me the vibe. I am just so excited to be here because this is my very first time in this country, so I would like to  explore the city a bit. By the way, I'm here with my husband. Japan, being an East Asian country,  they have so many cultures imported into the country that I grew up in. I grew up  watching Japanese cartoons, to name a few Doraemon, Pokemon, Detective Conan, Sinchan and all of those  names that probably are not familiar to Dave, given that he is British. Even seeing bits  and pieces that I grew up watching remind me of those little moments in the cartoons.

We're crossing into this small shop that we stumbled upon last night. We bought a snack that I found to be yummy. I do want to buy it again and show it to you. One custard and one sweet red bean paste. 3  minutes. 3 minutes? Okay. Thank you! I don't know which one is which but I'm excited! Look at this! m it's so like especially in the rain it's  so warming so nice so you can see here it's like   filled with custard I could have that several  times a day and now the red bean one I've never   really tried red bean before I've seen it like a  lot online but quite a mild taste it's not overly   sweet but it's still really tasty I should let you  try before I eat them all M it's so creamy not too sweet see what I mean it's like slightly  sweet it's quite kind of savory as well   it's not too sweet yeah I like them  both it hasn't been the best of luck   for us today with the weather it's been  raining but we borrowed the hotel's uh   umbrella which is very cute because it's like  transparent it's minimalist it's Chic [Music] looking welcome to Akihabara District this is  where all the Manga and Anime fans Co jooin   together the Neon Light Street is actually very  cool because Tokyo really lights up at night and   no matter how old you are whether you're a child  whether you're an adult like us we feel like this   feels this creative side of me that I don't know  if I ever have but anyway I think this is so fun   just to see so many vending machines so many  games to play at so cool [Music] I'm standing   in front of this capsule station in front of one  of the Akihabara at intersection it's quite cute   because I've got 500 coins and I found one of  these capsule story figure from Disney that's   quite intriguing for me so I'm just going  to put this and I think you need to turn whoop oh look Mickey Mouse a Mickey Mouse how cute makes me so this is fun before continuing with  today's episode I wanted to take a break to talk   about something really important to me I have  always been a great believer in taking care of   mental health and wellbe through mindfulness  and therapy I have known about better help the   paid partner of today's video since 2019 due to  its revolutionary approach in normalizing online   therapy I have always struggled with a sense of  self- inadequacy and this has really affected my   work as a travel vlogger on YouTube I have also  been navigating a major transition in life as I   got married in 2022 recently and moved across  the world to settle in the UK which is a huge   change for me after traveling for the last 10  years I've recently started weekly therapy Again   by using better help better help has made it so  much easier for me to attend my online individual   session while traveling within 24 hours of  submitting a questionnaire I was paired with   a therapist with over 8 years experience to work  with me on the specific issues I wanted to address   in therapy if you think you might benefit from  therapy consider betterhelp click the link in   the description or visit SL shifa  I can confidently say that being paired with the   right therapist is essential as her expertise  has helped me in finding Clarity not only will   you have the ability to schedule a therapy session  at a time that's convenient for you but you will   also have the ability to switch to a new therapist  at no additional cost if the first match therapist   doesn't feel like the the right fit it takes  huge courage to reach out full professional   help and it can be really hard to take the first  step towards therapy but to help really assist   you in taking that first step towards therapy  let's start prioritizing our mental health by   visiting better shifa for 10% off your  first month the link is in the description below   thanks again to better help for being the paid  partner of this video and for supporting the channel [Music] [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we've come to this little I don't know what it  is maybe like a bar or a food joint or something   but we actually found this last night when we  first arrived and we thought we had to come   back cuz it's such a cool little local place  their menu has absolutely no English on it   at all so we could not understand anything  as you can see here so what we've decided   to do is just order point out a few things and  hope for the best yeah I think we've got this   chicken a bit of mayonnaise and and some salad  we've got this Adam Mame I think the Japanese   beans with some cabbage we've got sausages um  some eggs over here but we also have got two   drinks one being the local beer and one is  I think something to do with sour plum both   are alcoholic drinks and uh yeah I think this is a  cool way to end the night the first night in Tokyo I think I should put that here don't even  know if that's how you're supposed to eat it I love me Somey I actually never eat  seafood that's kind of like a weird thing   so coming to Japan I was a little bit  nervous about the food and I think this   salad does I'm not sure if it's chicken I think  it might be octopus so I'm just going to try it anyway oh no that was chicken I don't know why I  was worried so this thing came a little bit after   the rest of the food and we didn't know what  it was it was like another bright pink thing but it's actually so good it's basically  Ginger like red ginger packed into like   a almost it's like a hash brown kind  of thing or like a pancake I'm sure   it's got a name but I have no idea  what it is it's really tasty really [Music] [Music] tasty [Music] good morning from Tokyo the following day we are  about to explore some more areas in the city but   I thought of was showing you a bit of this teeny  wisy room that we've been staying at hotel rooms   in in Tokyo are majority of them are very tiny but  I got lucky to be able to find a slightly older   type of hotel which means that you have slightly  bigger size my favorite part I mean of all many   things that I like about this room is actually the  bath this is quite small in terms of size but deep   very futuristic but iconic Japan's toilet you've  got spr button for your bum and there is also a   bid H specifically so many buttons there's water  pressure and you can control the pressure so you   can get it exactly how hard you like yeah if  you're into that anyway um it's tiny but very   neat they even have got this Japanese dressing  gown but it's very Japanese it's like light just   nice that they just go to the effort to do all  these little details well little things that mat   we have this double uh size bed for the both of  us it's not the biggest but I think this is quite   enough size for two adults and decent Siz working  desk with massive mirror although the best part is   actually this view you can definitely people watch  oh see the train passing by another train see she   quite a nice like quiet area so there's not much  traffic which is really nice for sleeping yeah definitely we're walking to uena Park which is  one of the biggest park in Tokyo can you believe   that there is such massive Park in the city and  I always love green spaces different parts of the [Music] world [Music] it's lovely to have a stroll around this  area and just you know have a walk a bit   with your loved ones and I think it's cute and  well tended as always everything is in Japan [Music] I am not a city person to be honest  with you but I don't say this very often I   think genuinely one can spend an entire year  in Tokyo and not seeing enough of the city   or not explore enough because I just think  every nooks and crannies are so photogenic   it's so unique to its own characteristic and  it just we have been just so enjoying our time [Music] here we have come to the I think  east side of ueno and found this section   that is filled with lots of different shops  and so colorful this is very exciting for me   personally because not only this is sort of like  what I picture about Tokyo but also this Market   spans along nearly half kilometer so if you're  into shopping this is the perfect place for you   to be what's interesting to me is this poster  which basically tells that you can rent out a   girlfriend for 24 hours by just filling in a form  and you can go out with one of the girls wow to me   Japanese so far has been very neat and organized  but what's funny is that I found the sign that   basically says no parking no cycle but here we  are the market also extend to this area which   has got some other bits and pieces fresh seafood  fresh fruits and this is actually the yeno train   station it's just so cool to see the bustling  Market people are just eating on the street   I love how this looks very Japanese you've got  characteristic like this fish popping out it's so [Music] cool we have come to one of this  food stalls street food vendors   on the street which is something that I love doing ah so good this rice bowl the size is just [Music]  enough really good tender be some caramelized onion spring onion [Music] so we've actually been trying  to find somewhere to throw this away which   kind of sounds like a silly little thing  but we couldn't find any bins anywhere and   of course we relied on finding a vending  machine because there's vending machines   everywhere you can literally get anything  from vending machines like if you're hungry   if you're thirsty if you even if you need  coffee you can get anything from vending   machines this is coffee I don't think I need  more coffee maybe I should just get fruit tea   I'll get a fruit tea why not I mean one little  detail I know this is very geeky but the kind   of experience of it as you put coins in they  light up when it's ready so how satisfying is that now we'll see how this actually tastes h M that's actually really  good nice and sweet got a slight   sort of tanginess from the tea very [Music] refreshing [Music] hello I am in Shibuya  shopping center and I have been eyeing on   some Japanese makeup and there is this  brand called addiction which has this   very cool aesthetic it's so pleasing  it's so Chic look at this Foundation   bottle probably it's not for you men who's  watching but makeup is my biggest passion   so I'm asking one of the stuff if  I can get a makeup [Music] tester [Music] so I've decided that life is short and I deserve  to purchase one single Foundation that's my guilty for having done my shopping I would like to  welcome you to Shibuya this is one of the the must   list for a first time so shuya Crossings is one  of the most iconic Crossings in the whole [Music] world we're walking on Shibuya Crossings which is  so fun because it's basically seven Crossings all   together it feels like you're being like  you're on top of the world because of all   the bus everyone's filming snapping it's just a  basic Crossing it's chaotic but I think it's the   rush of adrenaline and the the busyness and the  sheer number of people that makes it even more [Applause] [Music] exciting [Music] we came to this Harajuku neighborhood  which is a walking distance from Shibuya   Crossings but we're particularly right now  at takash which has so many um shops very   cool fashion all sort of things that  you can um fine I just like observing   the way people dress up because you can see  people dressing up to the nines I just love   it but we're heading to Shinjuku for  our last meal of the day and heading some for more Tokyo streets [Music] let we're  currently in sjuku train station it's half six   I forgot that that's say the rush hour and there's  so many passengers on the train it's crazy because   probably the people who just finished working are  also getting on the on the train s it's quite easy   it's so cool to see to see this you know a brush  hour in Tokyo just people watch [Music] basically welcome to Amo de yokoo if you can see behind me  this is just an Alleyway fi with so many people   and I think this is quite popular among tourists  therefore we are making our way here very close to [Music] singju [Music] this Alleyway is so Compact and filled  with tourists but what's so cool about   this Alleyway is basically the lanter  um the smell even because there are   so many food stores not even store  shops and it's basically filled with   barbecues and all of that so it smells  really nice and makes me even more hungry [Music] it's interesting to see this menu  on the window and found this very exact food meal   we had for lunch that cost 400 Yen because  we paid we knew it was more expensive but   obviously we actually paid close to four times no  three times more than this and what's interesting   about this is actually you have to order for  a machine like this so we trying to uh order   our last meal for today and trying to figure  out how to order it from this machine I think   it's called barbecue beef and po B ooh there  are so many options here grilled beef be B I   think that's what I was thinking I'll have small  serving you are what is it beef B let's just do that receip oh how cool is this endless  coins and ticket to get a [Music] meal thank you so much for watching the  very first episode from Tokyo the entire   series that we are trying to create from the  interesting country of Japan let me know what   you think down in the comment section below  we've we've been having so much fun in Tokyo   and I am not a city person but I can tell that  Tokyo is out there one of my favorite cities   in the whole world uh let me know again what  you think that in the comment section below   I can't wait to see you again on my next  video make sure to check out my Instagram   or patreon account if you wish to support  our work and yeah see you again next time bye for

2023-12-23 12:55

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