15 most beautiful place in Indonesia | Reaction

15 most beautiful place in Indonesia | Reaction

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hey YouTube this is Uncle Momo's music   reaction Channel where I provide my views on  talented artists from around the world but this   time I'm going to do something very unique now I  have done this before on another country called   Ukraine where there is an amazing artist who's got  a drone and he flies a drone around all of Ukraine   to show how wonderful and beautiful Ukraine is  and that caught a lot of traction and indeed a   lot of interest from people who doesn't really  think about Ukraine as a destination country   for tourism it is an absolutely amazing he got  desert he got snow he got these amazing forests   so look I have done this before so I'm going  to do this again but instead of Ukraine this   is Indonesia and the channel is lifestyle hal so  thank you very much lifestyle hal for allowing me   to react to the 15 more be most beautiful places  to visit in Indonesia now this is all in 4k and   there's going to be a number of places which  they're going to be visiting so it's got here   15 more beautiful places in Indonesia 4K some of  the best places to visit in Indonesia are right   here in the Indonesia travel video beautiful  Indonesia places such as bali - ubud - Nusa is that   Penida Lombok, raja ampat Gili islands komodo national park uh and it's got Borobudur , I don't know if   I'm pronouncing that right and that's a temple  Lake Toba Sumatra there you go and so   much much more Indonesia tourism is booming  with sacred temples captivating rainforests   magnificent volcanoes volcano okay and a bounty of  marine life so don't skip some of the best tourist   attractions to visit in Indonesia to get you in  the mood now once again this is lifestyle Hal  channel and please go over to Channel Please  Subscribe um I think he's doing an absolutely   amazing um job he's got two month worth of free  music and he's got the names of the of the   um the music and he's he's done a number of things  here he's got Poland 12 Place beautiful place in   Poland 25 places beautiful places in Germany um  Italy Turkey um Portugal France Greece Asia and   Egypt okay so there's a lot of things for you  guys to check out on this channel um he's got   about 114 th000 subscribers hopefully one day  I'll be reaching those numbers but look until   then look we check out his amazing hard work in  getting this amount of amazing I'm I'm presuming   because I'm looking at a thumbnail amazing Captiva  sceneries and Landscape so without further Ado you   know what we're here for great vocabs and a  damn good video audio music can you dig it lifestyle how welcome back folks to a  brand video Indonesia is such a diverse   country it's jam-packed with sandy beaches  some of the best and most beautiful islands   gorgeous rice fields and plenty of  steaming volcanoes there's so much   to discover here Beyond Bary so let's take  a look at 15 beautiful places to visit in Indonesia okay one day guys one day B okay number  one barley oh barley not B apologies now barley   may be a world famous tourist destination okay  it's the heart and soul of this island paradise   that lies further up in the hills in the Serene  jungles of uber cared on surrounded by emerald   green Rice Terraces and lush tropical forests it's  a cultural Oasis that just beckons for exploration   rice is really expensive over in the UK you know a  vibrant Center of Barley's artistic and spiritual   Soul as you Ro the streets you'll encounter  traditional Banes dance performances plenty   of workshops and intricate Temple ceremonies even  the monkey Forest Sanctuary which is a must visit   okay so I think a visit to UB is the best way to  immerse yourself in Barley's Rich Heritage come on   and its artistic style number two or Buddha temple  but can you visit all these places Central Java or   is like a true spiritual Marvel say 2 weeks as the  world's largest Buddhist temple and a UNESCO world   heritage site it's a place where ancient history  comes to life okay ascending Stone levels you'll   be really surprised by his intricate carvings and  statues that tell so many stories from centuries   past a lot praying and meditation mesmerizing  view awaits so a visit here is to witness a   masterpiece of both human Artistry and natural  beauty yeah look how close those bricks are P   meets the present in a very Serene setting  there's a lot of questions with those ancient buildings these are building  that they can't build even   to this day they can't build any  buildings I figure out how it was built and look where it is it's  is like the middle of nowhere man number three Komodo Island right is that  where theodo dran archipelago Komodo Island is   a true Testament to the wonders of the natural  world as the rugged home of the famous Komodo   dragons it's like stepping into a real life  Jurassic I know about the kodo dragons and the   kodo islands as well then now as you venture  across the Island's diverse Landscapes you'll   encounter these prehistoric looking dragons and  their bite is very venomous pristine beaches   reefs now the crystal clear waters surrounding  the Island offer some of the world's best diving   spots once again are there fishes in there  that will eat you if there is then I'm di in so Komodo Island is a must visit destination  for nature and for those of you who love adventure   and you're not I'm I just saw a shark that's what  happening for me and folks if you do like the   video give it a thumbs up and hit the notification  Bell so you know there's a new video did you hear   that number four okay Helen King Beach and this  is located on NAA panita Island and it's a Hidden   Paradise known for its stunning C powdery white  sand and Crystal Clear Water once again if I had   this gem is often compared to a T-Rex due to its  unique rock formation would I be able to visit   all of these amazing this location has changed a  lot since 2017 or would I need long word Instagram   so be warned if you plan to hike down the cliff  to the beach no hiking but it's easily one of   the most picturesque spots you can possibly  imagine take there let place you take a boat   and just like once again not jumping into water  with this shots but I'll go on the beach that's beautiful and you can see the  people there don't know how they   got there okay that's how they  got there oo that reminds me of Wells obviously not the uh the ocean number five  Mount bromo okay Mount bro ooh Mount bro now this   is an active volcano on the island of Jala and  one of the best Indonesia places to visit is   it for The Adventurous I am adventurous I like  things like this I really do so while bromo is   not the most prominent Peak or the biggest okay  it's undoubtedly the most wellknown and one of   the most visited areas of java I love to put my  foot on that that's natural minim the middle of   an area called The Sea of sand coming up from  most visitors travel to mount bromo as part of   an Oran tour which I do recommend okay despite  that it's also very easy to visit independently   I don't independently though yes it's an active  volcano but if it ever erupt you can be sure that   the national park monitors the activity so if it's  too high then you won't even be allowed to visit okay but say that you're up there then it  happens number six rer impact Island you   got a lot of islands loated in the heart  of the coral triangle Raja ampet is a true   underwater Paradise underwater Paradise once  again if there sharks floating around I'm not   going in there it's a very remote Indonesia  archipelago renowned for its extraordinary   Marine biodiversity okay like corals and  that and the pristine coral reefs there   you go can dive into rajer and Pet's crystal  clear water that is Crystal we find a mix of   colorful fish Majestic manes and breathtaking  Coral Gardens I think he can't eat these fishes   they're each dive unveils a new chapter so  you can visit Roger empet to witness the   unparalleled beauty of the underwater world  making it that bucket list destination for   divers or anyone who's enthusiastic enough to  find adventure under the ocean that is nice nice that is nice number seven apologies now this is one of if not  the most beautiful island in Indonesia okay   you be the judge is that true I said but  I prefer niss it forms part of the gine   islands and there are three each with its  own personalities so you can have both can   see it but El shangan has the most going on  being the biggest of the islands and is more   popular this is due to the island having a lot  more to offer in regards to restaurants bars   and nightlife okay and worth mentioning  if you do want to stay there I recommend   scallywag's Resort it's on the beach front and  you will get your own private pool so check that   one out okay something to check out I like  that that looks Wicked number eight togian Islands now this is a true Tropical Paradise  okay nice now this archipelago of 56 islands   and Islands are located in the middle of the Gulf  of tmin 56 Island and that's off the coast of   central suisi you know what it's will making sense  remote it takes three flights and several boat and   Ferry rides to reach it from the ever popular  Valley P's celebra for remote Islands plenty of   diverse marine life and completely off the Beaten  Track then prepare yourself when traveling to the   tan Islands Indonesian um Independence Day you  had all the the say the chiefs of the kings of   those islands is all there and I was asking about  those questions so these are the islands number   I didn't realize how close you to Singapore lying  in weight in North sua a beautiful location awaits   called Lake Toba okay this enormous Volcanic  Crater Lake the biggest on the planet is now   a peaceful paradise and a true Indonesia Beauty  until it erupts but look at it but can you swim   in that then Belling out its violent Beginnings  roughly 74,000 years ago this CA was formed in   an epic volcanic coruption the biggest recorded  on earth in 25 million years wow and the bonus   is you have the welcoming attitude of the batak  community this is definitely worth visiting it is   I love the culture and that's what I'll be going  to see the culture this no put me going to the   cities now this is a tral paradise with a spice  Island Heritage okay the band Islands in in maliku   are literally a Hidden Gem that's waiting for you  all to discover consists of 10 Islands surrounded   by vibrant coral reefs making it a Haven for  those of you searching for diving and snorkling   Adventures what about walking through that can  you now Beyond it natural beauty Banda Islands   bear the historical weight of being the legendary  Spice Islands you see centuries ago these swords   were coveted for their precious nutmeg and mace  sparking Fierce battles and Colonial Pursuits   so it's not only a glimpse of the story past but  now also a tranquil escape from the modern world   so did they buy it or did they f it and robbed  it they was robbing people there was Pirates basically I swam through a  shore of fishes when I was in Croatia amazing namok a gorgeous Island just to  the east of barley okay and is one of   the most beautiful places in Indonesia  I just want to climb that mountain it   boasts beautiful white sand beaches such as  couta lombok okay this is really intriguing   and some say the island reminds them of  B decades ago before it became a tourist magnet time had an Insight of the  land of Indonesia beaches here are   no doubt on par with Bary and in  fact indes their pristine state   may make them even more beautiful  is that not wind Surf and surfing country look I'm sure there must must been many  films that's made around there pirate films and stuff I'm glad bar the menway islands it's  high on the bucket list of the most experien   Surfers oh there you go talk about surfers  now this chain of about 70 islands and isets   is located about 150 km of sumra it has some  of the most consistent in the world so perfect   barrels and braks are terms in the surfing  world to describe the waves look at that so   you can imagine secluded Bays plenty of point  breaks is what many Surfers dream about yeah right number 13 buit L cust Malaysia now  this is situated inra is and it's a unique   destination that will take you into the  wonders of the jungle that's what I like   the village serves as a gateway to the gang  National Park the UNESCO world heritage site   you haven't Spen about white monkey apart is  its renowned orangutan Rehabilitation Center   AR's too good so this is where you can  Trek through the rainforest coming face   to face with these magnificent creatures in  their natural habits at yeah but you can't   walk for can fine with hanging with some of the  local Wildlife then you might really enjoy this one but I guess they're used to people going  around they visiting since they've been doing   it for for a long time it's that Google Map now  this is a striking volcano what look at out the   the best natural wonders for you to witness now  what sets this volcano apart massive is electric   blue Flames a rare phenomenon caused by ignited  sulfuric gas that burs in the crater I've heard   Adventure here would begin with a pre-dawn  hike The Surreal blue flames and later the   crater will reveal its Emerald Green Lake which  is among the world's largest acidic lakes that   is massive now Mount Ean is not just about the  flames and the other worldly Landscapes it's   also a testament to the very strong resilience of  the sulfur miners who work here and endure this   challenging condition to harvest sulur deposits  surely that just like in the long run give you   amazing illness look at the protection they're  not protection when there's number 15 so many   different kind of invention of protection out  there right now they still gone back to now   there's a Hidden Gem where you're able to seek a  place for peacefulness and a spiritual experience   and nestled in the Serene landscape of Buu Village  lies a mosque that offers that very thing hav for   reflection and Mos yeah so if you do happen  to visit borab Buddha temple you can embark   on a scenic drive to Buu Village and explore the  mosque's elegant architecture and its peaceful surroundings so if you're looking for  something spiritual and cultural oh   definitely you've got both bab Buddha  temple and Buu Village mask it's beautiful no seriously is I'm pause there's like there you have it  folks that was Indonesia plenty of activities   whether it's surfing or hiking whether you just  want cultural experiences Hol Indonesia has it   all thanks for watching thanks for those of you  who support the channel and I will see you all on   the next one lifestyle Hal so that was 15 most  beautiful places to visit in Indonesia and I   tell you something right now I am that much step  I'm that much closer in going to Indonesia as a   holiday destination but there's got to be  a number of things because I would like to   visit all of those things those places but is 14  days long enough truly is 14 days to visit even   though it says 15 yeah obviously it's in the  words that you're going for 14 days you need   longer days but is there a place where like you  can visit various places in that one day but at   the same time surely when you want to visit these  places you want to stay there longer than a day   so I think I'm answering my own question really  and it no it's not it's not possible to visit   those places within um 14 days because surely you  want to stay there for a couple of days in each of   those those places those Villages obviously you  know you don't want to spend a whole day in the   volcano but there are certain places where like  yeah so I I don't know I need you guys to let me   know please check out lifestyle um how he's got  more than just um Indonesia and um Philippines   he's also got Thailand as well and I said Poland  Germany Italy turkey Poland France Germany um   Greece Asia and Egypt nothing bad like England  though so and I know you're English because I   heard your accent so come on what's going on there  but look yeah overall amazing thank you very much   for your effort um your drone um your Nar your  narating as well cuz that was really informative   as well it's not only about the views I mean  someone can you know a number of people can do   the views but if you haven't got the information  to back that up and sync that and edit it it all   together then you know it's just a a magazine  with just pictures and no and no words so yeah   I hats off all your effort and look it's only  got 1,500 um views so if my views go past that   then there's certainly a problem then there's  an issue I want to see that going up that view   much has to be high Than My Views yeah of  this amazing um ensembl this creation what   you've done um I don't know your name but if I go  into the about page is there something there and   what's up folks this channel is about inspiring  you to travel and the Beautiful guys they help   you step each week towards living the type of  life you want become a rebel PS my videos are   not for sale or for reaction videos or anything  like that but I've been told that to go to react   to your reactions so I look I wow now I've just  read that I'm going to be trading really really   really carefully now because the last thing  I want to do is um is upset you so I'm going   to send a message to you right now mate I should  have read that first I really should so apologies   for that I'm going to send him an email look I'm  doing this right now I'm highlighting his email   address right now and I'm going to send him email  right until next time watching thanks for those of you who support  the channel and I will see you all on the next

2023-09-19 10:07

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