AUSTRALIA VLOG! PART 1 • 48 Hours In Sydney ️ The Rocks & Bondi Beach World Cruise Series
[Music] hello everyone and Welcome to our Sydney Australia Vlog we are currently on Pio Cruiser ship Arcadia sailing a 60-day half World Cruise all the way back to the UK we've been on board for almost a week today is the most exciting day because Australia has been so high on my bucket list Benji my f say who I'm getting married to in 2 days he has already been to Australia before but for me this is my very first time Sydney has always been one of those places that I've dreamt of and today is the day and we are coming into the port this morning nice and early it's 5 a.m. and we should be able to see the Sydney Opera House and the Harbor bridge at 5:30 we're going to go up to one of the higher decks and see us sailing in this is like an iconic special moment and such an exciting ing way to see Sydney for the very first time so if you're new around here hi my name is Brogan and we are documenting and sharing our very exciting special trip our wedding our honeymoon my birthday and we want you to come along with us so make sure you hit subscribe I would already be married by the time you see this it' be a few weeks after we're going to go see Sydney I actually feel really emotional dream's coming through feel like I'm coming home [Music] o the Sun is up now we can see Sydney it's almost 700 a.m. so we're going to try and get off as soon as possible so we are on the opposite sides to the Sydney Opera House I think this is the rock spend you'll have to tell me but it is amazing this view there's so much to look at hat look at all of this everything oh my goodness this is the cruise Passenger Terminal yeah amazing oh my goodness we're in Sydney he's got his hat on he's ready for the day and look at Arcadia she got a fresh cat of paint yeah they' finished painting her now so oh stunning looks lovely that was so smooth so smooth so easy cuz we've been to the farm about 6 days ago we had to deed that we've been to a farm agome and she said your shoes clean have you got any of it with you no no have a good day it's good day good day M if you if you have don't lie it's just in case and it's so easy if you tell the truth yeah we thought that we'd be a bit longer through immigration because of that but no we were good this is so exciting last time I was in Sydney specifically it was just me and my dad there was a gigantic cruise ship here really I that just be so cool pulling into Sydney on a cruise ship a Bucket List complete I have dreamt of coming to Australia for so long I follow so many Aussie on Instagram I've Got Friends at Australian I have friends that have moved here from the UK not friends with Chris Hemsworth just cuz you follow him on Instagram so Sydney Harbor is the largest natural Harbor in the world and the second largest natural Harbor in the world is po Harbor right by where we live watch out yeah Oh my Jesus Christ watch out dinosaur yeah so po Harbor right next to where we live is the second biggest natural Harbor in the world yeah behind it is already very warm I where's your oh I clipped it I saw me I've got it it's not it's not protecting you from down there Bubba oh it's only 8:00 a.m. okay time you Sydney we are going to get up to highs of 38° tomorrow yeah that is a bit Keen I mean that's a bit too Keen for us Grits my heart is so happy guys this is so exciting I have always wanted to come and now we're here and we're doing it together we are and we're about to get married because this is the last stop before we get married this will always hold that memory that's a picture yeah look at that stunning oh my goodness wow I feel really emotional I actually feel really just emotional the great thing about being on a cruise ship with two to three thousand other guess is that there's always people take pictures of each other so that was nice just had a lovely couple one of the guys I play football with oh yeah and actually that was one of the ladies I did a little afteron tea with a few days ago shared it on Instagram but you can see here this is my little dress I'm wearing my wife be be sash my teen bride slippers and I've got a little veil and bow in my hair turn right around the other way that's it lovely today is my mini celebration hendu Cru with some friends that I've only just met so I'm very excited that they're doing something for me I'm very grateful now I feel like nearly that we're going to take some champagne and some bickies that we've got haven't we yeah but yeah this my outfit they threw me a little like mini celebration didn't they it was so sweet I think down there that's MC's chair you can see the upper house and the oh wow and this is botanical gardens here I'm so glad we came here first because is absolutely dead quiet look at this got the whole place to ourselves tonight we've booked A really lovely steak restaurant which our friends recommended to us they were here last month and they loved it and said that we would enjoy it too so that's what we're going to do tonight but for now the plan is to car I'm walking around here cuz I'm just loving it taking a ton of pictures and then we're going to Bondi Beach where we're going to icebergs which is the swimming pool that's right on the water so we want to go for a swim and start our day like that have a little mooch around Bondi yeah meet TR bonai go the shops like rip Cur and and uh surfy shops surf I said I can do everything just left my brain yeah so Arcadia is there the Harbor Bridge is there and the opera house is there absolutely incredible so beautiful and so perfect starting the day here we have encountered a little bit of a hiccup with our plan here because we didn't realize that icebergs the pool we want to go and swim in is closed today we do have a huge beach obviously we have arrived in Bondi we're going to go for a swim in the sea because we can't go in the pool this is what it's like when you're traveling places though you just got to adapt you make a plan and then you have a second plan plan doesn't plan we're actually going to go and find some breakfast first cuz we're both pretty hungry there is that place that I was talking about that lamb Rock but it doesn't look very open no oh it is right we stopped in that little lamb Rock Cafe which is right here I'm going to have have pancakes I think here we go I've got banana pancakes with some strawberry and maple syrup and Ben's got the eggs benedict even though we can get it on board that's what he wanted it does look amazing look at that nice cow I'm not really a sweet breakfast kind of person I but I didn't want to fall fryer no I'm excited about this so we just finished a nice breakfast at the cafe and we started walking down and we can see people in the pool at icebergs it says on their website Thursday closest to cleaning looks like the having a party down here on Saturday Bond beach party it says so they're setting up like a huge stage over there we've got loads of stuff going on behind us the water is so blue isn't it so blue it's amazing it's also not as busy as I thought it was going to be I think in all the TV shows and stuff I see it like absolutely heaving but it's it's not too bad no I it's always been a lot busier when I've come down here yeah it's nice there's Lads of space on the beach oh my goodness this is so beautiful wow what a great place nice here's the pool that's where we want to go this is amazing oh my goodness I can't wait to go in we are here you ready to go in yeah wow I haven't yet let's [Music] [Music] go wow this is not my like best look but Benji just braided my hair for me so I had it in a low bun and it it just it no the Hat wasn't fitting on my head my massive head but that was amazing wasn't it we just found out that they've been doing swim this has been here since 1892 that's crazy and it's a really popular spot and it looks really busy now so I'm glad we came when we did and obviously don't listen to Google Maps and internet because it's done it's open so there we are no really you recommend that I do too yeah it was actually the friends that we are stealing their state recommendation they told us to come in as well we literally copied their idiner but yeah it is HUD HUD HUD so we're taking all precautions hats sunnies loads of SPF my nose has already started reacting to the sun which I'm not happy about but nothing I can do about it Benji suffers with a condition on his nose when the heat hits it it's just game over good job we have makeup for the wedding day yeah I'll be all right right Bondi Beach it's been a lovely morning I'm ready for some shops and some air con that's nice a it's like you say it's slightly cream which I don't normally like per perfect but I think I really like it anyway the design is really nice like the Hat I do quite like the Hat quite a big it looks old doesn't it looks like a had it for 10 years yeah it's quite a big logo at the top we both really like Rip Curl they have some really nice clothes we like these sort of surfery nice t-shirts and like this little cro te is cute and this is the dress I'm wearing right now that I bought the other day is it this one oh it's that one this one I'm wearing at the moment Bene and I are obviously in the souvenir shops constantly looking for pins and postcards and bits we're collecting pins and we've got three in one shop so that's a good start staying hydrated he's got his new hat on filling the bottles up we normally fill it up on the ship but we got told this morning we not allowed to bre any liquids ashore at all so no food packets or anything back to plastic bottles unfortunately but this is keeping them cold we got two aala water bottles we're doing our best we're basically just walking along here looking in all the different shops that looks like a nice little bar look at the door handle Bondi is a very cool place everyone's walking around with their surfboards and Peak summer here so I'm just still getting used to it but I love it we discovered this brand inne Disney Springs is called Tommy Bahama and they have the most beautiful things the men's is really nice too I'm sure Benji's looking at a shirt or two cool she found a shirt yeah nice the best me shirt ever it is a very you shirt is it yeah really nice in there but just crazy expensive tried on a really cute pair of shorts they were $158 so pass I don't even know if there'll some my size in this to be honest oh lovely these are reversible how cool but they also sell napkins napkins and face masks sunglasses hold [Music] us they're tiny this is Bond Pavilion which was our second choice they have showers and lockers down here if you want to go to the beach and just like that Bondi Beach it's definitely busier now isn't it Bene it's not busier yeah absolutely amazing look at this sand wow love it we jumped in an Uber and he's taken us right back near the ship there's so much to look at feel a bit overwhelmed oh this is a good shot from ha Bene maybe we should take our selfie here oh my goodness yay this is six head where we're going for dinner later and this is the ship look at this is amazing that's what it looked like in 1795 wow I know it's pretty iconic and such a bucket list thing for some people to climb the Harbor bridge but I have absolutely no interest in that no I don't think I want to put a big suit on in the middle of the sunny day show in that but just i' prefer looking up at it they're looking down yeah no it's not for me no no thank you we came out to the cabin and I've had a shower proper one cuz they had a shower at the icebergs but I actually washed my hair and had a proper you know nice clean and and I've switched to shorts and t-shirts full change and I've put my trainers back on and I've got a lighter bag now so we've ditched our swimming stuff haven't we the Beach Tow Basics only really yeah trying to find somewhere to go and have some lunch I think we just go outside and read some menus yeah oh near left my fan oh that's been a big rookie ER big rookie um sorry is this not the most epic view we've ever had from a lift before it would do it would do it do look at that going [Music] down wow oh what are they doing out here refilling oh you made that sound way more exciting than it is oh I forgot that that's actually an essential part Florida de deck two how lovely is this walking around the rocks or we're coming into the area of the Rocks which is a great place for food so we thought oh yeah this looks like a Vibe I like it oh they got some nice shops oh ooh they look good sandwiches actually I looked yeah have a little look all these places look great as choices it's a nice little cafe we can sit in the shade the menu here is quite brunchy I don't know what it's called oh it's just called Belgium chocolate cafe we want to have a sandwich so I think I'm just going to go for a chicken or maybe beef actually even the tuna sounds nice I would have any of these even the turkey bench is got avocado and lettuce and mayo nice go for the beef sandwich we're going beef and you can pick different bread as well we have got smoothies to keep us cool and they look amazing you mango mango what have you got mixed berries yeah cheers oh that's really good oh wow yeah happy that that is amazing oh my gosh it's so thick it's like gelato actually might be one of the nicest smoothies I've ever had in my life here we go beef pami sandwich and a chicken sandwich on sadough how nice does that look amazing apparently this is Turkish bread I've never I don't think I've ever had Turkish bread before it's good I know that this is just a sandwich but this might be one of the nicest sandwiches I've ever had there's so much chicken and flavor oh it's amazing I'm absolutely loving it look at these old signs around this area I love this lots of bars restaurants shops I was a raven oh coming up there's a rip Outlet here oh wow on that sign it says that that is Sydney's oldest pop since 1828 and there's a star Beast so we can look for our mug in here 1885 there was a bank sadly they were sold out of my we are here mug but we are going to come out tomorrow she said they're going to get some stop tomorrow what a lovely area around here they often have street performers down there oh yeah what a nice place you can totally see why people want to live and work here and study here this is that thing of having a city by the Sea isn't it yeah yeah really cool I'm just trying out an umbrella in case it's better than a fan it's a proper like UV umbrella isn't it but we're on our way to the botanical gardens so you're directing us there aren't you yeah and hopefully my directing is better than it was when we were on a bike I'm not mad about that it was just hot and long and hard um that's what she said you decided you didn't want your umbrella so now I'm umbrella boy I'm just not sure about it if I'm being honest I don't know if it's really [Music] [Music] helping I can't believe we've gone from Beach beautiful beach to gorgeous City MH Skyline and big buildings and shops to this right next to each other yeah it's amazing isn't it it's really really amazing like this is stunning get you a city that can do both more than both everything it's got everything it's so beautiful [Music] here look at this view stunning isn't it to walk wasn't it well the gardens itself were worth the walk but this is nice cuz you get both the opera house and you get the Harbor Bridge in they closed that off for event and I don't want to walk all the way back to all the way back up there we're pretty much at the end so what was the chair thing called Mrs MC's point oh okay sking that are we yeah we'll see her another day made a horizontal pit stop in the gardens and when you lay down and look out you see all the spider webs in the trees Bigg spiders a Big Boy earlier wasn't there first big spider size of size of this size about size of this like you see the hand behind my hand that big could have even been that Big Bubba in literally 2 days to the almost hour hry Mr L again great you gain a wife great is any perks just that the perks are yeah it should be good no no sorry go go go why are you getting married oh yeah you're right oh cuz I love you oh there's a plane and we've just figured out that TV could be Taylor's version as she's in town what else would tv be television what is he doing oh no no he's still going W is it swifties no they're called swifties well that was a very bizarre turn of events Tada on Twitter and everyone's like what is going on is everyone talking about it said what up more more he's putting an asteris and putting writing it all again well I just said that we should go back and you just said no I'm invested now if he doesn't have a w I'm no I've given up if he doesn't have a w he's going again no he's curly now he's going again he's do we've already had all this that house there is um kirilly house and that's the second official residence of the Australian prime minister oh so like H I assume holiday home or something wow stunning it's gorgeous isn't it yeah and this is our walk back to the ship incredible no you can see why so many people jog along here I didn't realize as well that there's like a bit the front here and then it's sort of separate like there're separate bits I say if you ask me to draw it from memory I wouldn't have included the separate bits I thought it was one building it's not it's separate Wonder sales wonder if it's all one Concert Hall orever it's separate oh that's a good idea yeah I don't know obviously not in that front no no I had a friend recommend Opera Bar for a cocktail just cuz the views are amazing obviously it's a nice spot but NE of us fancy a cocktail right now we are in a little shop now right by the opera house just having a little mooch love looking at everything loads of shops along here we just got our postcard and we got some chocolate we haven't seen before so we'll show you that it's all very lovely and much busier than this morning isn't it I just love these little shops there's so many cute things we are looking for a Christmas Day I feel like one of these could be cute Ben look they have Little Koala look oh dear I have discovered more pins and our Christmas decoration I also do want a kangaroo and a koala to add to our little family but I haven't found one I like yet little Joy no I'm very specific on what I like we are heading back inside for the second time today we're feeling like we want to get ready for dinner and we've done a great look around we've done a great look around we've had a great look around we had a great look around I feel like we made a little schedule didn't we like a mini itinery and we ticked everything we wanted yeah I agree Bondi Botanical Gardens and the Rocks we had two lovely meals so far watch some skywriting on our list as well we did off that was tip to top of the list souvenir shopping very important always so yeah a good day basically I thought you might like to see what we picked up so I have a friend that requested one of these so I got her two one for her and one for her mom and then I got us one each as well they're called a violet crumble I think they're a bit like a crunchy and then I saw M&M's Bounty coconut flavor which I love M&M so much so very happy about these cuz I love Bounty and then I saw various different Kit Kat flavors and I thought i' try them all so we got birthday cake milky bar and churro so they're going to all go in the fridge cuz they've been in my backpack we're trying them for cultural scientific research obviously yeah of course I've had my third outfit change of the day we're going for for a nice dinner so I've popped on this nice loose floaty playsuit with some sparkly sandals I bought this from next I think yeah I really like it I have been doing a little bit of editing as you can see on the laptop and while I was working bench has been doing the washing again so because we're in Port we can have the washing hanging and then we'll bring it in before we move tonight so I'm not sure if I've explained this we are docked in in the harbor right now as you know like right next to Circular key and the rocks at 11:00 p.m. we have to move and we're going to be coming to shore via tender again if you watch the last Vlog you know that basically means we get in the small sort of lifeboats so we have to be back on board tonight by 11:00 otherwise the next tender is not until 8:00 the next morning so the first Tinder is 8:00 a.m. tomorrow so we've actually just been asked to have coffee with the captain in the morning morning to chat about the wedding day so that's exciting um his name is Matt and we actually bumped into him in the buffet a few days ago and he said he wanted to sort of chat through the wedding day so we're very excited then we take the tender to Shore and then we're going to try and plan our day around doing a lot more shops so we want to go to the Queen Victoria building pop to Westfield we've got a little shopping list of a few things we want saying about you doing the washing from the washing and then when we come back this evening we can do a bit of tidying um oh I need my Cruise car this lanyard is looking a little ropey good job I have a spare but um anyway that's the plan that's where we're at so dinner at a restaurant called six head recommended by our friends Charlotte and George they ate here like I said a month ago and they loved it they did like a special date night dinner here and they just thought it was really nice and that we'd really like it so we trust their recommendation so we booked there about I want to say about 2 weeks ago just because I wasn't sure how busy it' be but I had no idea how close it would be so that's helpful we literally within walking distance so we can go for our nice dinner and then just walk back oh wow this is so lovely at this time of night cuz it's still sunny but the sun's not directly on it it just feels so cool it's so much cooler it's so pretty wow good job we made a reservation it is busy so we know we want to get steak I think I might go for the ribey the ribey Wago here I think I'm going to go for a filp but I'm not sure which one basically these are different types of Farms or like the cows are raised differently they eat different food and it's different weights of the meat and they're obviously expensive so it's definitely a pricey menu and meal but we've got all our cash from Christmas and towards our wedding haven't we that our family gave us some Australian dollars how lovely the restaurant have given us a complimentary glass of bubbles to say congratulations on getting married on Saturday they asked if we were celebrating anything and we told them that we were on that ship this is amazing amazing so lovely we didn't want a big starter so we are going to share some artisan bread with a wagu butter which sounds amazing can't beat bread and butter can't beat it we've had a lot of nice bread haven't we this trip so far just to give you a little idea it's 8:00 and it's still 26° and tomorrow it's going up to 36 so we're just planning out our day and we've enjoyed our bread and it's starting to get dark now and it's so beautiful here here here is our steak I will say is a bit weird that it doesn't come with any sort of like bedge or Salad it looks amazing look at that that was easily the best piece of steak we've ever had maybe even best piece of food we've ever had amazing I felt a little bit guilty like with the price but n it was absolutely worth it it goes back to again the conversation we had the other day about price versus value but also we're not feeding 100 guests for a wedding day we always wanted to have a really special meal I have 100 of them toes The View's been amazing been people watching it's still so warm look how generous this is they gave us the wine already the um champagne and now we have a little dessert to enjoy together that's really cute very thoughtful love it the crew on board Arcadia are so lovely every time we get on and off they always say have a lovely evening or hope you had a lovely day or yeah they're so nice um and we've just been to reception because we accidentally even with all my organization with my currency pouches we accidentally had a 50 New Zealand dollar note amongst my Aussie dollars so the reception changed it for Aussie dollars for us so yay that's good we can actually use those now so yeah it's been a lovely evening I've loved it it's been so amazing meal what a you sunning now we're going to go to bed and we'll see you again in the morning for Sydney day two good morning everyone it's day two in Sydney and it's our last day before we get married tomorrow so many feelings so many emotions so much to think about but we're going to soak up our last day in Sydney I'm so sad I would happily spend weeks here but we are expecting some intense sunshine today and some predicted rain and our main priorities is basically doing some shopping that's what we want to do so we want to go to the Queen Victoria building as I said yesterday we went to do Westfield and there's a nice book shop I want to go to that was a cool to say the captain would like to meet us in the next 10 minutes so we're going to make our way down to that meeting to talk about the wedding but you might be able to hear they're getting the tenders ready so I just thought I'd quickly show you so this is what it's looking like they've lowered it into the sea and they're just getting them all ready for us and then this is the view as you can see oh my gosh look this sun is so bright behind me is where we are so we're not too far this is gorgeous really nice way to wake up and see Sydney in this light I guess but that Sunshine is it's bright yeah no we're not going to look at that too much it's very bright um but anyway let's rock and roll and do the day o the tender is not the life mode it's a Captain Cook thing right Wow Let's go around this way babe let's go in there out of the [Music] darkness that's so neither did I so now we know this is where we come then to get the tender later right first stop is back at the Starbucks as the lady yesterday told us that they were getting stock today so we're hoping hoping hoping hoping we're like oh there's boxes is this stock this looks promising yay they just opened the boxes and they found the Sydney mug that we wanted gorgeous isn't it lar so now we have the ockland and the Sydney one this means need the Hong Kong one sort out when we get home oh sort out one in one [Music] out the pin love it in me excited about this we're not going to any other places a there's so many these buildings they're so pretty love it and you might have noticed that I've changed my dress and that is because I'm struggling so much in this heat Benji seems to be fine but I am melting and this dress is a different material and I think I've realized that those sort of like cotton dresses that I have for the UK that have got like lining they're doubled they're not good for me so I've switched dresses much cooler also I love these like trains that are kind of like trams that are like truck well yeah but they look like trains like the tube and they're right in the middle of the street it just is nice it's convenient it looks like the underground which would be separate wouldn't you wouldn't have the underground like straight through the middle of the street like that why your brain cannot comend it can it no it's nice and I like all this this is called The Strand arcade sorted walk around yeah is gorgeous my friend told us that butter boy cookies are amazing so I think we'll get one to share this white chocolate although it's got oh yeah sa Cam and white chocolate macadamia cookie oh my God M that is incredible look so good the sea salt in it is amazing that's really really good I can't even taste Macadamia that today that's amazing look at that I don't know if you can feel appreciate it it's like got the shine on it from the S to caramel again we make all these plans and then just randomly oh should we have a look in there finds the best stuff yeah Snack Bag see I come prepared you're good you can stay you can I can you going to marry me you can sign a contract tomorrow if you want for life wife for life cont okay so we're walking around this little area now I just popped into Sephora just because I wanted to get a couple of last tiny things for the wedding day and the lady was so lovely in there I was actually looking for I forgot a hair wrap like hair band thing and she had a free Fenty skin one so she gave it to me which was very sweet stumbled across Westfield which I think was obviously in there or is it this whole thing I don't know it's nice around here I love it oh okay I thought we were in Westfield which I think we were and then now we've come through to the Queen Victoria building ooh this is really nice in here I used to love this shop in London and then they got rid of it it's called Kiki K and they have loads of lovely things yeah such gorgeous stationery and stuff look at this little children's shop so cute oh look at all the bits I love shops like this I was looking for a Little Koala or a kangaroo but no luck but how adorable are these little things look they're so soft too I ah this is the front of the building look how beautiful it is so that's the way in that you should have gone not the backwards way that we went but we're still looking for my book shop that I wanted to go to have you found it yeah straight through this way the other side of okay we'll walk through here then I can totally see why people like coming around here there's loads of like foodie spots and bakeries through the middle and places to sit and relax there's designer there's skin care there's some High Street shops then there's some a few Independents downstairs it's definitely got something for everyone this is our next stop it's called well I keep calling it diox but Benji's called it what did you call it Dimmu neither of us need or want new books but you know we're going to have a look oh it's book Heaven oh my gosh they have a Taylor Swift area amazing this is next on my list but there's so many of the books that if I start it I know I'm going to have to commit to all of them aren't I so we'll just we'll kind of come to it soon don't you worry but I just want to have a little look oh that's nice nice isn't it apparently this is new and someone said that I might like this it's quite big though and also what I really like in the UK our books are not like this they're very soft like they flick nice I don't know how to explain it but like our binds here are harder so this is very nice to like I don't know how else to explain this but like hold it and flick through it oh I would have love to have read iron flame like this rather than the hard back I had cuz this is so much nicer Beng is about to start this I wonder if he wants this version um but fourth wi was just amazing on my Kindle I've got these next this Twisted love series which I'm excited about I think I might start that next I'm currently reading an Absolut awful book called ice breaker which some of you might know but I'm hating it um but I'm going to get that finished first but this is a lovely lovely store I'm just looking at all the pet things because I miss my dog very much and I just thought this was adorable she loves these little licky MS and this one you can like suction to the floor and it looks like a piece of toast that's so cute my stationary heart is just very happy looking at all of these different bits of left Benji in a chair over there somewhere I have found my section absolutely in love with how this book shop is all laid out and how everything looks wow if this was my local Bookshop I'd be very happy popping in here so many load of them have this sort of style of front cover nowadays the catch that sounds fun oh my goodness they've got a Jelly Cat range and it is adorable I think I need the koala and you'll know why when we get to Brisbane and you'll see that in the next Vlog but I feel like I need this now but they have so many cute ones oh no my pin lover heart is so happy here too look at this so many cute pins oh yes I need that one we've diverted from you know lots of local Cuisine to the golden arches and we just want something small that we know what we're having but I actually have ordered a salad which looks quite nice look frozen Coke frozen Sprite I quite fancy of Frozen FR raspberry FS nice let's go raspberry hash browns all day pineapple frits they've got M&M's mini McFlurry Oreo Tim Tam's out of stock oh that's a shame a I never thought I would have a salad at McDonald's but here we are I'm actually very excited about this I'm going to try my th L you will love good good is that yeah really good M that was actually surprisingly very nice and look at the building Just What We Needed wasn't it was just what we needed now we've decided we're going to go up the sky tower we did the one in Oakland and we're planning on doing the one in qu Lumpa I think we're going to go up this one too we just got to find it their Apple Store is absolutely huge look how many floors it's got we're just in the LEGO store and look how cute this is see that first the koala the little animals the birds this that is a coatu nearly oh cabur oh damn posum yeah is are okay in Australia they problem in New Zealand yeah we learned that a little B oh look no there's a baby on the back oh wow that's really nice how pretty we're back in Westfield but we're not doing many more shops we're going to try and find the sky tower right here we go it was $38 each oh it was £40 for us both so £0 each oh wow Empire State Building yeah we've done that Eiffel Tower done we've done the ockland one now this is the Sydney Tower this little tiny one here Empire day oh bur Khalifa there we go we've done that one took 6 years to build it it cost 26 million wow oh my goodness there's our Cadia that's the first thing Benji spots the oh we're above a plane and just below a helicopter wow oh what a nice little spot we're in over there definitely a lot higher up than the Orland one isn't it do you think yeah I think so oh wow the view is gorgeous you can just about see the opera house there and the bridge there but in terms of being able to see a full City like this I do really love a tower so do I we should maybe make it a mission to do the all well I've now repeated to I'm done youone thinking about the bridge is in Mar at First Sight Australia when they go over the bridge to go to the like the sit down me the meal yeah was just over there yeah I keep thinking about that movie we saw the other day with um Sydney Sweeney [Music] yeah we finished up the sky tower it was nice up there as you saw we we saw where Taylor swi was playing tonight yeah Olympic Park I've been there that's where the um Sydney Easter show is we come to Easter come to Easter again come to Sydney again we'll definitely come at Easter time so I show them I've seen that it looked good oh wow this is so beautiful we just saw this from the sky tower a lovely Fountain the guy from the Sheep Sharing Show the other day with his sheep I love these birds they're so cool they're fun aren't they Benji explained why Burger King is Hungry Jacks all to do with the licensing they offered a million and he went nah you're all right so because of that there's Hungry Jacks over here I had no idea Hungry Jacks they even it's the Whopper but it's Hungry Jacks I had no idea we are on our way back to the Sydney Opera house to get back on our tender have we done that gift shop I don't think we have we to make sure we've done every gift shop it is about 5:00 and our last tender is at 6 we were never going to try and get the last cuz that's too risky for us we've walked up and down this bit so many times over the last few days but now it's time to leave one last look at the bridge and one last look at the opera house yeah the weather's been amazing for us as well yeah so nice it been raining all week so we got really lucky and I think it's going to thunderstorm tonight so thank you Sydney for giving us some sunshine but yeah it's been wonderful obviously I've Loved Sydney so much about the city I love there's so much I still want to do I really want to do the zoo I'd like to do manly just a ferry tour where we just hop up Hop Off on and off yeah get there in the idea Blue Mountains yeah there's loads I still would like to do so of course we'll be back in the future but I'm very excited about brzy next I'd love to do a like an NRL game with you rugby league with you that that'd be good okay I think you like it okay I think we'll end the Vlog here it's been wonderful like I said I've really loved Sydney and hopefully you'll enjoy the next Vlogs I don't know what order I've put this in so maybe you've already seen us get married but obviously this is the day before and I hope you're enjoying the Vlog so far if you haven't already make sure you hit subscribe thank you so much for watching and yeah goodbye from us and Sydney see you soon [Music] bye oh
2024-03-09 21:35