Burwood: Touring the Multicultural City with Mayor John Faker. Achievements, Restaurants, Stories

Burwood: Touring the Multicultural City with Mayor John Faker. Achievements, Restaurants, Stories

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Lebanon peoples they are  the bravest people they are most friendly   they are successful even sometimes police  they are fair uh like uh from Liber any   peoples they are like too much Brave my name  is Muhammad I'm from Pakistan I just came here   one year ago and I discover Australia like  I I Vis A brisban Melbourne but and now in   a Sydney and I like Sydney more more than all  other cities so I prefer you to stay more here   in Sydney and and do some activities  to explore Sydney so I I hope you like Sydney [Music] good morning from Burwood multiethnical and Multicultural Burwood do you have a day to spare  with me how are you good to see you sounds good to me I'm always happy  to we always happy let's have fun should   I get my jacket yeah if you wish I  need to do a little bit [Music] of [Music] Anthony this is uh to build Council as you can  see we're walking around through our community   Hub at the moment it's a bit quiet still very  early in the morning this is a space where we   have all our young people come study especially  especially during HSC time you'll have a lot of   the students come here there's a lot of uh  music Labs uh acoustically treated um music   training Labs that you could actually hire  here as well as Community rooms so we do a   lot of the community events here as well as our  staff are all here we have nearly 200 employees   that work at Council and on the other side if  you want to go for a quick walk we'll see how library at the moment we're in where  the staff quarters are so these are   all our meeting rooms here if you come  upstairs this is where all the work is   done so this space we were able to collect  via what they call a voluntary planning agreement this was the original part of the  council building when the first Council came   through you could actually see you you'll get  a better shot from the front um and this is now   the newer area and we linked the bio bi a bridge  which we call this is Unity Lane now which was a   road before uh we ran a competition we allowed  our residents to pick the name and it's about   Unity it's got all the different colors it's about  bringing people together representing the vibrancy   of our community and it's uh lined with shops  we have fairs in here we have market and it's   a great place that connects sort of the old and  the new in BO and uh uh and it's been a great a   great journey for us here and we're really excited  about the future Welcome to our community Anthony   uh once again and this is the entrance to our  community Hub and to our library this is a really   vibrant exciting place we have so many people from  different cultures you know we are the fifth most   diverse community in the country the fifth most  diverse we have over 30 different religious groups   that live here 100 different nationalities very  Multicultural 60% of our residents over 60% speak   a language other than English at home and most of  our migration has come actually to B to live here   in our community in The Last 5 Years so you know  with a population of close to 44,000 residents and   in you know just under eight square kilometers we  really pack a big punch uh we pack a big punch to   ensure that people come here they enjoy live here  they enjoy working here they enjoy having fun here   they enjoy dining here and that's what we want  we want that Community Spirit where our you know   our residents and our visitors uh really live in  harmony it's a great example great example when   you see all the problems around the world you know  30 different religious groups over a 100 different   cultures live here in harmony work together play  together have fun together uh get to know one   another and it's really harmonious and I'm really  proud of that and we're really excited about the   future because in the next 15 years our community  will actually double in size our population is   going to double so we as a council need to plan  for that and that's why I'm really uh really   wanting to ensure that the council operates  as a community service provider but we also   operated as a business so we need to operate as  a business to ensure that we remain profitable so   we can continue to provide more and more services  for our community nearly 200 staff members here   um that really work hard and you met some of the  staff Anthony before and you heard some of their   stories and you know how they live in other areas  but they really proud to come and work here in   build and they love this work environment so it's  really important for us too that we get our staff   on board and they enjoy working here as well so an  I was uh born here I was lucky enough to be born   here in croon actually in the part of the Melvin  Hill estate there really lovely area uh born and   bred we're going to croon now to have breakfast  this is one of my favorite places where I like   to sit out sit down sometimes meet my residents  uh have a coffee uh my father used to have a shop   there as well Dad um migrated here in the late 60s  from a village in North Lebanon called um which we   still have a very strong connection to I Love The  Village dad's got a house back there he made sure   he built a house family house for the family so  people so it keeps us connected really uh back to   the Village um mom came out 71 after Dad went back  and got married mom's from nuro a village called   the um which is a beautiful area um and we still  have a close connection to some of our relatives   in in Lebanon we keep in touch we love visiting  there uh really reminds us of um something when we   were kids dad took us there when we were kids and  um just brings back a lot of memories you know of   our grandparents our uncles and aunts that have  since passed on relatives there so uh it's well   it's beautiful to you know remember those and have  those memories sometimes it's a bit sad as well so   um but we're blessed great country Australia you  our migration of Lebanese people here who most of   them uh came with nothing my father-in-law came  out in the 50s Anthony only with his suitcase   and the hard work they really wanted to work hard  they perspired um they were very uh uh industrious   in in what they were doing uh and they've now  cemented themselves the leonese community as   one of the most successful communities here in  Australia um because of their hard work um you   know their faith uh is really important to  them as well family uh is really important   and that's why and and and friendship you know  Lebanese people are very uh proud of um uh and   of their culture and keep their traditions and  they always want to uh be hospitable to people   that come in and share their food and you know  share their home and they're always welcoming   and uh you see a lot of that still around here  around croon where a lot of the Lebanese still   live here when they migrated they actually settled  in croon cuz they settled around the churches at   St Joseph's Church there and a lot of those  traditional Lebanese that migrated back then   are still here and it's lovely when you bump into  them we'll probably bump into some of them [Music] today doing well yeah how you doing I'm  a did you give Anthony all the history   how you work for Council how you work for the best mayor and I hear you're a big fan of Anthony thank you   so much the staff for telling me  us come come onat with us let's have first stop and back oh my God oh my God oh my [Music] goodness hi Anthony welcome back we  last time you came here we had just   opened uh we've been here now 4 years it's  my son's Bakery Georgio we're from and I'm   first generation Lebanese Australian so my  children are second on my side first on my   husband's and Georgio wanted to bring to the  community of bwood um a taste of Lebanon and   what better to do with them with a man so he's  very passionate about it um they always come   up with new ideas and Y we're rolling with  it we're rolling with it it's good it's good instruction but z z experience not any other Bakery it's the [Music] bakery I feel like I'm in I'm in a now you are just  sitting next to the Cs where those restaurants are okay and a nice creaminess the least expensive trip all the way to [Music] lemonon oh my God good very authentic it's  like you're really getting it in the village very authentic you're the best you're the best that's a bonus for the road for o o o o c [Music] you n zun lebel banad probably  the most emotional bite in the world it's the wor don't worry about it John I'm getting two this is my favorite  this is imagine all the flavors all the   colors all the Aromas everything Lebanon  Lebanon oh you can smell the mint Z mint banad transported into the  village when you walk through the village and you have one of those Meals On  The Run we are going to have [Music] fun Anthony you just saw croen croen was part  of the early settlements 150 years ago here   in this area which is um build smack bang in the  middle between param and the city and that's why   it became a settlement a lot of Farmland around  here croon we're now going over to Enfield which   is another suburb so build has six suburbs uh  Enfield is now a bit more of a newer type area   so you'll see some newer development some newer  housing newer sh shops uh the restaurant we're   visiting Bal is actually in a new development  as well there so it's about rejuvenating so   bringing the old and the new together so we can  really mash it up and uh people can enjoy both   both part of our history so uh um it's really  good uh billwood also renowned for being one   of those areas which is very Central in Sydney  uh it has great employment opportunities great   Railway public transport buses uh during the  day our population actually increases by 14,000   people so we have 14,000 more people coming into  to work in board than those leaving uh so it's   a real employment Hub uh as well in education and  medical so we have a lot of medical practitioners   specialist cuz it's so close and in between  Canterbury hospital and con Court hospital so   a lot of the Specialists are based here because  of the public transport opportunities and the   new build North Metro that's coming uh and that's  why you have medical education of the two biggest   employers here in build and then we have retail so  we've got two big shopping centers westfields and   we'll talk a bit about some of the new proposals  coming uh [Music] [Applause] soon [Applause] [Music] fore [Music] Chef Ali farat me chicken with [Music] cheese almonds good well that's an interesting  combination very interesting and wow Chef good one oh nice that's an whole eggplant try this one leane with Italian influences see Anthony in bu you can find  the food of the world M here in this small   8 square km area multiculturalism at its finest  that's right fifth most diverse community in the   country and people you know the the best thing  about Australia and the best thing about bu is   we don't while people are Australian and they  make a new life here we don't expect them to   give away their traditions we want people to keep  that tradition that culture and to share [Music] it so Anthony we have six suburbs in bwood we're  at the moment in Park we're at Sam I remember Sam   since I was a child we used to come here it was  the only Sweet Shop back then but it's survived   the test of time it's here beautiful traditional  sweets we're going to try that uh beautiful suburb   croon Park uh we have Bard Heights bwood  Cen Enfield part of Stratfield uh so very   Multicultural very diverse all a bit different  so you get to see a little little bit of that [Music] today for [Music] y for [Music] this this award is we give to long serving  businesses so every year we identify businesses   that are in the area um Samir has been here so  they received an award this year for more being   here in business continuous business in park for  more than 25 years so we have a May's condemnation   award which recognizes that because we want to  create a culture of uh our businesses wanting   to uh feel ownership be part of the community you  know our community is made up like a jigsaw and   our businesses are like a piece of that jigsaw and  they're part of the community so we want to make   them be included be involved uh share with their  success share with their pains respond to uh their   ideas how we could make the area even better and  more vibrant and you know uh more uh rewarding   for them as a business and many of our businesses  here especially in croon park family-owned [Music] businesses [Music] good to see let's go so this area Anthony is  bwood North it's part of a new master plan   it will have uh over the next 15 5,000 new  inhabitants here and it will create nearly   2,000 more jobs just across the road there  you see the construction of billwood North   Metro station it will have a metro stop  here every 4 minutes you'll have a metro   train it will carry 14,000 passengers an  hour smack bang in the middle between the   city and parameter 10 minutes to the city  10 minutes to parameter you won't need a car anymore Plaza all the way from Lebanon Chi probably one of the best chicken  chops and fastest growing Chicken Chops Australia and best friends this is the last time  I spend my day with you [Music] [Music] know I [Music] November from [Music] scratch [Music] [Music] from the Sea Street bwood for [Music] ah but now Anthony let's go to the  next place we have to I understood theate amount of Sesame be and then it's outstanding it is amazing  the quality of cheese the quality   of sugar the quality of fic the qual  the elasticity the bread the thickness   the softness man they just done it  super perfectly amazingly right like Lebanon a bit better and you  know what you don't have to   get to leanon anymore to eat it  yes you can come here to build yes 4:00 in the morning yeah 4 a.m. uhhuh lady first thing I did you  know and I can't speak much Arabic pleasee so we sto GM signature M signale high payment gateways [Music] 22 uh branches 25 upcoming the  biggest growing chicken place in town hopefully and know they're one of the  few worldwide chicken is not marinated   with garlic so I can experience and  know what chicken [Music] is so we   gotb here like a little mini Lebanon happening now [Music] yep [Music] so this is bwood Park very  Historical Park Bard park for those people that   don't know the actual walkways and pathways are in  the shape of the Union Jack very historical four   wall memorials here um and at the moment we're  doing a $6 million nature play Park program you   can if you look over here you could see we've  got some public art installation we want to   make it very cultural put public art public  sculptures in place that's one of them here   and we've upgraded the pond as well so before  for the people that visited the park the pond   was like had a grassy area very wet and Soggy  nice big Sandstone Edge you can sit there we   want the families to come with their kids get  the remote control boats and and so forth and   play with the you know their toys in there  uh and have beautiful duction but you can   see also some of the nature play equipment  there for for some of those teen [Music] kids shift p the new Pond nice  Sandstone Edge you can sit around it always always trying to  ensure that we have areas for our community it became even more and more important  for people they wanted to be outdoors wanted to   come out to park spaces to public squares so not  just Parks creating new public squares uh new   outdoor eating areas where people just want  to sit be able to enjoy and have a you know Australia uh we need to bring back some of our  Traditions our culture from the Middle East from   Europe where you can actually sit and enjoy life  as well so in many of our parks uh at least once   a week you'll find in one of our Parks mobile  play Vans and what they are is a play Van that   we have that has all the toys and activities  for young kids and we get a lot of community   members especially grandparents carers parents  they bring the kids out they get to meet other   people in the community uh and they get to mingle  and uh uh and enjoy this beautiful space here in   the park hi everybody um my name is Sam and I  work for Bud Council and I run the mobile play   van service which is an outdoor play group  we started more than 15 years ago um and we   started with two par two um services in the  Parks and now we operate four four services   in the parks for all the different parks in  bwood um we have lots of families come along   and spend time with their children um playing  with equipment meeting each other it's really   nice Community Building um event every week um  yeah we have lots of different equipment and toys and so the pathways through this park as I  mentioned uh designed in the shape of the Union   Jack it's a very historical build park that's  what makes the Town Center very uh vibrant people   come out here you could see there's restaurants  play Vans uh and we' got got four memorials here   so very important we uh celebrate our history  this is uh the bger from B we call him it was   a local anold boy he rode Leonard Francis Hall  was his name uh he rode with Lawrence of Arabia   in the battles there uh and uh passed away at  101 years old this is our Monument to him we   opened this as part of the 100 years for um the  Anzac service so this is been something that I   really um proud of uh it's because it's something  that's historic will'll be here forever uh and we   tell his story here so people learn about  our war history and the memorial Arch this   year celebrated 100 years some people just think  it's an arch to make the park look good it's not   it's a remember the 957 names of the people that  died in the wars that were from the local area   so every year we have Services Anthony reefs  because last week on Remembrance Day we came   out and celebrated all the people um that [Music]  passed rode with in the Battle of basba in Syria   1917 and he rode with Thomas Edward Lawrence  you know Lawrence of Arabia who helped [Music] [Music] summer uh I'll been here about originally  from Turkey been here around 35 years in   this location about 23 years so enjoy  the the Turkish beer breakfast lunch   and dinner uh traditionally Turkish  plus uh Middle East because they are   good mayor recommend a few dishes like  Pou and all that we introduce to Turkish   people we never used to serve before but  um yeah fantastic good to see you [Music] here and the raak is we call it uh  lion milk in Turkish actually it's our   traditional drink you pour it it depends how  strong you want and then you got to put the water okay and see how the color changes it  becomes milky then on top you're got to add   some ice depending on how you like one or  two ice and then cheese [Music] cheese 45% alcohol V better for marketing  better marketed I would say grape alcohol 45% very watermelon anytime you're [Music] around [Music] Arabic [Music] w welcome all the customer to the Tes  of Sanai in bwood yeah the Tes of Sanai   in Sydney more than 10 years we the first  shop in ASU 2007 yeah popular Sanai sty very   welcome everyone yeah thank you this one  is the the very popular s style Sal B and   this one is we are Chef recommend the Lamb  with the small lamb yeah taste very juice   yeah it large them and the Y far a popular  Style in Australia thank you yeah I'm very excited China Chinese sign boards lights I was impressed and then comes up a huge restaurant open kitchen the real deal and the real traditions  in the heart of bwood in the heart of bwood   very traditional uh very popular uh we get many  many of uh visitors coming to these restaurants   here Taste of Shanghai is renowned renowned  as you can see quality food MH open kitchen   you can have big events here uh sometimes on a  Sunday when my wife doesn't feel like cooking   M Horn uh we have lunch together with the kids  and family table round I love the the dumplings   they love the nitpicky they can try a little bit  of everything feel good let's try it let's try it oh my God that's expose oh my God and it explodes and it flows like  a river down your tongue ah and still   touch like the flavor changes as you keep eating amazing fat oh this is good good oh my God this is good  I got to try it oh my goodness this is good W amazing thank you again for spending  the day with me I'm enjoying it get emails and messages where are you say  coming soon I'm eating I'm busy I'm busy we're   making our way up yeah okay yep oh so good corn  and spinach so really good transparent style dumplings flavors wow and very simply beans and grilled fried  deep fried pork crunch very fresh and   fried rice my eggs and ham and shrimp oh  delicious delicious delicious delicious but non [Music] sharable this is sweet  sour fish banti with the scool   prawn and the pine nuts yeah very  popular s style [Music] yeah this   a mango pancake yeah we always use  the fresh mango and cream yeah Li [Music] sweet Anthony we've had so we're going to have ice cream  uh very traditional Turkish very colorful you can e everything and  that's part of the culture part of   the Heritage uh that's why we want to  create build as a hub uh as the heart   the heart of the uh Central Sydney the  heart of central Sy keeping the place   Sydney alive and we want to ensure  that uh we celebrate art and culture performances every weekend Town centers be bu  but musicians to play music uh whether it's   violin uh even bringing out pianos we're having  public pianos trumpets so for guitar players   drummers uh coming out performing because we  want to create a real cultural center and we   also want to install uh for the future we're  installing more and more public art the last   3 years we have been spending more than we  have spent more than $2 million on public   art installations big murals we recently won  an award for the uh uh one in Chinatown you'll   just see it now soon um it won a national  award for best public art it actually lights   up at night as well uh and we've got different  art installations public sculptures that we've   installed and we want to do more of that so we  want to create a real Cultural Center here in [Music] bu sports gear great day amazing day amazing food connecting with the community the best  thing ever anony head the Robert hi Robert   hello this is Anthony where you from Lebanon  you're joking where are you from Lebanon I'm   trying to get the Lebanese broadcasting  Association LBC lean broadcasting is it   l yeah Lees broadcast Corporation  LBC why can't I get it here cuz you   probably haven't P your Rob watch watch my  videos and do not watch news anymore come   on yeah that's it you see all the news about  Lebanon is it going to Lebanon yes where you   from Lebanon which part of it uh Bine Gish  Gish machine nice a what Mar here Rob 76 76 are you for amazing everybody that knows billwood knows   the uniting church here which is  smack bang the center of billwood road very historical building State significant  it's amazing but we're updating it for the future Church they to put a 30 Story Tower at the back  they want to bring in a new cultural college   so they can teach their students and we're  removing these shops here opening the fence up sare facing the Public Square so  you can actually have a walkway   open it up to the public part of the  culture part of the Heritage part of   the public spaces so people can come  out and enjoy this great place like [Laughter] [Music] it as you can see you walk through  bwood Road it's got all different   types of foods different types of  cultures and one of the things we're   doing Let's cross over one of the the  things we're doing is ensuring that our   shop fronts are becoming cleaner more  presentable uh and more inviting right so it's no good so the council will send  you a notice we've been speaking to our businesses you have to make your shop fronts more  presentable if you don't you will receive a $6,000 F or something it's not about that we're really  Keen about making build look beautiful the public   are as we spoke about and so forth if you don't  clean up your shop front you'll get a $6,000 fine to fix your shop front so you're  getting money to fix your shop front and   to be a part of a new goodlooking  and clean build that's what we [Music] want my name is Nev uh I am the founder of hiiki  Turkish ice cream uh we have our original   store in New Town which was established about  10 years ago this is our second store in bwood   uh Turkish ice cream originates from a city  called marash that's where I was born and   that's where I was introduced to this ice cream  so I was taught how to make this back home so   I lived there for about 16 years so what we  do is we specialize in original Turkish ice   cream uh from the original base we create all  of these traditional flavors uh together with   a whole range of baklavas all housemade  Turkish Delights Turkish coffees Turkish   teas so we keep everything very traditional uh  there's a story behind everything we [Music] do intense condensed fatty milky  the real Turkish thing ah that's the [Music] feeling Turkish ice cream as a base and then and then Turkish tum mm ice cream something in between  that's cold fresh milky Rich intense and good [Music] flavored [Applause] right way that's a burger this is how to eat it Famous by and all across the [Music] globe oh this is good this is really good  very balanced sweetness Crunch and after   note of aroma [Music] how long have you been  living in uh croon for now in v in the 57 57   immigrated from Italy Italy from 62 1962 1962  Napoli and you've been back four times and why   do you love bu why is BU why is BU the best  area you have to say because the mayor is [Music] great H Anthony here you can buy any type  of food you want but it's all new style Hong Kong it's got street food you get all different types  of foods come through [Music] here [Music] be [Music] crazy crazy syney Chinatown Melbourne Chinatown New York   Chinatown London Chinatown and then comes  this trendy upscale modern uh Neon Lights Chinatown the B AC Lebanon town be town anyway one [Music] [Music] day [Music] w [Music] people come in here for the darts uh  bowling we got arcades as well um we're pretty   popular with the uh cocktails um we're  open from 12:00 until uh 2: a.m. every [Music] day [Music] hey so I think what really makes us  special is that we love to ensure that the   quality of what we do is like really important  and we like to engage with a lot of the coffee   community so usually right now we're a bit we're  restocking a bunch of stuff but usually we partner   with a lot of roters around Australia and we like  to feature what they have for offer so um recently   we partnered with this group called block um  they're a wonderful company in Sydney and uh they   do some of the best copies that we ever tasted  um before maybe this week we had a a lot of their   coffees and we actually had a CO collaboration  coffee with them um which is uh I think an ideal   thing and yeah we we love just working with  the coffee [Music] community [Music] [Applause] care and flare where are you where you from where are you from I'm from here Australia  okay my mother-in-law Lebanese she met you once   okay and she always watches your videos oh  that's great thank you thank you thank so   good to see you thank you I like the part take  part 10 more days oh nice nice nice to meet you [Music] bwood bwood bwood I like this guy he's the man espresso see you in two [Music] hours [Music] the [Music] honen Mahal [Music] shii for Sy for for [Music] weekend [Music] amaz minimum minimum minimum minimum [Music] perfect [Music] welcome to ilbo Kitchen my name is Mani gosson  uh I am of Lebanese herit my father's from and   my mother is from uh my father my husband is from  De Joe and uh we opened ILO kitchen 5 years ago   U we opened it because we have a passion for  food and we have a passion for feeding people   and making sure everyone is always satisfied with  delicious food and in a beautiful homely friendly   family environment we opened a b kitchen 5 years  ago in partnership with our friend JPI who is an   Italian chef uh we see 120 people com with in  the main dining area and in our function room   we can have private events in our private function  room or we can have uh beautiful Gatherings here   in the whole restaurant we open on Tuesday to  Sundays we open for lunch on Friday and Sunday   and Tuesday nights till Sunday nights from 5:30  onwards hi Anthony my name is jpe um I'm one of   the guys here at kitchen we started our Venture  about 5 years ago um our cuisine's Italian my   background is Italian um we showcase a lot of  uh different regions in our food we tend to   do um a style of food that is what our customers  want what our crowd pleases like we use the best   uh products we can find locally and things  from overseas as well and yeah that's about it guys we're doing a disotto here with uh  prawns and scampy we got a beautiful prawn   bisque asparagus and cherry tomatoes we're just  finishing that off we're going to add a little   bit of Parmesan and butter to it to finish it  and that's that one there so our pizza dough   is um 36 to 48 Hours fermentation with about  65 % to 70% hydration we let it rest so the   more that the uh pizza dough uh the older  it is the better it is for your stomach so   this is what we do we'll put a pizza in  there now Haron if you want to what what   are we doing here we're doing a we'll do  a buffalo for Bata [Music] there [Music] [Music] I told you here look I something [Music] different [Music] Australian obviously yeah and now Italian  now Italian how good is that only one subb this is our specialty  okay so John is going to do it tomato sauce amazing feels Italian Linguini crab and fr  Linguini crab blue swimmer crab and they cook their pasta alente I told  you cheese cheese cheese great dinner every is been an institution here okay in years yeah so when I started mhm always was  lunches here always at El this is the meeting   place and in in Italian I think it means the  hole the hole the hole in the wall or in the   wall I know what they I think uh we explain  I think it used to be one shot and then I   literally put a hole through the wall and made  it to and made it too and I called it you know the chef good job is s and you have to have a scampy with that amazing [Laughter] I have to watch myself man you  wouldn't want to go back work tomorrow you know what see you next week Zu flour and oh this is the best this is the best myself meanwhile try the F tomorrow R the know man I don't I'm so excited gra a good job real way home homemade home Feel Home  taste very nicely done and then how good is that oh I have it on the T man it's so good  it's my favorite the crunch the sugar he [Music] amazing [Applause] yeah good evening Anthony welcome to Onyx restaurant  in bwood my name is Betty weeby 118 background   from Sydney Australia um I'm from the village  called BL North L Lebanon I'll be working with   the restaurant for about 2 and a half years now  and you come to the best steaks best seafood best   F and dining restaurant and amazing hotel as well  hello good evening my name is suu I basically I'm   the head chef of the onx restaurant here so I can  see you can see here so this restaurant basically   is a stick house Australian Stick House restaurant  and then we're serving here mostly on the midside   which is that is a dry Ed can you can see there  is a dry Ed me direct exactly in front of the of   this kitchen we selling here our signature this  is basically a tomahawk RBI and scotsville also   we have some alternative which is the seafood and  a few uh alternative also for Andre and [Music] S [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and thank you and you had an amazing night tequila lime salt Cheers Cheers I'm very  hungry and I'm starving all day you made you work Sushi Sashimi T dry Ag and everything in between please mayor save yourself good quality fish I think I'm  going to try some of this I think it's a Thursday beef tar good go as man go [Music] five years so you know the first time I was in  introduced to I was in Babel having   lunch with some friends and we said we want to  drink AR when in Lebanon you have to drink AR definitely cheese lior and then the sweetness  and the Aromas and the richness definitely one of the best definitely one  of the best and then this this needs to   be in every single Pub every single night CB  every single restaurant in the world tequila   Vodka it's not you know what I'm going to  go one step further I think is the best it is me it is you know when I came back I  was telling you that story and they said   bran was a French person was their first  privately owned Winery in Lebanon made so   when I came back I had to go and find it so  people told me you can find it at hola so I   would be driving up to hola knocking on  David's door saying I need to buy a box   of BR and then he introduced me to the limited  edition one the one with the knitting on top amazing [Music] so hry a different food now again cheese Ste and done beautifully right oh very good this is good quality this   is very good quality wow Tom  hook no sauce with a good meat Alaskan I think it's toothfish maybe tooth fish is   it to fish very rare very big  very thick very high-end very expensive coming all the way from antara it is that's TR oh my goodness I've had that here oh my it's   amazing should we call it a night  and enjoy an amazing night and meal and just quickly you got to have this yeah this   is amazing corn looks amazing  try let's do an overview great day Library which I respect the council for that's right it's lovely place you can do everything  in build and there always always event always   something happening that's what we  wanted to be and very welcoming here and thank you so much for a great dayr I'm always always always  available for you and Anthony   you are a National Treasure and you  really make sure that the Lebanese   will never forget their Heritage  and their culture so thank you to [Music] you [Music]

2023-11-22 01:31

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