First impressions of Jakarta, the most polluted city in the world

First impressions of Jakarta, the most polluted city in the world

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final days in Indonesia we came to the  capital city of Jakarta excited to try   the food see what's going on here see  how crazy the traffic is just at the   airport now getting our bags which was free check luggage welcome to Jakarta capital  city of Indonesia population 112   million approximately crazy  Place let's go check it out what's in there why is there  a monkey in the cage outside a hotel okay um two please da you sure oh wait wait wait no we'  already sorry um this this one on the left here we go Jaco D six again you  couldn't couldn't go for 12 that's too many two two I got one as well actually why they so good best donuts in the world ni 30 kg 30 kilos is very  heavy can't even get him all in we some sort of beavers or something Mr we do a picture picture yes yeah  more pictures selfie stick oh okay smile thank you photo photo everyone wants a selfie what's your name Messi Messi Messi  from from what's your name from Argentina yeah from England where's the camera you know you [Music] know thank you what the [ __ ] what's going on more pictures  that's the same person yeah they already asked   everyone's on their bikes what's this then  this building here I don't really know is it a [Music] museum nice to meet you Harbor okay we go  to the harbor we get some food then we go   to the harbor you eat first and then  get more energy we're weak now we like   this cat have a good day Daniel Daniel  Daniel nice to meet you Danel have a day byeee I need for this wow we  just stepped outside the hotel   and 100 people's asked us for pictures  already let's go get some food local food [Music] I am going bit chick see [Music] that makes it sour that makes it spicy and  that makes it sweet Tong s for the first time we're sharing cuz we didn't know it was going   to like it or not but it's unbelievable  this beef tastes like beef stew back at home unbelievable just needs a dumpl plade on the   side and it'll be perfect yeah  that's the only thing just needs dumpling that's so good why are we never  trying all these new foods we've been   here a month now and we haven't tried  this before may but it's just be stew   in jakar we're just going to try all  the local dishes for the next 4 days tip they don't take tips here  we try all the time thank you so much they never take tips that's all the rubbish that's washed up  from that River lovely Indonesia is the   Second City to produce the most plastic in  the world and I think 84% of it doesn't get   disposed of properly the whole country is  just covered in plastic which is pretty [Music] mad [Music] so I'm just in the Jakarta History Museum  walking around seeing what happened here   in the past I guess just in the old town it's 5K  entry bargain there's no airon or fans in here and   it's 36 degrees today so yeah it's very very hot  I'm sweating walking around this but yeah halfway [Music] around just getting some fresh air by  hanging out the window because there's no airon where are we is he Jakarta we're being interviewed now outside the bank of Museum Indonesia Nick just one of them's called  Nick the rest of the called names that I   can't remember already and he's just called Nick  makes me laugh we had Martin and Victor the other day this is how we cross the road in jakata there we go [Music] know what this is here where you going to   put it just here on there  put it that side feing the cat should I give it half now and half tomorrow  yeah you can keep it in the fridge or on the side [Music] so we're here in central Jakarta we're going to  check out central Jakarta to check out central   Jakarta today we got the biggest mosque in  Southeast Asia we're going to run over here   six LOD in the world I think sixth largest  mosque in the world biggest in Southeast   Asia opposite a cathedral hopefully we  can go inside there's tourists inside   so don't know if you have to pay or not  let's go have a look got go over the road first so the monument National National  Monument is closed on Mondays along with   the zoo which we plan to do  today everything's closed on   Mondays there must be their holiday  on Mondays kind of like a Sunday in England smells like smells like foot tur in  a lift don't know where it's going to take   us where are we going is he underground  it says MRT do they have an underground   what is down here Bus Station Train Station  underground let's go have a look oh what is this I think it's underground they  have an underground I don't even know thank you for Cappuccino what is it cappuccino cinnamon  yeah this is T cinnamon at St cinnamon cinnamon   and coffee shop for the first ever time eating  a cake gr nice and for is it nice how good oh my that's what he's going to say cinnamon is strong in this one it's fluffy it's Rich it's creamy it's very [Music] cinnamony yeah mhm use my knife dab it  there's enough on the on the knife who's going to win me he wins again every time  you can try mine right put me some off it is close cinnamon overpowers no  cuz the coffee is still quite strong but   obviously for me I want the cinnamon to be the  main the star of the show cuz that's the whole   point point which it is which it [Music]  is just went for a cappuccino cinnamon   is he for a tiasu cinnamon Saint cinnamon  complete what we're going to try next this   Mall's got loads and loads of food don't know  let's get a copy somewhere so we've came to Cinnabon trying Cinnabon for the first time  cinnamon cinnamon second time tell them that   apparently we had this in Bangkok terminal 21  but like a little tiny little dessert thing   you can put a spoon in and eat but this  on the go one this is a proper Cinnabon   Cinnabon I still for 6,000 so my GoPro stick  snapped off and broke so I'm using a little   crappy selfie stick now look how wobbly  it is so I'm trying to get a new one but I   haven't seen any technology shops in all these  malls we've been in just Lou T and stuff you   cut it in half yeah oh yeah with a stick it's  impossible to video at the same time so [Music] impossible ready that's the best bit oh my go that's better than the one we just have wow hot it's very hot very  cinnamony venon very cinnamony delicious unbelievable what to  try next this is the middle bit   this is the best bit don't want it  to be too hot cuz I need to taste it four [Music] whole well onto our fourth shopping  center to try to find a new GoPro stick if we don't find one in  here then we're heading to some more like we've just been in some really  really nice malls Louis V on the lot now   we're in this mall looking for a  little GoPro stick but they won't   have any they just have it for their  phones we're just walking around for no reason just going to T to to Central  Park Central Park Mall hopefully we   can find a GoPro stick there and  whatever else we're looking [Music] for it's okay just we'll get out he's just took us 100  m and tries to charge us 50 lb that's why I don't do Tuk TS [Music] please my KNE basically tou  the cars scrape my kneecaps off seems be like another shopping mall or wholesalers  there little shops outside with people selling coffee from getting my knees off the cars [Music] Sports Bar this is modern Jakarta I've never seen anything  like it while been in Indonesia so far I've   never seen such a clean place no plastic built up  skyscrapers huge shiny malls with high-end [Music] Brands this is a little Park you can  chill in koi car down there aquarium   over there all these malls all the  malls in the center are insane as   well did not expect this from central  Jakarta tomorrow we're going to explore   south Jakarta see what the difference and  uh explore the zoo Ranon zoo and Mini Mini [Music] Indonesia [Music]

2023-11-27 13:36

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