Digital Hot Topics Webinar Series - Embracing AI for Growth and Efficiency in your Tourism Business

Digital Hot Topics Webinar Series - Embracing AI for Growth and Efficiency in your Tourism Business

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hello and welcome everyone I'm Patricia Kingston and I'm the corporate events officer at tourism ni and I'm absolutely delighted to welcome you today for the first of our Ted experts uh webinars on digital Hot Topics um as part of the tourism Enterprise development program we're joined today by kieren Connelly founder of profile tree who among other things specializes in supporting businesses to introduce free and paid Ai and digital tools to streamline and drive business um so we're really interested to hear what Karen has in store for us uh in today's session where we'll be embracing AI for growth and efficiency in your tourism business during this afternoon's presentation Karen is going to be discussing AI tools and Technologies available and high they can be used to improve customer experience streamline operations and drive growth um and Kieran will also be kindly staying on at the end to pick up any questions you might have so be sure to pop those into the chat box and your control panel at any time throughout the Pres presentation and we'll pick up as many of those as we can at the end so we have lots to get through today so without any further Ado it's my pleasure to introduce and hand it over to Karen to kick off today's presentation so good afternoon Karen over to you thank you very much and welcome everyone uh to today's uh session so I'm looking forward to getting into this with you and as I say definitely do send your questions through looking forward to answering them at the end so we're going to focus on AI and how we use it for growth and efficiency see within our business and there's a couple of things when we we're thinking of AI U what we should know uh really what is AI and how does it work so we're going to spend a few minutes as stated on on the slides and get into a live demos which which is the the most exciting part if you ask me but H yeah so we need to know what is AI going have a quick overview of the tools as mentioned look at some of the core areas and what what's next what's likely to happen in AI again is this a a something that's uh hot today and maybe going tomorrow or is there something that we really seriously need to look at for our business today so first off what is AI so we've got loads of texts on the screen I'm not going to read it basically and and you don't just need to know at a top level so um basically it's a technology that helps or allows a machine to act with some intelligence that's really what an an AI is normally it's based on it's learnings from the past so if we think of some of the the the most popular tools today they're based on billions of pieces of data from the internet so it's data that's already there and they're using some natural language processing with prompts from people and they're getting results so it's really the prompts from people and that's where you and I come in so that's what really makes the AI work and sing so that that that's at a top level that's all we really need to know um about AI it's been around for years but it's only became popular in the last 12 months and we're going to have a h a little look at that um as as well and some of the most most popular ones so here and you some some of you may remember this here this is actually an image from 2016 and it's the Hilton Hotel and they were introducing a AI conge called H Connie and it was based on the the most advanced technology of the time but 2016 amazing 13 years uh old now but um still it still new technology it never really adapted and we think of some of the other emerging technology we hear people talk about the AR VR it feels like it's it's been around forever not mass Market H and the metaverse we've all probably heard of it and and maybe don't know much uh more about it so we're hearing it in the background so it is been developed all the time then someday it pops and obviously that's what happened with AI so I have a question there what changed in November 20 uh 2020 or 2022 so that was when chat gbt and I'm sure most of you heard of that launched it was the 30th of November so just over a year ago uh chat GPT launched to the public and by January the 13th um there was over 10 million people using it that was the stats that they were releasing then so from November to January uh over 10 million people jumped on were using it today h chbt says that over a million people use their platform every single week and there's over 1.5 billion visits to their website every month so it's an incredible tool that has reached Mass adoption in the business world in the education space and people having fun uh as well so it really has been used massively around the world it's one of the fastest growing adoptions of any software or any tool in in the world so something to be recomm hopefully many of you have um signed up and already tried it out but if not as I say we look at it today but the first the very first CH gbt model dates back to uh 2018 so again it's been around for a long time and the core with what chat does chat gbt is it's looking at all this data on the inter Internet it's getting us to write prompts to it and it's pulling in the data and rewriting it rewriting this knowledge and giving us back what we've asked for and that's basically again how it works so very very exciting it's smart um but it still needs a lot of uh human intervention into into how it operates so again another another lovely uh uh reference to Ai and this is a a hotel in Japan um again very well not very old but it is it's a couple years old but this is from their website today so again this this uh Hotel group is very famous for introducing technology into the business so they're in the Guinness Booker records and they they're really using their adoption of uh technology to build their brand and become world famous which is again a very smart um way to go so uh this this the they're they're taking Next Level so when you walk into Hotel you're actually talking it feels like they're trying to make it as human as possible you're talking to the system you can type into the system and the the AI is answering back but it's still the exact same concept the exact same model that we have access to and of course them installing this would have cost a lot of money and today we can actually use chat gbt for free so how does AI Ru into tourism where does it sit and what can it do what can it help us with so again with with with AI what we need to think of is that we have we can use it to to make um personal travel recommendations I say all makes sense if you haven't used AI when we go into the live demo so AI is we think of our mobile phones for example so we've got Siri on our iPhone and we've got he Google as well so depending if you're using uh Apple or Android these are very smart intelligent devices that we find in not lot a lot of people are using so with Sur what you can do is you can use your voice and you can answer calls you can write messages you can book calendar appointments you can uh set alarms so these are all things that you can actually do today in your mobile mobile phone device and again that's using AI um when we go into Netflix for example and the homepage that you see uh you're getting all these recommendations that's personal recommendations based on what you've looked at in the past and again that's a really good example if we go into maybe some of the bigger uh booking engines like you often find that there's personal recommendations uh sitting there waiting for you and this this technolog has been in use for for years in Facebook Netflix Amazon Spotify all of these platforms are using this technology to try and drive um personal recommendations that provide a better experience for the users you and I um we can see if you've ever seen Dynamic pricing where pricing changes depending on what's Happening um if you went to try and book a flight or maybe you didn't book it and you went back a couple of hours later on the price Maybe has gone up or changed sometimes we see that happen H and that could be a little bit frustrating but again that's platforms using Dynamic pricing to uh generate the the maximum revenue chatbots and virtual assistance we've seen an incredible growth in chatbots over the last 12 months the the number of businesses implementing that and using that but also I think consumers who are looking for 247 support and replies H gone to the days when people want to to get a response from someone 9 to5 and they had the patience so again we've seen a dramatic uh increase in that in the last couple of years and we'll have a look at that as well people are using AI to analyze data again that's an incredible area that probably we didn't have a lot of time to do or even budget to invest and to to look at that so AI is incredible at looking at data taking incredible volumes of data and getting sense from that we can actually interrogate it as well ask it questions and get some advice so for example in our accounts if we use QuickBooks or zero what's happening there is that we're getting the uh ability to ask it if we increase our price of this product by 10% what does that do to the profit margin H if we if if bookings are down 4% uh what does that do to break even so these are things that we're able to do and being introduced into the products and that's said um again back to the global adoption of ai ai has been introduced into every single thing and it's probably already been there but maybe not as as visible as it is now and maybe we're becoming more aware of it as well if we again think of your mobile phone do 99% of people actually use all this technology that we have the the ability to to to make all these bookings um when we look at efficiency in automation again back to the email sequences and and uh I'm sure a lot of people are using automations in their emails so someone books something and they get a sequence of emails you can actually now build in a little bit of AI and add in some intelligence so if someone's booking something and it's the weekend you can maybe pull some data from the internet of what's on and send them really live updated information so again you can see how it's moving up in uh the service that we're able to deliver to our customers again back to the we can predict and see what's coming the forecasting is incredible um because again you can do it live we don't have to wait for spreadshe to come back from accountants in the future so again incredible what we can do in in that respect language translations we expect to see that not being a a major issue going forward then the the AI tools are translating uh and we can actually have them now in their website and you can actually talk to them so again there's options around that to open up our business every uh language in the world root planning again we're all using Google Maps and uh Apple Maps and we're seeing the arv or been introducing that and even it's even helping with sustainability which as I say We'll dive into and have a a little look look at in a deeper level so just so again this is and I'm putting up these these images they they're quite old um so again just to show or illustrate that this has been here for a long time what we're trying to do now is actually H jump on to the mass adoption it's become super cheap super affordable and so easy to use these tools in our business that we should without a doubt be introducing these to every business uh in the next year uh because again customers are getting used to them they're expecting them and they want to see the the support So customers as a point one there customers do love AI the maybe not the AI itself but the actual impact it's having having in the business they can get instant support instant instant answers and that that is the most important thing with AI we can save money of course because we can't we can't man all these options 24/7 but if we have really good intelligent Ai and we set it up for Success then we're going to save money we don't have to have people and sometimes we know it's hard to get people all the time so this is maybe an opportunity to remove some of that pain from our business and back to the key thing is customer service happy customers will will purchase more spend more leave us better reviews all super important as I say that that that article there 2017 so again the these big companies are have been working on and using this for for years now it's a time of uh every other business to jump in Just sh sharing some stats before we go and look at the live demo so just to emphasize how big this is and we can't underestimate how important it's going to be for our businesses in the next 12 months it's already been groundbreaking uh this year but next year I think it's going to get even faster so you can see here just at the top it says that AI revenue is they're expecting it to grow from 86 billion to 407 billion so that the increases are incredible um what I'd see as well is that there and I've asked a question at the bottom there how many AI tools are there and it's saying there's hundreds of thousands of AI tools already and that's probably going to continue because AI is the hottest hottest thing in town at the moment so that's going to going to continue and what our advice is and we we've seen it and we've we've become a victim of it as well a little bit is that there's so many new tools and new products being promoted to us through social platforms and and what we want to do is actually uh avoid the noise focus on one or two and become Masters at it and if we do that we're going to uh take over the world so the one we're recommending that you really look at and focus at is of course chbt um without a doubt it is the best AI in the in the the market today and that's probably going to continue there's a few other uh AI tools competing with it but it is the the Forerunner and that's probably going to continue hence why you're very likely to be very safe to become a a master chat GPT and a lot of the other tools are publicly available are built on the technology that chat GPT has they're just putting a little bit of software or feature in front of it and you see again if you're subscribing to any software we mentioned QuickBooks or zero even your booking systems you're going to see that they're going to be introducing if not already AI tooles or elements into what they're doing so they can offer you a better service for the subscription you're already paying so things are going to change with chbt we've two models at the moment uh two business plans one is totally free and it is called chat 3.5 chat uh um GPT 3.5 and again it's fine to use but what we found is chat 4 which came out earlier this year and we expect that that's probably going to continue what'll happen is when chat five uh or 4.5 comes out the next version it will be the PID one and hopefully then the the really good version that we have today chat 4 will come down to be the the free version and that that seems to be what they're uh doing at the moment so every couple of months every six months or so we're we're edging up in the technology so again back to this the pace of change and how how fast this is um running it's even to the point in January this year we were advising our clients not to don't be using CH GPT because again the quality just wasn't there two maybe two or three months later we were realizing okay this this actually now they've upgraded and the quality and the results we're getting from it really worth investing in now is the time to go in and and jump in as I mentioned again it's three or $20 and and the $20 you'll see you'll save a hundred times over so it is really a good investment so if you do have a budget for your your your stack then um definitely what we do again just highlighting some of the things we do we can do with it and we're going to have a look at this now uh and we will we will send out um information after the the webinar as well so you will get all this but there's there's so much we can do we can use it to build out uh a tinies for guests who are staying in our area we can have it create some menu ideas or mail ideas for bed and breakfast um we can as I said there's no end we can use it to reply to our clients and and different softwares using say chart GPT or open AI which is built on will help us do that so again that's yeah we're going to get into the live demo but just before I do I just wanted to to run through a few myths that um and we we' mention on the slide so uh just again to highlight some of the key things so AI one of the things people think is that AI can think like people can think and act like people and it it really can't um what it is is it's using information that it's been fed and then based on the prompts that we're given it that's that's how it reacts so it's it's not that's not the case um there's obviously thought you know some thinking that it could leave the mass mass job losses so we even ourselves we've some of our jobs have been disrupted and we again we don't see that what we see is that there's a big opportunity to create better roles and so for again we had writers of volume of writers in our team now those people are aren't writing they're prompt Engineers so they're using chat GPT to and their their output has multiplied maybe four times in a day they're achieving so much more being more productive um and again they went through a little bit of digital transformation in the business and there's a little bit of resistance none of us like learning new things um but benefits outweigh the the little bit of pain of learning something new it it is incredible um just again the systems aren't 100% correct and don't make mistakes they are slightly biased because again they're built they're they're using the data that's online and again if you think it's they're just scraping the internet getting billions of pieces of information but if you think that includes comments on websites and in forums and on Facebook and all these platforms so again that that content hasn't been vetted so there is some bad or incorrect content in that there is bias that's why anything that you get from from the tools we do want to to check it they can't solve complex problems independently either um again that what we need to think is they need people to ask questions so these are super intelligent tools but unless you or I are asking the question it's not going to do anything and that's where we um come in that's where the you know the real value is because someone that knows how to use a a chat poot or a AI tool like chat GPT can do maybe three four five times what someone can do without it so it is it's a it's a game uh changer in that um last point is probably around you know the expense people do do think that there's a mindset that you know this can be expensive we're going to show you today that it's super inexpensive if not free and it it you know there's a few maybe this is complex it's super not um again the fact that this is this tool has went from zero to 100 million weekly users is Testament how easy it is to use so again we're going to stop now that's enough slides and we're going to jump over and go through the live demo so I've just jumped over to our search engine and what I'm going to do again type in chat GPT and you should get this page here of course uh different versions of it you're going to click in so it's it's from a company called open AI so when you see this um you're in the right place so you're just going to click in and you can create a as as I mentioned you create a free account and I have a paid account and I'm going to have a look at that now so when you sign in so you get this to know this symbol here very very quickly when you sign in this is what you're presented with so you're going to have a little profile down here for settings and you've got some extra features here and again down here is where you go into your settings and you can decide to pay or not pay but again sign up and try for free it gives you some prompts here already you can see so the whole idea is prompt so right now we have access to one of the most powerful uh computers in the world that's available to to us so what I'm going to do and and the beautiful thing is this has came on so much since it launched we've had so many uh new updates it it has been incredible for example it it didn't uh crawl the internet now it craws internet and I'll show you um an example of that now so what I'm going to do is we're going to we can take I'm ask it so can you review you a website and give me feedback on how it it can be improved so I'm I'm starting and um basically the whole idea with using these tools effectively is is that you have to ask really good questions but prompt it don't and don't sometimes it come back and say it can't do it basically you want to ask the question in a different way so again it's saying so now what I have is I've got my first chat and as you go through the chats they're going to appear here so your history will appear down the left hand side and you just go and start a new chat and away we go so again can you review this website and give me some tips on improving it and it doesn't matter about spelling so the beautiful thing and this is the what changed in November 2022 what really changes this interface it you can type in into this computer and get back we don't need any fancy buttons we don't need to set up anything on the screen it's ready to go we just type and that is the the key thing that changed in in November last year so again I've just typed in um our website here so I'll be embarrassed now here we go but basically what it's doing and as I say you you'll do it for for your own website you do it maybe for competing websites H who's who's ranking number one and it's going to review and see how it's performing so again it's giv us feedback back and uh you can see what it's diving into so it's reading the website and giving us um some feedback on what we can improve so again what I'm going to do now is ask it so definitely want to read this and take advice and you can ask it the thing is you may not know about SEO and content strategy what you do then is you ask it ask it to explain it how do I improve it what am I missing um again if I'm wondering about mobile optimization so um again I'd ask it right okay can you tell me about this how is this s performance you can you need to Pro it and that's as I said back to being a prompt engineer which is the the coolest job in the world at the moment that's what um everyone's clamoring to be and you can see now we've got two Chats on the side so your history builds up here so you can go back into past chats and and continue a conversation so I'm going to ask this now what what about the content on the website can it be improved so basically you can think I'm sure of your own job and and things that you do in the in your day-to-day and maybe you've got someone doing digital marketing for example this is where they can jump jump in and and find out get some feedback and advice so what I what I can do then again is um so again you can see there's giv me it's it's a very tough judge there's no flowers in this it is rootless so it will give you U very tough guidance so I'm going to ask it now can you identify keyword gaps keyword Gap or recommend articles to add to the site so again what it's doing is it's understanding diving into what we're doing I'm keeping all the conversation in one chat so it's building up a little bit of a history about the topic that we're talking about and um it's it's going to help me with with all of this so what we're can to do it's it's going to keep working on this I stop it which I can do by pressing this button so that that's what to the prompt to get this next prompt uh working or uh I can just let it run to the end so I'm going to stop it now and I'm just going to submit it's always asking for feedback so this will be again as I say I'm getting into the interesting things so for example in digital marketing we should analyze a website and look at the keywords or content that's on a website and try and find out what it's what's missing um from it so what chat GPT has done has went and looked at our competitors and is seeing what content that they have that we don't have and now it's pulling in uh ideas for us to write about so again uh we'll get some ideas now so can can you give me a list of articles I should write so again I'm going to stop it just to save some time and again the conversation so yeah we start talking to ourselves as we're we're doing this so again brilliant so it it's going to come back now with some articles that we should write for the for the website and again it is looking at you can ask it impr prompted to consider SEO the key in all of this is the prompts so you can see here I'm putting in one one sentence prompts what I would recommend is that you ideally would aim for three or four sentences and be as Des descriptive as possible the reason for that is the more context the more Direction the more examples and and guidance you give this very powerful bot the better response is going to be so I'm getting I'm putting in one line I'm getting generic content but if I took my time and wrote a very nice prompt then I'm going to get a much better um response so again you can see here now it's coming up with uh article ideas absolutely amazing so the evolution of web design and it's talking about 2024 still talking about 23 in this one but you know again it's recognized over Northern Ireland um it's recognized our services so I would say yeah the these it's it's understood AI that we're talking about yet the the article ideas are incredible this is brilliant and it's going to keep going it's going to and I could ask it for 50 ideas 100 ideas but I'm going to stop it here and I'm going to ask it now can you write the first one the words for the first idea please write this as an SEO expert SEO expert so again um who let's see what talking about who also is an expert in web design so if you are writing say a tourism um post and I've always spell mistaken that but it knows so if you writing a tourism post um on things to do in your local area or the history of a place what you would do is you would be you would be prompted you seen what I did there at the prompt you'd be asking it to write it as a historic expert and but focused on on the tourism sector targeted at uh tourists from the USA for example and again that would that would give the the robot the guidance the understanding H to get closer to what you want um and I've asked it to write it as an SEO expert because I want keywords and all that good stuff um followed as well so so BR so here we go we've got a title we've got our introduction we've got our subheadings and it's breaking it down we've even got key takeaways which is very nice um and you can see it's it's writing this article so there we go so we've got a very nice article for our website and that's taken and covered now what we're doing and what we're seeing a massive um benefit from doing is taking this article and adding it to our website but then enhancing it so take it this let's say this is 60 70% done what you want to do then is add in your own personal experience again if you're writing an article on things to do in your local area you would take what this gives us so again we can ask it so right uh oh give let me see yeah okay right right uh AR sorry things to do in well go nor of course dodgy dodgy typing Under Pressure um of course that's it so the beautiful thing it it forgives the the ring again what we're finding is even even um people who maybe let's say weren't excellent in school maybe they're like myself is a little bit do dodgy legs of chbt can really help us with that it removes barriers it really um levels of playing field so again it's coming up with some of the best things to do now in in Northern Ireland so what we could do now is we can take this article and T add it to our website but we need to improve it make it human add in our own personal experience we need to take it to the next level again the whole thing with AI is partnership it's an assistant um what we've seen is some people are copying and pasting this and adding it in without enhancing it and that that is I wouldn't advise to do that because again what's happening is going back to the what we talked about earlier is this is taking data from from the internet everything that's on the Internet is kind of mashing it up and giving it back to us so there's no originality in it there's no personal experience there no no experience share so we need to get that um so again we take this and and add it to our site and enhance it take it the next level so again it's great we've got our article now What's the title here so exploring Northern Ireland uh tough things to do that that's okay but I I'm going to say right can we make this article title more clickable so again back to we still need the knowledge of how we're going to use the tool so if I accepted it then I'd get back what I put in but now because I'm challenging it it's going to come up with a a few more hopefully a few more titles seven must see so there's a bit of again yeah it it urgency or excitement around that tit compared to um up here it's it's it feels very Bland and again we can ask it we can ask it for five ideas 10 ideas this is it's a great tool if you're brainstorming things for sharing on social media so give me you know again if I can you can you give me 10 ideas on what are how I could share this article on social media so again and ideally what you put in is I'm targeting the USA and and this is my demographic so again feed feed the machine updated what you're what you're talking about what you're after and it will give you um so so now it's giv me ideas and then I can ask it to actually write the the posts first as well um can you add some statistics to the article so again oh there we go so stop do spell I'm really test it now so I'm asking for statistics and the reason I'm doing that is you're going to see now so can you create an info oh so so basically what's happening in or happened and we want to talk about the future is um in the last update uh open the eye and chat added in the ability to do images within this so we can type and ask it to create images now it's still a little bit to go but I would expect in three or six months this is actually going to be actually really really um interesting and and we can we can use it we can we can actually create credible images from it so I've asked it now to give us some stats so I'm going to let it type in some stats and what I'm going to ask it then is to create an infographic of those stats now when it creates the infographic as I say it still has a problem with text it's super interesting to see and I expect that that's what they're working on at the moment but you can take that graphic if it's a good graphic and bring it into canva and edit it you can edit every layer of it so you can still get something that's very useful and for you to take and use so again I'm just going to stop it now is pulling out all these stats which is great now if you remember as well I did say ideally what we do is we ask it to reference these statistics because we should check them because sometimes they call it hallucinating when they the AI goes wrong but hopefully you get an idea of how it does um may make it relevant to tourism so cool so I've asked it now to make a infographic but again if I had brand colors if I had particular requirements if it was the time of year I wanted like Christmas then I can ask it now as I say sometimes this going be a massive feel sometimes it can be really uh a big win so again let's let's see what it comes back with and when it's doing that I'm going to keep going and um I'm going to ask it so can you write just again to show you right oh gosh there we go so there we go so you can see how quick that now I can go back in and give it feedback and say look don't like like don't um and as I mentioned the the the text we can see that there's issues in text so causeways missed a few letters and so on so that that is what happens that the text isn't perfect yet but you can see the potential imag and again um even a couple of months ago we we had to you know manually write the content we had to then go and create an infographic or we just use a stock image as I said the days of stock images are definitely uh going to be gone and it's only a matter of time and a couple of months before this really works can you write me a post just want for LinkedIn again spelling Dody Instagram X just and say this I'm looking at my notes are threads to promotee this article can you include the relevant hashtags and call to accent so again if it understands my dodgies so again you can see I'm asking that now um my my business is promoting a special tourism experience and it is targeted at young couples oh aged 25 40 so young people uh and again you can see the more we put into it so it's a false economy to put in one sentence because what you get back is going to be very generic but the more as I say the more you put into this the more you're going to get back so here we go now we're getting again really good content what you'll see again and and you've May heard of it you may even seen it and try to identify that's on social media that's from chat BT or that's from AI content and that is definitely the case what we should be doing is take this as a base it's amazing for ideas you might take this and customize it we all know we're all tight for time and again this is a a really good uh base to get us some ideas and again you can ask it for 50 ideas you can ask it to be more creative so you can see here it's it's putting all this content out and where I'm thinking for example quick wins um there's there's so many platforms out there that we businesses ignore legs of Pinterest and all of these that' be great that to be posting on all the time and regularly hold um or have an audience but we're not we're not getting that done so this is maybe a way to do that what about email marketing how many people are doing email marketing will know we can actually write an email we can have the content on our website we can craft email it can write us uh write the the content for us and um help us so again I'm just going to I've got a couple of prompts here and you can save your prompts um so again I'm just going to let me see this works yeah I just pting that in so I've copied my prompts in so you can see brilliant so it's it's a way of reading the prompt so you can you can see it's getting getting ideas so these are all things that maybe we don't do at the moment that we can actually now use our intelligent insistent and help us so again I've asked it can you give me a great title so I'm sending out so can can you give me 30 more ideas and unlike us after a long hard day we get tired and the Brain starts to to to close down H these tools don't so again we can really push and push and push and just think of it as an extra person in the room it's come to the extent now that we have given every one of our team um their own chat gbt and because again that the productivity Improvement that we've seen from it has been incredible and it's it's really wored the investment there is enterprise level um accounts coming out where you''ll be able to to buy multiple uh licenses in one and if you're lucky and you're using Microsoft um as your email provider so you're using teams and PowerPoint then a CH gbt it owns 50% of open a the company behind chat gbt so this is all going to be integrated and it's already rolling out to all the accounts so you're going to very very soon see this ruled into your teams so when you go on to a teams call H there'll be a little AI in the corner and you can ask it what did I miss in the meeting um give me a summary of what happened H and when you're doing your PowerPoint presentation it will help write the slides uh it'll help send your emails and this is this is coming so go back to where is this going to go and again I've got all these ideas a bit excessive 30 but you could imagine you could sit down and plan out an email campaign if you're doing one a month you could take a day or one of your team members now and and before maybe to write an email at might have taken four hours or five hours well now in four or five hours they might be able to get a month's worth of emails out the same with social media post so again we're we we're looking at saving money saving time growing our Reach online and we're only talking so far on um digital marketing I guess in that respect so it definitely does save time so we can ask it to help us with can you help me by outlining [Music] uh business for a new food experience that I want to create for my business business oh gosh it so you get the idea form is so again if I give it loads of information I'm going to get something really back but I'm just going to give it nothing and let it come back with the basics so again you can see this so we've talked about digital but you can roll it into other areas of the business um you can ask it for ideas around business plans you can ask it again uh we I I I need to while that's working WR a new AI policy for our business for our business um can you write this for me considering Northern Ireland law now again with all of this you'd want to get it checked as we said but if this was for a or some ideas so you've got something that you can read and then go and professionally get a check then it's a it's a brilliant base um because again it it it just gives us some ideas what should we include and it gives gets you thinking uh like that um if you need like any type of document again it it will work it just when it comes to the privacy of the data so that's something that we're often asked so if you're using chat gbt free then what happens is that your data it isn't released to the public but it is going into training the AI so your data that you're entering your responses if it's good or bad if you're satisfied with the reply is training the tools that's the price you're paying and for using it for free if you're using the paid version which I am here then that data doesn't obviously doesn't go public and it doesn't go in or isn't saved in chat gbt's database as soon as I go into my settings and ask it to clear my chats it's deleted so again there's another reason for using the the paid version so your data is kept inside of the account which which is really really good so again you can see here we've got so what I've asked it to outline our our marketing plan or our business plan was it yeah so it's outlined that but again what what I'm doing is I I would use it as an assistant so let's say I've I've written my plan but I'm not sure maybe in a section or two or need some creative ideas to try and make it work I need more ideas to help me with the the revenue generation then of course we can ask this so we down here and now it's giv me a base plan for AI so I can actually have a read of this and see the things I need to consider um get my notes ready and then go and get the professional help as opposed to walking in and starting the the professional help and waiting for a couple of weeks so it does shortcut um a lot of what we're trying to do in the business so that's a very quick introduction into chat gbt again what I would encourage you if you haven't already signed up sign up for the free account um if you want to go to the PID and you haven't signed up already there is it tends to be a little weight list but it's definitely worthwhile um implementing and using in the business and once you've Ed a little bit of time um you you you'll find that it will help you generate new sales new ideas cut your cost in what you're doing do things that you're not doing and overall improve your productivity what you will find that people who've used it and say that it's no good the information I'm getting back is rubbish um what I would suggest is that it's it's probably more The Prompt that's going in as opposed to and and that's what you get back out so again if you had a five or eight sentence um description going in here and you're having a conversation and it's learning more about your problem or your your challenge then the device and the help and the content that you're getting back is going to be much more valuable so do consider the whole the key to this all is the prompt engineering so again I I'll I'll close it that we we'll start to H work through the the questions and and see if we can answer all all the questions you have so do keep continuing send them

2023-12-15 08:12

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