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Episode 33 - Cycling along the Rhine road in Germany (part 1) (Amsterdam to Lisbon by Brompton folding bike and train) Katwijk (Netherlands) Subscribe we leave from the tiny house village of Duinvallei, in the south of The Netherlands. I take the train there, six kilometers away, in a town called Leiden, to Düsseldorf. So the idea is to cycle along the Rhine route for twelve days, from Düsseldorf to Mulhouse. I could have started cycling the Rhine road in Rotterdam, it's Eurovélo 15 but my time being shortened I decided to start in Düsseldorf. I can't wait to cycle on the Rhine road and bring you with me to discover all this. Leiden (Netherlands) Düsseldorf (Germany) Well after 2 hours of delay I am in Düsseldorf.

But it's dark, we can't see anything, I won't be able to see anything. it doesn't matter ouch ouch thanks if I don't have an accident before the end of the day, it's a miracle my god Oh there's a bus we don't care about the red light where should I go? I was wrong Wow What is that hole? I got a hole! I'm in the middle of the road. I'm in the middle of the road Oh no, please I want to get there I stayed in the gutter hole Shit! I'm sorry for the visit from Düsseldorf, amigos That was a quick story. In Düsseldorf, in the evening, I am welcomed by Carlos.

Originally from Chile, he moved to Germany for work. He also traveled by bicycle through Chile and Europe. We will spend the evening chatting about adventures around the world, around a good comforting meal that he had prepared. Good morning friends I had a great evening yesterday with Carlos, who is Chilean and who welcomed me to his home via Warmshower There, it's half past 7, I think. So yeah, I'm going to leave around 8 a.m. and I think the weather is nice today.

Oh dear, it's hard, it's hard in the mornings, I swear. I'm happy to cycle in the next few days. Yes, it's really cool, it's cool, I was able to dry my clothes, it's so good when the heating is on, it's so cool.

Thank you, thank you for your kindness Good luck with your project all the best to you too great, thank you, bye bye I just got out of town, trucks and all that, I hope. I'm with the horses now, we're having a change of scenery That, I think it's Eurovélo 15, it's the Rhine road There's a sign with a European symbol, I think that must be it. Oh ! These little horses are really there. Very cool.

Well, I don't know how to keep my bread intact, it gets crushed all the time. It's mashed bread with crumbs. Look at that breadcrumbs. Practical for toast. I need to buy harder bread perhaps, or soft bread, the kind that doesn't break.

That's the solution. I don't know if you have any advice. Give me some in the comments because now, if I want to spread hummus, it's going to be complicated. I'm on a small country road between small villages. It's cool to visit the capitals, but... I'm happy to be in the calm and to be in the countryside.

I'm happy to have done Berlin and others cities there. but no thanks. It's good to alternate because otherwise, too many tourists, it's not possible, it's just having space to cycle. That there aren't 10,000 people per square kilometer feels good. Ah the sun The sun isn't far away A little muesli break, friends, We are well here right ? I don't have much to eat.

I have to go shopping, it sucks, it sucks. But I have muesli, that's it. We're breaking our teeth a little, but hey, it's okay Tsé when you say Rhine route in your head you imagine landscapes. This is exactly a small landscape, fields next to the Rhine, with a little mist. It's the landscape of the Rhine road, today on the postcard ah I didn't buy postcards in Düsseldorf shit so Oulala! There is a kind of factory but it is huge. I ask myself a really philosophical question Is Eau cologne made in Cologne? I really need to have an answer to this question.

So we're going to google that. Where does Eau de Cologne come from? There you go, I have to stop to get the answer. That's for sure. Wait, wait, you'll find out with me but maybe you already know. Eau de Cologne manufacturing wait, wait, wait Eau de Cologne refers to a perfume created by Jean-Marie Farina.

He was an Italian perfumer who settled in Cologne at the beginning of the 18th century, where he began to produce an admirable eau It was an eau produced using a mixture of essential oil and alcohol almost pure. It was used to camouflage bad odors at that time. Fuck, but yes, it is still produced today by the eighth generation of descendants of Jean Marie Farina in Cologne.

But it's incredible. Originally, it was even sold as a medicine. It's crazy what we learn. That's it, it's better. I feel better. So in fact, cologne really comes from Cologne. There you go, I'm very happy to know that.

Jean-Marie Farina. Italian perfumer. And it’s crazy, huh? We learn things on this channel, incredible. We laugh, we have little historical moments, we really, really have fun But it's crazy, if you knew, tell me in the comments, that's what my grandmother used to wear, I think. but she put it on to perfume herself, not to wash herself.

Like cologne. it's after you've taken your shower that you put this on. Oh dear, friends, look how beautiful Cologne (Germany) Friends in Cologne, no, but it's so beautiful! Are you ready or not? You are ready ? Check this out Cologne Cathedral In Cologne, I will be warmly welcomed by Nina and Simon, a couple of tandem cyclists who had just returned from a several-month journey through France and Spain to Santiago de Compostela. To end the evening, they take out their tandem and offer me a historic tour of Cologne by night. it's cool I think that on the other side, there are photos of the war and it's crazy because there is nothing left except for the cathedral they didn't destroy the cathedral everything was destroyed around only the cathedral remained during the war It tired me Amigos! Come on, we left this morning, it's a little cool, it's seven degrees in Cologne, the weather is so beautiful, thank you life.

and I join Christian who follows me on the networks and who lives near Düsseldorf and he drives a Brompton. Besides, his Brompton is called Johnny the freak Johnny, the monster, I love it and uh, he knows the Rhine road well so he said to me, I would like to join you So this morning, to join me, he takes the train from home He comes to Cologne and we're going to cycle together to Bonn That's where I'm stopping today Johnny Archie Clean Brompton Dirty Brompton This one? yes, what is that for? for the pedal I don't have a foldable pedal like you I have a detachable pedal I don't have a foldable pedal like you we remove it you push like that ok and then here when the bike is folded Oh I prefer your pedals oh my god is it ok? oh it's so cool I think it's because I don't know it's a different feeling. Halfway towards Bonn, we are joined by another, Christian, who has a special Brompton. Wow that’s crazy! This bike is incredible! so you ride everywhere with that? yes oh my god It is completely redone The only thing original Brompton is the frame and not completely original because it is a little shorter here it is cut here to fit the fork and the 20 wheels inches with wider mudguards and also the rear frame it's thanks to Vincent from Eerder Metal, I don't know if you follow him he comes from the Netherlands, you should follow him In fact, it's the 4th that 'he did and he is always improving things Every time, he invents something new he does everything by himself, welding, really everything everything by himself he is really maybe you know Ben from Kinetics in Glasgow? he's also a famous guy who rebuilds Bromptons to put a Rohloff hub on them.

These two guys are probably the most knowledgeable people in the world about rebuilding and customizing Bromptons. How many speeds do you have? 11 speeds what is the weight? the weight is 14.5 kg which is good it is I think 2 kg more than a normal Brompton with 6 speeds like you have with the mudguards and the rack.

it's really good It's a little bigger when folded than a normal Brompton but can you fold it normally? yes I love it , it's cool because you have a bike just like you wanted, made for your use. Thank you so much ! It's like Haribos, it's a specialty from your region Specialties from Wuppertal Thank you very much! Bonn (Germany) This is the parliament The old parliament Deutsche Welle (German International Radio) It's very big And it's exactly in this place, a place to have a coffee, a beer all the politicians in Europe came there to have coffee and make decisions. it's funny From there you can see the United Nations Thank you very much! THANKS ! Now I have friends in Germany After the great day and the visit to Bonn with Christian and I am welcomed by Stephan and Michaela, cycling travelers Karsten, whom I had met in Northern Germany, had recommended them to me contact once you arrive in Bonn. And the funny thing is that Stephan also owns a Brompton. Each of his encounters really shaped and enriched my trip, whether through a good shared meal, a city tour, authentic exchanges, shared Brompton pedaling for a day. For all of this, I just want to say thank you.

Look at this, we're going to put the camera down and we're going to pedal and then we're going to get the camera. I have to show you something, it’s awesome. These are machines where you can buy things on the road ouch fucking pedal so there are eggs there. It's the egg section, it's the drinks section. chicken is the cake, pasta, apple section. It's crazy ! This is the first time I've seen this, it's so good.

It looks like it's like a farm selling this.

2023-11-27 10:35

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