All.I.Can (FULL DOCUMENTARY) Skiing, Big Mountain skiing, Chile, Morocco, Alaska, BC

All.I.Can (FULL DOCUMENTARY) Skiing, Big Mountain skiing, Chile, Morocco, Alaska, BC

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Teamwork is everything on a trip like this, you know, it's a difficult thing to come out here and get out into these big glaciers. There's a lot of lines where we would hike up, you know, as a pair, just to, you know, watch over each other and help each other climb and ski. To be able to, you know, work to get to the top of something with a good friend, and share that moment, ski the line, you know, with them or after them or before them and get to the bottom and just, you know, share that enjoyment is incredible. Boys - best day ever! You guys should hurry up with those tents and help me with this wall. If we weren't getting along out here we wouldn't be getting anything done.

Best time of your life! Hopefully the down climb of the ridge is super straight forwards... That everything is reasonable. You just gonna take this ridge all the way over? Yeah, you can go around this peak and then the next peak, you can sneak the back and then you get a long this ridge and it looks nice and then you can't see the other side. Don't know-- if we can ski down that face and then climb up or make that ridge walk. We have to leave almost at midnight or one o'clock in the morning.

The biggest unknown factor is just getting over there. Are you alright? He destroyed that thing... Radio voice: As you've gathered the weather breaking is taking place.

The total weather consideration indicates all of the weather favorable for our scheduled event. Weather can make or break a test shot-- that's way you want to know up to the last moment just how you stand with the elements. So many different kinds of snow-- it's one of the most beautiful things on earth-- different every day you go up-- your lines are changing, the snow is changing, it's a new sensation every day. Storm skiing is probably my favorite kind of skiing.

Just being in the woods when it's snowing is a calming feeling. Being surrounded by 100% nature and total quietness-- it's just a different feeling and you don't really get this in too many places and we are lucky to live here. [whimsical music] ♪ ♪ Bring, bring the thunder ♪ ♪ And the loud, loud rain ♪ ♪ Lead our woes asunder ♪ ♪ 'Neath the proud, proud veins ♪ ♪ Of trains that bleed the gunmen ♪ ♪ Of our pumping earthly hearts ♪ ♪ Wean our joys in plunder ♪ ♪ Feel our shining teeth Bit our hold on happiness ♪ ♪ Bead-weighted chests with lofticries ♪ ♪ Lofticries with trembling thighs ♪ ♪ Weepy chests with weepy sighs ♪ ♪ Weepy skin with trembling thighs ♪ ♪ You must be hovering over yourself ♪ ♪ Watching us drip on each other's side ♪ ♪ Dear brother collect all the liquids off of the floor ♪ ♪ Use your oily fingers Make a paste, let it form ♪ ♪ ♪ Let it seep through your sockets and earholes ♪ ♪ Into your precious, fractured skull ♪ ♪ Let it seep, let it keep you from us ♪ ♪ Patiently heal you Patiently unreel you ♪ ♪ Bead-weighted chests with lofticries ♪ ♪ Lofticries with trembling thighs ♪ ♪ Weepy chests with weepy sighs ♪ ♪ Weepy skin with trembling thighs ♪ ♪ You must be hovering over yourself ♪ ♪ Watching us drip on each other's side ♪ ♪ Dear brother collect all the liquids off of the floor ♪ ♪ Use your oily fingers Make a paste, let it form ♪ Get out of there, Kye, get out of there! You guys see him? Fracture, Fracture.

I'm just gonna make a move, and keep on skiing the spine here, I'm just making sure I'm not gonna be in a bad fall line of anything... I definitely think that nature offers the ultimate testing ground for man to challenge himself. There are so many options and so many variables-- you have three skiers looking up at a line and it is guaranteed that each will have their own way of reading the terrain and it is guaranteed they will each ski it differently. 3...2...1...JP dropping in. Tough to really say you are being a really environmentally conscious person if you are a skier unless you are living in the mountains in a cabin and getting up there by your own means of ski touring or hiking. The fact that we can get anywhere out of these valleys is only because logging and mining is there.

It's basically created access for us to get up there and without those roads we wouldn't be there. I love doing it, it is my whole life and exactly what I want to do and I get so much enjoyment out of it. There is no way you can really say you feel bad for doing what we are doing, at the same time it would be great if we are not wrecking as much by getting this amount of enjoyment out of nature.

We came up with this far fetched plan to go down to Chile and ski the inside of this crater but really none of us had any idea if this was even possible. He mentioned the volcano erupted in 1960 and he had to evacuate his whole family and all the forest where we are now is just re-growing. None of us really are any good at horseback riding whatsoever. Riding up a horse with your ski gear and you know you are going to go skiing is just the craziest thing you can ever imagine. Day three at base camp, one of our guides Nico woke us up at five in the morning and told us it was gonna be Bluebird. We got to the top, and we weren't on just any volcano, it was a volcano with these Alaska-style spines.

And to see that, where we were gonna go ski, was like a dream come true. We all skied down to the same spot and just give each other a high-five, and throw our skins back on and go for another one. Whoa! Well, a year after we were at the volcano, it fully erupted. It's pretty crazy, I don't really know what it means in the grand scheme of things, but, that place that we were is now gone. When I found out I was coming to Greenland, I didn't really think of what the culture was going to be like, and that's kind of one of the biggest shocks.

I think there is something bigger about coming to a place like this and seeing how other people live. That helps you appreciate those things in your own life. And also helps you, you know, realign.

The people who live here year-round, they pretty much are born here and die here. What leads you to this moment? I wonder about that all the time. This is me, this is what I'm doing and this is where I am and... all the little strange things that went in to making that happen. It's kind of hard to really put into words how remote we are, but we're just basically taking care of ourselves. It's definitely fun to be out there, camping at night, and hiking all the lines that we skied.

You wake up, the sun was shining you look out your tent door and there are just big peaks, skiable lines everywhere. [music] ♪ We all hiked up this big face, and it was kind of a struggle. And I wasn't sure, I kind of wanted to ski the face that we had climbed and I also wanted to ski the couloir that Cally was going to drop. In the end I ended up skiing the face, looking up and it just looked so gnarly what Cally was dropping in to. We had a couple of goals on this trip.

The first one was to get to the top of Mt. M'Goun, which is the second-highest peak in Morocco. Looking out over the barren desert, it's pretty hard not to wonder: is this our future? The more you travel, it's interesting to see how differently people live from you. But we're all connected in the same problem. I'm privileged to have grown up in the mountains and skied my whole life and I want to see my kids still being able to ski and their kids being able to ski. It was all my son's fault.

He was in Grade 6 and he wanted to go skiing and I said, "Well, if you're goin' skiing, I'm goin' skiing, too, 'cause I'm not driving you to the hill and coming back home again." This will be my eighth year of 100-plus days if I get another six more in. Who says you can't drive with ski boots on, eh? The old girl working real hard, got a big load. I'm Mary Woodward and I'm 75 years old. I got a free pass this year. I've been skiing since I was 23.

I found Bud and found powder. Such a free feeling. You forget how old you are. You feel like you can do anything. We have the nicest snow in the countryside.

We used to get a lot more, but... can't help that, so we just come out and ski what's here every day. And then over here we got Dennis.

They call me the tail gunner because I'm the last guy who comes down. If anybody gets hurt I'm the one who comes to save them. That way I can go the slowest, which is nice. I don't like the speed like they do.

Bud probably knows every tree out here by name. I broke a ski here a couple of years ago. Got a guy in my ear talking right now, sorry. Ski good or eat wood.

You can't hear anybody. Unless you got your earpiece on, and I like to hear people. Old Mary is the only other person that shows up just about every day. All the others have got bad legs, bad knees. Well, winter has changed over the years.

I guess we'll still be skiing for a long time. Except we're used to skiing in knee-deep powder. What's happening to all the snow, Shannon? It's turning brown and moldy. But you can't eat yellow snow.

I know, 'cause it's dog pee or cat pee. Only the freshy fresh. But I eat from the ground also. You're just a little doggie. I ski with my brother and I like it when he farts. I guess the soul of winter is in the Kootenays for a lot of people.

They come here for that reason. I think you can find the soul in other places, too. Yeah, my parents definitely gave me the biggest gift I could ever get, which is love for the mountains. Super important to be able to pass that on.

Those skis are worth more than the truck. You have a constituency that's out on the hill and every one of them, by virtue of what they're doing, is an environmentalist. And you're converting people every day through the beauty of the natural world and the opportunity for redemption and a sense of freedom on the hill. -Boys. -Best day ever. You can just do anything and go any place and you do.

And you get to the bottom and you just think, "Oh, okay, let's do it again." It's that good. Skiers' connection with nature and the mountains is incredible and it puts us at the forefront of what's going on with our environment. Climate is too intangible.

It's been called the perfect problem. You can't see it, most people don't understand it, and even though it's happening, it's too slow to be tangible to most people. Every generation in history has had their own big challenge to deal with, and this one is ours.

It's money. You have corporations funding political campaigns and working on quarterly profit calendars and it's impossible to take your eye off that. A lot of comments I get revolve around people feeling badly. They feel bad about the car they drive, about the life they live. And I think that this isn't about you.

It's about how we all become part of a bigger solution and we're all hypocrites, of course. It's a fossil fuel-based society. But we have to all work together toward a common goal.

Skiers always scout difficult runs. Think of climate change as the same thing. While you're scouting and thinking about it and planning action, you get increasingly nervous, or I do, and the second you drop in, you feel this incredible sense of relief because you have an opportunity to succeed or fail on your own terms, right now, and all the fear and anxiety and planning is over. The environmental crisis is a huge puzzle and I think it's just a matter of finding your own role as a person and finding our role as a society. [music] ♪ ♪ Daylight dims leaving ♪ ♪ A cold fluorescence ♪ The common person--those are the people, not the heroes, who have solved all the globe's problems for thousands of years, and will continue to.

♪ It's all about all the little different things that each of us can be doing. ♪ [funky music] ♪ ♪ Walking up to me expecting ♪ ♪ Walking up to me expecting words ♪ ♪ Happens all the time ♪ ♪ Present company, accept it ♪ ♪ Present company Except the worst ♪ It happens every night ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ ♪ Present company, excluded every time ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ ♪ Present company, the best that you can find ♪ ♪ ♪ Killing it with close inspection ♪ ♪ Killing it can only make it worse ♪ ♪ It sort of makes it breed ♪ ♪ Present company accepting ♪ ♪ Presently we all expect the worst ♪ ♪ Works just like a need ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ ♪ rPesent company, excluded in the night ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ ♪ Present company, included in the fight ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ ♪ ♪ Don't you want me to wake up? ♪ ♪ Then give me just a bit of your time ♪ ♪ Arguments are made from make outs ♪ ♪ So give it just a little more time ♪ ♪ We've got to bring our results ♪ ♪ I wanna play it 'til the time comes ♪ ♪ But there's a string of divorces ♪ ♪ You go and throw your little hands up ♪ ♪ Okay ♪ ♪ ♪ Go and dance yourself clean ♪ ♪ Oh go and dance yourself clean, yeah ♪ ♪ And they'll mush us into pieces ♪ ♪ Maybe they're arguments the pieces ♪ ♪ ♪ We should try a little harder ♪ ♪ In the tedious march of the few ♪ ♪ Every day's a different warning ♪ ♪ There's a part of me hoping it's true ♪ ♪ Woo! J.P. has been the most influential freestyle skier in the last 10 years by far.

He's innovated some of the coolest tricks you see in the park and in the backcountry, even now. He was on the Salomon team when they first started making twin tips. Tell me about the new skiing, man. I don't know but your girlfriend just flashed us. Do it again. All we did is made a couple small changes to the technology already available.

Fast forward ten years and you see the tricks that the kids are doing today as absolutely mind-blowing. You can find parts of a system that need to be tweaked and that cause radical change. And instead of thinking what's been happening before you or after you, you have to embrace the fact that it is actually happening right now. Skiers' minds have been open.

The general skier now is not fearing change, they're expecting change and they're actually demanding change, they want to see improvements, so that's pretty cool. It's about allowing yourself to see things from a different angle entirely. For example in my case, I could be like, I'll never use helicopters, or I'll never fly around the world anymore. Might as well not use skis anymore, 'cause those are manufactured in factories and that's bad. Just, like, basically stop doing everything I'm doing, and like, staying home and trying not to breathe too much.

If you try to be less and do less, that's not progression. You're not really moving forward. You're basically just slowing down. But I don't think it's about doing less, I think it's about doing more, it's about being more creative. It's about being more active. We have to make a world where when you fly in an airplane, it doesn't produce carbon emissions; when you ski, it doesn't produce carbon emissions.

Here we are at the base of Blackcomb right next to the Fitzsimmons micro-hydro renewable energy power plant. It produces annually what we consume annually as an entire ski operation. Humans have this way of making the impossible possible. Just look at Greg Hill, he ski toured 2 million feet in one year. The most important thing to remember is that you have to engage in your world.

The analogy is a ski slope in the backcountry. You don't just ski the slope, you have to know precisely what's going on on that aspect and that part of the world, and that's how you have to engage society, as well. There might not be a lot of people who stop to think about it, but the time spent in the mountains have taught us really valuable lessons.

It's almost a kind of asymmetric warfare. The ski industry is small, but it is interesting and so it can drive change. It parallels the environment perfectly because there is no other choice, we are put into the environment and we have to perform.

We seek these moments, we look for the unknown. We look for just a little bit harder than before. And that's why people go. The only way to find out is to drop in and try. Yeah, buddy! Woo! ♪ We will burn your train to cinders ♪ ♪ So throw the money on down ♪ ♪ Open up your damned express car ♪ ♪ And jump down to the ground ♪ ♪ But we won't touch that old pullman ♪ ♪ She's southern and they claim ♪ ♪ They ain't offer no reward ♪ ♪ For Frank and Jesse James ♪ ♪ Frank and Jesse James ♪ ♪ ♪ In long soldier's coats frayed with the years ♪ ♪ Quickly they scrambled aboard ♪ ♪ Men were a sweatin' and the women shed tears ♪ ♪ And a preacher prayed to the Lord ♪ ♪ When they opened the safe there was nothing for them ♪ ♪ So they strode down through the train ♪ ♪ What a miserable sight these desperate men ♪ ♪ Robbin' old folks for their gold watch chains ♪ ♪ We will burn your train to cinders ♪ ♪ So throw the money on down ♪ ♪ Open up your damned express car ♪ ♪ And jump down to the ground ♪ ♪ But we won't touch that old pullman ♪ Woo, let's go skiin'! [laughter] ♪ They ain't offered no reward ♪ ♪ For Frank and Jesse James ♪ ♪ Frank and Jesse James ♪ ♪ [laughter] ♪ But we all know he was nothi'' but a Missouri farm boy ♪ ♪ Just fightin' to stay here alive ♪ Teriyaki beef stick. Native Americans used to dine on a similar treat, they called it...

meat pemmican. [laughter] ♪ If you listen to the wind there's a ghost of a chance you can still hear old Jesse call ♪ ♪ ♪ We will burn your train to cinders ♪ ♪ So throw the money on down ♪ ♪

2023-09-01 04:07

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