@Cormega Talks New Album The Realness II - Working w/ @NasVEVO #Havoc and Touring

@Cormega Talks New Album The Realness II - Working w/ @NasVEVO #Havoc and Touring

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[Music] Max so listen you know what's amazing  about this overall right so you don't realize   but I interviewed you years ago when I  was doing DVDs right wow but I was always   what gets me in this game right is that part of this music industry right  but on a I can't even I can't even   Define the level right I want to  say Indie right I want to say uh   underground but your music right carries over to  the world you dig what I'm saying uh but I can   respect the India pill right I want to start off  I'm gonna take it back then we're gonna move up   man I've been at you for a minute right after  the fact right but one thing I love about   how you keep your structure right is structure  which is key I was always at Jackie right which   is one of your Publishers right yeah when you hit  Jackie up you know you know well you know he he's   he wants to know the numbers he wants to you know  you structured like a mall flower so I applaud   you man for sticking to what you would feel is  relevant to how you want to move you think I'm   saying because it's easy for us to get caught up  in the melee of quote-unquote the music business   you know we come from we come from an era and we  come from a world where you know there was chaos   this is your career this is part of a career you  know what I mean this is something that you love   man so I just wanted to applaud you on that corner  thank you um but I want to delve into something   man that I never really got a chance to do as  well which was talk a bit about your book man okay   um which one because I I put out the understanding  the true meaning I did that so I could break down   how we made the album the true meaning the true  meaning was an important album to me because   it was my second album that came out  it was the first independent album that   ever won the source award I won a source award  because of that album and you know it did well   um so I wanted to break it down because some  people hold that highly with in my category a   lot of people was uh measuring out against  the realness or any of my best albums some   people thought the true meaning was my best  album so I wanted to give it some special   respect you know what I'm saying and I did  the book and you know it turned out well the   only thing is uh there was a few producers that  was missing from the initial book so I have an   updated version of that that's going to come out  now when you say multiple books tell me about the   second because that's why I honed it on which  was that came out maybe 2016-2017. that was the   understanding the true meaning the second book I  just put out what uh maybe last year but I didn't   really go hard with it I only made a digital  version I didn't make it and that started from um Noriega when I was on a drink chance I was reading  some of my quotes right right in the book and then   people was like everybody was like yo what's up  with that book what's up with that book and the   noise like she's called the black book so I made  I made it and I called it the black book but I   never put it out so I just put out digitally so  being that it's all digital what I'm gonna do   is I will put it out in a physical form but I'm  gonna add more quotes you know it's important   that you know a lot of times when you when when  I conduct to bring it back right because that   was new to me of course I seen the interview but  never put two and two together you dig what I'm   saying right right so it's important and I think  that even as an indie artist right it's important   to to give you to paint a picture but I tell you  this man you're you're following is cult like bro   yeah cult-like man so for those individuals that  may not know that cult like float this audience   will say well damn he got two books on he has a  myriad of albums out you know what I mean yeah and   of course you know they associate you with okay a  Nas or this and so on and so forth but it's like   nah bro this dude has a portfolio you know what  I mean the catalog a portfolio of everything and   if y'all heard the interview if y'all heard what  we were talking about prior your man is up here   doing a slew of different types of photo shoots  right one of the greater things that I I do like   is that tauren for you was so important so as  we were talking you were talking about doing   magazines for a myriad of uh doing covers from  a myriad of magazines not state-bound no doubt how is that how was that feel for you right now  when was the last time what was your last album   you put out the last album I put out was uh Mega  philosophy that was 2014 and then I made an EP   after that which is you know a short version of  an album but I never counted as an album right so   the last album was Mega philosophy and uh that was  eight years ago right right so now you put out the   sequel and we're gonna get to this right how do  you feel about the influx of oh man because dogs   y'all put up I put up that uh when I initially  went to your first listening event yeah my man   in the in the in the uh the comments you know dude  just hit like yo man why you put up yo man caught   I'm like damn this dude follow his it's cold  like man yeah it's a beautiful thing um I don't   take it for granted I feel blessed to have fans  like that and support like that it's a blessing   do you feel like a new artist one more again I  can't I feel renewed but I don't feel new because   because uh after that third um party I wanted  to take a nap yo and you know what's so crazy   right when I when Jackie sent me like a slew up  right I said man look at and I didn't even get   the mingle because having an eight-year-old child  right you know she's like Dad Dad listen you're   doing a lot right like and I'm like no but I gotta  get this I gotta get this so she respects it you   know that but it's like three in a row I'm like  yo how cool man do it bro you know what I mean   so I applaud you man um in regards to shows man uh  are you planning um step outside of the country I   definitely plan on stepping outside the country  it's uh it's on my bucket list it's a priority   y'all I could I could be in England right now  if I wanted to I have a venue that's ready to   rock and roll and that has nothing to do with the  other spot in England that I always rock at right   it's a whole different one I usually go to a place  called a chip shop in Brixton that's like my house   um there's another venue that wants to do  something with me out there so I'm just   trying to lock in the right time and the right  date um somebody from France just just reached   out and somebody from England from Italy is trying  to do a little tour and then yesterday the guy my   guy from Canada was like we're trying to get you  some dates we're gonna start in Vancouver so it's   a blessing so that there was an anticipation it's  obviously it was an anticipation of a new cormega   album right it's been what two weeks it ain't even  been two weeks yet it's been out like a week and   a week in a day you know and sometimes I know we  don't like to get caught up in numbers man but   looking at what's been occurring are you shocked   I'm a little bit shocked but I'm a little bit not  shot because it's a BL I mean like the last time   I put out an album in chartered in billboard and  all of that so I guess I was shocked to see that   I was number three I was number two for a little  while on What's That iTunes whatever and then I   was number three so just to to be in the top  five period the top ten period is a blessing   and at this point and then um the stream  numbers are [ __ ] um but at the same time one thing that I know a lot of people market and a  lot of people hype anybody could Market something   anybody could hype something but you cannot  make people feel genuine a genuine appreciation   for something that is the best promotion  because that word of mouth comes from here   like when when you was at my listener session it  was all industry people you know to be honest with   you I had to really I really had to hold myself  back from being emotional that night because for   one we've talked about Prodigy and that made me  emotional and then it's just like the love that   I get now is so overwhelming that I'm just getting  used to it it's not something that's always been   like that so you know like this album I felt it  was a special album I said it on Instagram months   and months ago I said I'm not saying my album is  the best I'm not saying it's this or that I'm just   saying this I don't feel special and I knew it  felt special because I make music and like around   music right and I listen to music and there's a  certain feeling that I get when I hear some of   these songs and I'm not saying it because it's  me sometimes it's the production sometimes it's   the beat that takes you there and makes me rhyme  a certain way but I knew this album was special   to me but what I feel might not be what you feel  what the world feels but when I did that listening   session and it was all media you was there I'm  not capping there I gotta standing upload and it   wasn't no fake Applause no it wasn't you know so  it's like wow like I was like wow like I thought   that was cool but I didn't know it was like the  way people was talking like you I've you've never   heard me use the word Masterpiece out of my mouth  if you go on the internet all you see is this is   a master yo Masterpiece I'm like wow then Chuck  D posted it and I'm like wow now I was posted   it yeah like Foxy like drink Champs Nori Drake  jams and Nora yes like it's like it just feels   good man like to get the love from the piss like  um and because it's a Fickle Mark fickle Market at   this current moment yeah yeah yeah you know you  know and it's crazy you say that right because   um when we look at fickle right we there's a  myriad of different sounds out right and of   course as listeners we we look at the and respect  the fact that what sounds what what new genres of   quote-unquote hip-hop because I'm gonna say genres  you know what I mean sub coaches right right   we come from an arrowheads bars  you dig what I'm saying right   um but I'm not gonna get caught up in saying that  everything that's currently out is trash right   because then you know we get into this old head  [ __ ] you see what you see what I'm saying but   because there's so much of a myriad of sounds  you was able to still cut through all that right   cut through it right had to reprogram like I ain't  gonna lie I ain't gonna lie and say I don't listen   to No Offset you know I mean or you know or or  future you know all these youngins shout out   to all of them shout out to all of them but dude  reprogramming [Music] when I got in it was no fast   forward I was like the freak right you know what  I mean like Come on B how long did it take you   to put this album together and mind you y'all mind  you we didn't see the name of the album but just   just please the realness too how long did it take  you to put it together it took about two years um   the pandemic slowed everything down I didn't want  to go to the studio for a while so I just really   when I stayed home I was just writing I was going  hard with the writing and I deliberately wanted   to uh separate myself from the pack I set it on  it I set it on on social media because there's a   lot of rappers and then there's uh you know when  there's a lot of rappers and some rappers get hot   or they get a little attention on themselves they  start banging on their chest and you know people   talking like they're the best or like like no  like nobody else is ill and I'm looking at it like   okay so I said to myself I'm going to push myself  so hard that I'm gonna separate like you're not   gonna look at me the same way you look at some of  these other rappers because a lot of people have   bars a lot of people have flows but everybody's  not a Lyricist and everybody's not poetic there's   only like a handful of Poetics amongst hundreds of  rappers and I know I'm I'm one of the Poetics so   being lyrical and being poetic is different from  just having bars I wanted to separate myself from   people and I think I did it I think I did that  job on this album strategically as well and and   looking at being strategic the features aside  from just nice man hold on I'm not happy so   when I first heard the Havoc joint right I had to  I ain't gonna lie I had to look at it right after   Danny's mother [ __ ] young boys no no no listen  come on baby I said I had I said damn it's this is and I'm not seeing young in the sense that um you  had the voice it was just the bars itself they   were strategically laid together and y'all gel  well on it man it sound like that young cormega   where he was in the hab you know I mean so how did  that come about we pushed each other we inspired   each other whenever men have it do something  it's going to be like that whenever me and Nas do   something it's going to be like that like that's  just how we are with each other we bring out the   best in each other and that's why it's a beautiful  thing when we collaborate was it hard to put   uh other features on because you know it's  been some years you know some you know a   lot of people a lot of artists or you know or  rappers would like to give them themselves as   opposed to having features what made you you know  collaborate with with others on this album well I   think I did both I gave you a lot of myself on  this album because it's only three features and   the average rapper right now they have like seven  feet you ain't never lie I just want you to say   that so I have three features on the album one  not nas is the most anticipated feature from my   fan base and I think I'm the most anticipated  feature from his fan base that's something that   everybody wanted to see if you went to hip-hop  you know it's just that was a mandatory Havoc has   been on most of my projects so he's a consistent  God that's that's contributing you know what I'm   saying so he was going to be on there and then  Lloyd Banks was my surprise bro without the   surprise bro this Lloyd Banks joint B y'all got  to do a video for that I'm with it yeah Yes Man   three features and I and I wanted to say that  maybe I wanted him to say that because the reality   is once again there's usually six or seven right  were you anticipating more that you reach out to   certain individuals and they didn't respond or  was it just that that always gonna happen with   rap there's always going to be somebody that you  uh might want to work with and then they might   drag their feet or whatever but me I'm not  chasing no rap from the future like at this   point in my career um I'm not chasing you  like it's not that serious unless it's like is like just wait I'm gonna wait yeah but  I'm not waiting for no other rappers right   right so it's like and why should I  have to wait I got a verse from Naj Lloyd Banks that's all I needed I only wanted  three features so whoever fronted God bless you   man um it's all good there's no love lost just  just more understanding right um but the features   on my albums I let the features be like uh like  an extra Edition if you look on social media or   if you look on the reviews or you look at the  people talking the songs that Captivate people   are Solo records you ain't never lie you know  what I'm saying everybody's talking about What's   Understood everybody's talking about the soccer  results they talk about her name they talk about   that uh white roses Man vs myth hold up hold up  hold up hold up hold up hold up white roses man   I need you to bring white roses down  I mean and I say that because you know you you you you highlighted right artists that  once again we grew up to no doubt uh that's still   create footprints in the game to  this day what made you you know   I wanted to show love um I wanted to be creative  so when I did the first verse I broke down   um The Ready to Die album you know what I'm saying  and then um I was happy with that and then uh I   said I want to do a second verse so the challenge  was what's the second verse going to be so   when you talk about biggie it's almost  instantaneous that people are going to   think pop so I said I want to keep it New York  and I want to give it up for some people that I   feel don't get as much credit as they should even  though they get it worldwide right right but they   don't get as much as they should in this game of  what have you done for me lately so I just wanted   to pick up the woo and I broke down the wool in  the second verse so it was an honor to do that and   um shout out to my man um inspector deck you know  I'm saying he did an ad-lib on there and shout out   to my man uh mathematics for who he did it  when you hit the swords that's mathematics so I just it was me paying homage to hip-hop  because you know what I'm saying at that time when   um if you look at one of West Coast  really dominated there was three people   that brought attention back to the east it was  Illmatic it was ready to die and it was the whoop   I got knives in the album I picked up  ready to die and I picked up the wolf   how long did it take you to put that song together   um I don't know the the Wu-Tang verse was easier  than the biggie one for me and it bugs me out   because people be like the Wu-Tang versus  better and I'd be like what cause to me the   biggie one was more difficult but the customer  is always right right right so the Big E joint   I had in the stash um and then the woo part I  drove that one like it was real easy for me so   I don't know how long it took but the Wu-Tang  part was quick yo I forgot which title right   don't don't don't my audience please disregard me  the album it just mean right but there was a name   yeah I was up top with this brother wow yes man  Saigon we was in that I was with him for about a   year so wow we got the dredge yeah what's up oh  man that's my cousin that's my physical cousin   he passed away man no yeah man boogie passed  away when Boogie passed away a couple of years   ago man broke my heart yo I never knew that I'm  like yo I said I gotta I gotta hit him I didn't   want to you know I mean I'm like oh oh yeah he's  a legend in the mountain yo man oh yeah man miss   oh man he rest in peace man oh I never knew that  yeah that's my real cousin like my father and his   father are brothers wow so when I heard that  I'm like yeah [ __ ] just gave me chills I'm   like what's up oh yeah man boogie passed away  yeah me him and Saigon was together you know   what I mean for a little while man I would walk  that yard with a man and he was just he was nice yes wow so I deviated y'all I'm sorry but uh  in regards to videos where we going with this   how many albums how many videos you want to  put out I mean in reality you could put out   a whole you know what I mean I'm gonna go I'm  gonna do as many as I can for this one it's a   story line the album is a story line yeah yeah  I'm gonna do as many as I can I already got like   a central video will be out in a couple  of days uh Paradise video was done already   um see what Nas want to do Lloyd Banks say he's  with it um and then there's a couple of songs   that from the response from the people I want to  do I want to definitely do a video for this song   um the song that I'm really glad people like is  um what's something what's up what's understood is   getting yeah yeah and it was and I'm and I was and  I'm real happy because I came up with the concept   me and Sean shall money Excel produced that um and  also shout out to Marcus Machado because he played   the live um bass and guitar and stuff on it to  those live instrumentation on that and uh whenever   you cook something you really want people to enjoy  it so the fact that people are really gravitating   towards that song makes me feel good so I'm  definitely doing a video for that I've always   been into fashion right right um and so fashion  is something I'm going to be digging deeper into   um writing more books and uh real estate and stuff  like right right right that all makes sense man   you know um how long were you a lot of this album  to Bubble before you move forward I'm rocking out   I'm I'm rocking out to the wheels polo with this  one because when I first made the realness I   came up with the true meaning album uh the next  year but it wasn't even a year yet it was like   11 months I should have Let It Rock long because  the building still had a lot of legs so this album   I'm going to rock I'm not I'm not treating this  like inventory because it's not inventory if it's   not right you know and a lot of rappers treat  their stuff a lot of companies treat stuff like   immature all right you got this one out you need  another one nah you got this one out and you got   grown men that's in their 40s saying I haven't  felt like this in years or you got people saying   this album made me cry Bernadette price said  your music always makes me emotional like you   know Ronnie fee hits me the guy who owns kept  album is amazing uh DJ FM from drink cam it's   a masterpiece so when you got people like Nas  like yo bro this is crazy so when people that   you respect and look up to Chuck D's and all of  these guys is hitting you and this music is making   people feel a certain way let them hold on to that  feeling give them everything I'm gonna give them   everything like whatever the top songs is that the  fans love I'm doing videos for those and I'm Gonna   Do videos for the songs I wanted to so I'm gonna  rock out on this album I can see me promoting   this album for like a year how important is it  to pay attention to the fans right because you   know sometimes we'll get caught up in us and not  respecting the fact that it's those fans and the   supporters that help push that man right that's  that's just Matt that's simple mathematics if you   cook something and you like this is the [ __ ]  but everybody else is like that's disgusting   maybe you just got accustomed to that taste  right and it's not good so if you make music for   yourself you might as well not put out publicly  you got to get the people what they want every bit   every successful business does it uh why you think  Knight made Retros and things of that nature so um you listen to people what people want and  then you try to give them exactly what they   want and add add a little bit what you want  meatballs meet me somewhere in the middle so   What's Understood is definitely gonna be a video  The Saga resumes is definitely gonna be a video   and white roses I gotta figure out what to do  with that and then I'll figure out what I want   to do with me with the stuff that I like and  then we put it all together and everybody wins   well Mega Man I I appreciate you man like you  know you know I'm a fan my brother you know   what I mean no doubt and whatever I can do and  moving forward I'm here bro I appreciate you you   already know yeah man it is it was it was needed  it was nutritional it was nutritional and I you   know it's so crazy not to get caught up in the  Ditty storm or whatever but you know you know   despite wherever we going like how wherever  we move to we still New Yorkers right and   and Diddy you know came out with that you know  we need to bring it back to New York you did   here's our sound like you caught it at a time  it was great time and now that you was moving   off that because you put it out uh you know  it was it was coming out anyway it was just   the fact that it happened here and now and  you know our ears is glued and of course you   know and and I say and I say yeah New York  right because it's a New York sound but it's   still a worldly sound as well you know what I'm  saying so this is what New York sounds like y'all   this is what New York sounds like the realness  thank you brother who that's a challenge for you   this is to the whole album not just one this is  what New York sounds like y'all I applaud you man   I applaud you I appreciate you bro my man oh man  Max are you going are you taking a power nap soon   um tonight yo Meg you into gaming once in  a while I haven't played a game in over a   year like I play a game if my son I used  to love games but I program myself like   you don't deserve to play in the game so your  album come out now I might go play a game no   you know why I say that man um you know I used  to have a a gaming company and I just LinkedIn   would assist you got a game and she just opened  her first gaming company of stuff right up the   block I'm gonna start doing shows and eventually  a gaming uh gaming tournaments when you come back   out there I got to link you with a black sister  she has three flaws in there that's like three   floors yo dude bar and everything in there they  got a showroom and all that in there that's the   studio and everything else you got one room where  it's old schools where duck hunt Nintendo and then   you got other rooms where you go and you can play  every game Call of Duty 2K all that so next time   man I'm gonna definitely I would definitely love  for you to meet him man that's dope with it man   I'm with it like and I say that because it's a  market that your audience would cater to you know   what I'm saying I mean even and putting songs  on and look into it that's you know of course   you play it you know I mean it's it's really big  man so I'm I'm going into I'm getting into a heavy   good good you know I'll keep you in tune with it  man I appreciate you yeah man so I'm gonna sit and   I'm gonna send you a page so you know you touch  down with her any pics hold on we got some pics I know uh

2022-11-19 21:48

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