Emotional Reunion With My Mom In Bangkok Thailand

Emotional Reunion With My Mom In Bangkok Thailand

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today is a very exciting day for me because  my family is about to arrive here in Bangkok   Thailand and then for the next weeks we are going  to spend some time together here and yeah I can   currently see their flight here on the screen  they are about to arrive scheduled Landing is   in 17 minutes and yeah it's not only their first  time in Thailand it's going to be their first   time in Asia in general so I am very excited for  them let's head to the airport and pick them up ah I don't know I'm going to the airport but  actually I'm going to arrivals not departures   but I couldn't choose arrivals on grab  it's only the only options were departures thank you very much okay have a good day bye  all right so he dropped me off at the departure   section actually so I need to go down to the  uh arrival section okay so yeah this is the   departure Hall so I guess arrival is just down  here and yeah who is coming my mom is coming my   auntie my uncle and a friend of my mom and yeah  I haven't seen my family in almost a year so I'm   really looking forward to see them and yeah in  case you don't know I lived one and a half years   of my life here in Thailand I also spent well  over six months living in Bangkok so I think I   will be a good tour guide for them in the next  weeks to be honest it feels a bit weird for me   for once I am the person that picks somebody up  at the airport usually because I travel so much   I am the person that gets picked up at the  airport looks actually quite busy here today   lots of arrivals these days here in Thailand  however they just texted me that they are at   exit number 10 I was waiting in exit  number four um so we have four five   so I think I just need to uh walk  down there and I see my family hello hi hi right now ah there's my mom oh it's a shot okay the first things he said it's very hot here um air conditioned okay successfully pick up all the Travelers  I feel a little bit like a tour guide now   and yeah we are just automated grab Taxi somebody  got three cup that's you rich yeah yeah okay   number car number car yeah yes okay  okay so slowly and Indian yeah you baby traveling with five persons okay first time first  impressions of Bangkok now for you what warm times   what actually I'm a little bit jealous because I  will remember my first time arriving in Bangkok   my first time arriving in Thailand and the first  time arriving here was wow I wish I could revive   here for the first time again as well I think  we all if you're watching this and you have   been to Thailand or Bangkok before I think you  you know what I'm talking about arriving here   for the first time is very exciting so I'm a bit  jealous of you you are here for the first time now okay I was about 50 minutes later we have arrived yeah I'm bringing my family to my uh to my  favorite hotel in Bangkok the hotel where I   always stay when I am in Bangkok I will  uh let us check in and then I will show   you the hotel a little [ __ ] I think by  the way check out the T-shirt of my uncle   he's wearing the kind of broad merchandise  t-shirt perfect advertisement now supporting the family yeah  okay okay let's check in   all right let me show you the hotel really quick  uh I am having this room we are basically having   three times the exact same room so this is the  room type Studio here in the ISA Nook hotel and   yes I said before I always stay in this hotel  when I'm back in Bangkok I really like a big   spacious rooms there's a little balcony here  as well a nice desk to get some work done and   I'm paying around it's around 45 US dollar per  room here also a little less heating area here   which is really nice you have the sink here you  have the bathroom and the little kitchen corner   right here there's also really nice outdoor  area here a proper pool for swimming which I   really like also the location here is quite nice  quite Central in Bangkok so this is my go-to hotel   whenever I am back in Bangkok usually and yeah  before we are heading out to explore Bangkok now   one quick word about internet security I am sure  by now you are all knowing what's a VPN service   VPN stands for virtual private Network and it  lets you virtually change the location of your   phone or your laptop to basically anywhere in  the world and I am using surfsharkvpn and I'm   using it almost every single day for basically  two reasons first of all for security reasons   if you are using a VPN that encrypts the data  that is sent between your phone or your laptop   and the internet so that all of your data for  example your personal information become more   safe so that no one can steal your private data  and the second reason why I'm using a VPN almost   every single day is to unblock geo-restricted  content some websites have different types of   content depending on your location Netflix for  example has totally different content libraries   depending on which country you are and yeah I  am using surfsharkvpn I can highly recommend   it it is the only VPN to offer one account for  unlimited devices and if you would like to check   out surfshark as well you can click the link in  my description on the pin comment and if you enter   the promo code can you will get 83 percent off  plus three extra months for free and they also   have a 30 day money back guarantee so you can test  it out without any risk click the link down below   thanks to surfshark for sponsoring today's video  and now let's explore the city with my family tourist group here with me today and yeah  I have some some things in mind that we   are going to visit today the first thing  is you see maybe in the background maybe   hard to see on the camera the huge Buddha  statue there that's going to be our first   destination the first time that all of them are  going to see a real Thai temple so uh let's go okay first time using the MRT here the subway  in Bangkok first time for them of course   uh I think we can exit here okay  I have been to this Temple before   but I've never gone there from this BTS station  so we have to figure out the way a little bit now excuse me you just work here okay okay we have arrived  at batnam which is the biggest or the tallest   Buddha statue in all of Bangkok and it looks  uh quite impressive and what I like about this   Temple is that it's not it's not a super  touristy place like the Grand Palace or   the what four which we are going to visit later  as well but I thought first of all I'm going to   bring them to a yeah more local place more of a  Hidden Gem a little bit it's also inside a very   local neighborhood here and if I have a look  around I don't see any other foreigners here   and if you follow my channel for a while you know  these places are the places that I really like to   visit and of course also to uh to show my family  impressive impressive it's the first time that you   are visiting a Buddhist temple first  time seeing a Buddha statue like this   and the good news is you don't really have jet  lag right no yeah it's a lie that doesn't exist   well I think my uncle disagrees you were didn't  slap that well right kanguta's love no no no   so we are mixed here some people really feel the  jet lag and somehow okay yeah like okay let me   look at 50 50. two persons okay two persons oh but  I think in a few days it will be okay it's just   the first usually the first two or three days and  after that it should be all right and now we are   going to enter this building right here and we can  actually go to the top to have a beautiful view   but yeah we have to remove the shoes here  and we are here on top we can see the big   Buddha from the back and wow this is really  massive right it's incredible huge I I'm sure   it doesn't even look that huge on camera but  if you're standing here wow this is so massive   and yeah you can have a view over to the Bangkok  City Center basically in the distance over there   all these skyscrapers always nice to see a big  City View like this at least for me somebody   who really uh likes big cities like Bangkok  and there's a nice wind blowing here yeah   yeah so it's getting hot now it's uh the hottest  time of the day noon a little bit afternoon and   the sun is shining this is their first time in  Southeast Asia so they are not as used to the   heat as Iron by now but how's the temperature  now how's the temperature here now right yeah well that's super like best about this place  is the ceiling inside that room that we just saw   with the green and the sparkle it's really really  beautiful and I love the feeling of the model   oh yeah walking around here with no shoes yeah yeah all right the next stop is uh lunch  and here the problem is when you are   five persons the taxis only have four  seats so I just placed my family into   a taxi and I'm taking a motorbike Taxi by  myself but it's just a five minute ride I'm   going to take them to a local food market  their first time on a Thai food markets okay okay thank you very much bye  all right that was a quick ride   and I see my family already over there  everything worked that's something yet okay we have arrived at a very local food market  where you can find everything that you are craving   in Thailand and yeah by the way I will leave  the Google Maps location to the places that we   are visiting today in the description and yeah  welcome to your first proper Thai food market   it's a huge Hall here maybe we can have a walk  around first so you can get impressions what   is is on the menus here then we can  decide what we want to order yeah I   used to come to this Market many times  when I was studying here in Bangkok my   university is nearby we are at the BTS station  Bangla in case you're wondering where we are oh I really love being on these Thai Food Markets  all these smelts here if you have been to one of   these markets here in Thailand you probably  know what I'm talking about it just smells   like Thailand here oh this fruit you don't know  what it is yeah it looks nice this is one of my   favorite fruits here it's a dragon fruit yeah  it looks uh right in the inside yeah yeah okay   very delicious very delicious fruit very pretty oh  you should uh I will make you try it in the next   days I feel so excited for you because everything  is new for you you see fruits that you've never   seen before yeah oh I wish I was here for the  first time as well again it's so exciting okay I   feel like uh they are all a little bit overwhelmed  here with all the choices and Impressions overwhelmed with all the options here okay maybe   that's a good option that I'm  just going to get some samples trust him yeah trust me yeah maybe you just  want to get to a table all right the men are in   charge now to get food so let me just sample  some things get some things and then we're   gonna try all of that I would like this one yes  that's it inside the sausage inside spicy okay   okay so we have like a Thai style pancake  here they are usually quite good somehow   sweet and some are non-sweet sorry which  one is sweet maybe a sausage too true   with sausage okay okay one  two three four five six seven uh it's 10 bar per piece for the 17 photo I think my mom wanted to have a fresh coconut   so maybe we can get a coconut from my mom so  we're going to order easy dishes today so not   overwhelming them simple dishes and then let's see  in the next weeks we can go more exotic you know Ma yeah okay [Music] two two yeah yeah my mom  wanted to have a coconut and drink   with a straw out of the Coconuts she  never did that before in her life so foreign coconut right yeah they probably not you can buy in a  supermarket in Germany is really brown but this is   weird coconut fresh and they  are usually very very refreshing   especially when it's hot like today good right  really I think it's Rose flavor that's crazy give it a try with this kind of lemon flour with flour  yeah so like a lemon Rosie flavor I think   yeah okay it's okay it's okay I like  it yeah okay that's all I do not know yeah just a little bit okay rice noodle type around it and then it filled  with some vegetables and there's a sausage   inside as well some carrots it's like a It's  A light meal it's light easy light and easy   to use it is really really good what do we have  inside here I have no idea sweet it's really nice yeah I'm also not sure maybe maybe  peanuts inside crisp plus size yeah maybe peanuts and I'm also not sure what is inside here very good how was your first  time at the Thai market yes yeah but this is I think yeah I enjoy that  yeah this is another truth there we are we   are the only uh we have some people around  here and these are the places I like to to   show them as well but actually the next stop  is going to be a touristic stop so we're going   to a tourist area now but yeah local markets  like this are always interesting if you're   coming to Thailand definitely check out these  local markets especially if you're in an area   we are not all the tourists are going through  people here very kind friendly sometimes so you   will struggle with communicating in English  but hey that's part of the experience right   and there's always a way to communicate  your way around and just uh yeah feeling   the atmosphere here it's just amazing yeah  this is what the main road looks like here   that's the most busiest part of Bangkok and yeah  we're heading back to the to the MRT station now   and then taking the MRT over to uh to the tourist  area of Bangkok okay crossing a busy road in   Bangkok first time for them crossing a busy road  in Bangkok oh that's gonna be a challenge now okay just follow my lead   the the key is just to move and then the cars  will stop that's how it usually works in these   Asian countries wasn't that difficult heart  attacking first time crossing a street in Bangkok okay this by the way used to be my University CM  University the tall building over there I didn't   exchange semester here in 2019 in case you don't  know my story that's how I ended up here in Saudi   Asia during that semester I fell in love with  Southeast Asia and uh yeah the plan was I came   here in 2019 the plan was to just stay here  for half a year then we turned to Germany and   now three years later and I'm Still Here and Now I  bring my family over here I show my family around into the air-conditioned room that's why it's  always so nice to take the BTS because you   have air conditioning yeah after walking in  the walking around in the heat for a while   always nice to spend some time in here so I'm outside next station [Music] all right in case you are familiar with Bangkok  we are now near the Grand Palace Watford   uh super Tuesday oh yeah let's see  how long it takes until the first   tuk-tuk driver approaches us what Paul  no Grand Palace get oil get party at 3pm it's a typical Bangkok uh game this game works I  guess he tells you the palace is closed but he can   bring you to another place okay for free or for a  very low price and then he's going to make stops   at some tailor shops where they want to sell you  something something like that but yeah be aware   though that the Grand Palace does actually close  quite early at 3 30 already but yeah be also aware   of this well-known scam in Bangkok the Grand  Palace is definitely a must visit it used to   be the official residence of the kings of cyan  after its construction in 1782. today it's not   being used as an official residence anymore  but it's still being used for official events   of the royal family alright the plan is now  to get a tuk-tuk actually I know that's the   biggest truest thing you can do in Bangkok no  local takes a tuk-tuk but they are curious to   uh to try out a talk to bride and of course if  you're in Bangkok for the first time you somehow   have to try out a truck right right but let's see  we actually only want to go for like five minutes   so I'm not sure if the truck talks actually  will agree to take such a short ride   we want to go to uh this restaurant  the deck the deck okay yeah how many   people five people five people or two  cars one car one car okay one car yeah [Music] 150 bucks 150 yes only five minutes ah okay okay the girls sitting in the  back and we go somewhere okay okay are you ready we are ready no you can't fall out here it's just a five minute ride um okay okay let me pay the man you have  100. thank you okay thank you very much so all of a sudden I nearly lost  my back but it was great fun so you   said you wanted to do it again okay  maybe we can do another tuk-tuk wipe otherwise we came to a beautiful little bar here  overlooking the Chao Priya River the Arun Temple   over there and we have beautiful sunset weather of  the day so in about one and a half hours we will   hopefully see a beautiful sunset here that  was well that is the idea actually [Music] so my mom has a sunblocker now block  the sun we're having some drinks here   overlooking this beautiful view here yeah this  bar which is called the deck is a wonderful place   to watch the sunset I recommend to come here one  or two hours before sunset time because yeah it   does get quite busy around 6 p.m and if you don't  arrive early you will not be able to get a table   anymore and yeah we were super lucky that this  guy also looked very amazing after the sun had   set and then when the lights of the red Arun  Temple get turned on you have this beautiful   view right here okay this is the night view here  overlooking the the river the vat Arun Temple over   there in the background all right after spending a  few hours up there on the rooftop with an amazing   Sunset amazing view over the temple we are having  dinner here now but it's not really that tight now   it's more like westernized Western Fusion Foods so  we're having a different uh yeah dishes here more   Western food but you actually have uh I begin you  have Thai curry yes so you're having a property   how's the spicy level it's absolutely  okay only one team yeah not too spicy I'm very happy that my family is here  they are going to stay here for around   two weeks so the next videos will be  all about us exploring Bangkok we're   also going to an island soon I'm happy  that you are here yeah I'm happy as well   okay stay healthy stay positive and  then see you on the next episode

2023-02-08 23:50

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