வடகொரியா தங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது | Korea ep8

வடகொரியா தங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது | Korea ep8

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foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you North Korea South Korea subscribe foreign [Music] so obviously so checking language [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] they are stopping the military services they are mentally healthy and physically healthy so please foreign usually the TMG driver service driver are the best driver because they have to drive like a Mario Kart the electronic wire so at night they click on the electricity so you know what happens uh because after the Korean word the from the air 100 millions of land mine they drop it all over the th area so million of them so you know how many are they so we only clear of the safer place for the tourist Construction in some places and to remove all the land mining takes 100 years and some of them uh it's been a long time it's under the ground and the underneath of the tree so it's very hard to find more and more first two destination we'll be visiting will be down third corner third toner we founded 1978 but one of the guys from the North Korea told us that he surrendered [Music] for us that he was walking to the corner and it happened in the 1974 so he told us there is something going on and I was walking for the corner but I don't know exactly where it is so we've been searching and searching and couldn't find it for four years and how we found it is we put the big long tube on the ground about 70 meters on the ground and then pour some water and we made the tube every 20 meter in the suspected area and what happened is any kind of underground activities like the dynamite activity the water comes out so we found one of the cube that the water actually came out so we did more and we found this corner and this toner is most biggest one and the threatenone among four toner we found so far because uh the tunnels long lens is 1.62 6.5 kilometer and two meter high 2 meter wide and one hour sorry thousand Soldier can pass by so it was most threatened because in the corner invading us is a 425 million invading also from the demarcation line too so actually when you go to the corner so you are actually inside the GNC Zone okay so because foreign North Korea foreign foreign so this is the walkway color 368 meter you're gonna go down so it's kind of quite long way down okay and it is very Steep and you're gonna see the termination point this actually stops our walking area so we found this uh tunnel by the pure symbol here so this system will put the water in that the water comes out so we put more digging side and then we found this tunnel and this is where they stop the walk so you will see this combination point and then go to the uh impressive combination point there is a drinking fountain do not drink it this is just decoration okay this water and there's also oxygen too for the breathing easily but for me today this summer time is very very present down there it's the cool coloring up there so maybe some more time and winter time is the warmer but summertime is cooler so but still it's kind of small and sippy and also you can go all the way to the Endo toner it's very narrow you're gonna go in the finger leg and you will see the first barricade second barricade you cannot see the third base character it's kind of far away but you will see the kind of a little window and the second very head and what you see indoor is the outside is a North Korea so how much today invading us is a 435 meter because from the simulation line over here up to here is a 435 meter so this is actual location line so but what you see from the birthday cake to the military demarcation line only 170 meters apart put your handphone devices no picture allowed okay so everything electronic device in the locker yes foreign foreign foreign [Music] okay thank you yeah North Korea so on the drawing the DMC is radical s I don't know BMG theater um whole nation resulting in 6 billion casualties in three years and one month the truce Wayne holding the pain of our nation's Division and Sorrows of Brothers who died bleeding here with their dearest wish we light fire of mode foreign flag without a unifying Earth yeah um foreign foreign foreign we are from South Korea for Indian friends thank you thank you nice to see you and appreciate for your interest to South Korea and DMG and the world peace thanks a lot thanks a lot let's make this world a more peaceful together oh yeah yeah I hope the peace prevails and both North and South Korea you know yes thank you okay great thanks a lot thank you I'm uh Charlie from USA San Francisco okay oh you're living in USA for Korean but South Korea yeah thank you Korean Americans foreign [Music] in the Leaf vacation comes from Russian to the starting point of finder we are time to stand still the TMZ has remained the star of the war [Music] June 25th 1950 The War Began around 3.9 million people along with 10 million people who were separated from their families the longboard that lasted three years and one month was put to an end with a signing of an artist's agreement agreement at the truthfully feeling just on July 27 1953 the DMZ was built around the military demarcation line which was created when the war ended [Music] however even after the Arts disagreement North Korea excavated underground tunnels at the DMC on the true slide through the purpose of a surprise Invasion and rear attack on November 15 1974 the first tunnel was discovered about 1.2 kilometers south of the military demarcation line eight kilometers Northeast ofgido on March 24 1975 the second tunnel was discovered 13 kilometers [Music] and on October 17 1978 the third tunnel was discovered at 435 meters south of the military demarcation line four kilometers south of the troops Village of panunia with the size being large enough for 30 000 troops with field artillery and other heavy weapons to pass through the tunnel in an hour thus grieving that the tunnels were created by North Korea for the purpose of the divorce tunnel was discovered on March 3rd 1990 and 26 kilometers Northeast [Music] foreign despite our Relentless efforts to heal from the confrontation and conflict North Korea has halted the dnc's time for peace and reunification with this unseasoned provocations [Music] [Music] despite a relationship between South Korea and North Korea that has long been more our desire for peace and unification has taken a strong step toward peace with a joint position of the two koreas and the pyeongchang Winter Olympics and the women's ice hockey which have launched as the first unified Korea team in the history of the Olympics gave the world a great Cry of Peace Within [Music] and the July 4th joint statement of South Korea and North Korea which began with a wish for a peaceful reunification of the Korean race led to the April 27 declaration which will become the Cornerstone of lasting peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and the reunions of speculated families which has been the dream of the 10 million people of the separated families was a gift that came from peace Also regarding the project of connecting and modernizing the railroads on the trophy line and [Music] connects the sense of the main arteries of the Korean Peninsula it's become the starting point where Sacramento realize a dream of prosperity by born Beyond Korea until Eurasia um and the lady the next is door Observatory yeah okay thank you okay are you gonna be cheapest okay in the DMZ military zone North Korean Village South Korea um foreign [Music] thank you foreign and they stop are actually in Korea though South Korea we cannot have a good person inside DMG but they can because of Mercy's agreement we didn't sign up up there in the mountain has a big building very very far and there's a apartment and white thing there's the Quezon City and then do you see the antenna all the way down there up do you see the antenna yeah it was receiving all the South Korea broadcasting they are accepting older antenna receiving the internet and that's awesome real border experience North South Korea border experience nobody as an upcoming religion the North Korea South Korea and the borders South Korea foreign foreign freedom Apartments [Music] Korea Origins foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign unification the podium unification Village They don't serve military services on the other hand unification abilities are a little bit different people are there for the region uh two regions agriculture another region for the security for the city usually retired Soldier foreign [Music] [Music] only up to there okay okay okay okay fine every village foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign 1988 so in our new systems foreign foreign

2023-08-16 22:32

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