Chefcahouen MoroccoTop Destination in Morocco?

Chefcahouen MoroccoTop Destination in Morocco?

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and the much requested Chef Shao and we have made it wow big city yeah and bigger than I remember [Music] going to the Terrace got a yard la Santa it's beautiful up here a little Lounge couches ooh guitar and music and Chef Sean always sounds better this is beautiful here way better than the hostel I stayed at last time I was here yeah yeah yeah I slept on a roof this is nice here we're gonna have breakfast here tomorrow yeah oh yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what are you drinking here [Music] what's that oh it's so good thank you what's going on over here you like exception near me you need to get on the streets and run around though time wow it's a beautiful day in Your Shower so our new style of traveling is just gonna let roomy point where she wants to go and we follow her I guess we could go up there so this was a Tannery we didn't make it to Tannery of Fez but there's an old one come roomie this is uh quite the cat pile and Chef showing [Music] just going back up to the boys huh yeah thank you you like this place it's like it's raining the old wall of City the remaining part of the old city wall that was built during the reign of Sheed that's a 500 year old wall maybe later maybe later now I smell Chef Shaolin oh no she finds the kids uh stuff everywhere we go it's a lot of cashews I got here it says main tour strip here huh one of them at least this is back to the kids toys one of these would be good for roomy I think okay now she's getting into it I thought they just had the cultivar yeah me too I keep going fluffy stuff a lot of young tourists here in Fez we found a lot of older people yeah a lot of young people no bum bum should I do smoke bro Wanna smoke I wonder what the pipes are for oh they're making ammo really far from agadir how do I come here oh yeah wow this is so beautiful I don't remember this part look midos we come here tomorrow and where is the cafe you seen it no no [Music] wow I like all the dream catchers yeah I hope so welcome we're just walking let's go new obsession rocks they don't come up for me you can try busy yeah is Romi leading the way though this is a little lost oh no yeah my little princess you make me happy when I see your videos you know so that's for you do you want to know me there we go thank you Mohammed nice to meet you nice to meet you for round I'll be happy to be light in your journey thank you and you light in the town with my eyes thank you thank you nice to meet you nice to meet you we'll be back anytime you want to hang out to have a cup of tea also like and you can thank you thank you yes it's very polite it's nice to be nice and important to be nice that's all we have in this life that's it and you deserve it you're nice for the last five years thank you thank you good luck I like this but yeah that's how I was saying I'm liking this place and I think I need a coffee what do you recommend something cold weather we have ice cream ice Spanish okay ice Americano like this what means I Spanish with condensed milk and vanilla flavor okay I think I'll try this kaito Muhammad here [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's try this mix she wants something The Professional I like this shirt nice shirt you got really nice what can we get for her orange juice orange juice orange juice yeah okay I guess you could try it trying coffee for the first time you like the now my music roomy [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we'll see you later thank you okay so this is everybody's travel dream photographer's dream YouTubers dream and we are here in the Blue Pearl world famous Blue Pearl I was here 12 years ago um it was amazing it was my favorite destination in Morocco and let's see how social media changed this place it changes place yeah because you have Instagram worthy spots where you pay to get there and to take pictures yeah yep a lot of Spanish language being Spoken Here Washington she saw candy she saw cats hello it's so beautiful here the video is gonna just make itself you know just walk around and relaxing hey guys should always get juice here when I came here five years ago I was here this one yeah I think so he's he has some good fruits looks like it what is that let's see orange yeah 10 or 12. but I like that guy the main Square so let's get lost in Blue Pearl Rumi where are we going wow she's thirsty she wants water keep going up sunset um oh and you wait in a huge line to get the Instagram worthy picture you pay and you wait no thanks so we have to come before 10 o'clock they say but I have a smaller version of this rack back home in Slovenia excuse me [Music] there just for things [Music] well I should get you some mango juice good though yeah oh I still didn't get my cotton present s everybody speaks Spanish here huh what is this guy talking about dresses just like Vegas oh wow it's got blankets yeah so see strawberries ice cream and we didn't have ice cream for a while keep going keep going could be yeah together she's hungry yeah yeah okay there are plenty of rocks but for me my favorite are like simple ones like this this not too many colors um something like that really Charming contribution for decoration followed them like I really lost them I have no idea where they go I just walked straight and I don't see them so I think I'm gonna just turn around and go back I don't remember this part being here ever okay down there I'm not gonna walk down here uh I'm gonna turn around that's confusing corn we're gonna come back for corn for roomy for sure I see them I see Kevin's legs alhamdulillah I found the corn oh yeah I found corn chips it's okay let's go I was worried I was just walking down and back so I saw somebody got mad at me hmm in the comments for saying necklace Medina is better than Marrakesh what I meant is way better to just walk relaxing because there's no motorbikes or we saw ones and it goes the same for Shoshan there's still so I'm surprised yeah I saw one or two I think it was the same actually but it's way more relaxing to walk around here like Marrakesh Medina it's not relaxing what to walk around especially with them so yeah there is plenty of things to buy of course in Marrakesh Medina to see it the artists and everything but it's not uh toddler and family friendly because it's dangerous room is Obsession from this trip what is this where come come when he's there people said five Dirhams too much for corn but it seems to be the price these days the tourist place like this and it's totally worth it instead of some sweets or some other crab that you can buy in the stores yeah kiss me if you like roomy eating corn this one is not good she still eats it though [Music] thank you okay almost a lot a lot of Moroccan tours here mostly I would say Moroccans Spaniards number two number three okay foreign [Music] [Music] thank you the watering uh the day roomie will make it up this circuit it's hard to say goodbye to Pal we'll be back what is it yeah Grande what is this where's Coco oh a little Coco there I like it down here yeah it's very refreshing I'm too close how do we get to play in that water though how do we get down there you only found the duck this is the old place where everyone used to wash their clothes we could use that after all these travels busy spot like walking along in the water here in Chef showing roomie likes it too oh Morgan Gaga big Gaga slippery amazing roots I see science in this walking taxi everywhere I don't really know what that means this way what do we find huh what did we find Gaga it's all white situation now perfect for parking and Renovations going on here in Chef challenge now I'm really curious about the walking taxi I want to follow the story [Music] lights getting good now um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so I looked at burfisa and I found this place I hope they got it tonight beautiful Chef Xiao and at sunset let's see if we can see the people oh yeah it's full [Music] so this is Ruby's first time trying rafisa actually yeah really we've been here six seven months we haven't got any rafiso which is really sad but look at her she knows exactly what it is it's hot though eh too hot yeah yeah wait for me try two for rafisa okay let's try this again it's good a little strong but I think we like it were some of the bread the way I should requested it oh so give me toe I think you're gonna like that you like it it's good okay [Music] what's Mama think of it good yeah no no Bravo rafisa we like live music huh [Music] it's dark here our happy dance when we get a cake [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I love your guys camera right back this one she's pushing the boys why she's being really aggressive Buffs mama oh thank you no come let's go no 2K match [Music] we tried to give her a proper dinner we thought she did have a proper dinner but sometimes you gotta snack when you're in Chef's showing he's got the munchies no let's go up let's go to the room Ayah English English in the video you want to take a shower [Music] all right home sweet home foreign

2023-06-24 02:32

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