72 Hours in a Texas Heatwave... On a Motorcycle

72 Hours in a Texas Heatwave... On a Motorcycle

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101 101 101 and 103. still want to go for a ride all right then let's go [Music] good morning bird brains it is early this morning we actually beat most of the Sun up which means we're riding in Texas summer now in case you've been living under a rock I am part of an organization called motorcycle destinations where we help you find your next motorcycle destination in under three minutes or less and that is what our trip is going to consist of for these next few videos first off can everyone just appreciate how good the battle donkey looks when it's clean it's the most beautiful thing in the world if you're new to the channel and want to see how this bike got this badass go ahead and click the the card in in one of these corners and I'll link you to the playlist where we built this bike okay the time is now 6 53 it's time to get on the road [Music] I am now just under an hour behind schedule and I I'm only five miles from my house I went to go start my bike and my bike was completely dead I don't know why I wrote it two or three weeks ago I didn't plug it in but two or three weeks is not that long it shouldn't be long enough to to kill a battery but I have a very shitty battery it's like one of those knockoff ones from RevZilla but I'm trying to keep it positive and tell you guys about this uh this U.S post office right here Kingsbury Texas 78638 this is uh my new HomeTown and apparently this uh this spot that I'm parking in right here is uh very notorious for uh motorcycle pictures so I actually found out that this is actually part of the 2023 motorcycle grand tour of Texas this is an annual event uh put on that basically just highlights cool little spots around Texas and uh if we scroll down here there we go there it is there's our little post office so uh if you want more information on this check out motorcycle Grand tours of texas.com not a sponsor now I'm gonna put my bike in neutral and not kill it because uh that would be stupid I hope it's just a battery I hope that uh once we get going here that we're all good and I don't have any more issues no knock on wood but yeah apparently this is uh like a motorcycle photo spot which is kind of cool it's in my hometown uh this is our our Main Street and uh I never come down here I probably should I know it looks like a ghost town right now but there's actually quite a few people that come down here and frequent this place so maybe I should come meet my neighbors but uh people you know really the only thing I'm upset about is I probably lost half a gallon of fluids granted it's only high 80s but the humidity is through the roof in the morning so uh yeah I was sweating by the time I got my seat off hopefully that is the uh the extent of the problems for the trip fingers crossed on to the next location [Music] all right we made it to our first stop Moment of Truth oh yes time to fill her up and no drippy drippy foreign from the sponsor of today's video Austin home theater and security LLC I'm just kidding but man what a transition that would have been I'm actually headed up Ranch Road 12 to Wimberley Texas when I encountered the second issue of this trip already and I discovered a very uh groovy but very broken DJI drone so I added that to the list of [ __ ] I gotta fix and on to the next location [Music] thank you all right so I've made it to Dripping Springs here it is 86 degrees it is 10 a.m and I have already officially sweat through this jacket because uh it's

liquid soup here also this 360 amount is kind of [ __ ] this is kind of like the only option I've been able to take really reliably use it but I don't know we'll see how it how it turns out oh look at rivian God please get me moving sketchy sketchy sketchy [Music] thank you [Music] all right first location done we're on to our first transfer 30 minutes to the next route start which is going to be Lime Creek Road if you've ever ridden in the Austin area there's a chance you've ridden Lime Creek Road it's very popular and it's a lot of fun and I haven't written in a hot minute so I'm pretty excited to get this one going the only thing I can't fix is my drone so it's outside of my circle of influence that's my rule if it's outside my circle of influence I don't use any more effort towards that thought so that that whole ordeal is now in the past can't do anything about it gotta move on well I respect that I actually think that's very mature of you well things like camera failures memory card failures lost footage corrupt files all those things are going to happen it's not a matter of if but when so the only thing you can do is prepare yourself that's why I have one two three four five six seven if you include the Drone I've got seven cameras on me right now so of course they all do their own little function and have their own uh specialty specialty specialty they all have their own Specialties but redundancy is key for example I've got backup balance I've got backup audio cables I have a backup audio recorder in case for some reason this GoPro goes down just because all of those things have happened before ain't nothing to it but to do it all right made it here to uh what used to be Lake Travis not much of a lake right now we haven't had rain in well where I live we haven't had rain in a couple months I don't know when the last time they uh they got it but it's been a very dry very hot summer so far and uh the lakes are showing it we'll say I'm kind of trying to get used to uh filming with the 360 camera I get some pretty ridiculous looks with it hanging way up there I don't even know how well you can see it yeah it's up there all right our current air temp is 91 91 in the shade it is uh 11 15 a.m I actually made it back on schedule because the Drone issue caused me not to stop and take drone shots so actually I was on schedule I need to leave here in like three minutes but I want to get moving because I'm sweaty so let's go a lot let's go ride uh Lime Creek Road [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign you heard that horrendous noise as I dropped off the shoulder there the problem with lime Creek Road is as you can see there are no shoulders so you kind of just take advantage of what you got I was turning around to come pick up my camera from the shot you saw earlier and I guess I misjudged how big that drop-off was or misjudged how little ground clearance I have and yep my kickstand is now dragging on the ground well shoot my kickstand spring just either broke or came off or something [Music] it's gone that's not good I need to go back and look for at least at least try yeah I think I see it oh I think I see it please be it [Music] yes it didn't break now to see if I can get it back on [Music] thank you all right so set rep uh I did find the spring but I only have a pair of snub nose pliers and don't really quite have the pulling strength with those to get that attached from the frame back to the to the kickstand and as you can see I'm laying on rocks and broken glass so so I think what I'm going to try to do is to limp it to a gas station I know there's one not too far from here try to do something there maybe I can find somewhere to lean the bike up against because I don't think there's any way I'm going to be able to reattach it with it down like this so I think it has to be done in the up position which I just can't do right here so I'm gonna go to the gas station get in the shade get uh get a little bit of hydration going and try again all right so I came to the gas station here I was able to lean my bike on one of these uh gas Islands here and now kickstand is back in order so what happened was I went off that little uh that lip in the road there and caught right here and I guess it pulled that out that scratched tore up some of my lights but uh it's operational now so we're back in order [Music] oh there's my first hundred degrees 1 20 P.M [Music] [Music] thank you I think I was recording while it happened but we hit our first 100 degree air temp at 1 12 P.M awesome I gotta say though the uh the steps I did take to minimize the heat

definitely seemed to be working got an ice pack here an ice pack here and uh I could definitely tell a temperature drop after I put those in my jacket it definitely helped stop the sweating and it wasn't in a you're dehydrator you're about to die kind of way it was in a oh that feels good on my belly hopefully that keeps me from dying at least delays it I really hope these because I sure have been putting in a lot of tone and effort swapping these things around all right we got 15 minutes till Marble Falls let's get back on the road so I made to Marble Falls gassed up real quick and I was quite a bit ahead of schedule so I decided to take the scenic loop around the south end of Lake LBJ which did not disappoint there's a lot of really rich houses a lot of pretty lake views but by this point it was scorching we were at 102 103 so I really just wanted to hightail it out of there and get to the stop for the night which is going to be container City in Burnet Texas thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you I always hear people talking about oh it must be nice to be a YouTuber you get to go to all these cool places and do all these cool things which is is correct I do think that it is cool that I get to do these things but you know what sounds nice you know it sounds real nice is getting to a destination and just getting to relax and enjoy it but no I've got I've got all that I have to deal with that is the downside of booking these shoots like this back to back to back days I've got no time to rest and relax it's get everything on the charger as soon as you get home got my laptop I'll be breaking out here in a second because I got to get all my footage transferred and like I said I'm shooting with seven cameras now but I digress all this pitching and complaining when uh this time last year I was sitting in a cubicle and contemplating killing myself because I was that unhappy with my life and here I am on a Tuesday afternoon just finished up 200 miles on the motorcycle and I get to do it all over again tomorrow and the next day I will say that one benefit of traveling by yourself is all of these Outlets are all mine sometimes people say that they can tell that I'm an only child but I don't see it I will say though getting these ice packs and putting them in my jacket that was the move today if you do any riding in some sort of hot area get you some of these I stink really bad it's a very stressful morning and I'm one of those that if I just sweat I don't stink but if I'm stressed and I sweat holy onion Factory do I smell and I still have stuff outside uh okay maybe it was a little bit more than just a few things [Music] all right that's enough charging you want to do a little cribs episode so you can check out the place so here we are in the uh the main area this is the front porch where you come in on here's your your front door leads into this uh area here you got your stove you got your microwave you got your sink and then you got a fridge and freezer along with some uh cabinets that have some stuff in them you got cups and plates and nothing fancy but they'll get the job done some tinfoil if you're from the south over here I haven't looked in these more glasses full silverware can opener thongs noise over here you have a little TV both uh down here as well as upstairs has a little Direct TV and uh what is this a legit one or is this another one I think it's a knockoff one but that's okay because uh I know what I'm doing tonight [Music] over in here you have a two pretty tight beds but they would definitely get the job done if you were trying to to sleep a lot I believe this is a full and then up here looks to be a twin yeah that's got to be it full of twin spinning around here going towards the other side of the container you have the uh the bathroom it's not a sexy man uh it has a sink and so you also have a toilet and and oh nice shower and it has shampoo Garnier going upstairs what's weird is like you don't feel like you're in a container at all even when you see like like that wall is pretty much a bear container like your brain doesn't process it as being in a container which is strange but here is the uh the master bedroom this looks to be a coin bed I believe a little tight but for being inside of a shipping container very nice like I said even with the bare shipping walls your brain doesn't really tell you that you're uh you're in a shipping container it just feels like a regular house and then out here on the deck I'm not gonna go out there because that's what made my feet sticky because I think it's so hot that it's making the paint boil or bubble or something but uh here's the view from the deck I mean nice it was a freaking Sun out here Honestly though those little areas down below like that one down there actually feels quite nice even with it being 104 out so there you go guys there's the uh cribs tour of container City like I said I'm going to be doing a motorcycle destinations feature full length feature of this place over on the motorcycle destinations YouTube channel so if you haven't already go ahead and go subscribe over there make sure you don't miss a video we put out a new video every single day 365 days a year so go check that out and um I think I think I'm gonna cut today's video here yeah [Music]

2023-08-27 00:10

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