Falling in Love With Italian Food

Falling in Love With Italian Food

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citrusy, alcohol, like a soda wow hello there and welcome to day 7, 8  I'm not really sure we're going to see   the Mediterranean today and so we just stopped  along the way uh let me show you what it looks   like outside beautiful small town we're in the Jaguar so Makoto needed to switch his cars out   and so yesterday we went and swapped the  Mercedes out for the Jaguar but we're in   a small town called Canino I don't know I'll  put it up and uh we just wanted to stop by   a small snack bar cafe get a uh quick bite to eat guys over here riding a riding a dirt bike nice so uh of course it's  a beautiful place just like   everywhere in Italy stopped in to get a cappuccino yes kind of give the impression that most  places sell pretty much a lot of the a lot   of the same stuff triangular crustless  sandwiches a lot of these Tarts and cakes all this bread. I miss me some  rice when I've been in Indonesia I'm   like I miss me some bread I'm like I miss me some rice what else they got in here some chocolate wow ham lettuce ooh okay let's give it a go kind of crunchy t t like a lettuce and the ham some  kind of some kind of a cheese in maybe see the bread is nice and soft that ham is good this one you know the reason is the hot area that's a good one. yeah that is a delicious croissant Corto corneto , that is good that is the best one we've had kind of buttery flaky good texture nice and fluffy hello, do you speak English? what is this? Monument okay okay okay thank you ah I don't speak Italian I'm sorry English huh English English  right I'm just curious the monument okay uhuh awesome all righty all righty thank you guys thank you thank you thank you okay later on I will uh   have to do some uh translating with the help of somebody but yeah I'm sure they explained   it really well beautiful little Park here next to the bar again you notice uh there's just not a lot   of high tall buildings in Italy they just keep them real low I love it nice clean little Park   nice colorful apartments and houses uh beautiful place nice place for the the old guys to come hang out Kei just uh noticed this tree that's putting off some very interesting looking flowers or fruits this tree can you eat it no okay okay no eating okay do you understand thank you very much thank you all [Music] we have made it to Port Santo Stefano  absolutely beautiful here look at this place   could you imagine living there beautiful view okay I think the first thing we're going to do   is just get a bite to eat because it's 1:00  and 1:00 in Italy means it's time to eat lunch oh smells so good good lovely lovely nice reservation that's good we got a reservation  that's why we have a uh a seat by the window of the day the fish of the place ah today  today the pasta big clams with tomato sauce sounds good to me. so this is how you do you  have the appetizers which they call antipasta you have your prima, your first dishes your   second dishes and then a dessert so it's always [Music] the first always pasta  noodles and then the second dish   is usually meat I guess always meat  so I'm going to go with uh the dish   of the day that he just said and then the second course I haven't really decided yet but sh you should look my car okay if the policeman is coming I will go there okay I can see it right i'm going to have to do the fried shrimp this dude looks intense wow wow everything smells so good the calamari  is what I'm smelling actually fried tuna all   righty so I think the most interesting thing  on here is gonna be this this eggplant looking   thing and the fish and also this looks like mashed potatoes but I don't think it's mashed potatoes [Music] what is this? sea bass. has a fishy taste to it but not too strong creamy this right here is tuna a little tough a lot of flavor  though I don't know what season but it's good kind of Chewy though she's in fresh fresh oh my God not tough at all no kind this is what I'm kind of interested in kind of sour listen the sour comes  from the sauce wow really sour and uh they just dropped off  three more dishes we got some baby octopuses fried shrimp tomato not really chewy really soft actually wow wow wow that is the best looking plate bowl of muscles I've ever   seen in my life and look at this seafood pasta are you kidding this is some pepperoncino olive oil give it a little kick definitely has a little bit of different flavor to [Music] it just got a bowl of muscles  which we got muscles in our pasta take it? thank you tomato based mussels, straight from right over there cream of East part part of the Spain  uhhuh serona in there is one   kind of like a cream brulee? never seen anything like it though every single time, five minutes into the trip  this guy is out like a light I'm not even kidding   we've been on the road less than five  minutes out every time every time it's crazy    I mean I'm jealous but I'm kind of not I'm kind  of worried about him you know I I'm not even kidding every single road trip every time we've  got in the car he slept every time it's pretty impressive I often go you often  come here yes Makoto san is taking   us to his favorite small town  here in this side of Italy I guess I have to agree it's pretty beautiful quiet very quiet it's a Saturday it's around   3:30 p.m. and there's just not a whole  lot of people out maybe it's the time of  

year it's uh late November mid November but it's quiet it's peaceful there's an old hill   ruins some sort of Fort or something way up there a bunch of old abandoned boats   some really cool apartments that would be probably pretty cool to live in from this area yeah there's another Fort or something over there Lighthouse yeah I imagine during the summertime during spring warmer weather it's a lot more busy but still not complaining hello there and welcome to another beautiful day here in Italy uh   today is the last day out in the countryside tomorrow we're going to Rome and we're going   to spend one night and then got to fly back to Japan but today we came to have lunch at this   place right here it's kind of hard to tell  what it is from out here but the inside is   freaking amazing so this is basically an old olive oil mill is what Makoto san was   telling me and uh they have a lot of the  old equipment and tools on the inside and   whatnot but I just want to start the video out  here uh and just show you how cool of a place   that is over there they told me the name of  the uh little town over there but I already   forgot I'll try to remember but let's go have a look inside this place it is pretty freaking cool so it's all underground and it's just  made up of a bunch of different tunnels and [Music] whatnot I mean it feels like you're dining inside   of an old medieval castle or  something but where sitting over here that's that's the door to the the restroom but in here they have a lot of the old uh tools and uh equipment that they use to to make   olive oil for example this right here this would have been used to crush the olives I'M guessing   you would have somebody stand here and uh I don't know how they would do it but ideally these would go   around in a circle and squash all the olives and then this machine over here would be the second   stage in the process and I guess you would squeeze it all the way down and then you would get the   oil and the and the water I don't know He was just explaining it to me but anyways let's go show you food and this is just the appetizer wow beautiful I actually haven't had brochette yet once again we come to a delicious place for lunch and after we're done with this   I'm sure we're going to go somewhere  else I'll take you along with this so the Primo the first meal is here  I went with something random I just   picked I couldn't read anything on the menu so I just picked something but I went the   pistachio ravioli with bacon crisps on  there everyone looks pretty dang good uh she got the wild boar pasta yeah like I said this is like a pistachio bacon ravioli h nice and creamy looking uh-huh has these uh pistachio bits on top kind of crunchy with the bacon the cheese inside look at that wow Kei's liking hers big ole fat noodles like a like a a beef stew thick noodle  pasta I'm thinking mine's the best though yeah I like those noodles thick but  nice and soft nice tomato sauce but   again I think mine cuz it has the bacon the cheese the pistachio sauce I think I got the winner are you kidding me wow okay so they've dropped off the uh the second   meal and we got a lot of meat we got  this huge beef steak and then these   four small ones and also a couple salads I have a feeling it'll cook inside uhhuh so got to eat it got to eat it now okay smells delicious   smells unbelievable okay medium rare Medium? no  rare rare we call me look this one not rare not it's still freaking delicious still juicy and I am stuffed and I  think this is the owner and of   course Makoto San knows him cuz he knows everybody it's a workout working here?  up and down up and down up   exercise no no no it's it's easy it's for a whoa ah feels good nice cool air are you kidding me okay maybe we're not going to  go check something special out The Wine room restaurant maybe they do some wine  tastings in here I'm not really sure   but this is a pretty damn cool room  all these old bottles of wine on the wall you can see what this hidden  room is like can hear up [Music] there just an extension of the restaurant up there just like that you are outside what a place look at the views over here too look at that

2023-12-24 07:09

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