Avoid This Man in Sumatra, Indonesia

Avoid This Man in Sumatra, Indonesia

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I tell you something about religion and he's doing this one no please don't touch me you don't know him yeah hello I think it's no secret when I show it which one is the best down wow it's really spicy why does it so good what did they put inside it's an abandoned Pharmacy you're cleaning your car yeah wow that's so lovely can I Jon Jan okay I cannot caning Indonesia s it and don't do it in front of the mosque sweet strawberry Carlos is coming how sad is this H really good I can help you I'm exploring near Pang there's a big area called solo and um yeah I'm on the way to Waterfall the street is not the best anymore but things will be okay so join me on my tour and see you at the waterfall okay it looks a bit like a waterfall already yeah this is not the waterfall but check it out for a couple of seconds wow no one here okay this seems to be a part of a street so where does this come from I [Music] suppose that this little Bridge used to be bigger and then the parts that crashed inside here or maybe not but in general it looks PR clean I would say what a waste of time so the mark on Google Maps the destination was in the middle of the street but there was nothing you couldn't even hear any waterfall so you don't hear anything maybe you have to drive further up the street but oh I don't want to waste my time yeah so I go back to the main road takes me maybe well maybe 10 minutes and then I go to the oldest mosque in West Sumatra let's go have plenty of truck driving as you can see I don't know what kind of things they carry hello mister I've never given money to those guys who um on the street here like them let's do it okay let's give them 5,000 let's do it two times I think it was an eagle did you see it up in the sky okay yeah it's hard to stop and give them money especially when you drive with one hand how much do you give to the guys usually let's say you're a car driver and you give money to them how much money you give to these guys same here so I think they're standing mostly at the Curve when it goes up look how foggy it is hello monkey let's eat something here rumaan to uh okay why not hello hello okay H I can I can look okay oh okay the dri okay okay okay [Music] um no I mean no I mean is there's fish inside okay M yeah [Music] okay little bit of um the fried eggplant and sauce okay sauce which one is the best uh okay oh wow I like the sauce yeah yeah okay okay wow okay yeaha s what this one yeah this is what you else you can eat what do we have for cop for doing H cop cop M Sprite so let me check what we are having here um maybe what is this down removes black spots on the face smooth skin delays premature aging and so on I want to get one later I make a tea later and I give you my rating for the tea then yes so what should I drink then uh maybe they have Red Bull k d something similar to Red Bull and they have more drings over there as well it looks nice you just have the wall you can choose from any drinks coffee drinks some juice IC tea more juice water water but I want to try this wet bull drink they give you water even it's a lukewarm water Maan it's my first meal start with udab it's some pickles that's interesting this is pickles wow it's really spicy this is um cabbage and this is the eggplant fried egg m oh that's really good especially the pickles in my food I really like that's a truck I don't know what he wants to do but it's pretty Smoky out there it's super good so energy drink it's really good oh I forgot to eat the sball even because it's spicy enough even so I didn't realize that there are Sall still wow why does it so good what did they put inside wow wow they put something refreshing inside it's a really Juicy Green S I don't know if you are from Pang fromat what else could be inside here reminds me on Mexican sauce Mexican food what I'm noticing here right now is the people are really um calm and no one has really talk in a loud way they don't use their smartphone in an excessive way that other people listen to their videos and the games that they play um yeah you know sometimes it's like it's also fun and um it can be loud um here it's like different which one looks the best and I'm heading to here the oldest mosque in West Sumatra and I'm here and then there's a Twin Lake that I want to check out as well so I will arrive at 2:15 at um at the mosque sun goes down at 600 so I think I will drive back when it's dark I want to spend as much time as a canyon the nature during it during the daytime when it's not dark Shu energy okay wow it's really good usually I refuse plastic I don't want to have the tea leaves and crumbl in my motorcycle bag and also there's a laptop inside as well it's getting a bit more foggy even okay it looks so dark but I love it where do you want to go a lost place it's not easy to cross the street here come on drive faster faster faster yeah looks like a hotel maybe with a traditional Ruma gadang roof shape I think there was a security inside and of course this is the entrance or maybe it used to be some governmental building I don't know Rea this used to be a pharmacy look only with one review and it's two stars let's check the review 4 years ago someone mentioned it's an abandoned Pharmacy ah yeah this is a sign this is a symbol for for a pharmacy right the snake and this this glass here this cup 15 minutes left and the nature is getting more and more beautiful here be careful um that you don't drive like an idiot and cut the road a the I think the mosque will be somewhere in the Hills oh so beautiful is this tea what is it or some herbs some vegies maybe there's supposed to be a wedding later or they finished already look this is TE well look over there a coffee shop would be nice to have a no not to have a coffee here but a tea you cannot go there oh come on don't tell me it's a second fail for today the first waterfall the location was was totally wrong and now this now you have two ways Google wanted me to drive here this route but here can yeah it's maybe one or two minutes longer okay are you wow that's so lovely see the sun is shining right here and over there it's foggy and cloudy and I didn't really expect here to to be many Tea Plantation let's stop here for a second unluckily no one is here can explain me about everything and if so for sure there would be language barrier as well so this is TE I cannot smell anything you take the leaves right just like a normal Leaf from the smell from the taste as well even though I usually don't eat leaves it's so idic here check out these mountains in the background that's actually perfect for taking a nap here just lay down here close your eyes set your alarm like 20 minutes later or something and just enjoy your your sleep then [Music] for it's getting definitely more windy here sun is covered by the clouds and it's getting a bit colder here as well let me guess this picture yeah picture picture that's of course hello bro wow it's amazing wow I will also take yeah more videos and pictures wow look at the hill wow that's so beautiful do you like tea by the way or do you like tea p so now the Sun comes back it little bit it looks even more beautiful check it out I was actually about to change my battery because it's almost dead and this is a tea fabric so I wanted to go there check out if I can enter I hope so but I don't think so but yeah let me change the battery not so much rain actually it looks like it will stop in a couple of minutes now the rain stops and the Sun is back immediately I definitely need a wi coat so that in case when when I drive back there will be a rain I don't want to stop and wait for forever so please let me in here I think it's nothing special here oh please let me explore here you see the te oh please let me go here would be so nice fabric Tea Leaf twin hello perissi can can I film here can I Jalan Jalan yeah yeah okay they say yes okay this is a truck here the truck comes and then he's waiting until all the leaves are gone and then okay now you saw it they have these baskets they put it here on this thing and it goes here then and there's a machine hello mister hello hi I cannot yeah okay then I go I go then okay I was surprised and happy that they say no problem but they are workers so maybe they say yes you can because we are friendly but the rule is like you cannot Ah that's sad but at least I have a little footage I think it's no secret when I show it on YouTube wow and it's such an interesting way to a mosque now you have to drive through the nature through the tea plantations you can sneak inside the tea fabric even if you're lucky do you see the roof they have one two three roofs and a balcony pretty interesting shape of a roof all right doggo Mr doggo ah here it's 1 kilm sorry e go down there looks pretty nice and special but I follow Google no I don't follow Google I go down there please excuse us um yeah the road is closed here um and also the ladies over there they told me they gave me a hand sign better you drive around this is what I'm doing right now but this one here looks beautiful see little waterfall hello Mis hello mister indan s can you speak English you speak English no no but you said no and you asked me in English as well hello what's your name sir Carlos nice to meet you you're cleaning your car yeah that's nice okay yeah I will check out the waterfall here for a while and they're cleaning their car here apparently as well that [Music] truck woo hello sorry [Music] who said hello where is the mosque hello mister per M Di teros arra yeah okay Mai he said it's straight and there it is the oldest mosque in West Sumatra it really reminds me on the bin ancient Hindu temples huha okay I think this is not even in the to I think this is a local dialect right he's touching his balls always right um W lucky lucky so this is the man no please don't touch me oh no this is really weird this is really weird no no no okay yeah okay okay thank you this is this is really weird this is is really weird so let's focus on the serious topic because I'm here because I want to travel and I want to show you the oldest mosque so this mosque he's still he's still masturbating H it's really weird I tell you something about religion and he's doing this one this this is this is so disgusting but what can I do not my choice I started to film before he came here before he came here literally please don't come so existence of the mosque was already recorded since 1599 the mosque is registered of the list of heritages of West Sumatra which is overseen by the preservation hell of ancient willix yeah and don't do it in front of the mosque man it's a mosque it's a holy building oh God actually I was about to eat or drink something here but hello hello but I don't want anymore I really don't want anymore so let's go to the Twin Lakes there's a Twin Lake actually and they sell strawberries I saw on Google Maps but rule number one in Indonesia don't trust Google Maps but if there's no strawberries there's a coffee shop as well really [Music] nearby look I keep going where are the St over there but I don't want to pick them by myself I just want to buy package eat it and then keep going to the lake or do you have to pick them yeah why not I think I would even be in the mood to pick them photo photo misters do you think so you think they want to take a picture or not oh hello you take a video hey hey s you take a video of me I take a video of you then it's fair yeah oh you have nice strwberry but this one already yeah I think it's better when I do it by myself 150 uh how does it work I pay now or I go there first are you Kini Kali yeah but how do I know how many gram it's fine something like this do you have something how does it work something for collecting sat yeah how does it work usually oh this one this looks beautiful okay and you give me a scissors as well okay that's that's so cool I cannot believe it now the Sun is coming out again while driving it was pretty cold to be honest so let me remove my two jackets okay sweet strawberry Carlos is coming ready to pick up some sweet Indonesian strawberries okay are you come you come with me oh you okay Bama that means you have to buy what you pick don't just eat them and don't pay them so here is no tberry don't step on the strawberries I cannot see strawberries ah over there they're picking as well when I was young I led to go to the fields yeah when it was a bit dark or at the daytime if there was no traffic on the streets sneaking there and picking some strawberries and eating them of course without paying ah this one okay I want better I want the really ret strawberries I hope she doesn't tell me to go here because they're not so good and they want to keep the good ones for other people this one yeah it's not so red I want the more beautiful strawberries but they don't have many to be honest check it out it's almost nothing anymore and this one doesn't look that I want to get it over there this one is good yeah this one good this one I take satu so this one to be honest it doesn't look like that I want to piig it and eat it three more minutes if there's nothing better I just pay for this one I give them 5,000 and then I leave how sad is this so I think I will finish my strawberry harvesting this looks okay yes two strawberries already this one is a bit dark yeah okay let's go back and pay what about this oneu yeah yeah like this no problem now okay for you tip tip tip yeah because you're nice you so at least let's check the taste M really good M so this was a teaser actually because now I'm willing the mood to buy more let's go to the lake first it's not so easy to find an entrance to the lake area but on the street there was a sign camping so I decided to just turn here and it's supposed to be the correct way to somewhere near the lake you see the sun rise shining through the clouds wow that looks amazing it's a really huge Lake wow that's so amazing wow imagine you have your house here right in front of the lake that would be nice I think I would chill here all night long until I fall asleep or hammock would be nice yeah hello hello hello ah you make fix repair yes oh okay hello hey bro bro in your son okay that's amazing I would love to have a tour here with a boat yeah there's one man coming can you drive me around here with a boat the D on B I give him some tip and he's ping me around there you can set to I can ask Papa yes I give him some money how much do I have I will ask him wow that's beautifula UPA what happened little bro can you call for me I don't want to be I don't know rude or something can you call Bak here can do it as well but I can uh I don't know to you don't know him yeah okay I would feel weird when I when I call him here his boat broken yes broke I'm broken Ah that's so sad I can help you yeah okay BR yeah I don't want to die here in the middle of the lake at least not today yeah okay we we can try if you don't mind finding another boat you can run to but over there you think they have boat yes okay walking or driving walking or driving ah driving I'm too lazy to walk

2023-12-14 23:23

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