How is technology enabling lifelong learning? - In Conversation with Chuah Kee Man

How is technology enabling lifelong learning? - In Conversation with Chuah Kee Man

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hello and welcome to staying the course a podcast  for navigating the challenges of part-time study   if you're new to the channel do subscribe if  you find this helpful our guest for today is   chua kiman an educator researcher and education  technology innovator choi is currently a senior   lecturer at university malaysia sarawak or unimas  and a phd candidate at university science malaysia   or usm hello kiman how are you hi azrael  thank you for having me for this podcast   pleasure to very i'm honored to be to be in  your channel as well i'm honored to have you um   so so in this episode i'll be speaking  to kiemann about the role of technology   in enabling lifelong learning uh the pandemic  has truly transformed the way we learn   and we are keen to understand how technology can  improve access to quality quality education for   everyone yeah uh just a bit about kyman before he  started his phd last year kiman did his masters   in learning sciences and then before that he did  his bachelor's in teaching english as a second   language both at unimas so without wasting  more time i think we can begin la yeah so   my first question is very very  short tell us about yourself   all right great this is like short  but the trickiest question um   i'm um as mentioned by uh you know ashraf  i'm currently teaching in university mrs   or better known as unimas people tend to confuse  it with university mr saba by calling it ums   so i mean you know because he both starts with  us anyhow uh so i am still um with unimas at the   moment meaning this is my 12th year as a lecturer  at the university but before that i've spent like   almost five years uh studying because i i did my  undergrad uh at unimas and then i was offered the   you know scholarship to just continue my masters  there before i joined them as a staff took me a   while to do this to kind of like get myself off  for a phd study due to a lot of commitment that   the you know the university assigned me to handle  so luckily i managed to get off last year and uh   actually i you know they they they the management  was so um so sad that i i kind of left them during   the pandemic because i was heading the e-learning  unit so they were like why did you further at this   time i said well i think if if i keep on waiting i  don't know when i'm going to start so anyhow so um   but i'm originally from glantan uh but i have  spent my years in straw so i consider myself   as half sarokin in a way because um you know i i  think i speak fluent throughout malay uh you know   sometimes i'm getting mixed up with clinton  malay as well so uh yeah i don't know i i'm i'm   like identity crisis now i'm not sure whether  i'm planting this or starokin but anyhow uh   that's a bit about me and like what was mentioned  earlier i'm currently doing my phd in university   science malaysia i was supposed to go far you  know a bit far but then i decided to just stay   locally in a way because i need to help out with  my university as well as i decided to just stay   to do it locally yeah that was one of the reason   thank you everyone for sharing um  yeah did you know you're from clinton yeah yeah quite an interesting interchange if  you are mixing uh yeah anthony's dialect and   yeah so true okay so 2020 has been truly a shift  in the way we work and learn you know almost   overnight students are pushed to adapt to studying  online and professionals are forced to adapt to   you know using microsoft teams zoom and so forth  for them to interact and get things done at work   in your role as a lecturer how have you integrated  technology into your your teaching at the back of   this pandemic i i consider myself lucky yeah  you know or maybe fortunate in a way like i   i started integrating technology in my  teaching and learning since i started teaching   you know during my even earlier  years of teaching i have been using   technology in my teaching and learning  i mean i was one of the earliest   academic in my university to actually stream my  class live that was way back in 2007 2008 like   way before all this craze about zoom and all that  so there was one software i remember we zig which   is very popular but developed in india and i i  tested out on my students and i didn't expect them   to be so excited about it because you know the  connectivity at that time was even worse than now   but the the reception was very good and i  continued doing that like year after year and when   pandemic kind of like happened uh a lot of my  students actually said they didn't feel you know   for my student they don't really feel uh the  the the sudden change because this has been   things that they've been doing for  quite some time with me so when   they attended other courses they felt uh  like the the opportunity to learn from me   managed to kind of help them to offer the you  know the trouble or the problems that they face   with other courses but i think the what changes  was the the dynamics of the software or the   application that we have now you can see uh before  that like i told you is the live streaming is very   like one to one even though it's like one-to-many  kind of approach you don't really get to interact   with your students like you know like skype  if you remember the old the old version of   skype where you just stream everything nothing  much happening but now you can see a lot of web   conferencing software are more interactive you  get to do polling you get to do chatting i mean   you can do more than just uh broadcasting like  what we have we're doing now right it's it's more   interactive than uh before and uh i also use a lot  of uh all this web 2.0 tools like to to to engage   the learners and to do a lot of virtual projects  but luckily now i think because of the internet   and the connectivity you get to kind of do things  real time last time even though it's online   a lot of work are kind of asynchronous meaning you  have to wait for the student to respond and then   you you see how they respond and then you react  to that and all that so it takes some time but   now i think you can do it real time even with uh  google application and all that like google docs   you get to see them writing you know real time  and all that so i think what what has happened   over the one year it's the the fact that a lot  of companies or even all these tech developers   they they try to accommodate that's one thing i  notice they don't they don't just leave it like   my software is like that so i don't want to change  you can see a lot of changes done on the software   itself from google made to even zoom itself  they try to accommodate educational needs not   just for corporate usage like you know most web  conferencing software before this are meant for   businesses right like they do a lot of business  teleconferencing uh way before this but   because of the pandemic they shifted the focus  or they pivoted a lot to education as well   so you can see like things like zoom which  were not meant for education suddenly they   introduced tools that can accommodate  educators and then even google workplace   workspace now that the google meet are more on  educational needs and even microsoft teams now are   uh you know streamlined to educational needs so  that's something good and um but the uptake of the   if you talk talk about overall update then i think  it's still still a challenge a lot of schools are   not so ready and like you said a lot of um even uh  how adult learners are struggling to cope with the   need to go online and all that so i think in my  own usage i think it's still okay just that um   when i might when i personally involved in the uh  you know educating the other educators or lectures   i felt i felt the challenge in a way like a lot  of them if possible they want to go back to the   old way of teaching if possible yeah yeah um in a  way you've had a head start having done it in in   2018 13 years ago um you know it reminds me of the  khan academy story how cell khan began with yeah whatever yeah messenger right he used  messenger he used the fold at the beginning   his cousin um math right so your your engagement  with your your student reminds me of that head   start or early beginnings right really so it's  the mindset right mind is the mindset of utilizing   technology for the betterment you don't wait  for the readiness of what's available out there   exactly yeah there are a lot of talk  about like you know people say uh   i you know in eddie tech people say you go for  pedagogy you have to learn pedagogy and then you   go for technology which is which is always the  mantra like you need to know what you're doing   before you even pick the technology but what i  noticed uh for the past five years especially   it can go both way like sometimes you don't think  of what you want to do with it but when you look   at the capability of the technology you suddenly  realize oh i can accommodate this this strategy   only strategy or new pedagogical uh approaches  that you can use it's like you go both way now   it doesn't mean that you have to learn the  pedagogy you know pedagogical aspect first   then you go for technology to me now it's like  very gray you know the lines are really blur   so i don't blame teachers for going for technology  if you see a lot of teachers now they don't even   learn maybe they don't really have time to go  back to like learn the theory and whatnot they   just look at the technology and then they see how  that energy can be used then they immediately use   but of course there are a lot of people or  experts who will question this they will say   you know you need to learn the basic you learn  the fundamentals before you go for technology but   because of the pandemic and the emergency need  of all these tools i think i don't blame the   teachers for doing that that's why you can see  them going for all these tools like kahoot you   know whatever all kind of tools and uh one thing  good about all these schools now is like they they   they themselves or the designer themselves uh have  put some effort in thinking about the pedagogical   aspect actually they don't suddenly come up with  like palettes they don't understand suddenly come   up with a feature just for fun right they may  have considered like okay this palette feature   would help teachers to do collaborative  learning or maybe problem problem-based   learning that's why they included the features  so sometimes the technology itself can trigger   you to think about the pedagogical aspect it's  it's not like linear from pedagogy to technology   it's like both ways now so to me whether it's  pedagogy first or technology first it just   like you said the mindset of doing it once  you do it you you see how it works and then   you start to make changes and then things will  go i mean you know yeah i'm interested to know   your your outlook uh in terms of how higher  education is going to change from this experience   because you mentioned earlier as much as  there is availability of technology out there   during your training of trainers and so forth  there might be resistance or there is tendency for   um trainers or instructors or teachers to want  to go back to the old ways of doing things yeah   but now we know that there's a cost efficient  cost-efficient cost-efficient way of reaching more   people or making quality education more available  to more people and there's an argument saying that   blended learning or hybrid learning is  a way forward it's a long-term solution   what's your take on the outlook of higher  education coming out of this experience i i personally believe in hybrid learning or  you know if if you can't go fully hybrid blended   would be the best at the moment depending on  the uh you know the access to technology or   internet connection the reason why i say  we we have to go hybrid or blended is that   there are a lot of things that we cannot do  online as well we have to accept the fact that   uh there are certain skills that we we want to  develop uh has to be done in person cannot be   cannot be done online i mean we can do it  online but it would not be that effective   one good example would be communication i always  use this because we can teach communication   virtually i can teach you how to talk i can teach  you how to you know how to use certain words or   phrases in communicating but when i put you face  to face with somebody you you probably will not   be able to decide what to say what to talk  because you are you are you know lacking that   exposure to that in person kind of uh situation  right you know because when you're in person   you get to feel the uh the atmosphere you  know the environment is totally different so   it's it's not as clear-cut as we normally do  online so i think the the future would be hybrid   in fact we have seen this i don't know maybe  five or a decade ahead if i i i i'm kind of uh   fortunate to be involved with the e-learning  development in malaysia in higher education   especially because i'm part of the council uh  during my earlier days and until now but if you   look at the blueprint that we have for e-learning  we have dasa e pamblazura nagara from 1.0 to 2.0   which i was also involved in in crafting it and  all that you will realize that we are actually   ahead of time we have foresee this like in 2020  we are supposed to be in the third wave uh if you   look at the plan in the third wave all the classes  should be equipped with high-speed internet where   you can stream your class seamlessly but of  course you know that didn't happen i mean   because of the but that was the plan by 2020 we  were supposed to have all this and you if you   look at the history of it if you if you talk about  schools then you will hear all this issue about   vistarinet and because one vistarinet was supposed  to do this where all schools are connected in one   network and let's say if you are if you are  studying in kl you can communicate seamlessly   directly with people in star wars or schools in  straw or saba using that that network where you   know all classrooms are already equipped and then  the moment we we don't have the chance to meet   in person the learning can still take place  through the cloud where we have all this uh   learning management system and all that it was  supposed to be like that if you go back to the   plan now you will feel like a sense of deja vu  in a way like we should we should have done this   because by 2025 the hybrid learning or  the blended learning should should be   part and parcel of the teaching and learning  process already especially in higher education   i'm not sure if you follow the trend but  if you if you refer to the uh all the all   the things that we are doing in the higher  education for with regards to e-learning programs are told to be blended since i think  like 10 years ago a decade ago uh in a way   so but we we do a gradual increa increment so  last time it was 20 and then blah blah blah so   right before pandemic actually the percentage  of blended courses in university especially the   public university is close to 60 wow surprisingly  it means buy right by right all the courses should   be ready to face you know all this hype you  know a pandemic situation where you need to   do online but the the problem was uh the uh  the students were not ready i i i noticed   academics because we already trained semester in  semester out and then we are doing this in uh in   a blended mode where students are in our class  you know on our campus we get to control them   but when they were you know back at their hometown  doing their own things and all that this is the   this is the part where we are not able to control  so uh if they were all on campus i think no issue   about all this blended learning or hybrid learning  because we have been doing this for quite some   time but because they are all over malaysia or all  over you know the place or some some are in over   other countries and all that it makes it difficult  to to implement in a way because we didn't expect   that to happen to begin with because all this  while the hybrid learning or the blender learning   was were kind of like very controlled basis where  everyone was supposed to be on campus or maybe   majority on campus so they can go to classes and  then a portion of the content will be done online   then they can complete it but i think dependent  ring has changed everything like you said um   people start to see the potential of this online  fully online learning mode where like like in my   case in your case we get to study even without  being on campus and based on my own survey on   students even though we hear a lot of resistance  about mental health and well-being and all that   if you ask those who are introverts or those who  are not so active in class they are enjoying this   moment because uh you know they don't get to they  don't have to prepare to go to class because they   can just turn on the computer or laptop and  then you know talk to the lecture immediately   or attend classes immediately they don't have  to struggle to wake up early in the morning   get the bus so you know take grab to class and  all that they don't have to do that anymore in a   way so they are pro and cons on this but overall i  think if you ask me to about the effectiveness of   education i still think hybrid learning  or valuing will be the way forward uh   fully online probably will benefit those who  are well connected and maybe uh having more   self-directed learning kind of mindset  uh you know those adult learners are   okay like um they they can balance between their  working hours and all that i think that would   benefit them more but if you talk about all these  undergraduates and all that i think they they need   the hybrid learning or blended learning experience  not not fully online i mean that's my take on that   yeah um i'm i'm interested to know on the  perspective of students who are introverts   sometimes we overlook people who thrive better  in a situation where they don't have to then   manage the anxiety of socializing as well right  um in interesting and and i i did not know how   advanced our blueprint was until you shared  with me just now um it seems like the foresight   and the strategic thinking was already there the  implementation is where we might have done better   yeah so over the past over the past decade you've  been at unimas heading the e-learning unit you   want to watch for your efforts towards inclusive  education and now you're doing your phd at usm on   educational technology it sounds like everything  is culminating very nicely from your experience   real on the ground when your observations right  do this research that way that you're doing   tell us a bit about your research what are  you planning to do what are you do what are   you working on well i'm if you are talking about  the uh my phd on its own then i'm focusing more on   more on the uh design based research because  i kind of i'm i'm the type who like to do   something and then check check out  whether it works or not it's like the   developmental studies uh where at the moment i'm  i'm gathering all the uh all the problems that the   teachers and educators face during the pandemic  when it comes to student engagement and what   i'm doing now is i'm trying to develop a mobile  application it could be web-based if if i want to   make it web-based but at the moment i thought  what mobile would be would be a good solution   you know why because i saw a lot of teachers  and educators are using telegram and whatsapp   to teach so i was thinking i know telegram has  evolved quite rapidly over the past few months   by accommodating all these needs right if you  see the features in in telegram and you know they   get they allow you to do video calls now you can  actually share screen and you know a lot of things   but when it comes to uh engagement the engagement  is still pretty low i mean you get to see students   in in the telegram but if you really measure the  level of engagement a lot of them will tell you   they just you know look at the thing and then  you know they don't really bother to read or   maybe they don't literally participate nativity  so i my idea was to initially was to to kind of   focus only on evaluating the existing one you  know and then i thought might as well i come   up with one and then i check out whether  it works or not and then i'll evaluate it   through different uh different rubrics and all  that so right now i'm trying to figure out the uh   the process of uh you know all the features that  we need because i'm involving teachers students   as well in the process of design so uh hopefully  i will come up with like a like maybe a prototype   that can kind of replace telegram for online  learning or for maybe for hybrid learning as well   that can actually engage learners so that's my  phd when it comes to the study but i also do   some some minor minor or research  or study just to support my my   my current you know phd study in a way because i'm  checking on uh student engagement i'm checking on   self-efficacy i'm also checking on the you know  the usage of apps during this pandemic period so   what i noticed is it's very hard for teachers to  really plan they can have telegram and whatsapp   but they they need some guidance so my app  would allow that so if teacher login to that app   they will be guided on how to how to how  to how uh publish or create certain content   and how to create certain activities according to  the uh the structure that was given more on the   pedagogical structure rather than the template  kind of thing so hopefully it works interesting   and i think the beauty of it is because your data  is still evolving right yeah the life is is real   life data and still changing like the society is  still adapting to it and um i i find it i find it   fascinating so you know one thing that i noticed  um and i gathered this from your youtube channel   is that whatever that you are undergoing in  as part of your study um citation management   for example and the stuff that you're doing as  part of your work you you would always want to   give back and and create a community and  get the conversation going right um which   which to me is is a great a very efficient way of  finding intersections between work and studying   passion now you are teaching in straw while you're  learning with from university based in penang   i can advertise with that distance learning  measure but still my question is on um your   the way that you are framing your time in managing  your work in your study and your life commitment   how do you manage all of that i i think yeah i  mean like like you like you mentioned in a way   i tried to find the uh how to put it the uh like  killing many birds to one stone kind of approach   where i i try to do something where  you know while i'm doing it i get to   churn out different output and although all those  output i get to share or i get to i get to give   it to you know like maybe publish on my youtube  channel or share it on my other social media or   maybe publication and all that so but of course  it takes a lot of effort to to really balance the   time i think time management is always an issue  when it comes to balancing so many things at one   time and what i did was a very rigid routine every  day like i normally would spend the day time to do   the necessary like more more on the work work  kind of things and then the night time will   be spent for studying and even for you know  reading up or even for uh creating content but   i've been slowing down on the content  bit content creation bit because uh   right now i'm i'm doing a lot of data collection  and also analysis in a way so but uh but   i constantly get requests actually every  day i mean every single day i get requests   um through my social media channel uh if you go to  my youtube for example if you look at the comment   section there are a lot of requests to do this  to do that so if i notice that the requests are   relevant to what i'm doing at the moment let's  say like some some guy will come out can you can   you explain a bit on how to do this analysis for  example and just so happen i'm doing it so i will   i will record the video you know and then put it  online while doing my own analysis for example or   i i just learn it maybe um i need it for my own  research i i read it i read something about it   and then i just shared it online things like  that so but again i couldn't you know entertain   all the requests but i try my best to to come  come up with relevant content but you can see   sometimes the contents are not so well well  organized or well edited because um you know like   turn on camera record then that's it just upload i  don't even bother to sometimes i don't even bother   to do anything and all that because i thought uh  it's part of just sharing you know just sharing   not so much about trying to get the likes  of you just some people ask for it so i   just explained and uh the the time management  is an issue i think i personally felt like um   but the the the good thing about now is we we  have a lot of tools to help us to you know from   all this calendar you know note-taking i find i  find digital note taking very useful these days so   last time you had to print out the articles  and then you know manually read and all   right now i can just read on the tablet and then  i just put some annotation and then i'll gather   it in a concept map and all that so that helps  to structure my my thinking for for the day and   whenever i have an idea i would just write it down  and then i'll i'll do it uh maybe immediately or   maybe the next day but i find i find digital note  taking very useful for me because i'm not the type   who likes to digital do annotation actually before  this i really prefer print out you know you know   typical printout and then use the hide the button  then i notice it's not really effective because   whenever i want to find something i have to go and  dig sometimes i i don't know where i put my photos   and all that so i decided to just okay jump into  the no digital note taking wagon and then we're   gonna then start to learn how to manage it but  i find it very useful because every day i make   i make it a a routine before i end the day i  will kind of like summarize everything i did   from studying like i would do a concept map about  what i read about or maybe what i did today and   all that so every day i have like a concept map  so uh occasionally like every once once in a while   maybe a weekly i'll just flip through and see the  linkage and all that so quite surprising when you   when you do that right and then by the end of  one year when you when you reflect there's so   many things you've done that you didn't realize  that you have done it every every now and then so   yeah yeah i mean that's how i i kind  of force myself to be in that mode   i think like nothing like control f to find what  you want instead of diving into a pile of papers   you know some some of them are in the car  some in the kitchen and so forth um so so   we you know both of us have been beneficiaries  of technology enabling education from a distance   i would like your perspective you know there's  a search in a number of micro credentials um   and i think the mooc um mooc movement have  also driven this uh to to micro credential uh   coursera and at the x are offering online masters  now inc in in collaboration with with universities   um do you feel that this will  overtake the traditional face-to-face   post-graduate study or do you think  that demand for people to do full-time   would still maintain for the long term i think we  start to feel the um how to play the heat of this   mooc challenging the traditional postgraduate  studies for the past two or three years because   the enrollment for police graduate i  think is dropping as well if you notice   in public universities the reason is i think the  only reason why a lot of people are enrolling in   the traditional mode is to get the assurance  you know in a way to get to to feel like   i'm actually doing this correctly in the normal  way people call it or where it's accredited and   all that when if if you ask people to do it you is  using micro credential and they start to hesitate   are you sure this this is going to be recognized  you know i'm sure this one uh the company is gonna   yeah yeah yeah i think that's that's  the reason now but once this is gone   like you said people will just go and  uh take all this uh micro credential   and even you know put online degrees and all  that it has been happening for quite some   time just that if you ask those who are taking  online degrees they they would normally tell you   like you know they are not sure whether after  they complete this it's going to be recognized   and and all that but mqa has done a very good  job uh during you know 2020 because of the   pandemic coming up with this guideline of they  call it odl open and decent learning guideline   where uh universities now are told to create odi  courses so all these traditional programs that   we have now are going to have odl mode uh soon i  mean it's happening now and then but there will   be more courses offered in odl mode meaning to  say last time universities are all using this in   person on campus kind of like you said full-time  postgraduate studies now they are pivoting towards   like what other open universities are doing and  all that where they are going to offer this online   and i think they feel the uh they feel the demand  is there and you don't need the student especially   overseas students to be on campus so they can pay  a bit less but you still get them as your student   and i think they are seeing the uh the the demand  there and um the only issue like i told you now   would be whether or not the quality is going to be  uphold it will it be the same or you're going to   compensate it with uh you know with the notion of  easier degree when you do it online there's always   this concept where if you do it online it's easier  but to me whether it's online or offline i mean   in person the quality is you know it's it's it's  not the the problem with the mode it's more on the   the auditing you know the the quality of the  teaching itself right so if people start to   see the benefit of um odl i think they would  really really go go for that and and like like   you mentioned uh if they have the chance to  study overseas without having to be there   why not right and but another issue will always  be the uh the financial part because sometimes   the online degree can be quite expensive as well  surprisingly yeah i mean but of course is being   there right not as expensive as bending the you  know your fortune to be to be in another country   i think i think in the turn of the millennium  in the early 2000s i think the for-profit   universities are built had built that stigma  over over the online programs but now when you   see you know ivy league universities you know the  prominent universities um taking part into it um   you know it's become more acceptable but as you  have rightly said some of them still cause a bomb   still are still quite expensive and i'm so  encouraged to hear that mqa has has given   that guideline i'm seeing the the fruit  of that because at umccd new stimulia   center for continuing education they've been  very actively offering odl courses if i'm not   mistaken hrdf once upon a time had an odl scheme  which now i think has evolved into something else   and think i think that's encouraging for for  professionals yeah so um i i only have one more   question for you keeman but before i go into the  final question i would just like to round up some   of the key points that i've gathered earlier yeah  number one in terms of application of technology   for the benefit of education is a matter of  mindset right you are a real life example of that   having done that for the past 15 years now um  number two as far as the way forward for higher   education potentially blended or hybrid is the  way to go this might come down to the level of   reception but i think the foundations have already  been built yeah number three in terms of your own   management of of your your your work and your  study and and your areas the focus area that   you're interested in is all about integration  because i think you have successfully brought   everything together to your benefit uh and also to  the benefit society which i really salute to you so my last questions most this channel is  actually intended for people like us who are   working and considering to also pursue study  um you are in your second year of phd but you   were doing your masters while also working  back then um i i was doing that as well what   is your advice to others who are considering to  pursue postgraduate study while they are working i think you it's it's really important to kind of  what i call it like check and balance in terms of   listing out what you can sacrifice and what you  cannot sacrifice because you realize that there   are a lot of things where you have to let go and  in order to to balance the study and also the work   a lot of people sign up for postgraduate study and  then using working as an excuse to me that's not   right that's not the right way because you decided  to take the postgraduate study and you shouldn't   use the working life or your work as the excuse  because if if you are fully committed to your work   like 100 or maybe more than 100 then you shouldn't  be signing up for first graduate studies in a way   you have to really think about this because i  have a lot of students you know i also teach   uh like uh coursework masters and all that there  are quite a number of working adults uh who   sign up and then uses all these working things  as as an excuse hoping that we would give the   easy way out letting them graduate easily so  i told them it's that's not the case because   we don't we don't really kind of force you  to study but you decided to pursue this as   your own professional development or your personal  development so you really need to figure out what   you can sacrifice and what you cannot for example  weekends right before this when you work you   probably enjoy the weekend as like a breeder but  now because you're studying your weekends are gone   because basically you're gonna sacrifice most  of your weekend and then if you have family   you have to really discuss with them because a  lot of cases where we had spouses are not really   you know supporting or they are not supportive  imagine like normally on the weekends if you are   you know housewife or you know you you'll be  doing your housewife work for the husband for   example and then suddenly you're gone studying  of course your husband would be angry because   the husband had to end up taking care of the child  and blah blah blah all this issue happened a lot   in in this kind of situation so so you really need  to uh figure out what you can sacrifice and what   you cannot and then find the easy not to say easy  wait out the easy solution quick win kind of like   that kind of uh idea or quick win solution with  your if you have a family then with your family   members and all that so that you can negotiate  if you can't do that then maybe it's not the   right timing sometimes for postgraduate studies  is about timing as well you you you might be at   the period of time where you are like at the peak  of your career where you know you are going up   so if you were to go study now you lose out  a lot of things so you you have to consider   whether you're gonna lose that or not or you're  gonna you know just forget about work for a while   and then go for your study so there are a lot of  give and take to be honest and uh my own personal   experience as well i mean i have to have to say  no to so many things because uh normally i can do   a lot of things that i like for example i mean  not like just for fun but things like like for   example uh like a workshop for example i normally  before before this uh every weekend i'll be doing   a lot of workshops and all that but now i have  to cut down on that because i have to focus on my   my own research as well and things  like that i mean and then i have to   juggle with the family commitment as well so  if you have family members who need your care   like your parents or even your spouse or  your kids and all that you really need to   consider all this factor i mean we can ignore it  when we sign up normally we tend to feel confident   about ourselves but once we start like one maybe  one or two months you start to feel the heat of uh   trying to balance work and you know postgraduate  study so it's not that easy but uh it's not   impossible i mean i have seen a lot of colleagues  friends who struggle through and you know they   still manage to to to get a degree and not just  picking it easily but really really enjoy the   moment as well like i had one colleague who uh  had to take the bus early in the morning uh she   she went back to drink i know i think but she was  studying uk so i had to take bus a little morning   and then go to kl and then sleep in the major  you know and then come back late at night and   things like that because she's teaching as well  she was teaching in uh in schools at that time   and then the the the husband is also working and  with four kids things like that it's not easy   actually come to think of it but uh and and  also the the negotiation with your supervisors   your are also important like in in my class  case the supervisor was not really keen   to do it online okay i mean they can always  communicate back then maybe we don't use zoom   but they can still communicate using email and  whatnot but that that supervisor was so strict   that uh he only wanted to meet in person so  makes her feel like you know you can imagine the   struggle that he had she had to overcome and  all that so i think the negotiation with your   surprises and also your lectures are also  important if you're taking uh postgraduate   studies while working because some some supervisor  may not like your uh your approach in using work   as an excuse for example you're supposed to meet  him or her today and then you say oh i have work   to do you know some professors cannot cannot  accept that so a lot of negotiation going on and   also i think it's it's okay to admit things  are not right i think this is quite important   a lot of postgraduate studies especially working  about they felt like um once they sign up   uh they have to they have to go through it you  know uh buy it by crook in a way even even though   they don't enjoy it but i think we are all working  a doubt so we know what it's not working what is   working if it's not working then we just we just  have to uh stop and then you know change our   pathway and all that during undergraduate years  maybe we cannot do that or we cannot afford to   do that now that we are slightly you know better  off in a way if you for example like supervisors   if if you notice that the the one assigned to  you is not really helping or maybe not really   compatible with you then you might want to figure  out how to change or or maybe switch you know to   a different program or switch to a different  universities even and all that so i think that   is important because some people hold on to it for  three or four years and then decided to quit um   yeah maybe you know maybe maybe some would say  they would like to give themselves a chance but uh   if you know that things are not working  out earlier then might as well face it   and make that harsh decision to to to change  or to to switch because you don't want to   you know kind of because you're paying  as well right paying the fee as well   i i have a few students who actually keep on  paying fee but not never met the supervisor   because the problem with the supervisor for  example and i asked i mean i asked them why   did you continue i mean what's the point  when uh you know things are not progressing   and then you just waste your money and you know  waste your time and then they say they would like   to see whether it's their problem sometimes we  have to accept the fact that the problem may   not be from us you know it could be from from  other i don't know external factors as well so   uh for adults or working and doubts i think we  are better off in terms of making that decision   to say no or maybe to just stop or to continue  elsewhere some something like that because   yeah i mean that's always a problem what i noticed  is based on my experience teaching as well as   seeing a lot of colleagues and friends who will  try to pursue postgraduate study and end up not   finishing because of this reason yeah i have  one recently my faculty um one who managed to   get the scholarship and everything went for three  or four years and didn't finish because of the   supervisor issue you should be supervisor because  he wanted to do something else why i wanted   to go for something else things like that you  know not not compatible because i think when it   comes to postgraduate studies uh compatibility  with your supervisor or academic advisor is   really really really crucial sometimes you don't  want to be in trouble as well yeah so i i gather   that clarity and also prioritization needs to  come and given the many commitments that we have   because when they are working as a boss  when they're studying their supervisor right   so it's a balancing act so uh kiman um this  has been an absolute treat for me because   i've learned so much from you uh not only  that you are from clanton and you also speak   both dialects of stronghold and clanton is very  well um so much more on education technology the   future of it and how uh it's enabling uh lifelong  learning with that kimono thank you so much i   wish you all the very best thank you so much as  well for having me and also all the best to you   and the rest of the viewers or  listeners good luck take care bye bye

2021-10-14 18:24

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