$300 Luxury Beachfront Villa in Weligama, Sri Lanka

$300 Luxury Beachfront Villa in Weligama, Sri Lanka

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I mean look at this how relaxing does this place look to be honest  I've been enjoying it so much I think this is   going to go down as one of my favorite countries  in the world the people I've said it time and time   again so hospitable so nice and very welcoming  every time you talk to somebody from Sri Lanka   it's always a an authentic conversation you know this is like a celery spinach kiwi  juice I don't know why I ordered this but I   figured well I'm having a self-care detox kind of  day some I was like you know what let me get my   let me get my white girl along so that's  what I'm doing I'm getting my white girl on   yeah I know some of you guys are going to  take offense to that but it's okay I'm used   to people being sensitive on the internet what's  up everybody welcome back to another beautiful   day here in Sri Lanka now today I'm talking to  you guys from belly gamma beach one of the most   iconic beaches in the country by far especially  when it comes to surfing there's already a lot   of surfers out in the water very beautiful  Vibes wow there's a peacock down there too but in this video I'm not going to be showing  you guys the surf I'm going to show showing   you guys a luxury Villa that can be found here  in baligama known as erilaya and it is one of   the most beautiful properties I've ever stepped  foot on so join me as I give you guys a luxury   Villa tour here in valigama beach now this here  is the swimming pool it is super beautiful it's   an infinity pool last night I actually arrived  here enjoy the sunset there then laid on some   chairs underneath these palm trees now this place  is super gorgeous I'm actually only here for two   nights and I haven't even gotten familiarized  with the property yet because I did get here   around Sunset and I didn't want to miss out um on  jumping into the pool so I jumped in the pool and   before I know it it was pitch black dark so we're  gonna explore this property together now right   now I'm actually enjoying a beautiful breakfast  here I got some coconut Roti I'm not sure what   this is but it's always served with coconut  rati some Dal some chicken curry some fruits   and what is this some sugar or some  chutneys not too sure and some coffee now   um actually let me jump on into the room and  show you guys the room real briefly before we   continue on with the meal now this here is the  room sorry if the lighting's a bit off right now   but this here is my beautiful Suite I'm actually  staying in the Samaya Suite now every room here   in this hotel actually has a name but I love  The Vibes look at the desk beautiful work area   some nice chairs everything  about this place is spot on   they have like some art up there that show you  some of the most iconic sites in Sri Lanka I   actually only know the sigerea which is the big  rock candy and I'm not sure what this place is no idea but I slept here last night sorry  if the bed's not made how they gave it to   me but let me just tell you this is one of  the coziest sleeps I've had this entire trip   now I actually stayed at the Shangri-La on my  very first night um here in Sri Lanka and that   was a five-star hotel everybody told me that  it was one of the best hotels in the entire   country but let me just tell you guys this here  is one of the best hotels in the entire country   now it's kind of a shame that I'm staying here  alone because this place is absolutely gorgeous   of course you got an amazing air conditioning  mirrors here's all kinds of storage space what's here oh a fridge refrigerator and then over in this direction be safe   really cool now over here we have like a small  vanity with a coffee Tea Bar some water beautiful   decorations everywhere here on this property  actually that's one thing I'm really enjoying   is seeing all of the different paintings and  art that can be found now this here is the   bathtub I actually used it last night we got  some robes some towels an incredible shower no man this place is awesome awesome awesome  all right let's make it outside and enjoy this   breakfast that way I can show you guys around  the property and we can go jump on into the pool   and enjoy some enjoy some nice uh relaxation  time because when you're in a place that's   beautiful you have to relax you know what I  mean so this here is the coconut Roti this   here is one of my favorite things in all of Sri  Lanka and then we got some fresh mixed juice Mom very nice hmm that is very very nice you know  what I actually want to dive on into   one of these watermelons first the  fruit here in Sri Lanka is incredible [Music] no seriously what a place hello let me know what you guys  think of this breakfast so far   like we got a little bit of passion  fruit some coffee that we should pour up oh yeah all right guys well I'm gonna enjoy my breakfast  and I'll see you guys for the hotel tour so I can   give you guys a complete tour of this area  but I also forgot to mention this this is   the balcony of my place and yeah we have a nice  little like sofa couch a little table shoe rack   now I actually noticed from the inside  of my room earlier today that there was   a little workout area here like pull-up bar  a little bar for some dips some small weights gorgeous gorgeous place so yeah I'm gonna enjoy  this breakfast and then I'll see you guys down   there because that pool is calling my name and  there's also a little private beach here too   so I'll show you guys all of those um amenities  here in a minute all right so I'm going to show   you guys around the property now breakfast  was incredible sorry for the uh weed eaters   happening behind me this property obviously  requires a lot of Maintenance because of   all the green space so that's what they're doing  right now trimming up everything but this here is   the main entrance to the property  this here is the reception   but look at all the Green Space  guys incredible now all of these   surrounding the reception area are also Villas  there's more heading off into this direction you know what I'll actually show you guys  around first before we head on in there hello   before we actually head on into the  reception because there's people in there and   um they're doing some maintenance right now at  the moment now I love this place because well   it's so green it's secluded and you really  are away from many tourists now there's only   a few families actually here at the moment  which makes it very very nice for an escape I mean look at this how relaxing does this place look now I'm gonna  be jumping on in the pool here in a second   because man it is hot right now and nothing  looks better than that pool at the moment so yeah plenty of places to lounge  around they got tables beach chairs   umbrellas bean bags all kinds of cool stuff a couple more Villas over in that direction mine  is obviously up there you guys seen it earlier all right let's make our way down to  the beach and let's check out this area   nobody's reading books you know that's  something I don't do I don't read books   maybe that's something I should start I'm  not sure I've never been too fond on books so it probably broaden up my vocabulary a little bit oh cool so they got a little um Beach  showers right here wow this looks amazing   so yeah right now it's high tide but in a  little bit you'll see plenty of Shoreline   actually last night um the sand went out quite  far so there's plenty of places to walk around looks amazing huh you can see the Surfers  out into the distance just shredding the Gnar   that's also something I have never tried yet  um desurfing now everybody comes to baligama to   serve it's just that well I'm out here working so  I don't want to risk any injuries and I actually   talked to a surf School a couple days ago and I  asked them well what are the most common injuries   for beginners and they're like well you can pull  like your knee um out of place shoulder out of   place things like that are very common and I was  like okay sold not doing it so yeah guys not doing   that actually let's walk down here let's see if  we can open this door let me know what you guys   think of this property so far is it a place  you guys would love to stay or would you take   a hard pass if you say you'll take a hard pass  there's something seriously wrong with you man wow stunning and there's Villas all around this  area but I'm convinced we're definitely staying   in the best one now the prices of the rooms  actually vary I believe they have rooms even   starting at like 150 a night um I believe the room  I'm staying in the Samaya Villa is actually around   250 US dollars a night if I'm not mistaken  um let me double check that though because   I've been booking so many hotels this  trip that I've completely lost track of   the different places and the prices that I've  been paying so yeah gorgeous Place huh guys now I'm actually on my third week here in Sri  Lanka right now but this region of the country   is what I've enjoyed the most Marissa veligama  I really love the beach Vibes really love the   um the small Surfer Town Vibes and it's very very  relaxed of course I started the trip in Colombo   which was the big city super super hectic then I  moved over to hikadua which also it was very calm   and chill but man it's definitely a party place  like he could do was definitely a party place and   um it was full of Russian people there's a lot  of Russian people here but there it was next   level like everything was written in Russian and  no one wanted to talk to anybody and it wasn't   really My Vibe here though I've interacted with  so many people there's so many people from Europe   um the US other Asian countries here visiting  this area of the country right now and you   know it's nice it's nice to interact with  others I just didn't get that in hikadua now you know what I could really go for right  now a morning beer a morning brewski so I'm   actually gonna head back to the room see if I  can't order myself a little morning brew and   just go sit by the pool or you know what maybe  I'll start off with like a smoothie or a coconut   I don't know that's the best part about life  you got choices right especially when you're   staying in a beautiful place like this that has  everything to offer you you got choices my friends now to be completely honest with you guys I was  I always used to wonder I was one of those people   I said you know what let's sit right here for a  second oh oh yeah this is a vibe just gotta go put   on my swim shorts now in a tank top but you know  for a long time I always wonder like why do people   spend so much money staying in these beautiful  like hotels in a country like Sri Lanka where   you can stay for thirty dollars but then now that  I've been experimenting and staying in these very   beautiful hotels and resorts Villas I completely  understand why I mean this is so beautiful so   um clean so relaxing I've stayed in so many hotels  this trip that you have to sleep with a mosquito   net around you I actually woke up in my Airbnb  a few days ago with a massive spider and we were   actually well because I'm driving to Took Rental  around we're actually put in a group chat and I   ran into a pitcher a few days ago where this girl  woke up with the Cobra next to her bed imagine   that like I'm good man but yeah after staying  in places like this I completely understand why   um people do this especially for a few nights just  to wind down this is totally worth it especially   at the end of your trip like come stay in a  beautiful Villa like this wind down don't leave   the property and just you know take a chill day  to yourself and I'm actually really starting to   like that I'm really starting to like the idea  behind chill days you know for a while well   you guys know me I'm one of those people that has  so much energy I'm always trying to do something   um and even though right now I'm saying I'm  gonna chill here all day there's probably   a chance that I'm not because I have ADHD like  crazy and I always got to be doing something and   um yeah when it comes to pulling beaches man I  get pretty bored after a little bit like I'll hang   around for like an hour or two but then after that  I'm like all right I'm trying to go do something   now but if I was here with Gladys or here as a  couple with somebody man this place yeah it's   definitely not worth leaving I mean I'd stay here  for a long time but yeah I just got two nights   here I wanted to wind down relax and obviously  share this experience with you guys because I've   been trying to mix up the contrast in the videos  I want to show you guys the both well both the   luxury side of Sri Lanka and of course the local  side now the family that I actually gave the   donation to they live literally a half a mile from  here so you can see the contrast in um what Sri   Lanka has to offer for tourists a little bit of  everything all right let's do one more little lap wow look at that bird it's beautiful let  me see if I can get a little closer oh no   oh it's beautiful super blue well yeah guys I'm gonna go put my  shorts on and I'm jumping in the pool   actually I gotta put on my sunscreen  too you know what let me show you guys   the lobby so these this here is a villa  as well if you got these bottom Villas   you obviously get these couches and  these chairs right by the poolside   but I'm okay with those ones those are the ones  that are actually included with our stay and what   I love most about it is that they always include  beautiful towels for all the guests so super nice and what I noticed yesterday is that they  take all the Coconuts off the palm trees   that's one thing that scares me like crazy are  coconuts on palm trees I was actually sitting   on Marissa Beach a few days ago and one fell  right next to me and I was like okay yep I'm   done here here though you don't have to worry  about that they take them all off the trees   so the trees are naked you don't have  to worry about no coconuts hitting you   definitely a Vibe all right let me show you guys  like the lobby area because this is beautiful so yeah this here is the lobby reception area   and they'll always play like  some really nice piano music well like they have lobster as a today's  special so you can actually order anything   you'd like from their menu all day long so this  is where you check in very beautiful lobby huh all right let's head upstairs very impressive property let me know what you  guys think of this um 250 a night luxury villator because you know I don't often times  do these videos but I just started   really hard here in Sri Lanka and I'm really  liking them because it gives you guys an idea of all of the different forms of  accommodation you guys can book oh well hold on I'm losing my train of thought  there's the key well as I was mentioning   I like filming these videos for you  guys because it gives you an idea of   what different accommodations look like and  I actually really enjoy watching these videos   when well prior to me traveling because it gave  me an idea of really awesome places to stay   really cool unique accommodations and I'm  actually really thinking about booking a   villa that is shaped like an elephant for tomorrow  night over in a different part of the country but   this room absolutely meant it is amazing  so nice oh so here's the menu let me show   you guys a little bit of the menu I actually  need to get some work done for you guys but   that might have to wait a little bit so the  menu let's see beers four dollars lion can   four dollars Carlsberg three dollars not bad  at all actually a burger bits burger oh no   that's a beer six dollars you can order a wine  six dollars sangria six dollars that pass five   three eight dollars man the prices are not bad  at all actually very very nice what's in here   general info oh cool breakfast so the breakfast  selection is actually quite nice like you can   choose from Poached Eggs a country breakfast a Sri  Lankan omelette Madam's breakfast I actually went   with the typical traditional Sri Lankan breakfast  this morning however tomorrow I think I'm gonna go   with the Omelette just to try something different  of course they have all-day dining they have   um gazpacho soup roasted pumpkin creamy soup  tom yum soup you know what that's actually   what I need right now I don't know if you  guys heard in the beginning of the video   my throat's a little ugh today so um might  have to order some tom yum salad ceviche   no all kinds of stuff like tuna steaks okay the  tuna steaks are a bit pricey 19 but also not too   bad I mean because you are staying in a in a  five-star Villa and of course you're gonna be   paying five-star prices but even 19 most of you  guys watching these videos we come from places   countries that are a lot more expensive like a 19  tuna steak you're never gonna find in California   you know what I mean all right well I'm gonna get  dressed and I'll see you guys downstairs at the   pool I've been hanging out by the pool for about  an hour now I actually fell asleep for around 30   minutes and I just ordered myself a green juice  and I think it's time to jump into the pool hmm this is delicious exactly what I  needed you know what I'm taking it with me   yeah let's jump on into the pool guys I'm curious  to see how this water feels usually the pools here   in Sri Lanka oh that's beautiful that's perfect  that's what they say usually they're a bit on the   colder side of things but no this one is spot on  oh yeah I love me a pool and water where you don't   actually like have to stick your toe in and see  how cold it is first well that's just the kind   of guy I am I'm like dude I can't jump into some  cold ass water just just going for it I know what   you guys are about to say you're a little but it  is what it is oh this is nice this is living um now I must say what I really really like about  this place is that the staff is very attentive   they walk around and ask you if you're doing  okay if there's anything that you need and   what I've really enjoyed about this oh excuse me  and what I think really makes this place special   is all of the open Green Space now I was actually  just talking to a couple from Denmark who was here   and they were telling me that this is one of the  better hotels they've stayed in ever in their life   and that's what they really enjoy about it was  the same thing I actually really enjoyed about it   is that um the premises are so big that you don't  really like find yourself next to any other guest   which is very nice I mean you can come here relax  have a nice peaceful morning peaceful evening by   the pool underneath the palm tree you're not gonna  hear people talking that's very nice especially   um when you come to one of these places to just  relax for a few hours or a few days I should say okay yeah this pool feels amazing now I actually  want to go out into the beach here in a minute   but the waves do look a little bit rough  here in veligama this place is known for   surfing so there's a lot of really good waves  a lot of surfers out there and I don't surf so um yeah I haven't been really enjoying that side  of it now I've been swimming in the beach quite   a bit but not surfing and I told you guys why  earlier I'm not getting hurt while I'm in Sri   Lanka I'm loving this place so much now you know  what let's actually talk a little bit about how   Sri Lanka is going the last few days so to be  honest I've been enjoying it so much I think   this is going to go down as one of my favorite  countries in the world the people I've said it   time and time again so hospitable so nice and very  welcoming every time you talk to somebody from Sri   Lanka it's always a an authentic conversation it's  never like oh I want to sell you this I want you   to buy this that you find in many other countries  in the world here it's all authentic interactions   and I really really love that now I have a feeling  that I'm gonna definitely be back here later on   this year actually the rental company the tuk-tuk  rental company they host a tournament called the   tuk-tuk tournament once a year and it takes place  in October where you drive around the island in a   tuk-tuk and complete a bunch of challenges so  I think I want to come back out here for that   later on this year and who knows maybe I'll find  myself here even a little bit before that this   is amazing I have no idea why people want to  go to Bali and all these other places in the   world when you can come here to Sri Lanka where  it's not you know overly infested with tourists   and you know you can enjoy some nice peaceful  time by the ocean and what I really love about   this coastline is that a lot of the beaches  are like very virgin beaches you don't find   Resorts with uh the beaches blocked off because it  belongs to them like you do in places like Mexico   Dominican Republic in Jamaica where every Beach  was a private beach here you can pretty much   wander anywhere you want and even the beach is  right here in front of the resort like people   can just literally walk straight through and  access the beach so that's one thing I really   loved about Sri Lanka what else the food amazing  I've already touched on the people and I must say   um traveling around Sri Lanka is also incredibly  easy now of course I'm doing it by Tick Tock but   you can hello sir but you can also get around very  easily on public buses trains that's actually what   most of the Backpackers and people do that are  staying in the hostels they travel around on   local buses and it's extremely affordable and  very easy to do in fact I want to come back one   day even though I'm having an amazing time with  the tuk-tuk I'm coming back one day for sure   to just travel around on Bus and Train  I think that would be really really nice it's like a celery spinach kiwi juice I don't know  why I ordered this but I figured well I'm having   a self-care detox kind of day so I was like you  know what let me get my let me get my white girl   along so that's what I'm doing I'm getting my  white girl on yeah I know some of you guys are   going to take offense to that but it's okay I'm  used to people being sensitive on the internet very nice now there's also a lot of wildlife  here on this property as well I saw a   piece some peacocks this morning I saw a monkey  earlier right here and I've also saw seen like   these I don't know what they are they look  almost like a like a chipmunk but they're   slightly bigger I'm not too sure what they are  but I've seen a lot of them here in Sri Lanka   and here on this property I've seen quite a  bit but yeah guys this is where I'm chilling amazing place right let me know what you guys think of the  eralia Villa so far would you guys stay here all right well I'm gonna enjoy my time here at the  pool and I'll see you guys see you guys in a few   well the sun is about to set and yeah I spent the  whole day lounging at the pool but I figured why   not let's go walk along the beach right now  and let me just show you guys how beautiful   this place is Oh wrong way because I actually  haven't walked down here at all today and now   it looks like there's very little sand to walk on  oh look there's a surfer going out there to shred actually he's about to be the only one out there   I don't know how people aren't afraid  to be in the ocean by themselves especially here the water looks rough and  there's a lot of rocks oh yeah he's out there   he's on his way he's on his way to shred  well yeah guys I've had an incredible day   incredible day lounging around I fell asleep  underneath the umbrella for around an hour oh yeah maybe I shouldn't walk down there  I got all my stuff in my pockets but   you know what why not let's  just walk down here a little bit but yeah Sri Lanka a truly special place  this country is so beautiful and not just   this region as you're driving along the Beach  Road the entire time you're surrounded by   incredible views just like this one oh actually  there's a female surfer on our way out right now   it's quite crazy these people go hella far out  close to where those waves are breaking out in   that direction but yeah these Cliffs are beautiful  the palm tree some Silhouettes that stick out with   the sunset behind it everything about this place  is gorgeous let me know what you guys thought   about this hotel in the comment section let me  know if you guys would come here and visit this   location and as far as price is concerned wow  I think it's definitely a great value for what   you're paying I mean you go and stay in a place  like this anywhere out anywhere outside of Sri   Lanka and you're going to be spending thousands  of dollars a night I mean look at the prices of   places in Maldives in Bali for the same um how can  you say it for the same quality of room it's quite   ridiculous so 250 a night amazing deal great  value especially with this view this view is   priceless we can't really put a price on this  at all I mean it is stunning definitely a once   in a lifetime opportunity oh and you actually  have somebody out there swimming snorkeling okay yeah this is definitely um Rising quite  a bit well from here guys I think I'm gonna   bring this video to an end right now I'm actually  about to order some dinner at the hotel they got   a nice menu I'm gonna order myself a chicken  burger because I haven't had a burger in like   three weeks and I really want one but I'll leave  you with one more view of this incredible place and I hope that so far I have been able to  convince you to come to Sri Lanka Sri Lanka   needs the tourism I'll put something in my mouth  it needs the tourism um the economy is slowly   recovering but you can help contribute to that  recovery by coming here and spending your money   on this beautiful island because the people need  you the businesses need you and why not you should   be coming to Sri Lanka anyways just because this  country is gorgeous and there's not many other   places in the world who I like it anyways later  guys I'm about to go relax a little bit longer I remember [Music]

2023-05-07 21:20

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