Don't Swim in this Indonesian Lake

Don't Swim in this Indonesian Lake

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all right all right guys welcome to another  video I'm here in Chi Day south of bandong in   Indonesia and I'm about to go to kaap pouti  which is also called the white crater it's a   volcano crater on the pictures it looks gorgeous  um so let's go but first a 40-minute drive and   um I'm sure it will be a beautiful drive because  it's true the nature here um so I will definitely   enjoy that let's go oh and this is uh the Beast  that we're using let's let go four three [Music] minutes uhoh I think I need my two hands yeah guys it looks like we made it  here kaap PTI this is the entrance gate   not sure how it works here uh what the  procedure is I see a lot of Vans there   I think I might have to park somewhere  there oh yeah I see it already par motor   so I guess that's for me let's go there oh  there's some people here let's see what they   say how it works yeah I see a lot of Vans  here I think they will take you up there or something hello this is um for  par here um yeah here and how   to go how to go up yeah up walk  walking walking walking how many minutes no how many ah there I need to ask  okay so I need to pay here payment H visitor   yeah I need to go there to the visitor center  okay okay ticket a ticket for pay for parking   yeah okay okay thank you T Massi so I don't  need to pay anything here because there is   no body here okay I'll just need to figure out  where to park my bike maybe somebody will come   up to me for the parking payments it seems  pretty quiet here actually it's a week day   it's a Monday actually usually Mondays are not  the most busy days so let's see uh I'll just   park here in the shade but yeah of course  I don't know if it will be shade all the time all right guys I park my scooter there  and now I need to bring my helmet there I   guess it's like um a storage something for the  helmets uh and I'm still not sure where to pay   for the parking but we will figure that out  soon I'm sure it's not for free because this   is actually a major tourist attraction so  nothing is for free here right I know that   already from these kind of attractions you know  so let's see Helm should be there Helm helmet   there oh wow he's looking very strange at me  I think it must be somewhere here benan helm hello hello morning or is it yeah  afternoon to pay for parking and   helmet oh parking also here yes how much is the parking do all uh 10,000 10,000 for helmet and  parking okay okay what is this for um number   oh CC yeah CC okay okay okay 10,000 yes okay let  me see where do you come from uh Belgium Belgium   yeah uh how to go up there is it um can I walk up  there or walking walking do you walk in Indonesia   or just holiday uh What uh holiday holiday but how  to go up to kaapi kaapi in here oh okay and uh buy   a ticket in the ticket Bo oh okay okay okay thank  you thank you thank you see you later okay got my   money and my number CC which is is not a number  these are letters but I need to go to the ticket   boot of course let's go okay so I left my helmet  there left my scooter there and now I'm walking   to the ticket Boot and I'm very surprised that  it's so quiet here today what is it muchi muchi   yes can I see yes it's Candi uh yes like candy oh  Moi can I see muchi kachang I can I try one first   yes okay I'll try one oh it's soft from rice and  from Rice oh rice cake peanut inside oh so it's   uh rice cake outside and inside peanut I'll try  oh it's really good um how do you sell one box   uh or only full yeah one packet oh you canot do  one box no no how much is for the packet uh 20   20,000 oh okay what's the what is the difference  with green and red same oh same yes special okay   okay you make it oh no oh you buy and you resell  M okay okay wait we only have one hand now so we   have uh 5,000 10,000 15 20 okay yeah this is 20  no 20 yes 20 okay 20 was a price HH yeah yes okay   okay thank you wow it's very light I think I will  finish this very fast because it's very delicious   I like the boxes also how you make the boxes uh  one box is uh five five pieces H five pieces per   box so I have 20 pieces in total okay this will be  finished uh by tonight okay thank you okay I'm not   sure if that was a local priz because we're at a  major tourist spot here so they might overcharge   a little bit I have no idea but I paid 20,000  which is like um a little bit over a dollar   30 or something so yeah luckily I brought my  backpack and it's not too heavy I don't know   if I need to hike up the volcano I don't think  so it's like with a van they said maybe I need   to hike a little bit but it's not heavy and it's  energy you know peanuts and rice that's carbs and   carbs and a little bit of protein so it's good  for hiking okay ticket boot hello this is uh   the ticket board ah you go settle but you wait  until 10 person uh we need to wait uh wait 5%   again 5 person we wait okay we wait a little bit  uh can I buy the ticket already if you go and you   pay me and now you wa okay how much is it these  are the prices 110,000 rupia ticket and shtle go   and B for everything for everything everything  110,000 rup okay and that's the same for local   and uh for no this is local price right yes oh  yeah so I can see domestic it's only double okay   okay okay so I I pay when I go in the van okay  I'll I'll wait a little bit okay so it's um for   foreigners double the price it's not as bad as  uh some other places where they charge 10 times   the price so it's okay 110,000 it's like um $5 or  something well waiting for that other person I'll   try some uh Moi kachang let's see how to open  this uh how do I open this it's a bit tricky though okay here I wonder why they don't fill them  completely instead of five pieces per box   there's a lot of space here so oh and these  are smaller than the ones that he let me try it's so delicious though do you like  mchi you want Moi thank you want sure try   no you like M no thank you you don't like oh  they don't like I do actually it's a lot of   powder sugar also I really like it this  one tastes a bit like Jan I guess they   have different flavors or something  yeah this one definitely tastes like jurrian I think there are different flavors in it   yeah I can finish all these  boxes right now if I want to and that's the last one okay I'll  keep the other boxes for later oh and   that's where we're going go pretty this is  how it looks I wonder if we have the look   uh the view from up top as well or it  just below I don't know but we will see soon they have some strawberries here Pepino  not sure what it is Marisa monis not sure what   it is oh yeah here you can see some kind of fruit  another fruit another fruit and this is a drink   H bandre so looks like alcohol or something  or maybe like a syrup maybe I'll have to try that okay seems like we have found our uh  five persons and it's full now ready to go   it's like an open van that's uh that's something  I never saw no doors or anything so pay to you   yes 110,000 110,000 okay oh ticket thank you  so I don't need to pay anything extra no okay   thank you thank you okay um we're ready  to go I have a ticket here 110,000 for a Cupa okay thank you that's a manual system  these are the Vans you can see open van I think this one oh I can go in the front Okay  yeah okay wait I'll take my backpack off this   one yeah wow there's even a glass here oh there's  a there like a police or something police Army   soldier soldier soldier yeah they looks like  soldiers or something they have like an armed   jacket and everything wow the motor is really  loud there's one uh there's one big mistake I   made here and that is to not bring a jacket not  sure if it will be an issue it might be um we will   see because it's pretty cold up there I hear it  and I didn't bring any jackets but of course I'm   from Belgium so I'm kind of used to that cold  weather but also I haven't been in Belgium for   almost a year so I'm not used to it anymore I'm  used to Asian weather now so we'll see how it goes [Music] it's not working right from the outside  maybe ah it's broken they're not letting me go   here not possible oh okay okay okay okay thank  you sir thank you oh we made it to the entrance   it was actually quite a ride I think was like  6 km uh and it was very very steep I think we   Rose um did you say Rose do you say Rose I don't  know we climbed like 500 m in altitude also so   it's quite uh quite Steep and he really destroyed  that motor of this van here the entrance is there   let's see if I still have my tickets here cuz  I need to keep a hold of this because I think   I need it for my right back as well yeah  first I thought I maybe had to walk up but   uh no that's not necessary um it would be also  a lot 5 km and it's like really uphill here it go okay let's see what's going on here he's  selling MKS do we need a mask disposable face   mask do you need mask for there smell sufur  ah for the sulfur smell yeah smell strong oh   very strong smell okay how much 5,000 one 5,000  yeah you only need one okay thank you thank you   oh we really need a mask yeah actually I can  smell the sulfur smell already it's already   here so I guess I will need this we will see  if I need it or not but I guess it's not so   healthy but even if it's not so healthy I  don't think this mask will help a lot just   for the smell a little bit maybe let's see oh  there's some sales people here setting some   food there some people waiting there you can  do some bow shooting I guess maybe later I'll   try that if it's open oh maybe there's like  another attraction that you can visit here   Sunan IBU and then I guess this is the main  entrance you have super adventure and you   have kaputi or is that the same thing I don't  know not allowed to smoke that's okay I don't smoke yeah we're quite high in altitude  here it's uh 2,200 M altitude according   to my watch which is quite High we came  well I came today from 1,000 where I was   staying in the hotel it's around 1,000  above sea level and here is 2,200 so in   uh let's say an hour I climbed 1,200 M  which means I could get like a headache   or something because there's less oxygen  obviously here but uh yeah let's see let's see wow you can see the the crater already here  looks beautiful oh and you can have your photos   taken here as well well I don't know if I  need that let's see I'll first have a look there this is the crater already oh yeah these are the photographers I  think wow it looks impressive though it looks   impressive I thought we would be up there but  it's only down here okay yeah I really thought we   would have a view from up there maybe I can have  the view when I take that other part but for now   we're just uh below here downstairs and I must say  the sun is very bright so maybe I should get out   my sunglasses because the reflection you know it's  very bright here wow looks impressive though it's   like a a chemical lake or something that's how it  looks wait okay I can see again with the sunlasses   so that's uh definitely a tip bring sunglasses  because it's super bright and look how beautiful   beautiful it is it's like a turquoise color it's  really beautiful I don't think the mask is really   necessary though so that was kind of a ripoff  but yeah it's not really necessary I think up   up there it smelled more like sulfur than here or  maybe it's because I'm used to it now I don't know   maybe I will be sick who knows but uh yeah you  can see here the lake and also the the dirt looks   very um yeah colorful you can see some smoke there  so it's definitely high temperature I don't know   what the temperature is of the water here but it's  impressive oh yeah now it smells more like sulfur definitely wow you can see how the the split  here you can see the sulfur color I guess   that's sulfur here can I touch this yeah it's  like yellowish yeah like really yellow yellow   sulfur car I'm not going to taste it if that's  what you're thinking oh I'm trying to get it   off but oh it feels weird it's like very thin  sand sticky sound yeah it feels weird but uh   maybe a thumbnail maybe yeah so everybody just  comes here for pictures that's basically the   point of this place but I really thought that  maybe we would be up there and have a view from   up that would be really nice I wonder oh  there's like um maybe I can go there you   have a nice view yeah I'll definitely go  there later but look here so we have like   the water level is pretty low now I guess  sometimes it gets higher it looks impressive though yeah when I smell my  hunt now it smells really   like sulfur like a matches basically that's how it smells okay let's see if we can make  our way up here and then have a better   view over the lake that's the  idea let's see how this works here hello sorry Mr it's closed oh  it's with ticket oh another ticket   oh extra ticket how much is it 25 okay  oh we need to buy an extra ticket for   this oh wait that's already five let me  see what else I have here a 20 2 have a 20 okay thank you oh so we need a separate ticket  here are the prices local 15 tourist 25 okay thank you I can walk there also oh no oh what sky  two what Skywalk one it Skywalk two H where   a Skywalk to the this one there okay oh up  there you mean oh how how do I go there how   to go there I need to walk go up here again uh  back here back and then go up Skywalk too okay   thank you thank you oh that's nice actually I  didn't even realize but there's another Skywalk   there which is way higher and that will give  me really good views so I have a ticket 25,000   for two skywalks and this is how Skywalk walk  one looks it's bamboo made and you basically   just follow a path here and then you have a view  over the lake but then also I don't know if you   can see it on the camera it's somewhere there  there's Skywalk number two and Skywalk number   two looks very interesting to me so I'm happy  that I have this extra ticket for that let's go feels a bit dodgy though sometimes  it feels like it will break but I know   bamboo is pretty strong so so  should be all right for my uh   for my 80 kilos here maybe 85 by now no  not 85 83 let's say okay which way do I go yeah I feel already we at 2,200 you  know and then uh it's a bit harder to   breede less oxygen especially with the  sulfur in the air as well it's a beautiful poto look at this from up here it looks  even more beautiful the color is   really popping you know it is gorgeous it is gorgeous okay let's see which other viewpoints we  can explore because the spot goes further and it   also goes up there so there's lots of places to  explore here okay feels good to be in nature I   love it I love it and the nature here in Indonesia  is gorgeous you can see it when you're driving   all the time they're like Rice Terraces and  beautiful Greenery it's really gorgeous so I'm not   regretting uh this little side quest from bandong  uh I would recommend you to do the same you can   either go to lambang or chiw day but lambang from  what I heard is super super touristy and I wanted   to avoid the big amounts of tourists so that's why  I chose for chewy day but yeah lambang also has a   lot of options and there's also a crater that you  can visit but uh I came to this one instead so yeah and we're getting higher and higher  you can see whoa oh this one is really   almost breaking I was leaning a little bit  too much on my right foot and I was like w   so as you can see we're getting high higher and  higher uh and we're pretty much surrounded by   jungle like deep deep jungle look there's  like deep deep deep deep deep deep jungle   deep deep deep deep deep deep jungle yeah I'm  loving it because I don't have direct sun on   my face so that's kind of nice as well well  except for now a little bit and then uh it's   not too hot also you know it's a very very nice  temperature I was worried that it would be cold   here and I didn't bring my sweater but actually  the temperature is really great here especially   when you're walking it feels great yes [Music]  yes wow these stairs are I don't know man some   of them are broken you see so it's a bit  dodgy sometimes but it's all good it's all right oh and there's like a I think that well  that one is probably not in use anymore but   there's like a bridge as well there like a  hanging bridge but I guess it's not in news   and I'm trying to figure out what darang  mirok means because I see this everywhere   I think it's probably something about danger  or I don't know really but I want to Google   translator but there's no signal here so I'll  figure it out later probably something like be   careful or whatever or dangerous or something  like that I don't know but I think it's time   to go to Skywalk too because we're back at the  beginning so now I need to make my way to Skywalk to okay thank you okay we're back down now  but now it's time to go up for real for   real for real look there you can see  there there's another Viewpoint with   the flag there that's where we're  going now and uh that will take a   bit longer I think and a bit more sweat  and maybe Blood and Tears as well let's see oh you can see the height here the  elevation 2,194 above sea level so   what does my watch say 2,195 wow  only 1 meter difference Garmin   Garmin Phoenix good watches very  accurate not always but this time yes Miss hello Miss Miss not miss Mr M yeah  I'm not miss miss is for lady no it's okay   it's okay where are you from uh Belgium oh  Belgium do you know how I can go there to   Skywalk too uh which way which way huh I have  the ticket already I need to go up all the   way and then left you go uh up I'll I'll ask  somebody there okay okay okay thank you thank you okay okay okay okay I'll find it I'll  just go all the way up and then uh figure it out okay we made it back off now I need to  figure out the Skywalk too oh actually it's   not that hard to find it's here Skywalk canopy  that's the one that I need okay where's my ticket   now here it is so how to go up on here it's  open Skywalk here this way I have the ticket already okay thank you H it's the only  guest no no other guest there nobody oh   I have the whole Skywalk for myself thank  you sir okay let's uh go to Skywalk to now oh and there's some hammocks  here that's really cool you can   chill out here in a hammock  very colorful hammocks let's go okay first Viewpoint from Skywalk  2 and it's already nice it's already beautiful and actually there's like  a walkway there as well but I'm not   sure if it's that impressive I think from up  here yeah from up here it's much better than   down there for sure because you have the  beautiful Lake in the background will be   gorgeous so let's go keep moving but hotti  HTI hotti hotti I think that means uh be careful hello hello can I pass yes yes thank  you no oh you're fixing it good good good job   okay oh you do it with little axe that's how  you do it with nails and an axe oh they use   axe oh with a Big Bamboo yeah bamboo Bamboo  very strong no very strong I hope so at least   because we're going on a high Skywalk now  let's see this must be the highest one I   can see the flag already that we saw from uh  from up from down there yeah this must be the   highest one I can see the flag waving and uh  that's what I saw from down there so this is   uh the most impressive Viewpoint wow I can see it  already I can see it already but I'm not going to   show you yet I need to give keep the suspense a  little bit now wow wow this is definitely worth   it if you're doubting like should I get that  extra ticket well uh doubt no more because the   view is beautiful look at this boom boom boom  boom they have like a double fence system here wow yeah this is definitely the best view in  the room look at this you can see the smoke   there com out of the ground in the back also  wow this is gorgeous man must be even better   if there's more water I guess in uh when it rains  a lot or something it's more water you can see it   a little bit wow it's beautiful see if somebody  notices me nobody nobody cares they're taking   their pictures I'm taking my videos W right I  need to I don't want that fence in my thumbnail whoa thumbnail attempts number  uh 67 I think wow look at this okay so honestly get a ticket for the  skywalks because it's worth it it's a little   bit of a walk but it's not uh nothing crazy how  much uh so we're at 2,229 m above sea level right   now and we were at 2,194 which means we Rose uh  6 35 M only wow that's okay is that only 35 M   that's not possible okay maybe it is I don't know  it seems more beautiful though beautiful okay guys   so um I feel like uh we need a little reward  because uh climbing all these stairs it makes   you hungry now I'm actually very hungry because  I didn't have lunch yet so what I'm going to do   right now is get some of those uh candies that  I bought maybe another thumbnail attempt maybe   with the flag and the lake that's kind of cool  so guys what is better than a beautiful view over   kawasa py well I'm going to tell you a beautiful  view over kawasa py with candy so uh let's get   some candy one of those candies well not one I  will eat the whole box honestly one two three Dusty oh oh no I thought he cheated on me but  there's a fifth one W approved these candies I   really love it but I still don't understand why  they keep half empty boxes not even half empty   like quarter empty I'm sure they could fit like  20 pieces in here but they only have five what's   the deal with that let's see if they like uh some  of these candies you want some candy oh yeah yeah   of course here you can share with everyone okay  thank you is it normal only five five pieces oh   yeah it's only always like this five only M  moi you like yeah I like good no good yeah   okay enjoy vlogger vlogger vlogger vlogger yes  oh yeah yeah where you come from uh from Belgium   belgia oh oh yeah he's sto now finished retired  finish retired yeah yeah yeah Lukaku Lukaku good   no oh good very good nice to meet you nice to  meet you too nice to meet you okay enjoy okay   byebye enjoy the candy yeah okay finally someone  that accepts my candy nobody wanted to accept   down there but up here people are more cool they  like the real Candy the good candy so yeah let's go this was it for kawasa py now uh we're  following the exit the K I was always saying   K but some local guy told me it's clu actually  I didn't know but now I know so uh let's see if   we can have fun of those fans because I probably  have to wait again for 10 people hello so I have   to wait for 10 people most likely and then  we will be able to go down that fan almost   looks full so I think we're lucky today it's full  okay okay they're really waiting for one person   or something oh that's perfect for me oh I can go  okay okay thank you thank you okay back down we go   and find some lunch there yeah thank you thank  you it's the same guy even he was waiting for me hello hello hello how are you [Music] good okay back down now  down will be easier for the motor oh the door works now it works now thank you thank you okay we made it back down thank you sir  okay we made it back down and I'm starving   I'm super super hungry so let's see what  we can find here well I'm not in the mood   for strawberries now but I want to have some  propery food first ah no thank you I'm good   thank you thank you no thank you maybe that  would be my dessert maybe but not uh I need   to lunch first STW for lunch no no thank you oh  this is very interesting hello guberry hello guy   hello uh no I will uh eat something first lunch  green tea green tea uh no I will drink something first let's see what I can find there  no no thank you thank you oh wow so   many strawberries here let's see what uh if  there's any warm food here uh there's lots of   stalls here lots of stalls selling all kinds of  products and lots of Vans as well and the thing   is there so many Vans here but I don't see a  lot of people so I guess it's really a quiet   day today because I mean if you have like 100  Vans and there's only two in news or something   that means it's a quiet day right so let's see  what we can find here um I want some warm food   they have some saté here let's see what she has  it's a bit empty though which is uh oh no it's   not empty hello hello um what do you sell here  uh let's see oh let me see what you have so to am oh what is this one saus oh sauses you  have it's uh sa like kind of sa sa this   sausage chicken chicken sausage okay um how  many pieces how how one piece two three how   do you sell it one one piece okay I'll have have  one piece already oh what else w we have a lot   of food here oh let me see what else oh this  is the one so so bakar okay so that's three   pieces or one piece with sauce also 50,000  50,000 for one piece and was it with rice or it's only SA or I'm not sure what that means okay I'll  have a sausage bakar one one pory please not sure not sure oh and some drinks  maybe what does she have oh I could do   a Fanta that kind of fanta what else does  she have here some kind of Ginger drink   okay yes ah no thank you I will eat here  first maybe later maybe first I need to eat okay let me sit down can I also have  one Fanta I see you have the red Fanta one   Fanta please oh yeah I saw oh have some chili  powder here chili chili chili you like chili   strong spicy spicy oh thank you some oh wow  it's strawberry funa actually I don't think   the strawberries come from here but it's  a strawberry fun I never tried this before okay Strawberry Fanta that's a first for me this 20 12 oh 20 and it's with rice also  no no rice only sausage or rice also a Nas   n you want okay mix yeah okay okay okay  oh yeah it comes with r I was confused   because um 20 for only sausage seems a  bit high so that has to come with rice probably oh wow it's good okay guys our food has arrived we  have some NY with salad some what I think   it's spicy sauce and then we have um SES with  mayonnaise and ketchup chicken sausage looks   good and smells good as well let's give it a  try maybe first I'll try first I'll try the sausage dip it in some ketchup and okay that's not ketchup  that's spicy sauce wow it's good mhm approv okay let's do some rice with some spicy  sauce well this might be a bit too much so let's see oh it's pretty spicy but it's so good now let's do a combo let's do a combo sausage rice best combo oh yeah this is propably good sausage spicy sauce and some rice so good but um my mouth is on fire literally  don't underestimate ever Indonesian spicy food sweating thank you how much is  it 40 40 40 okay I have uh okay okay how much are these actually how  much is this 20 20 okay okay okay no   I tried already I tried already I was just  curious because I bought one earlier here   on the parking and they asked me 20 as  well so it seems like it's a fair price   I was not overcharged apparently you can  keep the change it's okay it's okay okay   okay thank you okay thank you bye-bye by bye  bye byebye strawberry oh I I have strawberry   here's strawberry I have my strawberry  fun already so I don't need strawberries Teri I know it's not the same of course Fanta  Strawberry Fanta strawberry Fant it's not the   same as real strawberry no strawberry yeah  it's much if yeah it's a big box I don't   need big boxes no it's okay thank you thank you  yeah if they would have like small boxes that   maybe I would do it like a really small box  hello hello mister how are [Laughter] you oh   this looks very tasty though what is this Bol  suu lambang yeah is open yeah oh maybe I'll   I can have one for dessert is it how big is  this oh you make it fresh here or is oh it's   sold out sold out oh oh it's too big the Box  oh yeah no no I thought maybe you had small   box oh it's really big no no I'll skip it it's  okay thank you it's too big it's like a family   package I I don't need family package so  hello yeah it's too big the size I I it   looks very delicious though but I wish I could  have like a small dessert but everything is Big   packages I guess most people come here with  the whole family but I'm all by myself so I'm   not going to buy a big package wow my mouth  is still on fire let's see what we can find here yeah maybe I'll just get back on the  road and um find something on the road but   as you can see there's lots of shops around and  there's not a lot of customers so that's why uh   they're they attack me you know because I'm  the only one walking around here basically um   okay I'm I will get my helmet jump on my  scooter and then we will be back for the   next destination all right guys this was  it for kaap py um it was very beautiful   I would definitely recommend you to come here  as well but uh for me it's time to head to the   next destination but uh you already know if  you're still watching you're a legend legend

2023-12-30 14:48

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