China Tianjin 2023: Driving and walking in a charming city by the Haihe River. (4K)

China Tianjin 2023: Driving and walking in a charming city by the Haihe River. (4K)

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11:00am 32°C The end of August Shizilin Street East to West direction Xiangwei Road N to S Tianjin is one of the first open cities in Chinese history Therefore, many european style buildings in the foreign concessions were preserved Tianjin, one of the four municipalities directly under the central government in China Only 100 kilometers away from Beijing Bei'an Bridge connecting Hebei District and Heping District Golden Street commercial pedestrian Street Poly Plaza(right side) Fu'an Street(E to W) Rongye Street "The Tientsin Eye" Ferris Wheel 1:20pm 33°C "The Tientsin Eye" is one of the landmarks of Tianjin. Connecting Hebei District and Hongqiao District across the Haihe River It takes 28 minutes to rotate one circle, and the height of the apex is 119.8 meters. and "The Tientsin Eye" Ferris wheel has a diameter of 110 meters. Overlooking the banks of the Haihe River A stone boat that's actually a pier Tianshifang Pier Haihe East Road The Haihe River is the largest water system in North China and one of the seven major rivers in China Tianjin Italian Style Area Statue of Liberty in Marco Polo Square Tianjin Italian Style Area is the continuation of the Italian Concession in history In 1902, Tianjin and Italy signed the "Contract for the Regulations of the Italian Concession in Tianjin", delineated the scope of the Italian Concession In 1947, China officially took back the former Italian concession In 1986, the area was designated as a historic building protection area In 2000, the Statue of Peace was rebuilt in Marco Polo Square Italian traveler Marco Polo once traveled in China for 17 years(1275-1293) So Marco Polo is a symbol of cultural exchanges between China and Italy "狗不理(Goubuli)" is translated into "Go Believe", awesome! “I am waiting for you in Tianjin Goubuli” Goubuli/Go Believe is a famous steamed stuffed bun brand in Tianjin.

“Goubuli” in Chinese literally means that even dogs don't want to talk to you Traces of tram tracks are faintly visible on the road But it's just a decoration, not real rails This looks like a three-dimensional thumbnail of the Italian style district When other cultural elements are embedded in a cultural atmosphere, it will exude a sense of fashion I believe that Chinatown in Italy will bring the same feeling to the locals A good place to relax in the Italian style area Marco Polo sculpture Jingyuan Cartoon images of the last emperor Puyi and empress Wanrong This is where they used to live The main building of Jingyuan has the characteristics of Japanese wooden architecture and the style of Spanish architecture. This was the former Japanese concession area Smoking gun Pillow Puyi and Wanrong Study Small Restaurant Dagu Bridge Tianjin World Financial Center, Jinta Office Building(Right side) Height 336.9 meters, 75 floors above ground, 4 floors underground Heping Road Tee Mall Dagu North Road Tianjin Ancient Culture Street Tianjin is the birthplace of crosstalk art Cross talk club ticket booth "Ancient Culture Street" The famous snack Tianjin fried dough twist There are nearly a hundred shops in the Ancient Culture Street It is the concentration place of Tianjin time-honored shops and folk handicraft shops.

The street composed of small folk shops imitating the Qing Dynasty in China Great Qing Stamps and Coins Main Store "National food stamps,Five cards for ten yuan, choose at will" In the era of planned economy, food stamps represent people's right to eat Theater Paper-cut works of art snuff bottle shop People's habit of using snuff is almost extinct, but the snuff bottle has been handed down as a kind of exquisite art, and it has been prosperous for a long time Isn't this horse carriage suspected of cruelty to animals? This is the Five Avenues Cultural Tourism Zone "Prague Restaurant " Little mole from the Czechoslovakian cartoon "The Mole's Tale" Animation works in the 1970s deeply influenced a generation of Chinese people Good Soldier Schweik Minyuan Square A nice place for people to relax St Joseph's Cathedral Church Jin Wan Plaza Tianjin Railway Station Night view of Jinwan Square Night view of haihe river Liberation Bridge Tianjin World Financial Center Night view of the Dagu Bridge Driving across the Liberation Bridge The Century Clock Started operation on January 1, 2000 Seems to be waving goodbye to us...

2023-09-05 11:08

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