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good morning everyone welcome to strawber France  now I will tell you we got up really early this   morning and there's a good reason number one you  guys know that we're not big fans of van lifing   in big cities because of the traffic because of  the difficulties finding parking because of the   maneuverability of our big van and also because  of honestly crime the bigger cities are definitely   the more dangerous places we travel and for all  those reasons we generally stay away but we are   in Europe and there are so many historical  beautiful big cities and places to see that   we really just can't see our see a way to avoid  hanging out in some of these cities snow did a   good job getting on the different uh apps now  you've heard probably a lot about I Overlander   in Europe you use park for night a lot we use both  we use the Google we use everything but she found   a beautiful spot here in the university and today  is Sunday which means nobody's in school on Sunday   parking is free we will stay here tonight we have  to leave early in the morning but it is early in   the morning and we left early this morning  because well it's the best time to avoid the   traffic we only had about a 35 minute drive in we  had to pick up Fuel and wow $150 to fill the tank   and I will say ouch but it always helps when we  can find free places to camp and that's what we   have here that's what we had last night so we're  doing pretty good on that note but the drive into   straussburg was gorgeous the architecture the  big buildings and our strategy paid off we got   in before people are waking up so we avoided the  traffic it really really really was not too bad   and the good news is we are a short walk for the  Christmas markets right here in straussburg which   is supposed to be one of the biggest and best  in France so we are excited we went to one last   night to the north here and had an amazing time  so we are really looking forward to this and oh   I might sneak off and just check out the city a  little today so it's going to be a fun episode   let's go guys we see you in a [Applause] [Music]  bit now of course we have the Christmas Villages   we're going to visit but I thought since we got  here nice and early and it's such a beautiful day   uh we actually had some sun earlier I was able  to pop the Drone up which was really cool and   gave me a breathtaking view of the city so anyway  I decided I got to get out and do an urban hike   and explore this thing I'm going to take you guys  along but I did notice there's some really cool   churches and also some cool architecture and  I don't know what else we're going to find but   we're just going to go explore and I'll show you  any anything interesting I find along the way now   I have to remind you guys I'm not a historian  I'm not as probably studied or rehearsed as   some vloggers but doesn't matter cuz we're going  to see some cool stuff either way look at these   statues one of the things I'll point out is our  camp spot's in a perfect location we're right   over by the University of strawberg and as you can  see there's a lot of churches here and this one's   just right across the way from us and as big and  Majestic as it is it's not even the biggest church   in town all right look at this little train guys  and they've got glass windows around I'm not sure   if it's heated but probably from all the people  in there it's probably all warm and steamy but it   looks like some have some headsets on it so maybe  a little a little uh tour there and I'm sure you   guys are aware that the train system is awesome  here in Europe and vast and you can see the little   train coming through this big square area and  it's stopping right in front of us and I'm not   sure what this big building is right here but it  is pretty cool a big huge Courtyard and you can   see all the gorgeous leaves just falling wow all  right there is a lot of actual Christmas markets   set up here and if you can see these little hous  shaped buildings they look like Monopoly houses   these are all around the town and so I think  we'll probably end up coming up through here   and maybe snaking through later on this evening  and seeing a good bit of them looks like a fun   day here's the big giant Christmas tree so  we definitely have to see that and there's   a series of rivers that run through strawberg  and a lot of them are real low but you'll see   little low profile tour boats going through there  giving tours of all the scenes and well it's just pretty all right it is noon on Sunday and the  market is bustling and it is already lit up and   look at some of these plates of foods wow big  sandwiches and hot dogs and noodles and we we   are definitely in a much crowded more crowded  market today I have big sausage hanging out of   that bread [Music] wow and I don't even know if  I can get close enough to some of these booths   to show you guys wow excuse me looks like  sausages and Sauer cruts macaroni potatoes   lots of different hot dogs and of course wa and  breads with cheeses BR worst oh I think we're   going to have some BR worst tonight or some  Curry worse look at this food looks delicious [Music] guys and they have all sorts of hot  spice drink drinks as we saw at the last one   looks to be many different types I think pom  is Apple and you can see orange frosa maybe   strawberries it's spiced differently hot kettles  hot juice it's everywhere look at this place hot chocolate 25 CLS wish they had smell a vision  but these are nougats and they have stuffed with   different stuff almonds nuts fruits chocolates  and all sorts of different other kinds of Pate day fruits covered apples apples of Love is what  they call them little sticks of chocolate covered   fruits bananas pineapples cherries strawberries  and then a they have all the different sweet   candy nuts and sugar covered nuts wow and I can  tell you the smells are just off the charts with   all the spice juices the candy nuts and then of  course they have all these different boosts now   when we were at the last one they did a good job  of having only like one of each kind of Booth but   here there is so much stuff and so much variety  I mean you can build your whole manger scene they   have little trees and shrubs and little animals  and caricatures you got geese and chickens and   cows and donkeys and baby Jesus and Shepherds  and deer and horses and elephants and everything wow and up here they even have the  manger scenes so you can get the   manger scene and build your own manger wow look at that and look at all the different  gingerbreads and of course we've told   you we're in the alace region and so you  see that prominent on a lot of the things spice breads fruit Breads and  what would a Christmas Market   be without dancing Santa and  they've got them all dancing   playing music they even have a drunk  reindeer a break dancing Santa look at that which Santa is for you [Music]  guys all the different Christmas [Music] lights snow [Music] gloves [Music] and we didn't have to go very far through these  cool buildings to find a market over there to   our left and yet another Market in front of us  so everywhere where there's like a little open   space they've set up these booths and markets and  uh it's just so fascinating definitely the place   to be I'm a little stunned that we were able to  get the parking that we were able to get what a   super cool City and I can tell you even if the  Christmas markets weren't here I still would   be in love with strawberg but the Christmas  Villages are definitely definitely hitting in   this area and these streets are bustling now I  don't know if it is always like this but these   look like walking streets and shopping streets  and we even have some American restaurants here   in McDonald's Five Guys fries Levis the big  beautiful flowers hanging from the sides of   the buildings I can't wait to see this place lit  up tonight so Kurt is off for his walk and before   he left we noticed this line of people it kind  of started as just a group but then it started   to form into a lime over the past maybe hour and  a half started to form here we were kind of trying   to figure out what it was and now this van has  just pulled up and this group of people within a   matter of minutes have set up these tables and  it looks like some sort of a Food Kitchen as   everybody else continues to set everything up  for the [Music] food and she's setting out uh clothes she's got bags of scarves and jackets  and hats I think these people are here to eat   and I think these volunteers all showed up in the  van and I think they're fixing the feed all these   people on a Sunday at lunchtime here in front  of this University I think it's a mobile soup   kitchen and that's both [Music] incredible and sad  that it's needed there are all kinds of different   people waiting in this line and to be honest with  you none of them looked [Music] homeless they just   look like people but they've been waiting in  line for an hour and a half to two hours for Food [Music] So Hunger plagues the world even  in beautiful cities in [Music] France I just   turned the corner and saw this and literally I  was like oh wow it just kind of took my breath   and maybe the scale of it is not so apparent  but as you're walking through these narrow   streets with all this fascinating architecture  all of a sudden you see this thing just jut up   and there is so much ornate detail intricate  detail on this church it is incredible look   at that statues spires I don't even know  all the stuff that is on this church but   it is stunning and then right at the base and  all around we have all these Christmas markets   and all the bustling hustle of the people  the only thing missing is a little snow wow I can tell you the intricate detail on  this notredam is like on this Cathedral is   like none I have ever seen there's a line  for people to go in and as I said at the   base of it you have this big Christmas Village  just absolutely takes my breath away look at [Music] this Silent Night holy night all is C all   is bright round [Music] Onin mother and  child holy inant so tender in my sleep in sleep in Heavenly [Music] peace Silent Night Holy Night shepher  Quake at the sight glor stream from Heaven AAR Heavenly Host singing [Music] hallelu Christ the savior is [Music] born Christ the is all right guys I just spent about an hour  walking through this Village and you can see   notams right there at the end of the road as I  walk here and cross the river right here this   is the University that we're parked right in  front of throughout the day it looks like a   crowd has definitely grown and uh snow and I were  discussing what we thought it was I thought maybe   it was where they were feeding the homeless or  something like that some sort of food drive we   saw people out here waiting earlier and now they  approached the van it looks like that may be what   it is all right guys if you remember we're in  a big city and the big city we're taking a few   extra steps of precaution we've got the slip  slick locks on the sliding door and the back   door of course we've got locked up with the  security tent and the good news is there's   other couple Camper vans here so we're headed to  the market let's go all right today I was working   on conserving my energy so Kurt did a walk this  afternoon by himself and he said I'm absolutely   going to flip out when we get to this Christmas  Village so that means I'm absolutely going to   flip out I know it I not wasting any dreams this  Christmas I've made my wish upon that star the   only dream of which my list consistes to always  be wherever you [Music] are we have arrived at   the food station and oh my this does not look  like your normal street meat that you'd find   in at a festival I mean look at this I wish you  could smell it when someone going to invent smell   a vision guys I think we're going to grab some  food oh look at those giant sausages down there okay all right we think you just step up in order can I get the mushrooms with the spel  crumble and I want one of those too thank you no there is no you excited so  good oh guys you can just smell   it too it's just like bubbling  up the mushrooms up over there yes I as happy as a child  on Christmas I've made my   wish and it came get an extra plate CT or a bowl all I want for Christmas is [Music] you all  right so what are these little potato noodle   things called spitzel spatel spatel spel spel  spatel it looks like they got some bacon and   grease on top these mushrooms look they've  been cooking for a a while some sort of meat   it's pork I think I don't know if it's a pork  knuckle or a pork shank but it's been stewed   all day and it's still got like the fat and it's  cooked down it looks so yummy yummy yummy Yumm y   so how much was this this was $18 all right  so it's a good thing we split and then we'll   have a snack and one of these yummy drinks a  little bit later all right at each of these   little villages we said we were going to try the  food some different kinds of food in each of the   places and honestly we just walked into this  one tonight and the foods oh the mushrooms were   bubbling the smells from this place and this  pork is fall off the bone and spettel spatel   is something we've had before but yeah not real  authentic like this in our last video when we   were heading to this region of France I told you  that it is known for its food kind of a Fusion   of German and French food because of the history  here of going back and forth this looks freaking yummy all right snow has found  the apple cider what do you think best apple cider in the world maybe not  but the best apple cider I've ever had it is   very sweet very cinnamony it's still steaming hot  comes in this great little plastic mug that will   be our souvenir for the tonight I don't know why  Kurt didn't get his own I don't think I've told   you the story yet guys but absolutely one of  the most difficult things for snow to let go   of when we sold our house and sold everything  and moved into a tiny van with some of her   dearest Christmas decorations and it may sound  silly but every year at Christmas she was always   going out and looking for the special things  the special colors and she always treasured   Christmas and if you're wondering why she's  so super excited this is why and as we've   come through the countryside here in France  on the drive here she was definitely spotting   some of the Christmas trees growing out on  the side of the road in the Farms so look at   that [Music] little yeah hang with that hang on  our wall behind the couch all right if you look   up here they have little teeny tiny trees snow  spotted and that would mean she could get some decorations which I think is kind of the point  so it probably is a really really really good   thing that our van is teeny tiny cuz I could  have just decorated like 30 Christmas trees   through there and I was eyeballing that little  tiny Christmas tree but quite honestly we we   don't even have anywhere to put that so don't  worry I'll hang some lights and put up a few   things but uh just walking through these markets  I'm getting my Christmas fix so we walked down   Row one and uh we're at one it's supposed  to be the largest Christmas markets in all   of France so we got to go find another Street  that'll be full of even more stops so what a   cool way to lead up to the holidays guys I  hope you guys are getting to decorate your   trees or however you celebrate your holidays I  know people celebrate them many different ways   around the world for us it's Christmas but I hope  you're getting ready for whatever your holiday is they literally have  chestnuts roasting on a fire so we walked down this great little alley the  lights hanging all over little pedestrian only   narrow alley popped out in another square  at the other end where the giant Christmas   tree is Christmas trees everywhere  people everywhere lights everywhere it is a Sunday evening so I  think it's Big Time family   time down here everyone's having  fun shopping drinking this yummy stuff I hope we can convey the Fest of spirit how  it kind of comes through we'll see we'll do our best [Music] h [Music] we just found a place where  they melt the cheese on a big block   till it gets a little brown and crispy and  then they scrape it onto the sausage dog   would gain 100 lb in one week I never  want to leave this place guys that was   incredible I was joking with Kurt but then  I realized I really wasn't joking at at home   in the United States they'd be squeezing the  cheese out of a bottle or something squeeze   the cheese not something like that that  looked delicious but we've already eaten   at this place hopefully they have the melted  cheese at the next Market we take you guys to we found the pretzel Booth salty ones  sweet ones cheesy ones chocolate ones oh [Music] my [Music] this place is magical isn't it this church is  insane and if we would have been able to come   here in the daytime when there weren't as  many people there's something really cool   about it I'll insert a picture we'll still  look for it as we leave but it's dark so I   don't remember the year 1400s 1500s whenever  it was the County commissioners of this area   hired an artist to come in and make all the  Gargoyles for this church and there are a lot   of them up there well towards the end they  refus to pay him so one of these gargoyles   is literally mooning his pants are pulled down  and facing towards where the county commissioner   building was at the time and it's still here  so I would have loved to have been able to find   it we're not going to be able to in the dark  but I had to share that funny story with you guys after all that walking around the city  we decided to get some Belgian fries and a   little Burger to split cut in half but we're  worn out and we're winding down if you like   this video be sure to subscribe to our  Channel and hit that notification Bell   so you guys know when we put out new  videos and don't forget you can always   follow us over on Instagram to see what's  going on in between videos cheers guys

2023-12-22 14:43

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