$20 Traditional Omani Breakfast

$20 Traditional Omani Breakfast

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good morning good morning my friends and  welcome back to another video here in the   beautiful country of Oman specifically in Muscat  and guys in today's video we're actually gonna be   taking you for a very special experience we're  going to be taking you for a traditional Omani   breakfast so I went on Google and I looked up  where do I find a traditional Omani breakfast   and I found what I guess is rated to be  one of the best restaurants called Nana's   and yeah they say it's uh from the reviews they  were like a somewhat expensive breakfast but you   get a really nice experience of what it's like  um trying a traditional omani breakfast with   beautiful sea views so I thought with me  and with Mabelle of course yeah and so uh uh   yeah we're gonna head on in there all right and  here we are right outside of Nana's and this is   where we're gonna be stopping to get a delicious  meal with what do you think inside or outside   oh have a great beginning with breakfast  hello good morning uh yes please what do you think is outside uh good yeah good  morning how are you all right so looks like   we're gonna be taking the outside seating here  what do you think great yes next to the ocean   all right so we have located our seat  we're gonna have breakfast here looks   like we got a QR code and let me  tell you right away I need some   Omani coffee to get me going what do  you think three four cups per person all right we'll see about that see QR codes for looks when does it  work it is working now there were so   many fingerprints on my screen that's why it  didn't work well time for a phone cleaning   so let's check out what we've got on the menu here  so our store you gaze upon magnificent panoramic   view of the Gulf of Oman as Morning Sun Peaks  from behind the Horizon casting golden Rays out   of the sparkling waves the aroma of your freshly  brewed coffee tantalizing your nostrils and your   taste buds soak in the Bliss of fresh authentic  meals you succumb to the Serenity and warmth of   the experience that is the experience we aim  to serve you at Nana's nestled in the friendly   neighborhood of chatea el Korum and distinguished  by overlying spectacular beachfront Nana's Cafe   is a unique restaurant that aims to offer  you Unforgettable experience it's breakfast   lunch and dinner menu it looks like we've got for  breakfast here croissants almond croissants eggs Nanny signature French toast Arabic breakfast   and then Omani breakfast serves  two scrambled eggs with tomatoes and a bread basket get served with your choice of   coffee guys I think we have a winner  traditional Omani breakfast for two oh we'll be trying that out and maybe we'll get an  almond croissant in there too oh yes tell us an   almond croissant and then you know fresh juices  I'm thinking watermelon for Habib tea oh again   wow wow now that is an expensive fruit juice each  fruit juice is 2.5 Omani riyal which would be four   and a half five six dollars per juice uh can we  please have the uh Omani breakfast yes please   and then also um one watermelon fresh juice please  okay and then one uh lemon mint well actually oh   there's mango available no sorry that's seasonal  yeah and then also we'll do uh one or two almond   croissants two all right hmm and I think that  should be it I just want to inform you you have   two drinks included with omani breakfast  so you can choose it either coffee or tea   coffee which coffee is there a uh Omani coffee or is there also iced lattes yeah  sure so one oh yeah sorry yeah me   we can go for our omani yeah we'll do omani coffee plus ice latte okay perfect so just want no   omani coffee and two ice latte yes perfect yes  thank you so much really appreciate it yeah   guys we're gonna get loaded on caffeine this  morning because we're gonna do a little more   exploring before the sun goes up now after being  basically in the on the gulf peninsula the last   few weeks now I've learned that the earlier you  wake up the more you can enjoy the outdoors but   if you're outside especially now in October  in the middle of the day it's gonna be hot and   figured we're going to do it strategically wake  up early have a delicious Omani breakfast we'll   probably maybe take you over to the Moss  grade after the really beautiful one show   you that and then probably hibernate when  it gets uh really hot in the day and then   I'll show you something else later oh yeah thank  you that looks fantastic oh perfect we are going   to not be thirsty after this that's for sure we're  getting a nice little flyer going there too yes coffee nice and hot keep it nice  and hot perfect thank you so much   all right so we got the  watermelon juice lattes and some   fantastic juices I'm gonna do a little something  to uh quench the thirst what do you think oh it's ice cold it's got that perfect seems to be a trend there whether it's a  shisha or the smoothie hamudan is the go-to   I think it's time to pour the Omani coffee  look at that spout on that thing oh baby that is true you know keep that thing warming over there and then  we'll try that thing out we got dates dates   reserved just for you right there hello  oh perfect arrived just in time this is   my first time having Omani breakfast I'm  very excited breakfast omani breakfast   oh and then we serve it usually with  the Paratha oh Paratha bread all right   oh that's the sweet kind of bread yeah this is  oh that looks incredible what do we have here samosa yeah and this is um gold yeah it's bread  syrup we mix it with date syrup and honey oh   wow and this like kind of soup we call it Dango  sir like Dango yeah oh very nice and this is scrambled eggs [__] and this is the  sweet noodles sweet noodles   and then with the top of egg oh that looks  fantastic thank you so much for the presentation Omani coffee I would say it's served in a  similar way to like Turkish coffee but like   Turkish coffee I'd say the biggest difference  is like it's like a thick um like liquid at   the bottom all the coffee uh beans whereas  this is a bit like lighter as you can see   it's more of like a light brown and I don't  think there's a bunch of like coffee beans   um dates oh we're gonna go  straight ahead with this Samosa yeah it's kind of like a Lebanese Samosa right a bit  different though yeah different yeah yeah kind   of a different flavor built into there but I was  excited to hear that they use uh Paratha bread   so commonly it's got a couple parathas over there  one of these for you thank you I'll grab a couple   parathas on this side and one of these as well  and I think we're just going to go ahead and   set this thing up like that and we're gonna  do a nice little scoop oh yeah we both got   our minds on that egg let's get that oh look at  that just get a nice scoop there let's try it oh yeah that is like a um this  bread it's a bit different than   like Paratha bread that I've  had in like India or Pakistan and more it's a bit more crunchy I would say and maybe even slightly sweeter but I like the process we found what she loves her favorite thing on  the menu this one is my favorite yeah a nice   big heaping scoop of eggs and you got yourself  a little breakfast burrito with Paratha bread   um yeah all right so that's a taste of omani  coffee kind of like a lighter breed you   probably have like four or five of those  like we did when we went to the knees well forty I slapped him oh yeah better  than starbucks that's surprises her um never been in more of a rush yeah very good I'll say that's what I like about Nanas is  um you can get literally both options I don't   know if you saw in the menu but you can get  like a traditional breakfast like we did or   you can get like you know a bunch of different  types from like a smoothie bowl to um you know   scrambled eggs or these types of things and you  can have you know both options of coffees there   so you just get a mix of both word you know  contemporary mixed with traditional and I think   it's time to go ahead and jump right into this  like noodle thing here this looks awesome foreign very interesting flavor I did not expect  that the noodles are literally like sweet   almost like a dessert we have to try the  noodles they're so um so unique definitely a   a way I've never experienced trying noodles hmm she said something like sweet noodles yeah  I didn't understand what she meant by that you did not expect that in 2022 and these are  like dates I think dates mixed with something whoa okay for me that's a bit more of an acquired taste it's like super sweet it's a good quality I'm  not sure if it's something that's my personal   preference and then what else do we have oh  yeah we're gonna have to just dig go in there oh   is this how I don't think  I'm doing that right maybe um oh yeah those are nice kind of like um almost like  a soup broth that it's covered in oh there you go   yeah the spoon's probably a much smarter way  of doing it yeah let's get a more heaping   um oh yeah but it's necessary  to have with the Paratha bread   and we're gonna try this last one out here  it's got like a soupy thicker texture and um wow how do I explain that it tastes like  something I've had in India was spicy   we'll just say that tastes like  almost like mini mashed potatoes is oh no I think it's these crushed yeah these  okay I'd say probably on here what was my   favorite overall eggs number one I like the  samosas number two that's number three for   me the uh these ones are number four number  five and this one just more of an acquired   taste for me did you you tried this one  yes I did how would you rank them one two um three   this is basically sort of probably the same three  four five six oh so pretty much the same one yeah   that's probably where we um made the mistake let's  go ahead and try this one out toss it on there see if that makes a difference mm-hmm that's more of a match made in heaven it's like a really nice sweep it's him when  you have it with this type of bread completely   different flavors but that is a fantastic  breakfast this is the Omani experience for   you my friends so guys for us to have this  entire breakfast here at Nana's it comes out   to 16.7 Omani Riyal which is about $43.37 for this  massive feast honestly if they're it's almost   big enough like for like three people to eat I  would say we did get a couple coffees extra in   there a couple juices and so I'm feeling fantastic  overall was a really really delicious breakfast   here and Views are beautiful both with Habibti as well as the ocean skyline or ocean uh   ocean views right here and yeah guys it's  just in time to be leaving this place   because the heat is really starting  to get us going so let's head on out bye thank you so much thank you very much guys  and we just finished up a fantastic meal as   we just uh showed you and we're heading back  to the car all right and we are gonna make a   quick 15-minute cruise over to the most famous  mosque here in Muscat I'm hoping we're gonna   make it before it gets a little too hot  today but that said it is 10 am so we're   gonna cruise on over and we'll see once we get  over there the neighborhood where Nana's is as   you can see we didn't really take any videos  driving in because I was kind of tired but uh   just a really really modern district of the city  where like there's mansions everywhere I think   they're mansions maybe a mix of mansions mosques  government buildings the private sector buildings so guys we are arriving to the massive mosque over  here and it looks like visitors entrance is to the   right I mean you can just see it towering in the  sky right here this might be one of the largest   mosques I think I've ever been to the only other  one that I've been to that's maybe this large was   the badsahi badsahi mosque in um Pakistan and  as a man make sure you got uh long pants here I'm   not sure if she's gonna be able to get in with  what she's wearing as a woman because she's not   covered up but sometimes a lot of the times  I've been to mosques especially mosques that   have brought in a lot of tourism usually  they have something but oh yeah for sure oh I think they have someone who's wearing  something okay oh okay come in our guys got   us taken care of right here thank you my  friend shukran you're pulling them right up shukran you're welcome thank you all right now where too I'm gonna find the entrance though we are gonna be oh we got the gift shop  over here and maybe we gotta find a spot   this way hello salaam alaikum uh  is there a place to get something all right heading out into the parking lot s what do we got going on back here oh very  nice that's fantastic well that's calm thank   you very much okay all right what's the cost on  it yeah two riyals oh thank you it's 100 pesos   uh do you have change for a 20 then  brother twenty no I don't know five   no this is all I have uh I just gave  away my uh two riyal at the restaurant I don't think I have a challenge well then  uh okay when you do that later when you   have to finish bring back darches to go on a  shop there yeah in the shop yeah you can buy   something there okay you can wear it there in  the shop perfect all right so can I wear yep you got that on correctly yeah  I think so is it like that yeah there you go oh perfect fantastic just  give me I will see there with the friends it doesn't match how are you  hey good and you mentioned come in one two three one when you finish oh oh we lost it oh thank you very much so the nice part guys you walk in you just  ask around if you can rent one and we're   easily able to find an outfit from a baby  all right visitors of the mosque visiting   hours are 8 AM to 11 A.M from Saturday  to Thursday and we are coming in hello uh we are entering into the Grand Mosque this is  actually the largest mosque in all of Oman and it   has a capacity of 25 000 people see with how big  it is it feels like it can hold even more than 25   000 people this place looks like it's brand  new but it's already uh I think 21 years old   it was built in 2001 but you can see just  how perfected the design architecture and   the upkeep of the entire facility is just  when you walk in you can feel that already   cool and we are doing a little tour around the uh  mosque here and geez wow just to walk around this   place will take you quite a bit of time incredibly  stunning I mean just look at every part of this   place from like the sides of the walls right over  here and look at this this is just an up close   look at it the engraving of each part of here  and you can see that even inside of the mosque   it's a phenomenally beautiful place so I think  it might actually be the largest mosque I've ever   been in because I think the one that I was in in  Pakistan it wasn't this big look at these hallways   wow it's so big that even though there's a lot  of people here hello my friend [ salamualaikum ]   when you're walking around here you can  just feel how massive it is because there's   a lot of people here but because it's such a  spread out mosque that you can come into like   spaces a bit where there's like besides  workers not a single person around here   all right guys you can see it from this angle  now wow this must be the most grand part of the   Mosque right over here incredibly beautiful I'm  not entirely certain people have their shoes   off in some areas and then not in others so I'm a  bit confused as to which parts we take them off I   think I saw on the inside when I was walking  over there some places to set the shoes so I   guess we shall see if entering in this side is  where we can drop them I mean you can just see   from this side how long it stretches out all the  way until the end over there it is literally the   definition of a Grand Mosque all right and here  we go we will enter right over here and now that   I'm seeing the entrance to this part of the  mosque it seems like we have located the spot   where people are taking off their shoes drop  these right here hopefully no one snags them oh wow as soon as you walk in it's loaded  with air conditioning look at this place   it's it's definitely the most beautiful mosque  I've ever seen oh my God look at this place   is insane wow each chandelier I mean there's let's  see what we have one two three four five six seven   eight nine nine all along this way there's a  massive one literally like the size of that one   it's probably hard to tell on the GoPro but that's  got to be like maybe 10 meters long and the entire   place is decorated you could look at the um level  of detail that's put into each part of it and it   seems probably the only people are going to be  praying can actually go in on this side because   there's a blue walkway that basically brings you  around the entire place guys I just teleported   us from that side to this side and this is the  entrance when you walk in this is one of those   times I wish I had a different lens on the GoPro  so you can really see how massive this chandelier   is that's hanging down wow that is literally  the most impressive chandelier I've ever seen   in my life by far there's nothing that compares  in terms of like I mean look at that it's all   hanging from one pole at the very top the level  of architecture and detail just to build something   like that it's got to be insane and I think  listed right over there are the various times   or calls to prayer on that screen right there so  it's yeah really a gorgeous place to be visiting   this is a must if you are in  Oman an absolute must to visit wow and shoes are back on we have exited that part  of the mosque that was incredible guys if you want   to be blown away with the level of architecture  absolutely shocked with how beautiful of a   structure this place is you got to come and make a  visit over to the Grand Mosque here really just a   just an absolute beauty of architecture and design  and symmetry I mean just everything that goes into   it landscaping it's so so cool yeah guys that's  where I'm gonna go ahead and end this video a   nice little morning cruise through Muscat Oman showing you the mosque and a delicious   Omani breakfast so I hope you guys enjoyed  coming with us for that uh morning Excursion   and we will see you guys in the next video so  thank you so much for watching see you then

2022-11-14 10:09

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