China's MEGA Infrastructure - Hunan Province | S2, EP52

China's MEGA Infrastructure - Hunan Province | S2, EP52

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While walking on the bridge I keep thinking What if there is an earthquake What if, This huge bridge breaks in the middle A cute cat I think you're hungry right? You want to eat? I have nothing Maybe you can eat that pumpkin Brother, can I have some noodles? Oh, my wife Went to the market You can go a bit further And there are some along the road I see, I'll go there After breakfast You can go directly to the bridge ok After visiting the bridge you can come back from there Can I take a bus to Jidou from the bridge And to Jidou sure You can walk down That's more fun I see, thanks Good morning Welcome back to the channel Now it's 9:30 am In the morning And I am in Xiangxi In a small village called Dehang So this is the village Western Hunan is very mountainous And for a long time This region has been the least developed area In china Because of bad traffic connection The mountain are very rocky And there is very limited farmland But in the past 20 years A lot has been done To to improve the infrastructure So highways high-speed railways have been built And today I am going to see a mega infrastructure That is one of the most expensive One of the longest Highest suspension bridges In China - Aizhai highway bridge I bought a ticket package It's called mysterious Xiangxi pass And this allows me to visit Different beautiful places in Xiangxi Now I have to hurry up To take the bus To this Aizhai bridge Shifu, how much is a ticket to Aizhai bridge I am going to the bridge, only to Aizhai They also go to the bridge I see, to Aizhai When in Aizhai, take another bus There is one at 10:30 A connecting bus How much is the ticket to Aizhai? 2 yuan The bus drop us here At the bottom of the bridge In a village And we still have to change to another bus Vegetable market This is the morning market Shifu, how much is it to go to the bridge? 5 yuan This a closer observation Of how long, and how big it is There is nothing underneath It's a suspension bridge aizhai bridge Has a span of over 1 km (1414m) And with a total cost of 1.5 billion yuan So it's a huge project However, the money is well spent Because now the travel time From Jishou to Changde Is shortened from 4 hours to 1 hour So the Money is well spent and only when I am walking here Can I really realize How immense it is Sometimes when there is a big truck Or a big car Driving through the bridge I can feel it is trembling Right now I am standing In the middle of the bridge And it is trembling And standing here I can realize How powerful this structure is But at the same time I do feel how fragile How small human beings are While walking on the bridge I keep thinking What if there is an earthquake What if, This huge bridge breaks in the middle Wandering in the cloud project So if you want That's the place where you can walk On the edge of that bridge Today I haven't seen any tourist Who dare to do that so far I wouldn't want to do it Because this is not a mountain It's not a piece of rock It's a bridge And it is trembling all the time You can also hear Metal rattling More than 3 million years ago This place was underneath the ocean So those are the bedrocks Look, they are all layered And then later, the tectonic movement Pushed up the rock And then after millions of years Of streaming Of weathering Of rainfalls Some of the rocks were carved into pillar rocks To me it's also pretty crazy How steep the cliff is It's so vertical And also how even The layers are And also that's also why Many mountains here Are plateaus on the top On the top, it's very flat And then, there is a sharp drop Sharp cliff In my last video Many people leaving comments Saying that It's not scary on a glass walk It's more scary to walk on the cliff The thing is If you are doing those ferrata things You are always attached to something But on a glass bridge You feel as if you're Walking in the air And that's the most scary part Omg, this glass is so real For those who said this isn't scary It is always more scary When you are here Standing on top of the glass If you look at it through the video It's actually not so scary Want chestnuts? How much? 10 yuan. 500 gram per bag Can I scan you WeChat code Yes Pick whichever you prefer ok Excuse me Don't follow me Bye bye Dried radish Dried radish Sister, can I eat here? Yes, wanna eat? What do you have? There is bacon Do you have noodles or rice? Yes, rice Just for me. What do you want?

Fried rice Or some small dishes Or wood ear with scrambled egg I want... fried rice Manager, did you made the bacon. yes Xiangxi bacon Xiangxi bacon is the local speciality How to make it That? It is smoked Wow, smoked? I think they are talking in a dialect I don't understand even a bit Sister, are you talking in dialect Yes, it's our Miao langauge I see, that' why I don't understand So you are all Miao minority yes Sister, do you have any special tradition? no The Miao here is nothing special We are like han people I see, like we han people But on your ID it is Miao people Yes, we are true Miao people The old houses are still made of wood And it's quite interesting This building material This is bamboo And the bamboos are woven together And on top of that That's clay With some straws And the wood looks as if it is smoked There are not a lot of people I've only seen a few elderly But the whole village is very neat And very clean I've also seen several houses With that They're using bamboo pieces To make baskets When I am walking Towards the edge of the village I found that The whole village is built on the top Of this big cliff, on the plateau Wow the beautiful waterfall Looks like a long strip When I reach there I'll get some water Cuz now I am pretty thirsty And now the sun is setting And let me check the time 4:24 pm So I am slowly descending I am going to take that pathway At the bottom of the canyon And slowly walk back to my hotel And let's see how long it takes The lower I walk The cooler and wetter it gets There is falling stones This is the place Where the stones are falling So I am going to move fast Those are small radish They are still working Or perhaps getting some food for dinner Now I am back in the village It's 5:25 So it's about 1 hour hike I really hope that you enjoy today's video And you enjoy the landscape Of Hunan province And for tomorrow I actually haven't figure out Where to go But today I had a good day And that's good enough So I hope you also have a good day Thanks for watching And stay tuned

2023-12-10 03:48

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