Exploring the Most FASCINATING Places in Sri Lanka

Exploring the Most FASCINATING Places in Sri Lanka

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near the southern tip of India is a  beautiful island nation called Sri Lanka one of the most common vehicles you'll see  here is a three-wheel machine called a Tuk Tuk and once a year there's a big  event called the Tuk Tuk Tournament teams from around the world compete  in an epic travel challenge with a   perfect mix of exciting adventures  and interesting cultural experiences we have a map with locations  scattered all over the island and a list of quests with  different categories of challenges for each location we visit and  challenge we complete we receive   a certain amount of points otherwise known as gems the entire tournament is 2 weeks  with 10 days of active gameplay we've already had some unforgettable experiences today is day four and we're starting with a   heart-pounding climb up to the  craziest tower in the country join us as we explore this magical island Welcome to Sri Lanka hello all right welcome to the very unique Ambuluwawa   Tower here in the beautiful  city of Gampola in Sri Lanka we are at the entrance right now  where we have to buy some tickets Kohomade you can speak Sinhala oh yes all right so you see here foreigners adult 1,000 vehicle entrance fee Tuk Tuk 50 okay we got a nice warning from this  gentleman right here saying that   this is going to be very steep incline be  careful and also watch out for the monkeys here we go wish us luck making our way there yeah look at that steep look  at that oh yeah there it is a one tubby tubby a two tubby tubby oh this is so steep I'm in first  gear and we are barely making it we're cruising baby we're making it can't see anything made it just the road coming up  here is an attraction itself but   wow beautiful views and I'm pretty  sure we were the first people up here we're the first people but definitely not the  first beings because I see monkeys everywhere damn these monkeys out here  are known for raiding tuk tuks there he is this guy test  we have literally nothing we outsmarted you this year last year we came here with our tuk full of all  of our valuables but we got smart this time and   we left all of our stuff at a hotel nearby  so you got nothing to steal this year suckers uh excuse me bro that's my tuk tuk  what are you doing there's nothing   back here for you hey get out of here  look at that weenie put your weenie away I know as soon as we start walking over  here the monkeys are going to start   invading our Tuk Tuk but there's  really nothing we can do about it here she is the Ambuluwawa Tower in all of  her glory look at the tippy tippy top Boop that's where we're going the staircase to get there is as you go  higher and higher it gets thinner and thinner and sketchier and sketchier hello doggy this doggy is up here okay yeah okay  yeah bubby yeah oh yeah look at this little guy   yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you want to come up  the tower with us you want to come upstairs and here we begin see these stairs are totally fine  but as we continue getting higher   that's where things get a little  bit more complicated you'll see oh man man I'm already tired here we go you can already see the  steepness increasing drastically look at this entranceway Misha  can you even fit through there just perfect Misha height  that's exactly the size of you this door is made for you  even the height look at that   wow it's an inch clearance not often that happens just a quick preview of what this looks like  wow oh my goodness this view is already amazing and there's actually a  staircase that goes up this way you got to be very careful because  these stairs get very narrow as you   can see like this and the railing is  lower than my waist so you can easily one wrong move and uh your day could be over it could be the last of your days oh boy we actually did this last year  and there was a huge group of students   like over a 100 people here on the  tower at the same time so we were   so crammed and there's only one way up  and one way down so we got about this   high and we got stuck because there's  not enough room for two people to pass but oh my goodness these views already are amazing   but let's keep going let's see how high  we can go goal is to make it to the top oh my God these stairs are so small  look at that this is the size of my foot I'm coming Steve I can't I can't do it  I can't it it's it's you can't even go   forward up there you're literally just  like suctioned okay oh shoot be careful they have these handles here for you to hold  because it's getting very very narrow don't even this look the tower shoots  out you have to go like this oh my goodness this is even thinner this is crazy my heart is beating so fast how you guys doing? wait don't come down yet oh my God Dude I trembling right now yeah how you feeling oh God I mean I  made it to the top but I'm trembling   like is it the top yeah this is it this  it doesn't go any further all right woah this is the first time I actually looked  down oh oh my goodness oh dude it's like oh my God take a picture with the idol okay oh wow top of the world here man  look at this view this is wild yeah this is sketchy man I'm like oh God they need a little bit higher railings this is not designed for tall people yeah blow up that Dill dude oh no this one's extra empty damn these damn monkeys bit our  pickle look at that I don't blame   them we got a test we do taste good  it looks yummy but trust me it's not next location we need more toddy cuz  we're addicted already and we are just   having the withdrawals and sweats and  the shivers and I lost my family I lost   my children um so I need some more toddy  to just get over that all right hey Wolfie so this is a local toddy shop we've  had toddy a couple other times on   this trip and it is a fermented  drink it's an alcoholic beverage Kithul Toddy oh I want some of that they  have a a nature of the license kithul toddy you tried it yeah there it is fermented drink Double Toil and Trouble all right here we go yeah that's a cool  little pouring some toddy into a coconut cup so we've had toddy a couple other times on this   trip but now we are at like  a professional toddy place I don't know if you can consider professional  but I think it's they have a license they're   known for they're licensed toddy place so  uh Cheers Cheers trying some new toddyy we've been drinking bootleg toddyy oh that's so much better second  time that's really good yeah   what do you think about that Corey oh yeah uh it's actually a lot  of the other have that kind of   like kobmucha like taste vinegary  acidy flavor this is just sweet it tastes like they flavor it put some sugar in it this is the best one yeah it's very sugary but I could I  could chug this I could beer bong this do they have a coconut beer bong? okay and this is the toddy man right  here he's going to show us how he goes   up the tree to get the toddy which is  currently fermenting up high in the tree very interesting oh I can see it looks like that's the  tree right there oh he's going high up no way what he's going to go so high up here wow look how high this tree is going to go what oh my goodness so he started from the bottom and now  he's at the top oh my God he's so high up just a piece of bamboo with rope  around it that he's using aa steps that is crazy using just the knuckle of the  bamboo the natural kuckle of it see let's see where it is he scaled  right up there yep it's right in there he's opening it up oh the bugs are flying everywhere oh it's in a canister it looks like there it is that's the toddy he's cutting it open my neck is hurting this is me right now looking up at it oh look at the steps he's using it's just  the natural sticks coming out of the bamboo definitely not an easy job here in Sri Lanka just to get some alcohol the things  people go through for some stimulants huh so uh we're having some mechanical  issues over here or the Vibe Raiders   are and it just so happens that  we pulled over right next to this   guy and his tuk tuk is actually a  mobile mechanic shop look at that and we said hey can you help us and he said yes he's really getting in there one of the good things about the Tuktuk rental  company is uh they have mechanics available so we   just called the mechanic gave the phone to this  guy he's talking to mechanic at tuktuk rental things like this happen all the time  you know naturally driving machines   around stuff can go wrong but luckily we  do have the uh mechanic hotline here with   tuktukrental who's able to help us no  matter where we are and fortunately a   lot of people in Sri Lanka know how to fix  up tuktuks just like this guy right here okay no not okay no again  one more try one more try woo it's like a party over here [Music] all right all right our next challenge is to  get some ice cream but not just any   ice cream this is the one rare place in  Sri Lanka where you can get soy ice cream hello kohomade all right freaking delicious dude all licking together [Music] what happened ice down ice  cream down ice cream down so we had Madie watching her tuk tuk and  who's she talking to over here there's a   lady outside she just giving her money what  are you buying nothing we got parking tickets   you got parking tickets how much 50 rupees 50  rupees all right so I just paid it thank you all right we are here in downtown  Kandy going to a market right now   this is not a challenge just a personal interest oh my goodness this is craziness we uh we're looking to find some new clothes  specifically Sri Lankan cricket outfits so we   can all match each other for a midpoint party  let see what we can find here's the market okay I need this tuktuk this tuktuk important to me how much priceless cannot sell tuktuk you want to buy it for 60,000 America yeah something like this wow Sri Lankan Jersey Sri Lanka Jersey yeah  that's nice the color what size large XL I have the large one also for your size  also I think XL okay you think XL okay   maybe okay you can okay maybe  I can try this one perfect size what's the largest size you have 2XL 2XL yeah how much for the shirt so we selling 3890 and what about pants little snug what do you think it's the same  size doesn't look bad you have a mirror yeah let me see how good I look does it feel too snug it's a little snug you don't have you don't have bigger no no my my butt will not fit in that  what's the biggest pants my   butt my butt I got a big I did a  big one not fit won't fit in that I don't know I mean if we can't get  matching ones do we even get them yeah I don't mind wearing this it just I don't  know if the pants are going I take my short cool   if I take shorts off I have underwear oh he's got  two XL there we go this is too small too small uh-oh woohoooo a little bit bigger look at the stock oh wa  someone's been working out how's that feel God it does not feel comfortable really yeah  I mean around the waist or where like if I   bend down I I won't be able to like move much so  little stretchable don't rip them don't rip them too tight too tight too so Corey and Wolf were here already but  Wolf's a really big guy so he wasn't able   to fit in the newer Jersey so he bought like  the 2019 version and uh now we're looking for   something but this is stressful cuz all  these guys own their different shops and   they're all trying to get us to come  to their shops and it's just like oh   my God where'd he go Misha and Kyle  went somewhere else where' they go? Tuk Tuk I got tuk tuk what did he say this guy's telling us that  he has the same shirt style that we need in   Misha size at a good price so where are we even  going this guy's not even he's taking us out   of the market local market not Kandy Market  local market we got on a Tuk Tuk where's he   going are we taking a picture of our too it's  good right you like it you guys want to go hello this guys bringing us to a whole different market got lottery tickets over here hello all right so this is the local market local price that's what I heard then finish coming back my shop where's your shop this is the my place right here spices  spices okay whatever you want I have I understand feeling that's I show you the factory thank you normally white color people  coming prices expensive this market you and me same price okay thank you what's your name Giya Misha Misha nice to meet you thank you name Steve I'll come check out your Spice  Shop downstairs thank you 3 XL no no no no oh for you three XL  two xl's and one to see my this size   little bigger S oh this is not the same  shirt though same no look lion see lion oh man after all that so the sizes run very  small here Misha needs a 3XL the 2XL does not fit Satchel oh man oh you want  to get a new Satchel Misha no let me see all right got  Serbia baby Serbian made anyway on the hunt for 3XL to match Wolf  mission not successful as of right now all right all right we could not find a jersey for this big  giant man but it's okay we appreciate your help   he saw us in the other market he's like hey come  over here we got the local market better prices he do he's not even selling  shirts he has spices and tea so uh herbal medicine herbal medicine I like herbal  medicine what what is uh Ayurvedic I would like some Ayurvedic medicine what is Ayurvedic medicine ask him what is Ayurvedic medicine Ayurvedic meaning of Sri Lankan herbal medicine yeah Sri Lankan herbal medicine 100% organic no chemicals power oil good for your hair got the back yeah  where is the power oil can I see right here this is 2,500 2,500 thank you all right well we didn't get any  jerseys but I got some power oil   this will be for Alana back home I know she  likes things like this so this will help her and also I can rub it in my hair and things  like that it's all good all natural oil boom taking a nice break here as Slightly Chilled hello thank you oh hello there  buddy how are you doing sleep Michael oh my God Steve so good to see you man another year another tournament how you doing I met a good buddy of it was  Chris yeah yeah how all right cool Chris was   here already yeah he never told you he  didn't tell me that you was on the tour yeah yeah yeah cuz we were going through and I'm like we have  a mutual friend oh and then it was oh Steve look at that that's so cool come on first beers on me for you guys oh thank you so we just made it to Slightly Chilled the  best Rooftop Bar and restaurant here in Kandy and this is Michael the legend of this place I've been coming here for uh the past few years the first time I think was in 2019  and then I was also here last year one of our challenges is to come  here and meet Michael and here we go so uh just so happens last  year yeah there we go was here well last year we came in it was  the morning so just open and we we   didn't have much time we were running  around but now perfect timing to have   some lunch here on this beautiful  rooftop excellent view of Kandy if you come around Kandy regardless  of the tournament you definitely   got to come here and if Michael's here say hi thank you side note note every day one of the  challenges is to post a story of the   day and a photo of the day yesterday  we posted this photo from our rafting   experience and we just got notified that  we won best photo of the day hell yeah man we're doing really good too man  we're we're ninth we're in the top 10 we're in the top 10 like I  don't like that's number one   we're like number one nice where's Kyle and Madie Kyle and Madie are 6th all right so next stop is the Temple of the  Tooth Relic and you can't go in without covering so how much we rent these for one for 500 o kay two for 1,000 we pay you when we come back we come back okay how do I look very beautiful yeah thousand now oh okay thank you thank you come back here closer I'm never coming back I will I will yeah when you go into a temple like this this  is one of the most sacred temples in Sri Lanka uh men cannot have their knees exposed and  women cannot have their shoulders exposed now we're probably going to have  to put our shoes over here okay thank you we have D Australian uh other couple other couple with these 72 75 or 72 okay yeah Tuk Tuk Tournament yeah more people in here oh like right them right here yeah we is a 66 teams everybody traveling around Sri Lanka yeah 4,000 wow for two 2000 each okay cool we can do a team photo here I know we're trying to be quick  here but we also don't want to be   disrespectful so try not to  put your back toward Buddha we're now entering the most sacred  part of this Temple where the tooth   Relic which is known to be the  actual tooth of Buddha right here what's happening so the manager is not here they're not  letting us in without manager's permission I think they're closed at this point no problem no problem no problem inside inside just a sign like just that outside from right here take outside okay we have a piece of chocolate all right so there's a chocolate factory right  in there and location challenge is to get a   piece of chocolate take a photo with a chocolate  factory but security guards are not letting us in   apparently they're closed manager is not here  so we're going to go to this little shop right   here see if you can buy a piece of chocolate  and then take a photo from outside the gates chocolate chocolate chocolate kohomade chocolate chocolate chocolate yes super big one or small one? um it's a 800 840 840 for big one and what kind of chocolate creamy milk chocolate  24 I'll take two small ones two small ones okay best dressed tuk right here The Flamingeese damn top of the leaderboards right  now what are we in sixth place we   have the Dill dudes oh shoot 1 2 3 4  5 sixth place we have the Dille Dudes seventh place Mr and Mrs worldwide Sixth and sixth oh yeah okay we're tied  we're tied for sixth place right now woo quick question so we're going to buy some beer   cuz tomorrow full moon holiday yes  tomorrow holiday holiday holiday yes but we are doing a tournament tuk tuk tournament and we need to  get photo of one of us behind the   bar with you guys can we take photo  with me or him and me behind bar yes and we'll buy beer let's go just go you go you asked you go  all all right over here in the middle you we made it to our accommodation for the night we   are we are staying at the lovely Pepper  Cottage about 40 minutes outside of Kandy oh I'm tired we're going to show you  around this place in the morning they   have a really cool spice garden and Lushan  the property manager is such a such a nice guy so I'm looking forward to introducing you to him I stayed here in 2019 and it's really cool to see how they've updated  this place and the improvements they've made but for now I need to get some rest I'll  see you in the morning in the next video

2024-01-24 17:18

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