Drum Tech POV | A Day in the Life of a Drum Tech at Kia Center
it welcome ladies and gentlemen to another drum Tech POV we are in Orlando Florida today all the crew is hanging out in the lobby of the hotel right now but we're just waiting on our runner to take us to the venue we're playing at Amway Center which I think is Kia Arena now I'm not sure we'll find out soon so we got rid of our buses yesterday and we'll be flying for the rest of the dates we only have today Orlando two days off in Austin show in Austin day off in Phoenix show in Phoenix and the last show is in Vegas I'm going to try and film oh man poor guy but I'm going to try and film all the the last four shows and keep some videos pumped out while I'm at home I have quite a lot of time off between this tour and the next tour so just some festivals I think I have like months off so I'll try and stretch some stuff out and I'll be doing some some at home videos as well but anyways should be a good show and I'll see you guys at the venue all right peace more P want me so it still look still look how want waren I just remember Bri thank you perfect timing perfect timing guys I got my backpack on still it is I got a new watch 1025 getting guitar pick stolen already already you caught him in the ACT yeah you're a hand at a venue don't take stuff don't take pics or sticks just ask I'm going to say no but don't just steel we got to change a kick drum head today it's getting a little bit it's definitely dented so it's time and we only have four shows left but it's it's time kind of go off whenever whenever the kick drum head starts to get really dented up it's kind of dark back here guys I apologize bro today's a good day tell yeah good day today a good day basketball arena you know two days off tomorrow getting laid for three days I got oh yeah be drained it's not really that cold anymore so I don't really have to worry about waiting to tune but I'm still going to wait a bit just it's only 10:30 I have don't have to do anything till basically 3:00 but it's also oh we should change the snare drum head today too I don't know if you guys can see but we're wearing away from his cross stick right here wear wearing away some coating he bled all over the drum at the last show let's find someone with some better light though to do all that when the time comes not going to take any sticks out because I heard there's some thieves at this venue two left might not have to change the snare head for the rest of the tour and I should have one clear black dot Power Stroke three in here I hope I do and I do now I can get rid of this blasted box man I've had this box for so long change that out today today I snuck a burrito from catering I didn't turn the camera on cuz I was trying to be stealth about it cuz we're not allowed to have breakfast but hey man last week f it it is now 10:45 is I got nothing to do so I'm going to change the snare drum head real quick bring us over into the light so we can see our boy was going in blood everywhere gra another key let's use this one I've had this one since I was a little kid all right you guys know the deal you seen me do this many times loosen them I don't know I don't like to go all the way loose I just like to loosen them up a little bit as I go around not all the way I don't know if that does anything I just feel like having a bunch of pressure on some tension rods cuz this thing is cranked I just fear that it's going to bend the the hoop in a way it doesn't want want to be bent so I try and take them off evenly throughout all right and now what do we do guys what do we do now we check the hardware remember don't want anything coming loose we put that new head back on you know what I'm saying and we good all right brand new p77 what's up dude hand over here with anything nah I'm just changing the PS man I appreciate it though yeah you got throw them away or keep them uh we keep them and sell them at the merch table Yeah they have the van sign them uh the drummer will have it signed that's cool yeah tell my buddies they're coming to this concert oh right on they're coming from these hell yeah dude he have his own Dr sticks with logo on it the band logo um he has his own yeah signature model sticks that's cool nice and then um do those also all get to merch yeah he'll s those at the merch table as well like these are these are just spares I hold on to in case he needs something but yeah they're his his own uh signature model nice I'm good man yeah thank you though make sure these tension rods are even even I mean centered am I blind today there we go all right and then I'll finger tighten these all the way down till they touch damn you guys are going to get to see me change a kick drum head today that's not normal changing kick drum heads on tour are probably my least favorite because I have to take the kick drum off the Riser and then I just feel like once you take the kick drum off the RIS ra it's been living up there and been in position it's like it it just never Hur it's never the same so it's kind of a pain in the ass honestly cuz you know like kick drum moves and it's like snug in its spot now from being played every night and I have to undo that and it breaks my heart anyways just getting these finger tight as tight as possible until they stop moving I'll literally keep going around till they don't move anymore I don't know if you guys can see but I'm still getting like an eighth of a turn out of them okay now I lose the Lazy Susan so the drum stays stationary because my dyslexic dyslexic ass is going to mess this up if I move the drum around we're going to do one full turn skipping every lug I always keep my thumb where I started just help me remember and as you tighten they're going to loosen up so I'll just finger tighten them and then do the finger tighten them and then do the full turn so Boom full Turn full turn now we're back where we started now I've started doing half turn I'll go around the drum twice with full turns and then I'll start doing half turns doing that thing I'm doing my best David David's got the shorts on today we are in Florida boys and girls you guys have no idea how good it feels to finally be somewhere where it's not Frid cold oh it's beautiful I wore shorts we did buuy Mississippi a few days ago and I wore shorts in a t-shirt it was awesome now as far as bottom heads go when I change a snare head I don't touch this thing I don't touch it unless something sounds weird like if I have a weird overtone or like a weird note like a base note of the drum if there's something that just seems odd I know it's going to be this I know it's going to be this I'm just so used to this snare head this snare actually and this snare head that I know what to expect out of this and if something sounds wacky N9 times out of 10 it's going to be this but I'm just I just leave it unless it sounds weird I'm not going to touch it now get some of this this little blood spot off of here did we miss any blood that guy was chatting to me while I was cleaning this so I forgot that there was blood on the drum there's some right there so you didn't go out with the children last night of course not yeah you know me I'm a good boy all right I'm going to try and take a mental note of how I have this dampening in here most of the pillows are on the batter head slight touch of the reso are you [ __ ] filming again I am again I haven't filmed in multiple days I know been [ __ ] slacking dude everybody Jesus Christ everybody loves you JT [ __ ] working too hard oh wait this drum Tech never got the easiest job in the game I don't know if you guys can see this it's so goddamn dark but we got kick trigger shell mounted trigger mind you it's for Gates it's mounted on the inside of the drum here so kick trig that's labeled so we're safe this one is kick out kick out these are labeled as well love it this one is not labeled so kick in we got the brown and the white okay now this is the part that sucks this is what I'm talking about the whole tor's been getting dug into here and it's perfect it's not going to move anymore but now I have to interrupt it this is what I hate doing cuz you would think it'd be easy to just put it back in place but it's not set it free of any cables we are free beep beep beep all right see it's not it's really not that bad but it is pretty Warn and it's been a whole tour we're starting to like peel away at whatever is covering this honestly I would leave this but uh the drummer wanted it change so I'm changing it make sure we're not going to crimp any cables and this is where everything changes I'm going to tilt this and all the pillows and everything are going to move see if I can do it carefully and nothing happened pillows didn't move all right how are we going to do this up dud I don't know if you're going to be able to hear me I'm trying to memorize this tension let see half all right we're about a full turn and now we're loose so this Kick Drum is only about one full turn tight yep okay cool remember that boom we got a Mark here that's how we know where the pedal clamps to this will get sold grab the other one so everything good that yeah yeah spr where nothing is loose now get this this is not this Center I'm just going to tighten these down till they touch all these are going run nice and smooth I don't need to add any grease that [Applause] Miss some link over there out this is a little tight me it so I'm going to go have turn down you are [Music] [Music] um man I just pull the bottles off about now this is the part it sucks we do our best here to get it exactly where it was you think like the thing is like yeah I can push it I can get it right where it was of course like the pedals are still here you know what I mean but like the Spurs aren't dug in so what I'll try and do is pull the [Music] rug like that lift up the spur and pull the rug rug that way yeah that way it won't move sounds just like it used to cool can't pull it Forward anymore so we'll go ahead and tighten it also it's important not to um overtighten these cuz they can bend the bottom plate so just get it snug you don't got to crank it down because you'll bend your hoop and and eventually over time it'll pull and it'll bend your plate on this me and Luke learned that the hard way years ago luckily DW takes care of him all right we're done about 11:45 let's go get some [Music] lunch [Music] damn that looks good bruss pour my reach man of course we are doing the DC for all time sake sauce bro do you change Tyler's dreams every show MH I tried uh there's been two shows where I I haven't I've either been like really lazy or um like the time they they sounded Snappy enough where I was like it'd be kind of really redundant it really depends on how sweaty he is but um I I like to every day just so I know where I'm at whoa the Green Ranger dagger dude green ranger dagger look at that bro let's see that bad boy dude how are my fingernails good dude that's sick Tommy team Tommy always thank you JT not our JT a different JT oh and it makes noise I got to change back batteries they haven't even pyro tested yet it's 144 time you yeah all right 145 on the dot right now wait oh okay so what is this guitar this guitar is an eight8 string Regis I believe yes reg and uh by May that's how I pronounced it it's probably incorrect May it's definitely not mayonnaise definitely not mayonnaise so you're uh time me and see how long it takes to change an eight string guitar with Everton with Evert you're allowed to bend stop so it still has a sturdy note that doesn't fluctuate unless you really force it and that's that's the deal with evertune is you can either put it at a stage where no matter how you play it it stays in tune it's really good for tracking rhythms um but Christian likes to bend stuff so um so we uh do it in between cut there boom what's also great about these guitars is that they stay if you're on top of it um depending on where you are in the room and things like that as far as dust is concerned they stay very clean well matte certain like matte finishes can get shiny from oil but Christian doesn't sweat so it just stays this is like a a raw mat almost I guess is the term that's tight go back here this Jam here Boom by the way guys this is Chris the plant our stage left guitar tech you guys have met him a few times but you never get to see him do his thing before can see how dirty my room is right now his room is normally way cleaner and he usually has a really nice black rug yes from my living room yeah on Headliners Headliners that the real estate Disturbed has the priority which is it is what it is is what it is and totally acceptable that's how it goes yeah on Headliners we get to take up as much space as we want all the techs get to set their stuff up however they want and then everyone else has to work around us because we're support on this one we got to take what we can get y after I got lucky today cuz I have straight line of site true all right you're 4 minutes in 4 minutes in yeah you're more than halfway done yeah this is the hard part we're halfway there chicken on a bear for me uh the everybody has their method but I don't need to wrap these cuz they have locking tuners so I just make sure that the bridge is fully up and then actually just go to a five and a finger my pointer fingers depth okay oh I see um so it has enough slack to it and I do it just wraps around just a little bit for the big boy and actually what's cool about evertune is that if you want to come back here and zoom in you'll see that this will start to move oh okay once the tension is and then the the robot the mechanics behind it it will stop and that's where it's oh that's that's most likely an e if this was in or a B rather sorry so and in our case it's u a sharp so it's really cool I just do this and then I look if it's loud like if like I can know that I'm in the right [Music] spot exactly how many guitars does Christian use in one show in one show yeah three three which is actually pretty modest yeah honestly the only reason why we use three is cuz we're both bored during the set okay uh and he has all these nice guitars like why not use them I mean he has the backups like you have like eight I think eight or so six maybe two four six just have a backup for every stringed instrument so he got two sixes two sevens and see we have a new guitar 154 we see them but these are all all spares spars and and guitars that he uses during the set and then also Tyler's bases as well three of them here Chris does Christian the stage left guitar player and Tyler the base player and uh backup singer and then pip the stage right he just takes care of one guitar player and the the reason why I go past the Ben stage uh because honestly if it was any lower like for example you'll see again how the like the feature of the evertune is like let's say it's in its first stage or even prior I'm trying to bend it like I would you see that moving it's compensating so I'm actually not doing anything like it wouldn't change the note at all it it wouldn't stretch the string properly so you want to you go to the next note I've used all the tools but I just use my hands to make sure my hands are I don't know when you've been doing it for so long like yeah every feeling becomes a big part of it that's how I talk about heads and tuning it's dude yeah the thing is like people will say that's this and this and wrong but like uh statistically how many times I've done this and how many times I've had a successful guitar afterwards is you know matched this this almost like seating ahead you would say is exactly like seting a head and the only thing though um with this is if you do it too much I don't know about seting your head if you sure you over well yeah actually if you if you were to over stretch like over stretch things it probably would lose like a some that snap that I was talking about there's like a that bounce that a head a new head has and that's how we know yeah hell yeah where can the people find you Chris uh right now it's at Crystal plore okay Crystal plore on Instagram Instagram yeah that's it cool and then I'll put his a link to his Instagram in the description below so you guys can follow him [Music] sick [Music] dude 310 yep [Music] yeah on in you're about a foot and a half off the uh off on this right corner coming yep you're good good he there you [Music] go okay we start keep all the rest of the risers coming down that's good thank you guys don't worry about the place no I'll leave it for now it first uh-oh what I think we need our Hammer it's not it's not it's hitting the legs is what I'm trying to say okay oh yeah yeah we do uh okay I think they fail pretty commonly oh really which one's got to go where this one's got to go forward I believe just this corner yeah okay that enough I a little more I get the big that'll do thanks Woody and we're good yep here we go lock Not So to that type of thing great is that the snare top mic yep the only one that's awesome Yep buer M21 top and bottom love them they're like7 are they condensers really remember last time I like looking around have a new kick drum head and new snare head today dang the K has sounded the best it has the whole tour the last like he's like oh good well he just changed it well he just changed it so now it's all [ __ ] surey hey hey hey hey one two get more hands hey one two hey hey hey hey hey'll move [Music] [Music] oh [Music] in his back [ __ ] [Music] I think it's a little higher normally higher and more angled I [Music] think [Music] I'm a [Music] TR [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] how you with [Music] that [Music] through Jam [Music] situation [Music] [Music] situ [Music] way back on the Walking [Music] [Music] C [Music] hey what you welcome to America [Music] heyy heyy heyy [Music] hey whaty hey [Music] whaty hey [Music] hey [Music] hey hey hey check one to hey hey hey one to [Music] you [Music] [Applause] what what is wrong with 31 don't do it to don't do it too hard no I'm so far I'm 36 you don't look 36 I'm feeling violent as hell right now hockey Pucket soone I'm angry this what he brings out of me how old are you Old 27 no shot really yeah you're you're 27 yeah why the [ __ ] is that funny that's [ __ ] I'm 35 get this on Phil M I'm going to real pass him out can I pass you out no I don't want ready I'm good you know where I'm good that's AO that's I was going to put him down but he would be the ugliest dog I've put down this yeah I appreciate that and then there's a room on the left oh my god look think I got glasses on you can't poke out my eyes still get under you're all right EV I was like this job opening says job opening [Music] [Music] you [Music] over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep [Music] for [Music] countdown and 5 4 3 2 one go go for [Applause] show [Applause] get [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Applause] oh [ __ ] underu look you got MTH B your time you don't want to piss up [ __ ] those [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] where the [ __ ] [Music] is [Music] [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] pass down break the [ __ ] CH lower sh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you very much what a li this is been thank you so much [ __ ] picture one picture all right guys let's go let's get a picture Hot Shot lock this side pop you're split all righty water like to L in before we push it yeah thanks thanks man yeah course you're clear thank you guys another a good show starting to feel like a normal day doing playback now I don't even really think about it I still stress a little bit just cuz it's you know but nowhere nowhere as intense as it used to be I can kind of chill and have fun bom my head like I was doing before love that for us and me it's dark it's too dark in here damn dudes another two days off oh well now it's real dark so I will talk to you guys later doesn't have meals dude you have to carry that [ __ ] yeah the the wheels are [ __ ] up bro I would trag that [ __ ] there you go I don't care about the noise that handle the thing it's too bumpy it's got [ __ ] computers in it you know what I mean yeah 9:30 11 and 1 12 hours later we're back we got 10 minutes before this elev before what this elevator oh no we're good dude at it's after hours hell yeah two who's on two himu that's true all right see you in the morning see you in the morning oh ladies and gentlemen another show comes to an end welcome back to my home away from home another I can't math right now 13 hours or so but anyways yo thank you guys again for joining me thank you guys for watching if you made it to the end and you're a part of my start to finish crew let me know down in the comments below and uh please if you haven't already like the video maybe hit the bell and definitely consider subscribing anyways again thank you guys for watching watching and I will see you in the next one okay peace
2024-03-29 18:57