Crazy Motorcycle Ride in Kingston, Jamaica

Crazy Motorcycle Ride in Kingston, Jamaica

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the only one I ever remember is awesome crazy around here huh on your toes oh no we got the fans behind us we on a chase all right guys so I was walking around the downtown area and I'm just about to kick off a new adventure but I just ran into this group of girls and they're teaching me some Jamaican slings God what does that mean s they said they wanted to cover up their faces because they're inside so funny the only one I ever remember is I'm gonna get out of here guys it was nice meeting y'all it was nice meeting you oh man the girls are so sweet it's funny because they weren't shy at all but then I was like I'm about to start my video and they were like oh I'm gonna cover up my face but no sweet girls honestly um I feel like when you run into like the youth here they're all like super interested in like where you're from what you're what you're doing here and um what do you think about Jamaica and that's super super nice but today guys I have another adventure for you guys today we are going back to wagwa Garden I think that's what it's called wagwa restaurant here in downtown Kingston to meet up with our homie Antonio who gave me a city tour around Kingston a few days ago now today I actually am going to join him on a motorcycle Adventure we're gonna go on a crazy motorcycle ride around downtown Kingston and then at the end I'm gonna be surprising him with 120 US dollars that I have inside of my wallet that I just got from the ATM so hopefully give him a nice uh a nice step up because well he said that right now it's tough times out here the minimum wage is around 50 US dollars a week and so we'll be able to give them a nice little a nice little tip for being such an honest amazing hard-working man so Antonio should be around here right now because I just ran into him actually while I was um filming in the Art District so yeah this is here wagwan Garden this is where Antonio is that just made it inside of one Cafe and Antonio just went out for a delivery so he'll be back here in a second but let me show you guys the menu of this place they make all kinds of fruit smoothies meal replacements Bagels we're gonna get ourselves a smoothie Gladys is actually gonna hang out here and when Antonio gets back we'll be doing a little motorcycle tour we're on downtown Kingston all right guys so Antonio we came back to pay a visit to Antonio and now it's time for us to head out on a little on a little motorcycle tour around downtown Kingston I had to come back and visit Antonio because well walking is one thing but when you're in the back of a motorcycle survive it's a Vibe all right so I just mount on huh sure oh that's a nice bike bro motorcycle tour of town downtown Kingston I just started yeah dude it's only my like my third time on the back of a motorcycle how long have you been driving the motorcycle for 10 years oh you ain't scared of nothing then bro we are on our street this is our street Harbor Street okay and we're going up two Street to Hill Street no we're gonna Duke Street Duke Street all right foreign yeah I like it you get that fresh air oh [ __ ] okay tax office post office okay so this is where all the banks the post office is this is like the financial district of Kingston okay [Music] [Applause] oh some people drive crazy around here huh you gotta always be on your toes yeah exactly you can you hurt yourself with somebody else I want that um okay so we're on our way to go check out where the Jamaican newspaper is printed [Music] oh the streets are active today huh like they're selling fruits oh are they selling Aki Aki all right I feel bad I'm leaning all up on Antonio because I'm a little bit scared back here I love Kingston man excited no I haven't been to the beaches yet we're gonna go to hellshire next week E Street all right this is the hood huh that's the hood I like it [Music] thank you the Teachers Association of Jamaica so all of the teachers in the country get a license there yeah yeah oh okay that's a barbershop that's a barber shop huh we got a nice little church over here on this corner we're still on E Street okay so you've been deliveries all around Kingston you even go all the way up to apartment camp hello and what part of Kingston are you from bro are you ready oh yep E Street over here oh the cleaner company wow they make all the cleaning supplies oh the newspaper so Jamaican newspaper is called cleaner and they've been around for a while huh oh okay 1960 something yeah no yeah yeah yeah bro what's that over there ahead of us that's a church too that's a church yeah and it's just Social Security is on the left-hand side oh okay the Social Security office and here in Jamaica people get Social Security at like 65 are supposed to I don't think 65 . I think everybody thinks it's funny that I'm on the back of Antonio's motorcycle with a camera we got some dogs around here and everything huh everybody's just getting out of school Eastern College this is Kingston College oh this is Kingston College that's one of the traditional high schools okay so here in Jamaica high schools are called colleges and you have Traditional High School okay and Traditional High School oh wow okay yeah let's go Traditional High School you have to get 198 we go to their girls Sports oh okay like 70s 80. the brighter kids will go to the colleges okay but it's like you were telling me yesterday in order to go to those colleges you got to have some money too offensive [Music] I don't know we got the fan we're on a chase the energy of the city is amazing a lot of street art a lot of good people like yesterday yeah beautiful girls oh the Jamaican girls are bad you like the Jamaican woman or the Spanish woman or older woman all the women yeah I'm with you on that one all the women look at all the Jamaican colors around the poles another little barber shop and Salon up there foreign okay cool thank you never feel more alive than on the back of a motorcycle oh I can smell the ocean foreign let me show them real quick let me show the people the beach oh man oh dude that ride is that right is where it's at but yeah we just pulled over here on the coastline man I'm telling you it's the man dude he's such a good guy and he's doing this tour right now just out of the bottom of his heart and he doesn't even know that I'm gonna be giving him a nice tip but um yeah here we are on the coast that is beautiful that's the airport over there so the airport is right in front of us Port Royal is like over there is over here oh that way yeah okay I see the cars way over there okay so in order to get to Portland yeah you got to go all the way around here damn I would come here I would come here and just kick it bro this is where you come just smoke one relax okay I got one I got one in the backpack let's look for it after this okay yeah oh yeah bro of course I smoke one I'm from California bro you smoke one over there okay it's cool man this is oh yeah he's in the water fishing I don't know if you guys can see because the GoPro but he's way over there in the water fishing what is he pulling out of there but is that where the sawfish come from yeah is that where the saltfish come from yeah let's walk over there real quick you got time I should go see what he's pulling out of that water over there it's like an oven you come over here oh this is nice this is me that's where you come and walk with your girl at night all right well next week when I come back here let's go to Port Royal together I said when you're off on Saturdays yeah okay oh the fisherman man he's active he's in there in there like he's really in there and the water looks rough right now it is huh and in Hillshire Beach [Music] and over there in Hillshire Beach um it's like real calm you can actually swim okay oh yeah now you guys could probably see the man fishing he's wearing a green shirt up there oh dang he's in there in there huh wow that's some hard work huh oh you don't like the words yeah exactly you heard that so oh yeah he just caught one right now oh those are some nice little fish huh dude that is amazing he's fishing like without a rod or nothing just just a line just line and fish wow yeah just he's about to go home and cook that wow I can't catch a fish with a rod a line eight nothing had to take some skill huh yeah oh yeah that's actually cool okay that's more wow this whole area of Kingston is pretty big I thought it was like a very small area but it's huge man support now comfortable okay all the turns the traffic Brooke one thing I've realized here is Kingston's traffic is trafficking bro it's especially downtown the other day when I was here with you downtown nobody wanted to come pick us up on Uber they were like hell no we're not going down there's too much traffic so that's cool what is that like a big uh paper [ __ ] the birds are flying into the water to fish they're fishing they're eating better than everybody out here I love I love me some uh and they just get to dive on in there and eat it and many times they want and actually when I mentioned I love Seafood I only like really like red snapper I like uh salmon and I really like anything in the shell Lobster shrimp crabs oh you know what I had today a lot of crap from uh I had some motor crab at crab Circle okay that's cool by National Park hero national hero hero Heroes Park hero Circle yes all right oh that breeze is nice the mud crab was good man it was spicy bro the Jamaican spices yeah they gave me sauce and they gave me a soup um a soup made with uh chicken feet and cow skin and then we eat that soup because chicken food I love it it was so good bro it was spicy though man yeah it was a little bit spicy spicy you Jamaicans like spicy food huh we're like well done well done food yeah I like Jamaican culture because they love to eat and man there's nothing that brings people together than food exactly food is life man well thanks a lot bro people like Antonio make make us feel at home out here exactly if everyone was like you know if everybody was the same as Jamaicans the world will be a better place right yep that's facts on our way back to wagwan that was a nice little tour right guys let me know what you guys think down in the comments section the Scotia Bank is that the biggest bank in Jamaica yeah oh damn they just broke down oh okay so Scotia bank and then Bank of Jamaica and you got Air Jamaica right here yeah I didn't even know there was an Air Jamaica oh so Air Jamaica sold oh we're already back huh man we uh I actually ran into Antonio on accident right now he was coming down this alley and he he stopped and said hi oh look they got the Red Stripe Right Here If you guys don't know that's Jamaica's beer right there I haven't had a red stripe yet this trip oh we're gonna get one right now all right let's get one damn yo this just turned into a red stripe motorcycle Adventure here in Jamaica oh man here all right so I didn't film in there because there was actually a police officer in there and he bought me the red stripe but um yeah right now Antonio actually has to come back here and pay for his tab because I don't actually have any Jamaican money on me right now but hey I'm telling you I'm here bro um hold this for a second let me put this Red Stripe Right Here so I don't got that yo I don't got check this out bro yeah I I don't have um any Jamaican money on me but I want to give this to you bro for being a good man bro here take all this thank you thank you thank you so it's not a lot but I know it's gonna help you out a lot and thank you for being a good man to me bro as I said man you know uh I gave you a small tip but that's just from you being honest and amazing person to me and I I appreciate that more than anything oh she now we're about to hop onto the motor with the red stripe now we're just going back to wagwan right but you got to come back and pay her all right I felt so bad because I didn't have no Jamaican I was just like let me have I just had that money for you but I didn't want to take that out in there because oh get out oh this one goes out to all the baby mamas mamas huh this song right here what was that so what I would really like but you enjoy going to the beach I can you know yeah okay well when I come back come back we'll meet up again bro go you know thank you thank you I am coming to European yeah I appreciate that I'm gonna win back for the NC and they know that they come from the US a charger it's surprised exactly probably in the near future oh okay Connecticut man what an adventure all right we made it back in one piece and a red stripe all right guys well anyways it's time for us to say goodbye to Antonio Brown appreciate you bro thanks for showing me love and I'm gonna see you guys very soon another game for restaurants you are always smarter I [Music] remember how

2023-02-08 09:15

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