Bukittinggi | Motorcycle Trip to Sumatra's Stunning Nature

Bukittinggi | Motorcycle Trip to Sumatra's Stunning Nature

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rain no rain rain no rain not 69 96 yet yes this is what some locals do Bas oh don't film me you don't have any permissions wow hutan penos inhale the fresh air beautiful you also beautiful I don't even know if it's beautiful or not no no no you can report them even [Music] hey hell hello oh they good wow good luck yeah my [Music] brother hello from the nature I'm close to Bui tingi and I think this is the first Vlog ever where I haven't started hello mister we haven't started filming while driving the motorcycle yeah I mean my first motorcycle Vlog but I haven't started filming earlier and I don't know what this is I was recommended this place by someone but I haven't made further research so yeah okay you can just walk there and here's a map actually ah okay okay so you can start from here and then you go here here here and you have many waterfalls yeah why not let's do it 2.5 km 2.3 km and the air is so fresh you can breathe and everything is fresh at least when I breathe it feels fresh rain no rain rain no rain I really hate it we cannot really plan yeah especially if you're under nature here what can you do I don't recommend you to travel in a country for longer if there's a rainy season for example don't go to Vietnam between August and I don't know when the rainy season is over I did it with my motorcycle for 3 months it was a nightmare sometimes hello a good day capuccino okay no of course let's take this one as well Plan B what is Plan B no I don't want a plan B because this seems to be a really nice Trail here with the waterfalls but it can also be slippery when you go there so even when the rain stops maybe we have indom me as well because pop me doesn't make you full yeah they have IND me as well let's try it okay this one yeah yeah okay maybe the rain is about to stop look the dogs are also walking through the water to the other the side this is what some locals do I will not maybe next time when I come back if I were a fancy vlogger I would just put my camera here while sitting here and drinking and eating then it looks like this so where's my noodles a she's still cooking my fuit is just arrived there are so many flies they're super annoying not sure if you can see it in the video um the German is really good huh because germanes I likeall you like German bowler you living in Germany uh bremond no I went to bremond hanov hanov yeah yeah hanova 9696 not 69 96 and gery 96 uh 9 N under n under 60 yeah yes yes yes that means 69 so we say 9 and 60 and German number and I know 0 9 and 60 this is how we make the numbers in Germany yeah English German French and and another the the vocabulary is sometimes a bit similar but the grammar ooh difficult in really yeah keep the change I said so check out the stunning view here oh my God and check out the reflection of the hills here and the water and this is how the lockers do it wow now I'm happy good weather actually I wanted to visit another place as well only 20 minutes from here but I might do it tomorrow I don't want to stress myself so let's see how long it takes me it's 1:30 now I think it will take maybe 3 hours earlier I didn't expect that the sun would shine like this again and now I'm like maybe I don't get a sunburn H Bas what is h is it the same like hodas for the Bak people like a greeting so we can do some rafting here as well or at least over there against with these Wings they have a Pine Forest over there and they have I don't know what tapan py is um some water or something maybe you can pray here as well hello [Music] where is the first waterfall the sounds of these insects always reminds me on Welcome to the Jungle this is a really nice place for hanging and chilling wow wow that's so nice there's a swing in the water let's check out the swing the water color is pretty greenish with an orange touch as well but it's a healthy greenish touch and they're way too deep how can you properly swing if you want to accelerate with your feet you automatically will break in the water I think okay yeah you see but it's nice for just sitting and relaxing the nature is beautiful but I need action conversation waterfalls so this is a Pine Forest so they have apparently also yeah the ITV here but not now wow hutan penos Pine Forest what kinda let's go up and let's inhale the fresh air follow no don't follow don't destroy this beautiful place here with some Instagram so don't follow all the people if you want you can report them even for something that means don't um don't sit here wow that's interesting that's beautiful amazing the lady is washing her clothes if I live here hu sorry but don't Litter put it here instead uh yeah what I wanted to say I would just have a swim here having a chill in this water every day here probably after waking up just laying here with a coffee with a cigarette if I was an Indonesian guy and then my day could started in a really nice [Applause] way nah there must be a trail to reach a waterfall I mean this is a tourist attraction here you cannot expect from all the tourists to walk through the water here right um Aldo just came here he's just sitting at the bench behind me smoking a cigarette and he said this is the only way yeah to reach all the waterfalls and it takes like at least when he walks it's 20 minutes ah it takes too long I don't even know if it's beautiful or not if I had someone a guide I would do it but like this uh-uh I would go go somewhere else it's still nice here it's refreshing now I will just go back okay beautiful um yeah I will go back to the motorcycle because I don't want to be disappointed you know walking there for 20 minutes and if Indonesian say it's 20 minutes you know it can be like 2 hours no joke and then arriving there seeing nothing or maybe seeing something but then it's late and then going back I don't want to take the risk so motorcyc is waiting for me and then I go to I know another destination that locals yesterday recommended to me as well it's only 1 hour from [Applause] here I can be the the first tourist walking through here maybe Neymar do you like Neymar yes Brazil footballer huh Brazil Brazilian footballer yeah hello hey sing suding sud you had some fish right soup Eon Ean bakar they had a fried fish here no fish in this River oh you eating what is this this is rest of food do you have Tik Tok yes same name this one then enjoy watching and yeah enjoy your day yeah and I I I I want a b is it coffee by the way it's uh Indonesians so sa sa fruit and what do you make it where do you make English I don't know it's uh maybe it's uh nothing and speak English but you can eat it or what you do no no no it's uh for uh oil it's for oil ah it's from the the palm tree this is palm tree right okay the palm oil fruit okay uh is it stable oh yeah it is jump jump jump jump jump up down come on come on okay you don't want to go there you must FR me come on you must FR me come on what's your plan I'm behind you oh M see beautiful you also beautiful handsome handsome yes you have three kids right these are your kids because same color you have blue and this is blue blue blue as wellan so friendly yeah Indonesia there was a rating number one for happiest people right definitely if you're in Germany you just walk around and film the people oh don't fil me you don't have any permissions I can call the police it's really like this actually oh the weather can change so much right over there you still have the clouds you want picture hi I want a video hey how are you my name Isa Isa yeah Isa Isa my name is car where you from by the way I'm from with this nice background here it's really nice background you have children huh you have children um no are your sister okay bro bro look over there the clouds and then look here sun is shining are you see he's afraid of calling there right the and free okay thank you thank you I have never done it in Indonesia now I will do I will be the one asking for a picture I've never done it before never never never I have never asked people for pictures oh yeah I will do know I will do know hello hello can you take photo it's my first time T Duo I can cut it down and now I can remove it from my bucket list now I spontaneous put this thing on my bucket list asking locals to take a photo with me not the opposite got it already now yeah time to leave let's say Alo I go now I leave huh what's nice meeting you oh and you you going to Har n to uh yes I go there it's not so far that's why I want to go there yeah and the sun is shining I want to take the chance yeah from the Netherlands hey broo IU Hey sisters hey okay okay nice to meet you and see you next time yeah I'll see you in Germany it's really W yep oh what a nice service how much bro uh 2000 2,000 thank you okay Mak bro thank you so much you 2 minutes then I will arrive in har but first be Kar they don't have Circle K or indom hello hey they don't have Circle care in maret or um Alpha Mar here because I he something like um to support the locals more and not the big companies I want a Coca-Cola but I don't see any Coca-Cola don't tell me hello you're working here at Coca-Cola oh no why not we need American brands Sprite di I don't see [Music] Sprite okay let's take a Sprite but usually what are you buying ah so hot must yeah 5,500 yeah this one I don't need bye-bye bye-bye I suppos that I'm going up the mountain here but they're Mountain everywhere so maybe it's also when we go straight and then up it starts to rain a little bit but only here can stop maybe 10 seconds it can stop I think it's only a little little rain what was it flies or rain yeah here little piece of I always wonder how the locals can drive without any Helmet or without these helmet glasses my eyes would start to tear immediately so much dust so much sand so many ints everything it just started to rain yep medium heavy not pretty heavy but while driving you feel a bit more of the rain here I think H so 2 minutes ago it was so sunny and beautiful and now you're coming close to the peak of this hill here I think oh no stop please I don't want to get wet here oh it's not funny it's really not funny I have a rain coat but I hate rain coats you wow my God oh my God what is this oh god with a cloud and with a fog it looks amazing 100 m we arrive what's going on here you arrived at your destination here maybe oh here this is also so Indonesian instead of putting a sign there look there's a rope have you seen it someone was apparently playing with a kite there was a little Rob in barley oh no I see it over there but this doesn't look like paragliding this looks only like yeah playing was the kite only locals hang around here there's nothing check it [Music] out I wanted to do something interesting for the Vlog like paragliding and I wanted to to experience this as well but yeah instead trying kids a lot of trash many motorcycles and this but I hope at least you like the view from the mountains with the clouds and with the fog oh look that's cool he's feeding in sappi sappi Camu yes Ina EA you you are the boss of sappi it's a cowboy he said the cow belongs to him into me you eat it pure this is what I like to do when I was a kid as well eating spaghetti when my mother was cooking and uh I just got some eating them raw look at this View the 10y old kids here they are driving motorcycle already welcome to the nature of Indonesia wow this is a volcano over there W what do you think they ask for pictures or not hello hello okay hello anak anak hello what are you doing relaxing yeah yeah enjoying the view it's amazing right wow views are stunning you make video for Tik Tok no I have wow that's a view that's amazing right right this view from 1 to 10 [Music] see yes of course with this beautiful view here in the background and these beautiful cables as well [Music] hey Indonesia indones Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia we love Indonesia Indonesia I film The Nature as well wow beautiful [Applause] [Music] beautiful hi wow that's so beautiful yeah I will go now I will go to see earlier there was rain and it was so cloudy and I was like I think I wouldn't do the parag gliding and now everything is [Music] like okay yeah CH jum enjoy your the rest of the day yeah Happy [Music] by I love to drive here it's so it's so perfect so the left you have some Hills here with some material that they got from there I don't know what it is and to my right side you have the volcano and the mountains and the rice fields wow wow look at the rice Fields oh go if we had the option where to live in Indonesia maybe this would be a nice choice close to the mountains totally quiet here at least right now I don't know what will happen later maybe they have a party there's a ble why not if it doesn't take long I'm down because I don't want to waste my time Bill L fan Mis problem s problem just a little problem this one I saw this one is from here only one only one I saw yeah or maybe more are missing hello you have go har har har you know har um yes yeah yeah I want to go to Panorama yeah yeah over there right yeah oh nice hello M okay you like heavy metal huh yeah we you what I don't understand it actic okay I play electric guitar I make electric guitar yeah nice what happened really today yeah good luck yeah my brother yeah but everything okay okay yeah see you later oh is this monkey yeah monkey can monkey my friend your friend yeah and what do you do with a monkey what and what do you do with a monkey okay he looks so cute and unhappy okay how much does it cost uh up to you how many you give me problem yeah how much you usually charge I don't know I have give huh I only have I wanted to you have small money no problem what about 20 uh you have 30 okay or usually it's more uh I bet you you give me back whatever you want let's do it like this you give me back whatever you want yeah okay let's change it a bit I bet you 20,000 yeah that's good no it's fine it's getting dark already over there right it changes so fast right rain no rain rain no rain Chang fast [Music] okay you then thank you so much for making this beautiful again and uh yeah see you God and because today I haven't had any food except the coffee and the indomy and I found out that I like something really much that I only have tried once when I was inang yes she has it but no one no one there this is Bak this that's yeah this one this one [Music] best okay okay this is the best set I will get this one as well okay oh they good bro good hello hello Miss how are you and you I'm good where do you come from Germany you're waiting for your Bako B bakak you like paku like like so good you like P so nice so good you are in school now or are you studying uh I'm study in poic okay and what is your topic uh animal husbandry animal husbandry animal husband animal what animal husbandry I don't know don't know hey bro hey bro bro oh even put some uh chocolate sauce [Laughter] here Mal in case you haven't been to Indonesia but you want to come there try this one Bang Bang the cold one really [Music] good by I eat I love I love tan I have one question is there paragliding you know paragliding right paragliding you fly you fly there a hill b it done and then like you fly like this I wanted to go but I didn't find no you have you have husband Swami wow hello and you my name is n I'm caros nice to meet youon I give you also tou yeah take care nice to meet [Music] you [Music] we friends your friends okay Hello friends you make okay okay okay okay oh yeah okay see you bye-bye [Music] I think we cannot go up no it goes down again ice cream let's see how it looks like and then let's get maybe the mosque over there looks also really [Music] beautiful Pokey tingy is amazing the nature is really [Music] stunning I looks the same right ice [Music] cream vanilla okay color color color I don't I don't mind no problem no ta papa no problem can you speak indones a little little bit you speak English really your English really good where did you learn yeah okay mix mix mix You remix yes all the best only for me nice yeah okay can you can you put here maybe inside okay thank you so much your kids yes okay beautiful yeah can I say beautiful to kids they they look happy they look happy and everyone in Indonesia is beautiful from the inside and from the outside oh there guys okay [Music] nice um you like CL how can I go there oh really I will go there this extreme this [Music] extreme let me finish my ice cream first yeah it's definitely better with two hands much better come here come here here yeah okay maybe it's extreme when you have one ice cream in one hand and in the other hand you have a camera and then you come and then I think it will be extreme yeah oh almost almost oh I made it oh hey my friends Alum hey my friends what's your name Carlos I'm Carlos what's your name where from Carlos Germany oh Germany hey hey Carlos wow this so amazing you come alone I come alone you come here every day no no no first time first time first time you come from here from Boi no how far from here how far ah really near huh [Music] wow wow my namei isin okay caros sure have you been to Kin already Yes have you been to KI already ready ready yes 1 two three let's go okay I have YouTube as well same name same name same name and Ina Tik Tok as well what do you have t temp Tempe a big one can I have half one only a little bit to take P cuz I have eaten so much already this one Tempe how do you call it Tempe men one or something Tempe temp I love it how far from here to b 1 hour maybe right yes one 1 hour it's fine if no rain I'm happy oh really wow wow that's beautiful amazing amazing yes mtop Mt what is this okay

2023-12-10 11:12

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