COFFEE WITH OLA - Per Nilsson / Scar Symmetry

COFFEE WITH OLA - Per Nilsson / Scar Symmetry

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foreign [Music] perfect let's change to English okay what's up everyone and welcome to coffee with Ola today I have a guest that's been here he was here four years ago welcome Pendleton of Scar Symmetry thank you very much I'm very happy to be here hello world hello world uh your video uh the previous coffee with all the videos one of my most viewed coffee with Ola videos and uh it was one of the first I think like Patrick Jensen a couple before but you were very early on back in my apartment yes do you remember this yeah very small room very small room it doesn't look very small no on video yeah the cameras are just so good you know they're shy and but it was pretty small and I had some really big artists in my in my room back in my apartment in condo this room is a lot bigger this room has a lot I fit way more four by two yeah this is like Arena size almost yeah almost exactly so I'm so happy to have you uh back here again uh Scar Symmetry has a new album coming now in June and back then when we had a previous interview you were out touring with Meshuggah a lot yeah so obviously I I mean if you play with Meshuggah you have to kind of concentrate on my sugar a little bit so I imagine that Scar Symmetry went a little bit on a on a hold a little bit while you were out kind of kind of like a like I call it a semi Hiatus yes I guess that makes sense uh so we never like made the decision to not do a lot of things it was just hard because the way my sugar operated was like we think we're gonna do something in the fall we're not sure like like sometimes the time periods would lock down 100 so so it was difficult for Scar Symmetry to like entertain any offers okay I didn't know and so it's like keep it open yeah fall for instance and it would have been like kind of weird for Michelle guy if they like something popped up and I couldn't do it yes they had to have yet another guy come in or something so do you feel that uh during this time because how many years has been since the last double was it nine years uh yeah just about that's a lot of years I mean there has has to be been a lot of like Scar Symmetry fans kind of like you know yes you're I see you playing in Meshuggah now but what is happening to Scar Symmetry yeah yeah that's been the the thing that people have been tormenting me with for the last few years but also I've been I've been like super stupid and like the album was written in 2016 the holy principal recordings was done in 16 and 17. so uh it was like in a it wasn't finished there was still a lot of stuff to do about the elbows like fairly close to that it could have been finished so people have been like when's the new album coming out maybe they asked me in 18 okay and that was like in 19 surely like I can promise you next year and then that year drop out no I'm super super serious next year is going to be in the year of the xenotaph yeah and so I'm I've embarrassed myself by promising too much so so so but that's that's on me I I'm gonna own the responsibility for that I'm sorry very sorry everyone uh yeah do you feel that it's all on you because you're like steering the ship of Scar Symmetry yeah you're the orchestrator I mean you are Scar Symmetry like promising was kind of stupid but like the actual delay of of the thing uh is also my responsibility uh there was a thing at the very end when everything was sorted out and was mixed and we had the new deal with nuclear bass and everything that was set in place for for our grand comeback to happen everything was going in an orderly fashion and then the guy we hired to do the artwork his his mom passed and and we were all like oh man like and like take your time like it doesn't matter like like whatever you need and then he needed more time and more time and suddenly it was like seven months oh wow had passed and and like and I could tell that he was in a really bad place and like what people what were you to do you know like so so finally we had to just be like we need to to move on with someone else and he was like super sad about that also then so yeah it was a pretty tough situation and then we found a new guy Pierre Ellen Duron Francis came through and did the artwork and but they took I mean he wasn't available right away so yeah he had like some projects in the pipeline that they had to finish so so it was like almost a year a year more Delay from from that thing so there's a lot that goes into making it and like just logistically release an album yeah and uh if you're like the orchestrator of it all it's a lot like just to get everything into place at one at the same time so it's uh it's funny to hear that something like that could really like just okay the album is done but it's just a you know it could be depressing of the vinyls or vinyl could take like because right now we're getting back to speed with vinyl being more readily available but like back during the pandemic it was like we had to wait two years for an order of vinyl for instance but uh it could really set things back and I think the waiting time that neutral blast had was eight months yes exactly yeah so and and they couldn't order like they couldn't lock in the slot because they I think they have like a set amount every month they can press like they have a deal with the manufacturers so so they need to fit it in and if they don't have the artwork they won't even book the slot yeah like and and I'm that kind of makes sense with what actually happened when the artwork didn't show up like if we would have booked the slot their entire uh thing would have been like really crazy so yeah so after the artwork was done and then we had like oh sure yeah no but it's going to be another eighth Mountain oh it's not just knowing that I mean I know because I'm in in a band that obviously when I release my own stuff it's like okay I really sit as fast as I can but with the haunted it's on a label and it's like okay the album's done and then you just sit like this for well eight months I guess because the album's been done and everything like the artwork's been done since last year I guess and now you're just waiting and waiting and waiting and everyone's like super excited but you can't really do anything yeah is that tough yeah I mean what do you do during this do you like continue work on the next album or do other I mean in in the case of this thing uh it's been such a long time like that I was working on album so so like another year wasn't like a big difference because right all the songs are are already old yeah to me and and now I'm out promoting your old music yeah yeah kind of but but it's weird because the music seemed old to me and I was like yeah kind of fed up listening to it but then as soon as the first single was released and it came up on YouTube and Spotify and everything and I listened to it like on Spotify um I got a new like a new feeling for the music because it's it it's like I I also got to listen to it with outside ears yeah in a way I could see all the comments and the response yeah and you it was set free yeah and I was like oh these guys get it yeah very cool yeah so uh going back nine years ago with uh Singularity first phase one uh I I actually didn't remember this but we reamped that album yes like because I was remaking our my website and I was looking for like you know discogs or metal discog where it's like listing everything that an artist has done and I saw that I was a co-producer of the album I went what the hell is this and then I remember that we react everything with you uh through uh Satan amplifier the Satan yeah and we did another amp as well it's nine years ago yeah I don't think we did use the Boogie okay which one like a rectifier or something like that okay what are you using on the new album uh I'm not actually 100 sure I am 100 sure that it's a neural okay plugin it's all plugins yeah and I'm pretty sure it's the Omega ground fire yes okay pretty sure but didn't you mix this this time I did but it's just like I part of the nine year well I didn't work for for nine years but all the years I was working on it I reamped it a number of times because like I love loved everything came together nicely except for the Rhythm guitars they always I'm really good at making them sound like crap and not fit in the mix and it's so difficult you never get satisfied that's the problem I have too like never getting satisfied with the the tone and I mean the running guitars is what's the most important right yes and I uh also in a in an act of incredible stupidity I recorded seven rhythm guitar tracks wow yeah uh how was that like in uh it was it was kind of like a stupid idea but is it the same Rhythm like it's or is it like nuances and melodies or like harmonies or it's it's it's like from a rift or if okay like a lot of the time it's the same yeah but also sometimes it's like six guitars are the same and then the one places something else an inversion or something and sometimes uh like they can be like one guitar plays the chord in one place like an arpeggio thing and then I I changed to like the place the first and then it changes so they did the Panic yes the padding is different then and it moves and and it's some of those things are really subtle yeah but it's kind of nice because I like I pretty much every metal album I've ever done we've done four tracks which is which is also plenty it's a lot yeah and that can be a kind of a mess and then I was thinking like I want to have more so do I want to have a track in the middle like metallic I think they used to have like Left Right Center yes um and the center track probably were a little bit different sound or something uh so then I was like maybe I should do a center one but maybe I should also do an extra an extra stereo pair so and uh and that's also kind of makes it more difficult to mix it oh yeah because I always find it more like for every track that you add it becomes more and more difficult just to track it because it has to be tight with whatever previews take unit or you know the tracks to be like one left and right and the bass that's pretty simple yeah because even at that point even if there's differences between the left and right track it gives a little bit of a living feeling but as soon as you need to double that on both sides that you have to be tight with that so I can't even imagine having a third one on each side and just trying to make that tight indeed that sounds like a nightmare to be honest yeah well no it was more like it was a lot of work and yeah and obviously like now you can go in and edit stuff so like if anything pops out and like too messy you can you can edit it but also if you have three tracks on the same spot in this stereo field and they are too tight it can be like a little face or the face effect yeah like a face monster yeah exactly yeah where you but that just means that you're too perfect you hit the road the note exact is the exact same and created the exact same sound wave yes so that's that's a skill I guess that never happened to me by the way yeah but I heard about it I'm very cool so for uh lead guitars the plen a plugin that's what we have uh right now actually oh I'm plugged into this yes that is the complaining right there hello Pliny how are you doing [Music] the album is I I didn't um I got a chance to pre-listen to the album and it's just like I can't deny that I I've I'm really inspired by your playing because you have a very um it's very so happy like the lean playing it's just so happy it's so like it has a slight bit of 80s like mime of ice feel to it and it's also very like sometimes you're not sure if it's like me if it's a synth or not so sometimes the lead guitar is basically it's a synth a little bit it feels like it is a sin it actually is a citizen yeah I I my tone is actually I run it through the boss sy1 pedal okay so there is people who don't know it's the the turns the guitar signal to a soon sound so it doesn't transform it into midi first yes yes and it triggers pretty quickly and so I so I I and it also splits the signals I have one clean the eye and one that's what I heard because I heard like okay this has a guitar tone and a lead tone on it but is it like are they Unison as some guys playing the synth part or no yes it's all all played by me and then I I have two tracks in my door I actually I have four tracks but because I do that face retrieves if you remember that one oh yes uh two faces at the side yeah do you use it uh I've done it before just to widen the track it it has helped yeah for sure you don't need to use a lot of it no but then again like I only use left and right one guitar and the and a bass so it's not that often that I need the room and space but I feel that if you double track or quad track like you're doing you will probably need help to kind of do that and I mean you're maybe you're not going to quad track the lead track no no it's a solo you know yes I rarely add like a Harmony can you quickly explain the facing trick just for people to sure so they understand what they're Yeah so basically what I'm doing is I I'm using three amps so I've split my guitar track into three have the same amp same like you could do this if you had a setup with three combos or something yes of course but I use three tracks so the one in the middle is is like a distorted lead tone but it's in mono and then I have the same same settings on the other two tracks that are panned hard left and right and in front of the amps I put a phaser like pedal plug-in yes with slightly different settings so and then you can blend in the those left and right tracks so to whatever with with you you want to have and let you have even just bringing in a little can really so what what is uh Paris saying is you basically have the same recorded track yes on three tracks yes one is Center and one left one right with facers before the amplifier plug-in in that sense so it's different it's a Van Halen sound exactly so it shifts the signal slight bit giving you a little bit of Mystique and basically widens the sound yeah and I I like to keep the facer settings kind of slow okay so so they move slow yes yeah you find your own preference no I've used it I've used it it's a great way if you want to get your really tone to I mean it's already at that point it's almost sounding a little bit more synth with that effect so it definitely goes together with yeah so what I did with with the sy1 pedal is that I put that on the fourth track with pretty much the same settings I had to adjust the gain a little bit so so but it's the same cab and it's the same all of all of that stuff so it's it's kind of like the same guitar tone but with another with a synth input so it is distorted okay so it kind of frequency wise it lives in the same realm as right the guitar so that's why it's also like you can be like uh something about it but but it's not it's not sticking out like it's actually an actual synth like no like Dream Theater when they go crazy together or Jordan Jordan Reuters when he's like honestly oh yeah yeah guitar or whatever well he's plays guitar now yeah I know he plays Unison with himself I've seen this it's leveling up yes well he was playing guitar like long ago but he was just sitting and playing keyboard on the guitar I remember seeing they use this guy like moving but I've seen the newer videos where he's like yeah playing both guitar and keyboard at the same time type of guy but um no the part about the the synthesizer guitar solo it's it sounded sounded really cool I'm it's uh it's a new soundscape in a way and uh it kind of that's what Scar Symmetry is a little bit for me it's a big soundscape and you have like you have the metal like really chugging metal because there's a lot of chugging metal in there obviously and you know growling and all but then there's the uh schlager uh choruses sometimes where it's like it's really hitting it off and it becomes insanely uplifting like it's very uplifting to listen to the new album for instance and uh the solos are also like uplifting it's like I'm I wanna I'm out running you know it makes me go faster because it's real like pushing I it's it's uh it's incredible that you can do this with music you should do like a like a a montage of you like the training and running uphill and yes absolutely before the big match absolutely but I mean this is something that I think you have inspired me with because I like to do this myself and like my solo stuff and you know it's very like I try to do some uplifting stuff obviously you do the chugging and heaviness as well but it's uh uh it's definitely something that has shined into my lead plane so thank you so much for that it's it's real I could I really it's very nice it's some I I have my influences you know yeah I have Dimebag and John petuchi but I think lead wise I think you're probably a bigger inspiration in that sense and in the later like time back and and the John Petrucci obviously when I was learning guitar but now as I've grown older like now you're probably one of the the few Inspirations to my continuous holy uh writing of uh solo some music because it's uh you know you listen to Fear then it's like a very very heavy very evil but then the solo comes so I I just really love your style it's like completely up my alley and uh I just wanted to say that you have a guitar on you right now yes I would love to hear you play some guitar and maybe show me a couple tricks I don't have my Ula England pick anymore oh I'll I'll hook you know I mean I've been listening to your music and when I wrote the last album yeah I wrote it with with your pick that's right yeah I remember because like every time I hear you play and you just you seem like a riff making machine like if you put in a quarter and it just pours out ribs yes and and it's like every brief it sounds like it could be like the best song in the world oh well thank you so much so I like I'll hook you up with some new guitar I had your picking out like space awesome so so now now I'm feel like feeling like there's a sort of uh like a little bit of press here of course of course higher pressure of course that's what I uh pressure do to other people no so I need to play something happy yes no you don't have to you play whatever you want I mean you have a guitar great [Laughter] no but uh I mean the thing is that you're just when you you speak with your guitar yeah you know [Music] Miami Vice yes exactly do you know Crockett's theme [Music] [Music] that seems like you in a way yeah so you have two temperament Frets on your guitar now yes I mean you've had this for a long time yeah since 14 since my first first draft do you notice like did you play with true temperament with the sugar I dated the first tour I think and then I went back to straight because we felt that it wasn't yeah like jamming with with Mortons yes guitar but then we tried going back and we felt like it worked okay it's like like two different guitars can also have intonation absolutely issues I mean the regular guitar is not a perfect instrument yeah the true temperament is better but it's still not perfect yeah with other things still yeah so unless you remove everything else you know it's still not going to be perfect until everyone is using something that's true temperament yeah and even true temperament isn't exactly the same intonation as a keyboard no so there's still differences yeah yeah but but a regular guitar can be pretty horrible it can be yes but it's like everyone has adapted yes and people are like they know that they know where the notes are like if I do a an F I'd probably I will skip the third because the third star or you pick you you press harder on the first string and less on the on this thing right there because you're probably overcompensating by pushing or whatever so so people ask me sometimes so lucky if it's hard to start playing to implement and it isn't because it's like you can't really feel that the threats are people if you don't look at it you can't really feel it no but I think people have the question that's what I've seen it's like okay how do you bend how does it feel when you bend yeah it feels the exact same yeah and I guess it's because they are a little flat on the surface so going up like where if you bend here where the squiggly thing is that the the surfaces are flat still that you don't really feel yeah and and there's no like sudden no increase like a jumping pitch or something exactly so but you might have to like rethink some if you have some strategies to to cope with regular guitar intonation yeah but you're this is no this is straight this is not a fan yeah this is a fan this is just like that okay okay going from what scale do you know 25 and a half to 26 and a quarter okay so very small yeah but it's like it gives you that little bit of extra length on the on the bass strings tighten up your Rhythm stuff do you still play eighth string [Music] but actually all the songs were recorded with the eight string I I just popped off the eighth string oh okay because I I really like that guitar for rhythm tones and this one is great for rhythm tones as well but this one has it's it's a sports guitars have long greens and this one have the Modern Vintage so this is like some great all-round pickup for everything is especially nice for leads yeah but it's great for everything else and and I'm using the M8 all right yes the meshuga pick up yeah on the eighth string and it's amazing for rhythms and I don't really like it all that much that much for everything else yeah so it's like a little bit for me it's a like a one trick okay Pony did you I mean you said that the album was done in uh 2018 or 2019. uh no it wasn't done until I late 21 years did you bring anything with you from touring with Meshuggah in terms of like just mindset or like sure sure I I did musically maybe not so much because I had already like listened to them for a long time so I already like soaked up all the secret sauce yeah uh and some people since I'm I'm doing interviews all all days these days uh so I I gotten the question people like have listened to the album and they are like I can for sure hear some sugar influence like it you should certainly picked something up and I was like no so I wrote this album before yeah like about a year before I even talked to the Majorca guys so but people people like to think yeah that's that yeah that's not true sometimes you can play along and like sure you know yeah yeah I know I mean it's all good and it's it's nice it tells me that they have actually about it listening to the album and yeah but it I'm mean since Michelle gets like a band that I really like and I I like back in the day like destroying race improvements but like I listen that's probably my favorite band at that time like yeah just worshiped it so for sure it's like there's been stuff that they've done that's that's in my vocabulary so so in that sense it's true but uh touring with them like I got to get closer to the music because I had to learn yes all of it um but it's almost like it would be like an anti-inspiration musically because I know I I've done that and and I loved it I loved having that gig but it's not my music you know and before I played with them if I had some like some some like really obviously sugar influence in my music it would be appropriate but now when I played with them but I'm not in the band and it's not my music if I now would like put some of that stuff into my music it would almost seem weird you know yeah yeah no I understand like I'm I'm keeping photos of my ex-wife in my pocket something crazy like they're like you're cheap yeah I mean they will always uh like be a part of yes like who I am and you know like and I will always share his the memories yes you know but so there's something about that but what I really took away from um from the gig was uh like how to do with the thing like how to be in a band how to run a band Yes because back in the day before uh I started playing with them uh and and Scar Symmetry was buying like only my main gig we were a terribly managed band yeah because I was like managing things yes so it was like uh I suppose I was the one in the band that did it the best and like I had the best chance to do it but still I wasn't really good at it and I had to tour manage and and off tour manage and handle all the gear and figure everything out uh so which was super stressful and it's played a part in why this new album took so long because at the at the end of things like in uh 16 when I got the call from Ashoka I've been like super stressed out by the idea of even like doing a show with scarcity like I cannot possibly do another show like I'm gonna yeah like start hating you're burning out basically yeah so it was a bit like that so I was really longing for doing something else I'm I'm almost like looking up at the night sky and like there something higher beings please help me I'm calling out to you let me play in a band where I don't have to manage anything whereas you can use a guitar player yeah I just want to plug my guitar in play a set then have a couple of beers yeah and then rinse repeat next day and well the universe provided because like the next week a pretty big Swedish band called me then I turned down because it wasn't exactly my music and then a few weeks later nocturnal rides no okay and I really really like the classic Swedish power metal band so they need a guitar player there previous guitar player left for Sabaton so so I was like yeah if I joined them and yeah and and then meshuga called me and the nocturnal guys was like bummer but I I managed to to do both nocturnal and Meshuggah for for a while and uh so yeah so playing with Meshuggah they they got pretty big pretty early on so I I suppose they I mean they just had to figure out the business end of things in order to like not keep working day jobs and stuff like that that's what you have to do like yeah so and so they've set up things up where they have their crew that they bring with them everywhere and they have their management and they have they have all these things in place that enables them to do what they do and and to keep functioning as a band yeah and it seems like they have uh like they have the right people at the right place yes like and just only getting good people so they can keep it a small team but still you know do a lot of damage yeah and uh it seems like they're very tight with their whole their whole group that's just not the band members it's like everyone like you know camp and drum techs and uh udas and everyone that's it's very it's a very tight family yes indeed yeah so there's yeah so there's no there's no big like disconnect between the crew and the band and and I guess that's also because they are exactly at the level yes they are like if they would grow bigger then like they're gonna need more crew and suddenly at some point like if you're I don't know ghost yes they have they like have become so big so they have like the touring with a lot of trucks and a lot of gear and and so suddenly like that that seems kind of weird I have no idea how they run things you know but so that did you bring anything with that with you into Scar Symmetry now they're just knowing that this is yeah because coming out of of coming out of oh my sugar uh the record label nuclear blast they they had some uh inside information on what's going on so before it became official that decided finally to come back yes that was also like took him some time to finally be like so but when he came back I got a message from from here blast and they were like are you gonna restart uh scarce imagery we are super interested and uh and that felt really good to just like have that which that was like the the thing that got me that extra energy yeah to to just like press export on the final master and and uh and they loved the album and so I got myself a new deal with them I got myself legal representation to help me out with the deal and gut man itself a new accountant and I moved up to an LLC and yeah instead of yeah you know yeah and and all of that and I got myself a a management a new booking agent and and we built a a new crew and got ourselves new gear and invested a whole bunch of money into it and yeah so I mean there's a lot of setup to do but at least when you have everything in place yeah then it becomes easier for you but obviously setting it all up is a lot of work too yeah but uh at some point you have to invest into I mean getting that yeah so now I love doing shows again with consumerator because it used to be like just total stress and I got home and just wanted to sleep did you do the TM as well you had to go and claim money and I didn't have to claim money okay so yeah like no all of that was uh usually handled okay in advance so by the agent yeah okay but there's many things that that we changed for the better so good I'm very happy about that yeah no it seems like the label nuclear blast is extremely um they're very happy about the new album they've been texting me as well you know about this interview it's like yesterday like oh you know it's tomorrow right and like can we do something like and they now you gave me these from oh yeah they sent me these uh the vinyls uh the vinyl of the Scar Symmetry that's thriving by the way they seem very excited about the new album release and I know a lot of fans have been waiting for it as well so I thought I didn't have the new album oh that's fine okay the old albums you know I don't really have this is I don't really have that many vinyl I have a vinyl player but I I made a thing that I'm not gonna buy vinyl because I know it's if I start buying it's gonna become a problem when I start collecting so I've said the album of the year I will buy the the album I think is the best uh I will buy that here yeah if it hasn't been provided to me I mean now these were provided to me so these are going to be like the they're gonna be in the collection yeah but I'm not gonna ever buy a vinyl except one season yeah that's my model trick maybe like I'm gonna bring you more vinyl some other things I do and suddenly I'm gonna be the one who like pushes over the edge absolutely absolutely thank you so much I want you to to play more on your guitar yes you don't have a guitar here you know what you should do you should teach me a lick you should inspire me a little lick I'll get a guitar [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right uh I'm in dire need of a new trick for a solar I think I think I've I've done all the tricks already yeah so what do I do now okay uh yes this is Major Triad [Music] okay yeah yes and then you [Music] oh did you do that ah okay okay [Music] yes ah very nice [Music] do you do you still think uh when you're not playing guitar I remember you told me this that you still that you walk around and thinking scales yeah I'm like thinking solos all the time that's incredible like even when we are talking it's like G minor 11th oh that's nice that must be amazing like to that even though you're because I I fought a lot about when you said this the last time I was like What if I walked around and thinking more about scales and and notes if that would help me because it's basically just practicing bud in your head yeah I mean I I've seen these you know where they have experiments where you know they have five people trying to dunk a basketball and and the five other people just thinking about dunking the the basketball for like two hours and then they basically have the same ability yeah uh it's very interesting so uh I mean I just don't know how I I can't even think when I play guitar how am I supposed to think when I'm just that's funny drooling yeah I mean I never is I've always been like that and and I think a lot of people are like that like with like whatever interest they have yes you know some people are are just thinking well no yeah no it can be like you like you're thinking all the time about your relationship or or your work and like some people are Workaholics or they think about that and I am a guitarholic or something so I'm always thinking about music there's always some kind of idea of something that that I'm thinking of it's like it's what excites me and it's it's my safe place yeah so I don't uh you don't get distracted by a lot of things you know I'm thinking because there's so much happening all the time and you know yeah how do you keep yourself focused enough to just continue with something I mean that that thing is the thing that's distracting me from things in the outside world I suppose okay so yeah so like sometimes if I I'm talking to someone like you said telling me a super long story that I'm not interested in I can be like zoning out yeah and I'm like I like it every every three seconds I'm like nodding Jimmy yeah I'm just like thinking about something and then at the end I like I picked up hopefully enough little points from the story that I can be like oh yeah oh that's sad what happened to Little Tim that's terrible actually yeah so that's cool do you like um so but do you do you uh think about like uh exercises as well like I say say like okay I'm gonna do my John Patricia exercise for today and uh you send a fake about it instead no no not really no and I I don't do exercises like that I I remember I remember this one time when I was maybe 17 18 something like that and I was doing a polygilbert exercise the uh what they call it like the inside picking thing yeah [Applause] and I I did it for like an hour and and my my then girlfriend she sat up in the in the bed [Laughter] like I changed it into something else something similarly annoying but it was just something else yeah and she could get back to sleep but like doing that that can be really helpful for developing technique but it's not it's not so much of a big big musical idea to to do the things I I rather think about musical ideas and and it's also because I'm always improvising I guess that's what I'm doing yeah constantly improvising yeah and and when I sit down with the guitar that's also what I'm doing okay so a question when you're improvising Melodies and you have do you always hear a bass note with this uh or like a drone note that you listen to yeah I don't I'm not sure I like I'm I'm hearing it like it like it would be played I'm sort of hearing the what I'm yeah playing but I'm I'm I'm aware of the relationship so if if I like if I hear this in my for my inner ear like now this is an A so this could be anything this could be like in whatever context but like when I before I played it I was thinking of this as the fifth yeah indeed yeah so then I'm aware that that this has a certain gravity to d right like if this we put had been the third to F4 yeah F sharp it would have been it then the a feels different right so this is just a completely other level of uh musicianship in my opinion show me another lick what was [Music] and you can you can stay up there for a bit if you want to you go down in the octaves video do you look in patterns in that sense that you're okay you're just doing the octave down yeah in that sense yes so so you have it [Music] [Applause] yeah so you don't really have to pay attention to a scale you just go after the you have a block basically that you just keep moving down sure in that sense in that place yeah yeah I was wondering what type of what string gauge do you use on the guitar uh I used to use like 9 to 42 and a 56 on bottom but now I have an eight on top and a 59. on bottom since we do drop a

yeah like for standard 56 is kind of okay but 59 is nicer yeah and the high a by I love it now you have a high a no a high eight yeah yes uh very cool I also use eight or eight and a half sometimes even very cool yeah it's I like the sound of it and also because nines the the like the the tension yeah in the E string is so different from the B and the G and with the if you have an eight yes it's a little bit smoother and I I like the sound of thinner gauges for for like High Gain yeah playing like if you have two fixed strings it's it's like they are crapping themselves well yeah they get a little bit lower mid like they sit worse yes it's almost like uh you know they get more uh chuggy and more aggressive when you have oh thinner for sure and if you have a longer scale for for the base end of things yeah uh you can still have a nice tension yes exactly but yeah but the eight things really nicely yeah and this guitar is uh this guitar is available to buy somewhere it is this is actually not the current the current because it's it's basically the same guitar but the current one has black okay Hardware sweet looks a little bit neater I think and and also it has some improvements called the NX improvements that strandberg did like a year or two ago okay I like like this bevel thing is a little bit more okay okay so in the the neck pocket okay yeah so some things like that okay very cool dude thank you so much uh an absolute pleasure to have you here and let's make it more often than every four years yes and you can come back and teach me some more guitar yes all right thank you so much thank you everyone [Music] foreign Burger

2023-05-19 15:27

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