Ep07 - Urban Desert

Ep07 - Urban Desert

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hello assalamualaikum guys and welcome back to tompo Tempo [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys welcome back episodes there's a lot of things tourism company over there [Laughter] okay so basically when I was working in the Marine company I was doing this as a part-time uh [Music] what I bought uh what's it called a vehicle the the one that you take the four wheel gun I bought it okay okay it's an investment okay okay that was initiated by my partner okay then after that when they were they will promise that you know you put our you buy a vehicle you know this is how much your returns are going to be this kind of thing which is actually far from that so when you start losing money this is when you literally go on ground to find out what's the cause of it and who are the players and why are we not doing anything and then I understand you know then after that when I understand then after that people I I do this this is Safari okay yeah then after that people ask me how to change you are doing uh noodle Dubai to uh so when there's an inquiry even how small it is attend to it with full heart oh yeah happy when you attend to it you know you cannot uh your your full-time job of course because that's the one who put food on the table right yeah I do it like say after work in my free time yeah but with the knowledge of my my den boss okay yeah okay so he said okay you do my work you know prioritize then after that no on your free time you can do it yeah so he gave me the encouragement that he said okay you know but then again sometimes we spot our ideas you see sometimes I don't understand something I would definitely ask him no problem okay yeah so when I do that okay do you do Abu Dhabi also then after that uh sooner or later no it's true Word of Mouth then after that uh the group gets bigger then after that to a point where travel agency was sending Umbra groups and I said hey this kind of thing I have to do full time and how can I actually be doing this while I'm looking for something else yeah then after that and also this thing has been occupying my mind if it occupies three quarter of your mind thinking of this I think it's only ethical that you leave your job because I spoke to my boss he gave me his Blessing I started off this [ __ ] after five years being with an emerging company during that five years yeah but then I don't go on ground like I said yeah yeah you know I just do people's itinerary and get a veg behind the whole thing yeah yeah then after that people go and after that after my office hour I'll wait for that at the lobby and asking how's your trip you know yeah then after I asked them putting up your feedback this kind of thing that's where you work on it then after that after a while then you realize why am I taking all this trouble why am I spending time to actually go there after my my amateur eight hours you know work that's when I actually realized oh this is Passion man if it makes you happy you know why not right right right right then after I spoke to my parents you know my father actually told me that time was 2019. why not you work for uh for uh what's your tourism company first then after that learn the ropes you know and I told my dad you know if I'm going to take another two years learning from people you know the company the the name of being the first Malay company in Dubai uh by the way first entry yeah I want to be an efficiency always people always remember the first time you know but anything everything has been must be taken into cooperation uh calculated this this fails this what happens because when I look at it you know I'm in the best shape to actually start it because I do have family and other family I mean I don't have I don't have a wife a single singer yeah yeah so if anything were to fail it will be on my shoulders right yeah I don't know so so far how's the the business 2019 when I started alhamdulillah you know I started getting groups when I just started yeah the Indonesian groups yeah okay uh then after that 2019 I have my first staff then kovit brovi was tough man language thankfully like only one staff was a two so what happened was that I I cut her salary but I sent her back to Philippines okay at least by cutting a salary she won't have any expense in Dubai which you know is expensive correct yeah so because she still have money to like spend I wanted to give that the vaccine if anything were to happen so I went back to my parents went back to Singapore for 10 months I was back at picking up plates again yeah so I helped them out in the restaurant Master two they moved to Capital Club yeah that much yeah while bleeding for uh Expo 2020 in the contract hours yeah yeah things uh things got better 2021 I think I I came back yeah there will be a part two there will be positives there will be challenges they have to be adaptable the passion then you will strive to make it work one way or the other day correct so after that once I got the not say the title but then bring the first uh company and you think you're going to get all the business from Malaysia no you should have competitors and when you know who your competitors competitors are right these are the people who make a really good foreign but uh whatever uh profits you have it's not for you to actually split that's not less because at the end you're still competing you want to reach that level right it's really you need to have good buffer no if anything happens to me here now who who's going to save me right right right right interesting company it's not difficult at all it's not difficult uh you wanna you have a bad old company that does everything for you you have to inform them what called business you want to do you know they give they lay off their options for you they will do your trade license your Visa as the partner uh and then after that uh they will advise you which bank you know you can open with yeah the officers they right yeah everything they will do it for you right now what tools good job you know any businesses or in any investment you can sometimes you have the money to do is business coming in these things you can do it overnight man right right yeah but it is just a small office uh but then the thing is most of the time office like say three days a week but then we most of the time we are up today outside this week is like you know I before here I was attending to get to going to Abu Dhabi straight away after I come here right right yeah so Cafe focus is inbounder in Dubai at the moment inbound okay but in short love with uh what's it called we've got consent down the pan we'll look at outbound yeah so I've actually done my raki to places like uh Azerbaijan Baku okay okay uh Bosnia foreign yeah you know that's why I go everywhere [Laughter] so you started off with one employee yeah so now how big is your company so with me uh administrative we have three uh drivers in order to joining us next month okay yeah so Five drivers meaning you have your own I have my own Fleet your own Fleet of vehicles vehicles so anybody who wants to come to Dubai yeah and get your services not a problem at all not a problem inshallahu being one of the customers when I go through I think the benefit is adaptability to meet to the customers yeah he also can accommodate yeah you remember yeah yeah yeah I remember her yeah yeah so basically actually right in order to have a cool uh enjoyable trip you know in the starting planning stage the planning let us do it but then we need your honest input of what your expectations are yeah right right then I can actually tell you this is the reality you have two options you know uh you want this or you want this one uh you want a good but cheap you're talking about Dubai here you know yeah yeah but the thing is when you take our Sim the most basic package like it's just a day trip you know I'll provide you an itinerary so that you will try we will try to avoid the traffic discontin that's our expertise correct because we don't want you to spend like say 10 hours three hours in traffic yeah right because much uh we want you to have an enjoyable trip you know it's a good learning experience actually when you're on all districts is actually really an eye-opener between eye opener which hopefully one day I can actually share this to my customers love uh for our listeners you guys I think it's important to understand the cartoon bunny you can get a lot of different options and variety and sometimes internet you Google and all that you bring up much of the packages are super cheap it's not what it turns out to be yeah we also be very very careful about that so much in Dubai good and cheap yeah the big good and cost competitive are three months expertise to get the most cost competitive cup we let you as clients tell you what they want and then you will accommodate yes so to speak like I will give them a consultation to a point where that doesn't then after that I'll say okay out of this you don't have to take all the time with me right you just need two days you know I will try to make sure it's concise and then you know and you go then after this one is you're gonna spend a lot of time so you don't need a transport you can take the metro which is quite convenient you spend three hours and then I provide event for 10 hours right three hours do not be shopping I need the event still because when we buy we put the thing in advance then it's fine yeah then it's fair yeah you know I want it to be an enjoyable trip because if I make you guys Happy all right [Music] yeah it is but then the thing is that's the our job yeah that's our job and I like I like uh I wouldn't say I like a lot of changes but then it gets a bit challenging right and the best is right actually when you realize that the person who's more demanding and we try to meet and when she's really satisfied she's the one who's gonna tell the whole world that you know we did a good job there are people like that they would spread out the word that means like you are able to prove me yeah that you can do what I want you to do yeah nowadays competition and other people can easily give you feedback online yeah it makes it like we have to always be on Autos yeah you know there's too much businesses if you think you cannot even though you can give the job to A supplier which you 50 50 think that the supplier cannot meet to your standard you have to inform them first right uh ma'am my everything is occupied already but then I have someone to help me do I help you do but then uh bear in mind uh English two or the cooldown skate uh we let them know first so they actually they uh um [Music] winter is upon us the December School holiday spawn is coming yeah I was Singaporean friends who wants to come to Dubai for holidays right Apple copy recommendation recommendation for Dubai so basically okay I'm gonna spend one week in Dubai okay your flight ticket you got it that was most important then after that your hotel okay your hotel you come to me I will try I I will try okay I try my best to actually price beat what is offered online right okay in terms of uh in terms of uh Penny uh Transportation so basically the places that you will go like uh for during winter uh is Global Village is a mass of course it's a must yeah of course Expo where other a lot of countries will actually showcase the culture they sell their food and this is a huge Place sometimes my favorite place to yeah to try uh United [Music] [Laughter] yes yes afternoon yeah I can't remember there were so many times then after that okay Global Village Miracle Garden Dubai Mall it's a mass where you again actually look at the fountain the fountain after 6 30. every 30 minutes there's a show then in between the 30 minutes there's a laser show on the Burj Khalifa yeah then uh but like yeah uh you go to the the palm the point on the point you know you can have lunch or your dinner there uh lucky uh knife definitely old Dubai yes yeah you go to a lot of cultural places where the old Emirates houses are yeah yeah yeah Adventure hot air balloon architecture the summer okay the one that is preserved okay okay more for the newer Buddhists they like to go there for the the Starbucks yeah they like to go for the Starbucks but then again you know not only Dubai you know we're talking about Abu Dhabi also there's a lot of things to offer right yeah you have the grandmas they have Castle this one guys you all must go when I say you must go it's worth it is really nice okay it's actually a presidential in the palace yeah Miracle Garden also a nice spot for pictures the best time is winter to go there yeah if anybody wants to go up to any of the skyscrapers it has to be Observatory opposite uh Burj Khalifa [Music] yeah you see dust yeah of course yeah but you go to the observatory you can see the Birch yeah yeah which it depends on you know some people like to go to the bus they want to they do a lot of readings again yeah they want to know when it's built how uh it is inspired by who and what yeah yeah okay okay the desert well definitely is the desert Safari where you know the guests were picked up in our four wheel okay this is no opening a cut Corners one now this is the actual desert Safari they will pick you up in the in the four wheel drive bring you to the desert you know where you go to for doing bashing your barbecue dinner belly dancing riding is all included yes yeah that one is the Masters no cut Corners organizers desert bashing puppy for maybe half the price yeah it's like that yeah unfortunately it is like that it's about you I mean uh them being them also they want to cut cut costs right in order for you to pay that low price they have to cut costs so sometimes they fetch you in the bus yeah the car will wait for you but then you don't have to take things [Music] correct correct yeah yeah so what other things hotels here we touch on you know if you want to try uh if you guys are into much um uh nice hotels this kind of thing Atlantis is nice awesome awesome yeah yeah the old one and the new one also yeah you that's why when we the consultation time you tell me uh that you what are the time that you have I will try to tell you when is the best time okay okay let me send a checkup if anybody wants to engage your services be forward with their requirements their budget even if you are on the budget tell me all right all right yeah okay okay you make it work right at the end of the day so for for um uh his company is called Urban desert I will include that in the description yes and and also below okay guys again thank you very much it was really really interesting thank you very flies this different discussion and to understand where you come from how you get yourself here challenges you went through and now an entrepreneur in Dubai yeah four episodes can I have like a words of like a closure yeah any advice shout outs before we close this whole episode this whole series okay uh for this uh okay we start from the uh graduates like yeah for those of you who wish to actually come to Dubai you know your your journey doesn't stop when after you are in after school it actually starts when you're already in school you never know who's watching you so it's always good that you are tactful of what you do you know do things which you know will add value to what you want to do in the future if you are into uniform group uniform group is good you know you work as a team with other people it trains you to be disciplined okay if you are into sports it's also good you know it teaches you teamwork you know working with others to achieve a goal you know when there are time you know go for networking session don't take it as a networking session go out there to make friends at your level you know go out there to make friends you never know yeah then after that for people who are looking for jobs you know uh who who has uh who has above again other are the near intention to come and work abroad aspirations if let's say you are not offered a certain position do not be discouraged you can look for it there's actually a networking session or uh that you can actually go go go for it you know sometimes there are certain things that we can actually learn from from our neighboring countries you know which are from India this kind of thing I ever got a CV someone this is Uncle knocking on every single door in the office building looking for jobs yes yes I've seen that before yeah when you're really hungry you know that's where you are really tested yeah don't wait until you're hungry and do be comfortable in your career position get out and actually explore the world other do it a little bit you know invest in traveling when you travel you meet people you know yeah but don't Splurge when you're traveling like everything won't be first class this kind of thing you learn more more when you actually buy a Groupon couple you go in a group you know learning from other people yeah that's the best yeah yeah you go to Japan nicotine yeah it's nice but also go to other places where things are not really established things are not really developed you see opportunity there that you can actually uh bunny work on it's like over here when I started the business there are a lot of companies line companies standard of service is like how you handle things yeah you know your company's culture is different yeah maybe inshallah uh what other things that I can oh for entrepreneurs okay who are thinking of doing businesses in Dubai do not do business until you actually step foot here you come here you spend two weeks or one week two weeks do nothing but do a lot of observing yeah go on ground see how the people the demographic is you know um you know thinking of doing business until you actually start losing money that's where it taught me the first business safarica I started losing money I really went and grow to find out where's the root of it yeah very very valid inputs thank you hydros thank you so much guys shout outs appreciation uh appreciation okay uh I think this is the old podcast yeah okay thank you to anybody uh whatever okay first and foremost I want to say thanks to these two guys for inviting me as your first oh sorry uh knowing from uh listening to my the things that I shared I say I want to say thank you to my family members for constantly praying for me I think without your prayers and your uh um thank you so much guys okay all right okay guys again thank you very much looking forward to see you in the next episode [Music]

2023-09-12 15:02

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