Cycling 1000km to Sweden on my Brompton. Camping in Germany was interesting!

Cycling 1000km to Sweden on my Brompton. Camping in Germany was interesting!

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so Germany so I had cycled across the Netherlands and just now I'd gone over the border into Germany on a thousand km cycling and camping adventure to Sweden riding to my husband who is Swedish I was super excited about it because the year before just when I was about to set off I'd found out that my cancer had come back everything was delayed for a year but now I was on the [Music] way the main challenge here seemed to be where to Camp I had planned to do the whole trip in 12 days camping all the way but camp camp sites seemed quite few and far between along my route through Germany this was my original plan which already had question marks and gaps on it but then in the Netherlands I'd had a sore knee and had to rest and now I was a couple of days behind shedule which is no big deal and I was overjoyed that my knee got better so that I could continue but i' had planned to cross the Jade bite by ferry and that Ferry only goes at weekends and now i' missed it so I had to replan almost everything actually because it kind of knocked my distances out and I ended up with even more question marks about where I I'd camp but I was super excited to be in a new place I don't know what they're saying Mo I think it is Mo I just you let let I just need you to live the first place I hoped to Camp was a kind of Youth Activity Center I don't normally book normal campsites but I gave them a call they no doubt will have gone home by the time I get there because it's it's about halfast 6 now um it's beautiful evening so nice to be out in it super nice right this is it and it's literally only me thought they might be be full or something um just so I can camp anyway and there's a big field so dinner is going to be a pilloff kind of Curry dish we're going to soak these onions which are dehydrated soak this rice then it will have fresh tomatoes fresh garlic soy mins dried parsley and then some spices so I'm going to leave the stuff to soak while I go and have a shower and do the washing the onion is ready to use just brilliant and look the rice as well slightly making it up in a way because we're supposed to use tomato puree which I didn't want to bring because it's like a metal tube it's quite heavy so I'm just using tomatoes and then I've added the parsley as an idea it's going to be nice [Music] no the activity center stop invited me to have breakfast with them which was super nice and there was no coffee just tea and they told me all about how East visian people are big on their tea and so on super kind people today I'm a little bit conflicted about what to do really there were two campsites along my route here but the first was kind of too near and the second was too far just see how it goes now I was heading into Alden another former State this region has been closely linked with Denmark Straight cruising headed for bruising watching out number one you got to slow down look around you son today is just a day [Music] I'm going to get to baral and then do some shopping and it's like where on Earth am I going to put anything I realized I needed to stock up to avoid running out of food really few and far between with shops so yeah it's quite tricky anyway going to wet I haven't expected it to be so tricky to get food you you imagine buying vegetables at farms and going to small shops and Villages and actually I'm in massive little okay so that actually didn't work at all cuz everything's in really big packs in there loads of onions potatoes like whole massive bag so that didn't really work so I've just bought some bread and I'll try another Shop try another shop it's massive as well it's called fam um so see about this so look yay loads of lovely things I squashed everything into my bags and I Carri it on I've reached the the Jade by now Big Bay of the North Sea so I thought I'd climb up the Dyke and have a look there's a little path here up the dke in the Middle Ages this was actually land and there were Villages here but the sea washed in and The Villages became like islands and then they drowned and disappeared completely i' decided to do the 50 km option for the day and just around the corner was the campsite it's a caravan with loads of Caravans actually but I found a really nice back corner so here I am it's a nice place there a little Farmhouse there and then they've got a campsite along the road the next day there were no camp sites on my roof of a funny feel this morning because I don't know where I'm camping Really T I thought I'd just try and Camp wild in theory I could be fined of course I do no damage and leave no Trace it's always a bit nerve-wracking but pretty much always brilliant I think I'm going to come Wild tonight so I feel quite excited call me tell me I'm pull me fill me up inside here in the Silence of the space we all find the [Music] conclus break our illusion Way Beyond SE ourselves floating in my mind taking what I find how it is where it's and it's me to be dreaming I could lay in fields of clo call my ear and I hear beautiful [Music] creat [Music] goonight oh tonight I wonder if tonight is when I will feel [Music] again on the other side was the former state of Hanover it was weird to think that British Hanoverian Kings like King George I George II and so on we're actually from here right so we've got a plan was basically I'm going to head to this area here and see if it's possible to Camp wild and if it's not there's a couple of campsites that are actually on the ALB which would be pretty long day I don't know how many must probably not far off a 100 so that be big but um good to know so that's the plan 3:00 [Music] noway in the in the on the We [Music] Are Tonight I wish you so I rote to the place where I hope to Camp wild and I started to look for a place obviously I don't want to be seen by anyone this looked promising but I saw some people so I pushed on eyes peeled worked walkers and things just saw some people walking this will be brilliant right let's get started okay land so I've hidden the bike cuz I noticed the wheels have got reflexive stuff on and it works really well in fact this reflex is on the tent which I'll probably just leave right okay time for dinner [Applause] so Lov can you see me you know I actually forgot I had this I was struggling thinking oh God these awful midges and then I suddenly thought oh hold on I've got a mchet and now it's fine water is on for coffee I slept pretty well actually the only thing is when you get up to go to the L in the night you bring a whole load of midges in with you which will have to be one by one got rid of [Applause] brilliant I'm so chucked at work so well so I roll down towards the Elba at the Elba I was going to turn left and ride north towards Denmark just love this I mean it makes you think on God all you needed few bits and Bobs and you can just go anywhere just been so lucky so free this this so precious yeah is I y [Music] thank thank you cheers good that's exactly what I hope be able to do so this is the El which goes to Hamburg you couldn't see it coming you might have it you couldn't change it hey it's not right or wrong it's about trying find the sil L rain and fire highs and lows you name it cold and War fls and ches you have it the world goes by and by [Music] these Tey [Music] Little Miss it if you don't catch [Music] it now it was getting towards evening and I needed to find somewhere to Camp there was no campsite again but there was apparently a free van stop there is a sort of mysterious apparently lovely spot for camper vans by a lake and it possibly has water although possibly not so s basically there's a parking space and it's okay if you've got a van but if you haven't got a van there's no space and then the regulation said you're not allowed in between 11:00 and 5:00 a.m. or something so it's like okay I see I just sit down somewhere and have something to eat and I'm sorted now I've got my water then let's find a spot that somewh in here looks good be brilliant so tonight we're going to have potato with this which is a massive asparagus I've never seen one that big I had sort of rushed into this wood last night now I had to find my way out again and head north gosh can't quite remember how I came in here that way can't yes just got to get down onto the road now Road Track right now what eventually I got out of the wood and it had been a brilliant spot so the plant today is to get to the Baltic Sea which is super exciting and I'm going to stay in a campsite which is also super exciting shower and everything actually they I've got um foldable bowl with me so I fill it with enough water to have a mini shower and I have a shower so shower you know as uh wash properly and it's so lovely you feel so much better but nonetheless be really nice to be in a campsite with proper [Music] shows sches holin felt really different from the north German plane it definitely feels like I've left behind a flat Ben you actually get views right there it's nice I'm going to have to do some shopping again today I think cuz I've only got G some grains and Pake mix oh wow oh lovely this is going be great totin and dust finish so that looks nice it's potato bread apparently don't want to eat it now but I've got bread from 3 days ago so I better finish that first now I'm on a little Hill called two in a while then across the cool Canal which runs from the Baltic which is over there back to the North Sea where I've come from so that's going to be really interesting hard so you can be [Music] deserving you gotow so I had reached the Keel canal and it was interesting this is actually the old Keel Canal which was built in the 1700s a bit further on I reached the Keel Canal itself get along a hand s heavy the man [Music] just after the KE Canal I went through a beach wood and suddenly burst out and I was at the Baltic [Music] Sea now I just got to find the campsite but it was Miles harder than I thought I've been sort of plowing along this track for quite a long time oh God it's supposed to be nice and easy thing camping site is really hard uh tied God I think the camping are down there you see there's a flag and I think it's just like Caravans like that any oh done it oh my god wow that was really sudden Oho the rain stopped today was my last day in Germany I hard to climb I hard even to push on so today I'm going to cross the border into denark I can't believe it it's just amazing I just popped in this shop and yes they had meated Spirits so that's brilliant so to the Border across the shly first an inlet of the Baltic Sea now I was crossing into Ang Peninsula Anglia Peninsula is where the Anglo Saxon angles lived before they moved to [Music] England the question is all that L up there on its way here to me it was actually but I wasn't going to get hit by it until I was in Denmark for now I had arrived at the Danish border coming up towards flansburg now that's the last town in Germany wanted to come to Denmark and got all the maps and everything last year and then it didn't happen oh but here I am I'm so happy I honestly I'm so happy and you know the knee has made it even better because the knee threw the whole thing off again into like it might not happen you might not be able to do it it's not something you can take for granted to be able to do [Music] this I just need you to [Music] let me

2024-02-10 02:11

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