Can You Believe This is Hong Kong? | World Cycling Trip

Can You Believe This is Hong Kong? | World Cycling Trip

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So many cows on the road That's my favorite, Asian Buffal Just another day in Hong Kong After touring city center, I started cyling around Hong Kong. It was hot so I stayed at the hostel after camping night. In the morning I am preparing to hit the road again It's so peaceful area In Hong Kong, most of place is peaceful, not many people except the city center of every city Before starting, I am going to have some brunch This is $46HKD (U$6) included water.

This is cheap deal in Hong Kong Many restaurants are $80HKD ($12) This is only U$6 And I can get as much as I want I saw from outside that there were many locals here I was right. It was good meal that I am so full. What a lucky to find the local restaurant Now I am heading to mountain It's so beautiful, isn't it? This is the country side road.

So, not many car finally I found that there's a hiking trail and some water So I'm going to have a short hiking Mosquito repellent, most important thing The mosquitoes always love me so much And I was bitten a lot first day cycling in Hong Kong So I'm going to spray one is going up and another one is here so I'll go this way Another BBQ area They love BBQ that everywhere BBQ This is so nice area Isn't it amazing full of nature This is the end of a trail Actually there's no end There's so many different kind of trails This is it there's a bay This trail can go around the water and there's some people fishing I just choose a different Trail This is jungle to way back I found it This is a Maps.Me, offline map It shows all the hiking trails I am going right away I'm back to the civilization There's a road It was hidden trail There was no trail sign Because it's kind of hidden I just found on the map This Maps.Me is really good It shows a very good hiking trails Works always without the internet I just download the map and I can use anytime Some Backpacker over there Actually I never seen this machine before $4HKD is 50 cents (USD) Transportation card; you can charge and use for everything Press cold This is cold water.

My bicycle is still over there; Very yellow I can see clearly Hello my bicycle Back to the road It was a little adventure Another trail Still empty road People live here, small village There is supermarket I'm okay I'm okay let's go You can see everything here; big tall apartments then little house Probably I can swim there 수영해서 갈 수 있는 거리죠 Let's try this road 이 길로 가볼까요 Look at this beautiful village road in Hong Kong People live here In Hong Kong actually many apartments are really small in the city center because there are not enough space But once you get out of city center There's some living areas. It's much wider Sometimes I find the road on the map like just now What a charming place to explore Another Trail This is really nice village road It's going into the mountain Let's go back and it's raining It is raining This is the bad thing about wearing glasses in the rain I cannot see clearly Nice Mangrove area Very nice handsome boat, full of hair It's a really nice area Let's go on pedestrian path because it's dangerous to cycle It's not good Middle of the path This is really difficult to cycle on a pedestrian path because it's very bumpy and they put something in the middle Because of my bags it's dangerous and I have to go slow down Here bicycle path If they design bicycle paths, then people start cycling. I'm entering city It got busier and there are tall apartments It's so complicating to find road in the city because pedestrian paths goes on the bridge So complicating once in the city I find the right way Actually I have to go back again What is this road, mate? I have to go back something's wrong on the map It keeps happening I have to get off from here to get that way Only stairs there What am I doing? (I was just frustrated cause it took so long cross a road) At least I'm opposite side of the road, so it's okay I'm on the right side now There are so many bridge in Hong Kong for pedestrians and It's very complicating for me on a bicycle Another bridge to cross the road This time looks easier people people On the road car traffic On this path, human traffic I'm the right, I turned on the right place Crazy narrow road This is a bad idea; the road is too narrow and many trucks going I am going to choose other road I thought this road is better because it goes on the mountain This is busy road too At least, it has wide pedestrian path I can cycle on Let's just go It's alright, it's alright. Let's keep going Scary Please don't hit me There is bicycle path So I need to go there And this is highway.

Actually I prefer to cycle on the road. Because always bicycle path doesn't go all the way For safety, I cycle here This is so fun to cycle in Hong Kong. Because of every different kind of thing Some bicycle paths are really good. Some place has lots of trees and some place has no any tree It's so much contrast This whole bicycle paths are mine So much crossing actually That makes more fun I can't keep cycling.

I have to keep stopping But that's part of the trip Now very quiet I found many Hong Kong people use foldable bicycle Probably because of train policy In subway, you have to remove one wheel to take the bicycle. There is another city coming up Such a beautiful area At least there is road Looks like they are having some filming I'm entering another city. This map shows I have to go through the city. But I can this small road This is small road I found I can use City jungle.

I gotta find all hidden road This was smart So lucky to find this road Hong Kong is all about finding the road Because city is so complicating This is good way to communicate if you are on a bicycle with bags People are more friendlier and greeting at you It got dark and I am still on the road I spent lot of time at the mountain area. So I have to cycle in the night. I have the destination today where I want to camp So I gotta put the light This is good Here I am entering bicycle path again. This bicycle path goes all way to the beach. I am hungry.

Price is U$10 What this means Some are cheaper I don't know what this is. Food was alright. They gave me a lot. So I am totally full. I am sleepy now I am tired, I want to sleep.

It's nice design. All the way, bicycle path to my destination. Hello train.

It's tram. There is bridge, I can't cross? But this way I can cross. Unique experience only in Hong Kong I gotta take many lifts and the bridge to cross.

Even they put the camera on the lift. I like the park where I can see people enjoying the life. With all the activities Actually I came wrong side. It's opposite way. This is right way Probably this is my favorite bicycle paths in Hong Kong cities Because it's so smooth paths and easy to ride And I can see trams going. Tram goes between the apartment I just arrive my destination This place has full of BBQ Dear Hong Kong, you guys love BBQ so much outside.

Now I understand my follower "I saw you on YouTube" and gave me BBQ meat. I saw couple of tents. So I can camp as well. This is great that it has shower here. Let's find the camping spot. I just set up tent.

Inside of tent, it's so warm. Even outside is little humid and warm. I just want to sleep on the bench. But for privacy, I gotta sleep inside. It's better than yesterday, but still I am sweating. Good morning.

Here I slept last night. It was difficult to sleep in the beginning because it was warm. And then I was bitten by mosquitoes.

I slept like four hours. There people swimming I woke up at five to go to toilet. It was dark and people swimming There is a ferry to airport island.

So I am walking to there Park working hour is all different. Morning is for uncle and aunty. The night is for young people to drink.

Bicycle is possible? Here I arrive, Tai O Two days ago, I found this route on the map. With this way, I can go different way. This is the ferry I took.

I will have the breakfast and look around this town. Little back street Dried fish This is really amazing. I didn't this place at all so it's really bit surprising gift. Welcome to Tai O Can you imagine Hong Kong actually very rich place for the nature? This mountain on the island is untouched This scenery is so unique It's my breakfast noodle, egg and luncheon meat It looks like everyone has a bicycle here. While having breakfast, I was watching people going around.

Here the house is on the water, very unique. Little alley That's why everyone has a bicycle. Because it's easy. Bridge to Macao Probably this is one of most unique place I've ever been.

Everything is special and unique And also there are quite lot of cats, so cute! This place must have the history. Many houses the way they build is with metal. There are A.C

Lunch Time! It was really yum! Keep going uphill. I am sweating so much. I am afraid of stopping to have the rest. Because all mosquitoes will find me and bite me. No way, it's raining. Just reach the top.

Look at the fog. This is cool area. So many cows on the road Are you the boss? Bye mate! Bye bye! Little fun thing on the road Rain drops on and off.

Here my destination Need to use toilet. That's my favorite, Asian Buffalo Just another day in Hong Kong Here I just arrived camp site. Pui O Campsite How many tent you have?One tent? I just filled it up and showed the passport. It's run by the government So, I wanted to try official camp site. And it's free. Just you need to sign up.

Although it's week day, it's little busier. Already many tents. I was told to hang the tag I got at the office Good morning. Here is my camping site. Other campers I saw it was full last night. I bet this is very popular camping site.

That's why there was office at the gate. This is really amazing place. Lots of sites and a lot of BBQ place Check out, please Now it's 6:20am Sun goes up like 5:30am I am cycling to catch ferry. Ferry is in one hour Actually I gotta hurry Because I have an appointment at Chinese Visa Center for applying tourist visa. For now, let's keep cycling to catch ferry.

So peaceful morning It's going up and up So hot and humid Look at the high gate I realized this area so many rich people and forefingers live. From morning, very hard working. I have 20 minutes to catch ferry. And now here I am going downhill.

Here I arrive ferry port. so many bicycles. I understand people park their bicycle here and take the ferry. This is ferry I will take It's good Here is Hong Kong island.

I gotta hurry to catch another ferry to cross My trip in Hong Kong is finished. Thank you for traveling together with me I hope you enjoyed Hong Kong as much I enjoyed Because it was much more than I expected See you guys! Bye bye!

2023-07-30 07:43

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