First Impressions of KARACHI, PAKISTAN Travel Vlog

First Impressions of KARACHI, PAKISTAN Travel Vlog

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okay I'll sit I think that's a nice one yeah so he's grinding up coconut in this giant press hey oh wow what a space my nickname Dougie Dougie and here's the pakora this guy is ready good morning everybody this is Doug and today I'm in a new country I'm in Pakistan I'm here in Karachi Pakistan the largest city in Pakistan it is a massive massive Mega City home to like 15 million people I'm just near my hotel right now I'm staying in the Clifton area supposedly it's one of the nicest areas of the city today it's Sunday and this area is empty but every other day I've been here because I've been here a few days this area has been a massive Market absolutely full of people so I guess they take it easy on Sundays here but we're gonna go out and explore the city a little bit today let's head out I have no place in mind really we're just gonna walk and see what we come across here we go okay giant curbs here notice that so far let's get across and I'm gonna walk for a bit I might have to take a tip tick eventually but I want to do some walking first there's a nice breeze so it's not so hot here even though it's like 93 94 degrees today like 35 degrees Celsius you're on video you're the boss okay nice to meet you sir how are you fine very good it's a nice day today yeah okay I'll sit are you guys just monitoring traffic police very good huh you gotta think of it yes sir ah good I'm exploring you are in video selfie with my video okay let's do it America America yes you are security not police tourist just uh traveling yeah yeah no security that's all I know okay yeah Pakistan zindabad yes since police send police oh very good nice to meet you okay Pakistan zindabad zindabad traffic police zindabad Pakistan zindabad good thank you nice to meet you okay bye-bye okay Pakistan zindabad if you guys have never heard that phrase before it's a very common thing that you'll hear pakistanis say you'll see it in videos about Pakistan it means like Long Live Pakistan Or Glory to Pakistan or something like that and they were also saying seemed police zindabad we're in the uh Province I guess you would say of Sindh right now Sindh province which is this uh you know the main city is Karachi here in the southern part of Pakistan by the way in this series I'm gonna be heading All the Way North into Pakistan we're going to be visiting other cities like Islamabad and Lahore and hopefully Peshawar as well and then I'm going to be taking a two-week trekking trip up to the north of Pakistan which is going to be incredible it's some of the most beautiful landscapes on Earth so stick around for that guys and subscribe to the channel if you're not subscribed already so you don't miss what is coming up it's gonna be awesome anyway we are headed over the train tracks it looks like and then we're gonna get to the other side we'll see what else we get up to all right guys just walking by and they have I love Karachi and all these different languages look at that Karachi savioram Turkish love it I live in Istanbul now and I've been taking Turkish lessons almost every day for the past month and I'm planning to continue let me know in the comments if you guys want to see more videos from Turkey because I haven't made many there but I'd like to all right guys I just come across this area it's called prayer hall or frary Hall not exactly sure how to pronounce it how are you oh hi what are you selling juice yes juice and soda lemon juice ah okay very good wow there's a lot of cricket Happening Here the national sport of Pakistan I'm gonna get nailed if I'm not careful a lot of cricket hello anyway apparently this was built during the British colonial period and it looks like on the weekends a lot of people come here just to hang out so Friday is not the weekend here Friday is not weekend even though it's pretty easier a break but not all not the whole day okay so and then Saturday and you guys are a cricket team yeah Johan Sports so you guys play against other local teams okay and what happens if you win do you win money price yeah yeah price money okay nice thank you is that good how are you fine very good you playing cricket okay U.S America my friend is best friend huh this is okay practice okay okay I wish I spoke more Urdu because I can't really communicate with those guys although that little kid was a pretty good uh translator anyway we're going to continue on I need to get some caffeine either tea or coffee and I think chai is going to be easier to find here oh look who's back what's up how are you where are you going just walking okay I think at some point today I want to stop and pick up some of the local attire a shawar kamiz that you see a lot of the men wearing here because it is very hot and very humid and uh these jeans are just not really cutting it let's see if we can find one in a market or something I think that would be pretty nice probably a little bit more Airy and light all right now to run across this road whenever I get a chance let's see I'm gonna do an Egypt and just go little by little okay running running running okay now we've got even more Colonial architecture here so it says I don't know what it's for but now it looks like it just has shops and uh yeah there's a carpet store Afghan carpets all right guys I've grabbed a rickshaw because it's getting very hot and uh it's further than it looks to get where I want to go I'm giving up on the chai for now I'm getting hungry so we're gonna go find some Pakistani food to have for lunch all right guys I have come to the restaurant here I'll put a clip of the name of the restaurant right now so you can see it if you want to come here if the food looks good I think it looks excellent so right here got a nice plate of Biryani I told him medium hot because normally I like spicy but this is Pakistan and perhaps most importantly we've got AC in here so I'm cooling off and uh let's let's give it a try here it looks and smells amazing so you've got the potato there and there should be Chicken in here there it is let's say you got the chicken the rice then the sauce and the potato ah thank you thank you very much and this is right to salad right the salad so this is a yogurt thing that will cut the spiciness a bit and it's really tasty you get a bite with chicken and rice and everything spicy but not too bad they took good care of me it's just so flavorful and now we want to take some of this raita I can avoid spilling it too much take that and just put that right there it's got some cucumbers some onions some tomatoes and that uh kind of yogurty sauce in there which is really nice with the spice and that just completes it for me it's amazing Pakistani specialty it is incredible all right guys we're finished up and we're in the back of uh John's Biryani here wow so it's just one big pot for the whole day for a while oh see you'll go through multiple yeah oh my gosh so he's gonna pull out all the potatoes and the chicken and now he's assembling the plate and you get some of the whiter rice wow thank you sir the food was delicious thank you thank you all right guys so I just left John's food those guys working there Omar and Cheyenne were so nice and they refused to accept payment from me which I think is crazy but so generous uh they said no no no no no you're a guest in our country and we want to promote Pakistan Pakistan's a nice country we welcome foreigners so this is our gift to you so it's too generous it's way too nice but I really appreciate it and they they would they would not take it so it's very kind to them anyway right now I still have saved a little bit of room for ice cream and the guys at John's recommended I go to Baloch Isis which has apparently been around since 1947 at around the partition of India and Pakistan it's the famous spot we're gonna go get some ice cream oh you want to be on okay all the guys next door told me that I need to get the Baloch surprise so I don't even know what's going to be in it it's a surprise I'll have to wait and see what I know it's gonna be good all right and here it is guys this is the Balaji surprise it looks like it's got a bunch of different fruits in there some ice cream with a cherry on top and I don't even know what else let's try just the ice cream first see if I can figure out what flavor it is it tastes almost like Masala chai to me I think the ice cream is is chai flavor which is so good now we've got all these jelly bits in there and it looks like some various nuts some cashews some almonds wow look at that and we've got these big uh I don't know if they're peaches or a pineapple probably and some raisins wow so many different textures in there everybody is a surprise I guess that's how they named it so refreshing and sweet there might even be some condensed milk on there so good I would highly recommend it come to John's and then come over to Baloch ice cream perfect combination you cannot go wrong now I'm going to enjoy this I'll catch up with you guys in a few and as it turns out the ice cream shop would not take my money either it's unbelievable unbelievable I'm telling you this is the most generous part of the world the Muslim World generally speaking and a lot of people in the west just don't really know that or understand but it continues to amaze me the generosity the hospitality the kindness of people here all right so now we are continuing on we're in a Market Street here all right I'm getting called over here how are you how are you how are you very good fine very good what is this for are you making shower canis should I get one four like a suit no I want shower companies like this can I have okay let's do it cello which color I don't know which one do you think is nice how are you sir how are you nice to meet you I'd like to get uh uh shalwa kamis because this is too uh hot you know yeah too sweaty I think uh soft please yeah how much glue just one one pair no no no I like this one is fifteen hundred fifteen hundred yeah what about uh blue do you have a nice blue like this blue color the whole different blue light blue medium blue dark blue light blue Yeah medium light blue something like this maybe I think that's a nice one yeah this one is good and nice Thunder yeah it feels very soft okay let's do that one fifteen hundred okay okay that's it yes please cut it yeah to make the pants and the shirt yeah yeah yeah yeah shirt and shelbar both okay full full perfect will they make the shower tamis here oh I'm excited okay thank you so much oh it's gonna be so much better wearing this I think it's too hot now yeah yeah it's very hot but you're not wearing foreign [Laughter] all right so he just cuts it up four meters this is good this is more than good or oh there's even better quality available this seems like perfect for me yeah I think so water yes please 15 to the boss man okay thank you it's in a bag now where do I go to make to make sure this way okay thank you ah thank you oh thank you it's filter water yeah filter water okay thank you all right guys so now I've got my fabric four meters 1500 rupees which is let me check five dollars and 25 cents now I think it's going to be turned into a shawar kamiz the long shirt and the pants which are nice and loose and Airy and hopefully it will make me a lot more comfortable on these hot Karachi streets okay guys so I was sitting there for a while and then I asked him again okay cutting here like are we cutting the the fabric here and he goes no no Empress market so that was lost in communication at first anyway now I'm headed in the right direction he's like you need to find a tailor or whatever in Empress Market which is right up here this colonial looking building and that's good because that's where I was planning to go anyway so we get across this crazy Road here we go into Empress market and then I'm gonna get my outfit made okay here we go hey okay so gotta cross here I'm just gonna stick out into the road okay [Music] now this one and we made it and here outside the official Market you can see all these ladies selling nuts and spices and dried fruits and things they've all got their umbrellas which is very good because it is the middle of the day it's about 3 P.M right now and it is hot so here it is guys Empress Market I don't know if it was made as a market initially or what the original purpose of it was it almost looks like a train station or something to me but it's very nice let's go in let's see this says Empress Market inaugurated in 2022. okay so maybe it's not that old I don't know anyway here we go the building's obviously old I'm a bit confused about that if anyone can tell me in the comments what the origin of this place was I would appreciate it it looks like they sell absolutely everything in here you can just tell so you've got fresh food You've Got Rice you've got spices you've got household and like body care products oh my goodness all right let's see oh it's nice in here outside of the sun everything has shade over it hey now where do we find the tailor wow look at this thing that's so cool oh my gosh very nice so he's grinding up coconut in this giant press walking backwards with this giant rock on this platform that's looped around his waist I've never seen anything like this and it's grinding up the coconut and he's just picking it apart and putting it in there what a contraption okay and here's the meat market for anyone sensitive to that skip it hello how are you how are you this one's next very good how are you sir yes okay yes yes G yes yes it is yes everything yes okay German American American yes sir how about your name douglas douglas here sorry okay I love you oh that's very nice my friend yes sir nice to meet you pleasure good have a nice day okay I have no idea what that guy was saying but he seemed very friendly and I liked his hair wow okay look at this some kind of neat toes and all sorts of parts of animals oh look at the little puppy all right puppy he's not interested in me he wants the meat scraps oh you're so cute yes hi sorry oh my goodness all kinds of meat in here lots of flies look at these uh beef cow feet wow I don't even know how you begin to start tackling that to cook it how are you very good are you working here or shopping uh okay what are you buying so what do you eat like the brain and everything okay let's see this is a good lesson for me okay come on oh okay all right a lot of flaws oh my gosh oh wow this is the draw of a goat uh-huh and we are just slaving the pieces taking the meat off of the off the head this is the meat yeah you can see the eyeball yes the eyeball inside wow and it's good stuff huh it's good stuff and we had we have a tongue oh the tongue is very tender huh tender and also with nice creamy taste oh yeah oh yeah I tried uh sheep head in Iraq okay yeah it was good in Iraq there is no uh spice yeah exactly Pakistan we have a lot of spice and you have to come to Pakistan for this place a lot of spices around that there's so many spices over there of course so I asked someone in the market where I can get a tailor someone to make my uh shawar kamis and he said you gotta go across the road this place called no man Shopping Square there will be people to do it so we're heading over there now and I think that might be a spot okay so I'm getting my measurements do I hold okay and apparently it's going to take one day so I'm gonna come back tomorrow and pick it up for a thousand which is like three dollars ish p you want to see something ready oh we're going to spin it around triple tap one two three but fast there you go so I've Got My Ticket now guys I'll be back here tomorrow what what time same time same time four o'clock perfect I'll be back here at four to get my shower kamis and I'll finally stop wearing these jeans because it's way too hot so hot you know thank you thank you okay see you inshallah okay thank you boss thank you see you tomorrow all right and just like that we are good to go I don't know why I thought it would be done the first the same day but one day is okay so I'll be back here tomorrow to pick it up is it working oh it's working all right I picked up my uh this the the top I've got the pants here and uh we'll try those on later now I'm all ready for Peshawar yeah I don't know what video this is gonna go in maybe I'll put it in the middle of the yesterday's video but anyway mission accomplished and we'll cut back to yesterday all the buses here are super colorful guys they've all got nice paintings on them uh there are no other foreigners around here how are you all right okay very good and uh a lot of clothes being sold here a lot of street food no foreigners at all I'm the only one and a lot of people coming to say hi how are you very good gotcha okay hey oh wow what a spin Pakistan America America good no VIP just very good normal person America America America America yes sir USA USA but I Live Now turkey turkey my home Istanbul this is the cookie a lot of people here now okay no more Pakistan is so strong wow you should be the mascot of Pakistan you have such good energy and very strong too yeah wow wow the pecs okay okay this is turning into a beat dug up competition competition okay bye-bye okay the second I complimented that guys or commented on that guy's Strong high five they all wanted to give me a stronger high five a stronger handshake okay I'm so dehydrated I'm gonna pass out I need to get water like right now so let's go okay hello guys so uh just hanging out here having some tea some green tea what's your name again Douglas how did you learn to speak English so well um um okay there's our cameraman well done you're good thank you so you can make everything yeah camera TV radio you got everything amazing perfect girl yeah and he makes a good burger a good burger and a good good mechanic very good you can come anytime you can come to this shop any help you need thank you so much welcome all right Mr Lobo is insisting that I try one one small Samosa here chicken okay from his cart here uh yeah [Music] very delicious delicious thank you and here's the pakora being fried up oh my gosh it's very hot very hot very hot very hot okay thank you Jeep my all my hands your hand is oily okay see you tomorrow okay thank you thank you okay so my friend is saying he's a fraud man and he wants to take advantage of me or something and now they're kind of arguing well that's okay I'm gonna take off okay I have no idea if that guy was actually a problem or anything I'm not sure anyway I'm on my way a lot of attention on me here I'm gonna head back to my hotel and rest for a little bit all the street food looks amazing but don't worry I've got a full video about Karachi street food that'll be coming up as a separate video because there's just too much to show in this one video alrighty guys I am back at my hotel it is time to get some rest that was an absolutely crazy day this is gonna be the end of the video but stay tuned because I have a whole lot more coming from Pakistan very soon so thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next one bye-bye

2023-07-22 02:22

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