$1000 USD Street Shave in Kabul, Afghanistan

$1000 USD Street Shave in Kabul, Afghanistan

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this is the city of Kabul with a population  of roughly 6 million people it's a pretty   impressive City and this is the flag Hill this is  Infamous to be a Taliban hangout area the Taliban   are part of the paston tribe the paston people  are famous for being the most hospitable people   in the world which is ironic because that's  not what you think of when you're thinking of   the Taliban they are extremely hospitable  I've experienced that in Pakistan and I'm   experiencing it here and they're very devoted  to their tribe uh much like the other tribes in Afghanistan how are you um oh he's the boss boss no bad that's  bad uh what's this my photo take my photo I want one photo one photo okay be a I don't know what you're saying we're taking a photo oh Ze oh they' got competition who do I go you or you I  said I okay okay I pay now the boss man's getting   paid today how are you going to give me that turn  off my camera he's trying to turn off my camera don't oh for me yeah for guys hey calm down calm down come with  me come with me Jesus these kids are more   aggressive than the Taliban they one second  I get change for this one what's that one   20 yeah there you go can you ask him like  uh what what they want to do when they're old he funny do tell him he needs to study hard then he needs money thank you okay okay f f yeah he likes being on camera good very good fu fu you Jesus I don't  think he knows what he's saying anyway nice to   meet you guys so you're probably wondering what  life is like as a tourist in the most dangerous   country in the world well it's super interesting  we're getting stopped by checkpoints all the time   security checkpoints with like the most intense  security I've ever seen multiple times a day they   check your passport sometimes they ask you a qu  few questions never had any problems so far but   it's just very intense they've always got guns  they're always like staring at you and yeah just   like when you're walking around so many Taliban  walking around with AK-47s like on their shoulders   and like M16s like really Advanced weapons as  well and then they've got like huge 4x4s that   they roll around in and they've got like seven  of them in the car hanging off the side of the   car it's just so wild I've never experienced  anywhere like it and I don't think I ever will   so if you're wondering how you get Afghani since  this a closed currency you can't get it in any   other country apart from Afghanistan this is  how you get it on the streets there's a man   sitting above the sewage line and you give him  the dollars and he gives you the fresh Afghani   thank you so much nice to meet you have a good day  just I want to count oh yeah sure should always   count it I'm very careless okay yeah 15,000 okay  thank you okay bye way there we go we're going   to be taking a picture with a 50-year-old  camera let's go in to his house hello oh wow so yeah ladies and gentlemen you before the  iPhone before for any kind of camera this   is how you used to take photos there  we go that's the camera right there oh he's got a lot yeah this  is the old and this is the new wow so he doesn't even press any buttons or  anything all he does is remov this and then I   just smile wow it's like magic wow that is  so cool thank you I got invited in to look   at his book whil they pray and of course  we are in Afghanistan if we don't have chai he wants to show me his  pictures oh wow wow oh very handsome can you ask him what's the secret to  growing a a great beard that's the process yeah   that's you oh he was in the Afghan uh Army against  the Soviets yeah he was the um soldier with the   government but also that time mujahidin was fight  against the Russia the Soviet yes yeah but they   involved with the Afghanistan government not the  mujah okay yeah he's very proud of his work this   is his grandson yeah grandson he's the next famous  photographer yeah Ma he's like that's me that's me y y y oh my God I not  expecting that I thought he done I thought that was the finished product but   wow I'm so happy with that  thank you so much thank you wow what's his favorite thing about Afghanistan so he he was a soldier and then he started the photography feels like a little bit in some  places like I've been transported back in   time just the way people dress and some of the  business activities like people still using   the wheelbarrows like this man here to kind  of Transport items around is so interesting   to see um but in terms of like my experience  here everyone's been so kind to me everyone's   been hospitable as I was expecting it's kind  of now that I've been to Pakistan and places   like that you kind of know and expect the  hospitality but it's on a different level   we've made it to the jewelry area I'm looking  to get some jewelry I've always wanted to say   I have some jewelry from Afghanistan so we're  g to give it a go Alum how are you how are you   I'm good I'm good Al uh I'm looking for some  jewelry is it okay to film in here it's good   can with okay how are you Boss you're the boss  man you're going to give me you're going to give   me The Afghani price yeah Afghani I'm I'm from  Afghanistan okay wow you got some crazy jewelry   here we got earrings rings you like Afghan  always like the big the big Rings like you   got the big ring there I like the small R these  are real big oh my God it's huge we've been given tea That's to help us stay in the shop  so we we buy more things I guess I'll   get this one well actually depending  on the price it doesn't matter what's   the price brother for that one yeah for  you good price $20 $20 you want to pay ,500 you're too kind you're too kind pay $20  I'll pay I'll pay $20 because you're are a   good man he's a very good man this one cuz he  watches my videos yeah I have seen you a lot of   work than you brother your videos you're very  kind especially and you had some Barber also   yeah and also the massage that was fantastic in  Pakistan yeah well if you want to be my guest it   doesn't matter okay so it's free yeah you can  get it no don't thank you brother nice to meet you let's have a look inside I'll finish my chai  in there okay you can get your TR out okay the   best thing to do in Afghanistan is to get the  pomeg Gran juice Alum good good good I get a   three three pomegranate three three three three  nahim nice to meet you you're welcome thank you   it's like on the side of a road actually on  the side of a roundabout not not on the side   of a road and uh interestingly it's I understand  a funny Place they've also got a car repair shop   on the roundabout or you can kind of pump up your  tires here so you can do double pop up your tires   and get a pomegranate juice also Afghanistan is  the only place I've seen where people just walk   like look at this guy he just walking in the  middle of traffic and there's no there's no   Lanes here you just do what you want there's also  like a guy selling popcorn he's allowed to use the   roundabout see look at this guy here he's just  walking crazy salum it's an interesting place F   how much uh kimat kimat Ash chust can J for okay  there we go we're conversing wow I'm proud of myself can I have a go can I can I go I pull let's  see how hard is I've always wondered how you do this oh it's quite hard yes he's very strong you   need for more power yeah I  know tell him he's strong I can't do it wow let me let me see how he does it and he cleans the even cleans the  glasses for us so like this is actually very hygienic can you ask him how  many he sells in a day average thank you so much T oh Tak I'm saying T how  how many times have I said that   today I've said that loads today all right cheers guys oo so is it the same in Kabul or  different um a little sweeter here   I think it's similar yeah why they they  they're different pomegranates because   it comes from uh from Kar so sweet oh the  the couple ones are from kaha these ones   are from mazah from masar yeah okay keep it  it do it's like $220 because you're working hard okay thank you brother nice to meet  you have a good day yes I gave him $20 like   obviously not not a huge amount for me but  like that will make his day probably I think   probably he makes around that in the day I'm  in Afghanistan and I'm going to get a shave I can get a chave can you tell him all off finish  see okay all right n n n m m mad nice to meet you as you can see we're on the on the  side of a highway for got to ask how   much is as chust as chust 50 that's 50  cents we've also asked for the blade to   be clean it's very important here you get a  clean blade I guess he doesn't very often do   a clean shave because in Afghanistan  you're supposed to grow the beers so   this is going to be interesting can you  ask him if he does the clean shave very often how many years has he been doing the barber all right I'm going to be quiet now you ask how much he ears in one day not much yeah that's like $3 doing a good job so far his hand's  shaking quite bad though it's a bit   worrying here we go he's into the mustache  now here we go here goes nothing be careful mammed very good yeah his hand shaking  look crazy I think he has a parking or   something that's really unfortunate but yeah  it's just like working hard on the highway   probably had a tough life lived through  40 Years of conflict doesn't complain   about it just gets on with his job people are  staring from the uh from the windows of their cars Finishing Touches wow thank you be hugging oh he's doing the back of my  head I've never had this before this is new hello thank you so much there we go  zast yeah I think it's the first time   they've ever seen someone clean shave  thank you so much very kind can you ask   him like does he have family and stuff  10 wow and how many hours is he working here okay so typical and he said  he gets like four customers a day   I'm not sure that that means  he make $2 but that's pretty crazy so now I'm going to get a haircut  at a different place okay good can I get a haircut oh wow I can pay what I want okay it's free I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking um can you   do like they head massage also okay  just go look at that okay now show my M these are his tools he's got the the  mirror that's a triangle he's got one pair   of scissors one one uh razor and some Russian  some Russian bag this is Russian wow maybe he's   a secret spy from Russia likes that one are you  a spy oh he just nodded he's a spy he's Infidel   I think the Taliban should get him just just  a small amount off the side nothing off the   top nothing this is the first time I've ever  been a little bit nervous to get my haircut   because usually I can show them a picture and  they've got some kind of training this guy's   clearly had no training but I should put my  trust in him you know he's got experience all   right well this is things I do for YouTube  views hey muhamed you ready you ready be a bin there there Taliban surrounding us which  you guys can't see in the camera la ah yeah   yeah yeah oh massage time yeah there's T Buton  um got to be very careful with by filming but   they're watching us they're like why the  [ __ ] is he getting a haircut there oh   very good very good wow wow he's amazing  this is the best massage I've ever had jokes oh my God the excitement the exhilaration  wow good that was the worst massage   in history but barle he doesn't do that  very often bless him he's trying his   hardest very good very good uh  could he could he slip a little bit no no no no uhoh I'm nervous he's going  near the hairline be careful   Muhammad precious hair I'm losing it wow zeast Ze Ze it's good um yeah yeah yeah what's he doing now oh can you ask him uh  how is the life in Afghanistan so he earns $1 to   $2 a day apparently which actually that's what  also what the other guy said that's absolutely   crazy thank you we tell him we'll come back and  pay me okay so basically I had this idea where   I'm going to give away $11,000 there's obviously  1 2 3 4 five barers here I don't want to just give   it to one Barber I want to give it spread it  equally it's the fair thing to do so we going   to figure out how to do this without causing any  arguments so I'm going to ask my tour guide to do   it for me basically but yeah we're going to give  them $1,000 this is one of the biggest giveaways   I've ever done and um I wouldn't be able to do it  without the sponsors from my videos and because   you guys click on the sponsors this is allowing me  to do it so thank you and if you want to support   me you can either click on the sponsor which is  free or you can send me super thanks money via   super thanks I really appreciate it it means I'm  able to give money to these people I'm not like   a charity where I take half the money from my  employees I give it I spread it equally these   people are earning $1 to $2 a day and I'm about  to give them $1,000 so he wants 2,000 feel like a   drug dealer with all this money as soon as we get  the money out that's when everyone starts coming   over I got you this is for all for himig yeah it  is uh 33,000 okay only for him 33,000 yes it's $500 now everyone come over and they've  suddenly got disabilities this is where it   gets a little bit annoying you going to do this  quick for this guy oh sorry sorry I'll give him 500 I'm trying to explain that I uh I  give it to people who are hardworking   and give me an honest price not  to people who are Beggars all of this that's um 30 something thousand,   is $500 for you because you are working hard  and you are honest man give me the honest price and uh give it give it to your spend  it on your family take a day off and enjoy it okay I'm I'm stuck in a between a hot rock and  a hard place here cuz now I'm getting i'   I've got no I've got I'm say that like if  they were you know maybe like they could   he could share it with a little just  a small amount with each other both yeah okay we pay one for him okay he's very  good man okay yeah yeah yeah thank you wow see   he just gets the money out straight away and  he's willing to share it I was not expecting   that usually in in like some of these places  they take the money and they just run and they   don't give it to anyone else okay all right  we're getting out of here before [ __ ] gets   a little bit real just as we're leaving like  tons of people are just coming over saying   what about him give money to him give me to  him it's just like really overwhelming and   hard but this is life here it's just tough and  desperate okay all right let's just get out of here and thank you so much to Muhammad Jan for  filming that like all of that was possible he   found the barber he arranged the money yeah it  is a big money for them especially for the two   uh Barbers we paid 33,000 to each of them uh which  they cannot collect this money for the whole year   yeah yeah it's a big money for them and also we  did uh 2,000 for each other the the other Barbers   yeah that they didn't do any they didn't cut any  hair yeah they didn't work just for helping them   yeah yeah it's a it's a tough one to like try and  figure out who deserves what it's hard especially   when you're stuck with hundreds of people asking  you do this do this showing you like their missing   limbs so it's tough I appreciate I hope you guys  appreciate that um maybe I didn't do it equally   between everyone and I didn't give it to this  person and this person but it's in the moment   it's so so hard you got a million things going on  in your head and I'm just trying to get a haircut

2023-12-22 02:05

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