Arran's mountains: Goat Fell & A'Chir ridge

Arran's mountains: Goat Fell & A'Chir ridge

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[Music] Aaron is one of Scotland's many islands with an easy reach of Glasgow in the southwest it is a special place to visit on a hot sunny day the ferry sails from ardrossum to the town of brodick and the journey takes 55 minutes from brodick it's a short walk to the lovely Glenrosa which was our base for a long weekend of hiking in glorious weather our main aim was to Travis the Ikea Ridge this fine Ridge considered one of the best outside the island of Sky gives a splendid outing with much root variation possible along the way Patrick and I also visited goat fell Aaron's highest Summit and a worthy Ridge scramble on one of the Western Hills I hope you're going to enjoy joining us [Music] good old tadpole action under my dinky little chair we had a teddy bear in it when I bought it a five foot life chair [Music] and how can anyone diss the tadpole I mean look at that what mark would you want look at all that room so whiskey [Music] that's a chair look at the difference it's the loo it's a big campsite [Music] arrived on Aaron and we're heading up the tourist path to Gold fell [Music] here Ridge [Music] the sunny shines [Music] back down about to go back down to uh to the campsite how are you feeling Patrick are you all right oh [Music] oh that doesn't sound too good oh you'll be all right we'll go and get a pint of Aaron blonde [Music] hi hi [Music] that's where we're going there's some little delightful little waterfalls there the best part of the view is that isn't it the Pinnacle up there not sure yet whether that's Kia more or just one of the other corbetts or the or the rose part of the Rose pinnacle closer but it sure is beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] well up on the ridge now just about to head for the first summit that's our first Peak just up ahead beautiful Curry [Music] thank you [Music] well this is the summit of Ben Lewis I don't know how to pronounce it across there's our first Corbett and there's a lot of midges around so I'm going to be really quick is it an adder or is it a snake what are you calling the grass snake I'm a small one you're being very still I'm a small one we'll leave him be [Music] it doesn't seem too worried by us but then he might just be keeping still in the hope that we'll leave him alone yeah the freeze rather than rise up like a cobra and spit at one of us I'll bite one of us hand on up to the summit of Ben Carson [Music] I wonder if we can get away with the midges not descending on us up here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] views [Music] any midges and here's the view which is awesome well Patrick's gone for the sandwiches we've gone for the baguette I've gone for the tailless pot pie [Music] he's looking for crumbs and tashuin foreign [Music] lovely day I'd like to say hello to Martin here who we met on the ridge with this lovely Welsh collie it was great to meet you Martin and Zach [Music] an interesting turn of events quite a lot of fun squeezy bit [Music] I'm back on the path so here's the split in the path on the other side of Bentar suing to the left half goes around the side and back up onto the ridge to the right takes the root the scrambly route which does involve an abseil the more they have [Music] and today we're gonna go to the left a bit higher up on the path now I think it's fair to say we're almost to put the summit we're heading for the rules of pinnacle and then beyond that the summit of kiamo which is the second Corbett on this round with uh been blocked immediately head by these big Granite Boulders which you may or may not be able to scramble over but we've just noticed there's a path just in that little corner there which will shortly lead back up onto the ridge again and there's the Castilla veil in front hope that's the right pronunciation and there's our final Summit and there's the welcoming committee hello quit your chattering and give me your food hello there you were all noisy a minute ago I was asking for food what are you waiting for he's waiting for some food you catch on quick don't you that's a little bit of a scent hi hi here we are high five [Laughter] the summit of care more wow look at that so that's uh go fell you can see that's quite a drop down there isn't it to get back up again yeah and there's Glenrosa down there so where we'll be going back down and that's where we've come from wow hi hello there are you going to be brave enough come on I am brave enough and I can see the crumbs looks like I'm gonna have to talk to you for my food come and get us there's the crumb and there's the Raven I think it's a raven are you a raven are you I think you're a raven although crows are very big aren't they hmm it's a raven I'm gonna put you on Mastermind special subject the bleeding obvious ly Mr Raven might be flying off in a minute fly off you must be joking I'm not scared of that much my beak's a bit greasy is that loud in the pastry scratching himself I can't believe the footage I'm getting here uh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] number three Castilla Veil I don't know how it's pronounced I want us to check walk Islands hi [Music] bit of a panel and that down there again that's destroyed came to college and there's a v diff rock climber up there which is step [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] well this is the bit I always find [Music] a bit desperate for coming down and down and down however it's a beautiful Glenn clinical where we saw some climbers earlier [Music] [Music] there is further down there just lukewarm isn't it [Music] foreign and we're going up there here's Patrick I wonder if he's gonna say hi again let's wait and see I can't hear what I'm saying now how much are you betting here he is there's our scramble and there's our route down there and just stop for a a drink oh and a nice breeze oh my that's good and opposite there just join on around the corner here's Ben brick this is a Graham we think Ben the rain well a guidebook said that there would be some unavoidable scrambling and so far it's beautiful we just keep finding these slabs to walk on and then directly above it looks there like we're not far away but again it seems like it's slabs and rocks on wood [Music] get it [Music] foreign [Music] that was an unexpectedly gnarly route to The Summit wasn't it hi yes that was a brilliant scramble really good fun there it is you're indeed yeah so that's where we've just come up and on the grannity stuff which [Music] hold on a climber I'm not good on granite it is grippy yeah it's just it's like putting your hands on a elephant's ass isn't it the obvious response from Patrick there neither have I but I guess that's what it would be like putting your hand on a elephant's ass maybe not as grippy depending on how close anyway Let's uh let's move on to the summit there's the trig and there excitingly is the Ikea Ridge that we did yesterday and goat fell what a view yeah some type it down again I'd like to do a little shout out for some channels that I think have put in a lot of effort and this one's very different his channel name is Life's a hobby but have a look because it's a great Channel and it's it's not just your normal Hill walking stuff he's been doing the a few of the Irish three thousanders but there's some really really amusing other videos on there so give it a try there's a link in the description well that was a very surprising route so you can actually Trace our route from yesterday I think that's Ben Lewis that's Ben Lewis there on the road yeah right on the edge there and then all the way across the ridge of course it was the high point in the background oh so it is sorry it's that one there yeah we're not used to these Hills and amber rain is the whole thing yep and the two Summits are one that one is called Ben Barry that's Ben Vereen we know that the one across there that rounded one that's Ben verek isn't it over there it's behind the trig yeah it's big we're on it's more of a beauty get it right eventually and uh yeah down the ridge um in time for a swim in the sea hopefully [Music] thank you [Music] and there's more [Music] on The Descent now and across there you can see the mull of kintyre looks like a nice gentle way down it's a good view of our original [Music] and so ends our long weekend thanks to Martin and Zach who we really enjoyed meeting on the Ridge and thanks to all of you for watching respect to Ian tutman who not only completed the ridge recently but also included gold fell before catching the ferry home his channels included in the description along with the aforementioned Channel Life's a hobby I hope you've enjoyed the adventure see you soon

2023-06-20 20:54

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