Exploring Mossel Bay, Santos, Dias Museum and The Point

Exploring Mossel Bay, Santos, Dias Museum and The Point

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Hi this is Jens from Driving South Africa driving into Mossel Bay and in front we gonna turn into the old town of Mossel Bay, Mossel Bay proper and explore a bit there looking over the bay and on the other side of the bay there's some holiday resorts, small towns and the Outeniqua Mountains and in front you see Seal Island not the Seal Island in False Bay which is famous for its jumping sharks the jumping great whites but Mossel Bay's seal island I'm gonna go to turn right here and and take the lower road into Mossel Bay in front is one of the popular campsites being December holidays the campsites are full, caravans stacked with caravans you turn off into one of the campsites on the left here the weather is beautiful today there's hardly a breath of wind and the sun is shining the perfect day to be at the beach and not be driving around with one has to use the good days for driving as well I'm just going to pull in here and in front we have Santos this is a popular beach and camping spot hardly any parking available so I'm not gonna go in and park and walk around here across that little bay you can see the harbour basically fishing boat harbour but it also says that breakwater for these beaches so that they don't have waves and generally very safe for kids the old town of Mossel Bay is on the Cape St Blaze Peninsula and as you'll see further on there's a lot of old sandstone buildings here turning down in front into the harbour area and get out there and take some shots across in this area in the harbour a number of popular restaurants we got out here at the harbour and some restaurants and places to get boat trips across is the Santos Pavilion across the bay you have Hartenbos we on our way to the Dias Museum at the back here is what is called post office tree somewhere in the 15th century one of the sea farers needed to give a report and he nail the shoe to the tree and put the report in the shoe and some years later the guy the guy who had to get the report actually got it so I'm not sure where which tree he did it entrance of the Dias Museum few artifacts I don't think the wheelchairs is artifact of the 15th 16th century unfortunately we can't go onto the caravel because of maintenance being done but we will be going down the stairs and then we shoot some video around it this is a replica of the ship that Bartholomew Dias settle down from Portugal down, around the Cape in the 15th century and you can see it's not very big as I say that unfortunately we can't go on it now okay we're back on the road okay down Bland Street, the bottom main road of Mossel Bay through to the Point and like that old church there you can see the sandstone buildings will see quite a few of them along the road They're not necessarily being used as a historical buildings a lot of them are used for normal businesses and to the left here some of the entrances to the harbour part of the harbour buildings is an indoor markets and restaurants on this is the street a bit further up is the house where my mother grew up in the 1930s we came here with my sister and brother in law about two days ago so I did shoot some video at the Point but we're going to do some of the stuff that I didn't shoot on Wednesday and maybe some other stuff as well I see they're setting up caravans on the school sport fields I suppose the Point caravan park is full a lot of holiday flats around here in front of the Caravan Park, Point Caravan Park I will insert the video I took on Wednesday in here as well as you can see to the right the caravan park is full that because the weather is beautiful as well suppose when the first winds and rains come then it will empty out a bit but hopefully for them they have a great December holidays still surprisingly empty a lot of people only arrive this weekend for holiday but quite a lot of parking space which you don't normally expect on a nice day like today Hi we're here at the Point in Mossel Bay just doing a bit of a walk through here with the preekstoel, the pulpit here's the Point buildings with the lighthouse at the top and the Point Caravan Park doing a bit of a walk here overcast today with rain this morning but it's not raining anymore I hope I can come through again either tomorrow or Saturday just to hopefully have some sunny weather to take some more videos of Mossel Bay and lots of gullies between the rocks well I never did it but my uncles who grew up here they would swim through the gullies to the front rocks to fish there and this gulley where the bridge is and so on is a fairly popular swimming spot and they have the ropes to catch you if the current comes through otherwise you onto the onto those rocks underneath the lighthouse there's a cave trying to cave under the lighthouse all types of stuff here some more caves in the rocks this is essentially the end of the oyster catcher hiking trail, ends somewhere here okay I hope you enjoyed that little section if you did please like and subscribe and hopefully I can get some more videos done later in the week we are at Mossel Bay at Point Cape St Blaze at the top there's the lighthouse and the shallow cave below it going to walk up there and then I'll take some videos from there as well this is the popular Point swimming area that swim in the first gulley and with the sea as quiet as it now it's fairly safe but when the sea gets a bit rougher it can take you down then see right trying to see, at the end there there's some ropes that you can catch yourself there's somebody on a zipline oh this is a a dussie, rock hyrax feeding on the bush here or some of the fynbos whatever it is another hyrax following the people this is the cave unfortunate people damaged in the past used to be used used by Strandlopers (Strandlopers ("beach walkers") were early San inhabitants of the Cape) view from the cave of the Point swimming area thoses rocks to the front there my uncle and them they used to swim through to to fish from the front rocks when they were young they lived in Mossel Bay as youngsters and then if they caught something they had to swim back and hope the seals don't steal the the catch from their waist I'm taking the trail up I want to see what if I can get some video of people ziplining you might see the zipline against the water but it goes up to the top there and then they zipline all the way down to the end of the front building there now letting the video run I'll cut out if you look across there I can see it on the other you have the caves again to the side of the mountain there's somebody coming there's somebody coming down the zipline to the right there we have the Point High School I find that Mossel Bay is a town that did quite a bit to preserve their old sandstone buildings even though most of them are used for for more modern purposes than they were originally and for a main road it's quite a narrow the road I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please like and subscribe help us build the channel and indicate what content you like here at the end of the video there's still a little bit of a hill but I got to go up on then thank you for watching and I hope see you on one of the other videos have a great day cheers

2023-12-28 15:35

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