山西800米山洞中,80个老人竟然过着与世隔绝的生活,这是世外桃源吗?Multi-language subtitles are supported

山西800米山洞中,80个老人竟然过着与世隔绝的生活,这是世外桃源吗?Multi-language subtitles are supported

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Travel all over the land of the Jin Dynasty to appreciate the customs of the loess You are welcome, I am Fanfan If we describe a place as isolated from the world Authentic and original ecology I often call him Xanadu Places like this seem to only appear in books But today I am in the depths of the Taihang Mountains I found such a small mountain village like a paradise It is said that he has a history of more than 500 years And we want to go into the village there is only one way to go that is to cross This 800-meter-long cave according to the locals They live in this cave There are more than 80 old people living in the village They rise from sunrise and rest from sunset It's like living an isolated life in the old days So why do these people live in caves? Why do they have to isolate themselves from the world? What is their real life like? Now everyone follows Fanfan's lens Let's go in and have a look The small mountain village we are going to today He has a nice name called Huata Village He is located in Duyu Township, Lingqiu County, Shanxi Province You see, there are mountains all around here Perennial clouds and mist if not native it's hard to notice him Although he is in the mountains But his altitude is only more than 500 meters And it is said that this is the entire Shanxi Datong the lowest place Then among these mountains How do we find our way into Huata Village? Everyone, here is a beacon tower He entered Huata Village The most obvious landmark building Looking at the beacon tower in front of me at this moment Presumably everyone has already felt it in advance The ancient and mysterious atmosphere of Huata Village There is a very famous section of the Great Wall in the northeast of Shanxi The locals call him the Great Wall of Cizihao It has a total length of 35 kilometers and was built during the Warring States Period. It has a history of more than 2000 years In the Ming Dynasty The original stone Great Wall was rebuilt with bricks And more than every kilometer Just build a beacon tower These beacon towers are all named after the word Ci. The one at the entrance of Huata Village is Cizi No. 18

The Zizihao Great Wall belongs to a section of the Inner Great Wall He is basically built on the top of the Taihang Mountains He spanned four counties in Laiyuan, Fuping, Lingqiu and Fanzhi He is the whole Shanxi One of the few masonry great walls Let's take a look at the whole The beacon tower in front of me He has two floors About eight or nine meters high On the top of the platform is a neat row of crenels On the walls of the east, west and north There are also four arrow windows And there is a lookout hole under the window Let's take a look at the west side of this beacon tower The entrance and exit doorway is located in this direction Everyone look at the top of the doorway There is also a black stone plaque inlaid there On the top is engraved with six big characters "Ci" No. 18 Everyone, this is the inside of the Beacon Tower Each side of him has an arched opening After entering through the doorway, here is a narrow corridor on the walls around the corridor 4 arrow windows are opened We saw these arrow windows just now when we were outside Let's look at the middle of him again here is a tall patio stand here We can see the sky directly Listen to the birds chirping up here twittering Those soldiers guarding the frontier This is where they should live However, after losing the historical role of defensive garrison Inside the Beacon Tower Already occupied by lush vegetation But no matter how lush the vegetation is, it can't stop the ancient atmosphere Right now when we're actually standing in this place Only then do I know what it means to guard the border what is vicissitudes Standing in the Beacon Tower I suddenly remembered Those soldiers who have guarded the frontiers of the past dynasties I don't know if they feel the same as me Full of enthusiasm from the beginning Numb and lonely after a long time From the flames of war on the battlefield Then to the piles of tombs in the wilderness beyond the Great Wall As the saying goes, it is better to be a centurion than to be a scholar Little do they know that the poor bone beside the Wuding River is still the person in the spring girl's dream They are silent, they are youthful I can't find them in Huahua World But they guard our prosperity come out of the beacon tower We walked along the ravine for a few more minutes at this moment Suddenly it came to my ears The sound of running water Back then, Wuling native wanted to enter Peach Blossom Spring The first is to cross a big river by boat And we want to enter Huata Village Also have to cross a river Look at our feet There is a very clean and clear sparkling river The locals call this river the Dasha River Did you see it? The amount of water is not particularly abundant now maybe it's just spring above the river Look, there's a chain bridge over here The bridge deck is paved with wooden planks We walk here is especially shaken wobbly Look at how clear the water is The water is very clean There is an old saying that goes, shake, shake, shake to grandma bridge Now let's enter Huata Village along this chain bridge If the forest runs out of water, there will be a mountain with a small mouth, as if there is light Let the boat enter from the mouth People from Wuling back then wanted to enter the Peach Blossom Spring after crossing a river entered another cave And we want to enter Huata Village It is also necessary to pass through a cave with a length of more than 800 meters. You can see this cave in front of you through the cave we can see far away yes there is a small bright spot This highlight is the exit of the cave this cave But the only way to enter Huata Village Let's look next to the cave There are also several groups of stone statues of people here. some of them are shaking their fists Some are carrying big rocks These statues are well documented. When the locals dug the cave more than 40 years ago that particularly difficult scene decades ago Huata Village is really isolated from the world people want to go in and out of the village can only walk in A trail above the cliff because of the particular danger Many people fell off the cliff and lost their lives.

to change the environment In order to allow Huata Village to communicate with the outside world From the 1970s, men, women and children in Huata Village They dug day and night for more than 20 years This 827-meter-long cave was excavated Staring at the darkness inside the cave at this moment I can still hear The cry of excavation the same cave It also adds a lot of mystery to Huata Village Now we become Wuling people Go through the cave to explore the real paradise It is easy to let the boat enter from the mouth Now we enter the cave This cave is now open to traffic If you drive here You can enter the village directly through this cave But you can see the whole cave He's not wide enough to allow one car to pass so drive in Everyone must pay attention to whether there is a car ahead Otherwise, it will be more troublesome to drive. go forward step by step The light in the cave is getting darker and darker. I don't know how long it will take to get out I'm about to enter the paradise in reality To be honest, I feel like I don't know what's wrong with the time It seems to be faster It seems to slow down again it's an exciting vision It's a tangled timidity Maybe this should be more about time-space interleaving and feel incredible wandering through dark caves Although it only took ten minutes But I feel like hundreds of years have passed This is really yellow dust, clear water, three mountains, and the change of thousands of years is like a horse.

Coming out of the cave, we came to Huata Village Everyone, there is a screen wall here It is engraved with four big red characters Xanadu Everyone, the scenery here is really beautiful Look at the rolling mountains coming and going From a distance, it looks like a rough sea Wave after wave, peak after peak looking at the scenery in front of me i just want to say one thing Feel melancholy and ask who is in charge of the ups and downs in the vast land Since this is a paradise Then it must be inseparable from the peach tree Everyone, look beside the road entering Huata Village Here is a large peach grove It's late March and the peach blossoms haven't bloomed yet But buds have already begun to grow on the strong branches It seems that the flowering time is not far away and everyone see These peach trees are like he opened his arms as if welcoming The Arrival of the Famous Traveler Fanfan In April, the peach blossoms of Fangfei Jinshan Temple begin to bloom It's not the season of peach blossoms yet But the apricot blossoms all over the mountains are already open take a look It is so special, beautiful, white and flawless Looking at these apricot flowers, I suddenly thought of a song that's how he sang Peach blossoms are red, apricot blossoms are white I just want you to come This song is about our Shanxi This is a folk song of our Shanxi Let's take a look at the scenery here Is it really special beauty? Do you want to take a look? through the peach blossom forest Now we have come to the interior of Huata Village take a look The scenery in this village is even more beautiful Look at the sparkling water on the right He washed his way down the ravine The river here is also very spacious. And his river water is very clean especially clear really beautiful Let's look at the left side of the village again These are all old stone houses these stone houses They circled all the way up the ravine Looking around, I can see that the land is flat and the houses look like Crossroads traffic chickens and dogs go hand in hand Looking at such a beautiful scenery Along the way, my originally excited and tangled heart It suddenly became clear at this moment This is indeed a paradise Do you think it is beautiful? Huata Village has a very long history. According to legend, people have lived here since the Warring States Period.

At that time it was called Huata Village to the Ming Dynasty A family surnamed Han moved here from nearby They saw that the mountains and flowers here are so beautiful Changed the name from Huata Village to Huata Village There is only one east-west street in the whole Huata Village. He runs through the whole village And in the north-south direction of the village There are also alleys connecting every household in series. Look around here are all stone houses these stone houses It is said that most of them are hundreds of years old. Looking at the stone world in front of me I was immediately attracted by the environment here. The village and the mountain fit so perfectly The houses and streets are so neatly arranged He's like a pawn dropped by a fairy seems to be very attentive Vertical and horizontal are full of layouts but very casual ups and downs This is a kingdom built entirely of stone.

Most of the houses in Huata Village are courtyard houses. One enters the hospital and two enters the hospital Many of these houses were built in the Qing Dynasty It has a history of two or three hundred years Old buildings always exude a charming taste now let's move on casually walk into a courtyard To feel his breath up close You can see that the house here is very special. Let's go into this courtyard and take a look Look at the walls of this house They are all covered with yellow mud. very smooth Let's go into the yard and have a look This courtyard has no gate everybody see this side of the house very special old They are still the original partition doors and windows. take a look You can see that there are still white linen paper pasted on the doors and windows looks so original so antique But the place seems to be abandoned You see, the doors of these houses are locked no one lives anymore Looks like a beautiful paradise He can't stop the torrent of this era look over my head Here is a rusty bucket hanging a tattered straw hat just a breeze make them wobble But they are still safe keep your place dare not leave an inch As if still waiting for the return of the master Waiting for the master to call them again to drill them To cultivate the world to create a legend to bleed and sweat I don't know people leave tea cold All that awaits them is rust and tatters village like this I don't know how much I've walked they look the same But be still and feel They are different Because every village has its own story I'm just a passerby not native here But I have an innate familiarity with him in my heart As the saying goes, look at Shanxi from five thousand years of civilization Shanxi is ancient and deserves its name It can be said that every village in Shanxi There are ancient buildings that are hundreds or even thousands of years old.

The beautiful Huata Village is no exception In Huata Village, in addition to the ancient stone dwellings There are many ancient temples Among them are Guanyin Temple and Shanshen Temple There are Wudao Temple and Dragon King Temple Everyone, look at this Guanyin Temple in front of you It is the largest of the He built it in the very center of Huata Village Everyone look on the wall of Guanyin Temple There is also a huge fate written here As the saying goes I can visit here today It seems we are destined Let's go up the stairs and have a look What is it like inside the Guanyin Temple? The exact date of establishment of this Guanyin Temple is unknown But according to the stone tablet records in the temple It was rebuilt once during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. In other words, he has a history of at least 200 years. The whole Guanyin Temple does not look very big There are only three palaces in the courtyard but in the yard There are two very old cypress trees here The growth cycle of cypress trees is very slow Judging from his stoutness and height, These two cypress trees are at least 300 years old Uncle, how many people are still living here? Dumb, don't ask the dumb speechless deaf and dumb How many people are still living here? village head There are about a hundred of them in the village, all of them are old some young sheep herders this is now also Now there are only old people left.

young people no school kids go to school If there is no school, I will go to school in the county seat. Now that there is no school, the children have to go to school. Let's see what this is leek root Is it planted or eaten This is planted seedlings There's Yang Mao Mao over there Yang Mao Mao This is Yang Mao Mao this is already fried this is deep fried The fried one was soaked in boiling water This is boiled water boiled It's not bitter after soaking it. This noodle has not been soaked, this has just been made and has not been blanched. This tastes bitter This is not boiled, so choose one by one How did you eat this Yang Mao Mao? eat cake stuffing Make that cake with that shredded potato and eat it Bun cake This specialty of our northern Shanxi This oil cake fried with yellow rice noodles, right? Come to Huata Village You don't have to worry about food and housing In this flower tower village This place in the north of the village has a big parking lot And next to this big parking lot There is a farmhouse here Look at this big brother next to me He is the owner of this farmhouse Let's let big brother take it in Take a look at the environment of their home go in and have a look this is a courtyard Take a look, the environment is very quiet He is right next to the mountain opposite the river Brother, let's take a look at this kitchen first. look at the kitchen because we just started It will be closed in November, and it will open in spring It's about time to open It's planned, but it's a mess Take a look at our kitchen farmhouse This is ready to have a table today I'm ready to eat today. This place is quite clean.

The environment is okay, the conditions are not good, the sanitation should be better Brother, let's take a look at your accommodation in this farmhouse This accommodation is divided into two One is Tongpu and the other is Standard Room Let's take a look at Tongpu first The bunk can sleep up to 4 people For four people, six or seven people can also live This is for four people take a look This kind of shop does not have a bathroom The environment is also quite good How much does a person live like here? A total of 30 yuan when busy If you're not busy, 20 yuan is fine. Twenty or thirty yuan per person, the environment is very good peak season and low season Look, we still have a standard room Let's take a look at this room again This standard room is the attached bathroom. air conditioner with shower I can take a shower here The grade is not too high, the environment is OK let's take a look inside It is equipped with TV and air conditioner The bathroom sleeps two people The price of this side is about 150 This person is worth about 70 yuan Opposite is the river, you can see the big river Everyone, look at the place opposite, this is the river take a look The apricot blossoms are blooming here The spring here is early, other places are still cold, so we are green here After sleeping here, get up in the morning and take a look at the water It's a good mood to look at this mountain The environment of this place is good Boss, if my fans mention my name Can you give me a discount? It will definitely be a discount. You must be so famous If you come to Huata Village for tourism If you want to play, tell the boss to mention my name discount for everyone Everyone is welcome, as long as you mention Fan Fan Ti Fan Fan we already talked to the boss Everyone come here to eat and live As long as my name is mentioned, the boss will give everyone a discount There are many local products in Huata Village There are walnuts and persimmons, which are very delicious Spring has come, everything is recovering The beautiful Huata Village welcomes everyone to come and have a look Here you can not only see and appreciate the ancient Great Wall culture Can better appreciate the customs of Xanadu beautiful mountains and rivers It will definitely make everyone's trip worthwhile the most important is This place is especially suitable for dating Everyone sits in the peach blossom forest and sits by the small river The exchange of heartfelt flirting is very good, very good In the Song of Recovering the Ruins of Time There is no miscellaneous words when we meet, but the road is long Huata Village is in the mortal world but not polluted by the mortal world walk this way A transcendent force is coming from all sides this is tranquility this is serenity It's going with the flow, it's inner emptying Scattered stone houses in a still mountain village Although there are only dozens of old people left in the village But his love is deeply engraved in the Every brick, every tile, every grass and every tree here It also deeply brings to every traveler in the past Coming to Huata Village is really full of twists and turns We must first cross the beacon tower of the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty Then cross a river more than ten meters wide Then go through a cave more than 800 meters long Finally, I passed through a two-mile-long peach blossom forest. It's so beautiful and mysterious here Look at the majestic mountains, look at the rippling water look at the old stone house look at that simple old man again At this moment, coupled with the handsome man Fanfan I think the Xanadu in the book is nothing more than that.

Today's video we saw here This is the ancient and beautiful Shanxi I'm Fanfan, I'm waiting for you in Shanxi Friends who like Fanfan video pay attention to comments, thank you

2023-06-11 14:30

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