Yamaha True X 50A Soundbar, True X Wireless Surrounds | What Took So Long?

Yamaha True X 50A Soundbar, True X Wireless Surrounds | What Took So Long?

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I am utterly baffled as to why it took so  long to finally get this product this is   something that I expected to see 7 years ago and technically speaking it   was probably feasible at least that  long ago but you know what I'm just   going to set all that aside because I'm  just thrilled that it's finally here now welcome back everyone I'm Caleb Denison and as  you can probably tell today we're checking out   a soundbar system the Yamaha True X BAR 50A sorry  I got to look because I can't memorize that name   anyway this portion of the system is not actually  what I'm so excited about what I'm excited about   is right here wireless surround speakers but Caleb  you say wireless surround speakers have existed   for a really long time yes they have but these  are battery powered but Caleb you say wireless   battery powered surround speakers have existed  for quite some time yes they have but these are   different these are also Bluetooth speakers yeah  makes sense right I mean why hasn't this product   existed before look here's the deal in case you  don't follow soundbars like I do for quite a while   now we've had Soundbar surround systems that came  with wireless surround speakers the addition of a   rechargeable battery to power them is more recent  uh JBL has been selling a soundbar that did that   for a few years now but for whatever reason no  major manufacturer at least not as far as I'm   aware has ever taken those wireless battery  powered surround speakers and armed them with   Bluetooth so that you could take them out of your  living room and use them in your bedroom or your   bathroom or at the campsite or at the beach or  wherever you might want to use Bluetooth speaker   it seems really OB obvious doesn't it and yet I  I I did a little bit of research before I started   this video just to make sure maybe I didn't miss  a product and if there is another system out there   that does what well what these speakers do uh I  haven't found it a lot of Soundbars have Bluetooth   in the description but what they're referring to  is your ability to stream uh audio via Bluetooth   to the Soundbar and the rest of the system as a  whole none of them as far as I'm aware let you   take your surround speakers one or both of them  and tote them wherever you want and just use them   as a regular old Bluetooth speaker I mean I'm all  about utility if a piece of technology can notot   be a unitasker I think that's an Alton Brown term  uh that is all the better for me so yeah I know   that surround speakers for a lot of people are  kind of a treat uh I even know folks that kind   of hide them until they actually want to use them  and then they bring them out well these you you   can hide them if you want to or you can use them  in other areas of your house pretty simple right   so at this point all the Soundbar has to do is  not suck and I'm going to be pretty excited about   it something tells me that it's going to go beyond  just not sucking I think I should give it a little   bit more credit before we even unbox it because  Yamaha has not made a terrible Soundbar ever as   far as I can recall everyone that I've tested  has been at least decent and at best absolutely   stunning uh this one has a lot of the fun stuff  that you would hope to see on the box um it's a   support Spotify connect and apple AirPlay uh which  means that it's going to accept music over Wi-Fi   and not just Bluetooth it also supports Amazon  you know who um along with Dolby vision and Dolby   Atmos so you can connect devices to the Soundbar  and then run a signal up to your TV if that's how   you prefer to do things it also supports Arc and  eARC so that you can just run everything into your   TV and then dump an audio signal down to the  Soundbar I'm sure there are some other features   that I'm missing but we're going to discover those  in just a minute for now I need to unbox this   thing which let's be honest unboxing sound bars is  maybe my least favorite thing to do because I mean   I get it this packaging probably makes sense for  a soundbar but this whole armchair style get up is   just uh with all these tabs and everything it's a  pain in the butt anyway so we'll show you a little   bit of that uh you can see some of my frustration  but oh almost forgot one thing just a second ow   ow ow ankles uh these wireless charging pads for  the surround speakers uh so that the speakers can   just sit on them and run off of uh Power uh if you  can plug them in uh or as I said before you can uh   remove them and run them off batteries all right  let's start unboxing this thing and uh see how   it sounds because like I said before as long as  it's decent this is a must buy kind of thing for me okay so it looks like USB B is what  powers these guys I must assume that's   what's in this it's not just manuals the cable  no cables not in here okay so maybe the cables   are in the speaker boxes let's hope so  otherwise I shall feel very put out is   that a quote from um Die Hard otherwise I  shall feel very put out I'll find out soon   almost time to watch die hard because  as we all know Die Hard is a Christmas movie cool so it looks like it's just like a  one button press thing that kind of converts   it from being a surround speaker to a solo  speaker one thing I've not figured out yet   and I will is whether or not you can join the two  surround speakers as a stereo pair uh of bluetooth   speakers and here is that power cable that I was  hoping to find out unfortunately it is USB-A to  USB-C it's a little unnecessary bulk in this day  and age I don't know what do you guys think are   we ready to just like ditch USB-A finally I know we  all have a ton of wall warts that you know power   USB-A but like kind of feel like we can move on  all right I got to be honest these are a little   bit smaller than I thought uh they were going  to be maybe it's because the Box you know yeah   I'm sorry but check out that box so look that  speaker looks way bigger on the box than um it   does in real life still you know we'll check  the price on these again but I think for the   price that you pay and for their flexibility and  utility probably going to be all right um I do not   however expect massive amounts of surround audio  uh from these though I think they're going to be   mostly just kind of backfill I will say though  that uh if this idea takes off and a bunch of   people buy this Yamaha system I would like to  see yaha make a bigger surround speaker just   take the take the whole premise and boost it to  be a bigger surround speaker I mean they're cute   like if you're wanting a surround speaker um that  isn't going to call a lot of attention to itself   and would be easy to hide uh there certainly  that you know what never put it past Yamaha or   Bose or even JBL to be able to you know manage  to a lot of punch out of a speaker of a smaller size all right so that's the surround speakers and  the charging plates oh this is my least favorite   part of everything so let's see don't cut yourself  Caleb this ridiculous box needs to be able to open   from the bottom you know honestly if I didn't  need to repack this whole thing I'd probably   just tear it apart there we go when and doubt  muscle it out what do we have here uh mounting   plates for keyhole style mount one power cable for  the sub one for the Soundbar and a little remote   now let's see if we can get to the main event what  have I missed here God have I mentioned how much I   hate these things I feel like people won't return  a soundbar just because it's such a hassle I mean   TVs are easier to deal with than this all right  here's our sub let's see what we're working with here all right driver's there I'll look up  the specs later but I'm going to say that is   H I'm going to guess a five and a/4 in maybe six  we'll take a look here in a second a USB port for   firmware updates firmware update your sub what a  world we live in let's go ahead and set you over   here for now build quality is respectable uh the  the Cabinetry bites back um it's got kind of a   anthro site sort of coating on the outside uh  anti-fingerprint which is nice uh so it's not   gloss black um and uh yeah it feels like you  can't really remove the speaker Grill cloth   but it's side firing the subwoofer is and what  else forward ported but slim you know you can   slide this off to the side of the entertainment  center and it doesn't call a ton of attention   to itself all right Soundbar time will it be  smaller than it looks in the Box you go over   there um no it's about what I expected just rip  it off like a kid at Christmas right yeah all   right so there's our Soundbar we'll get some  pretty b-roll shots of it um it does have up   firing uh drivers very small ones simple little  command interface at the very top and then on   the back looks like we've got one HDMI in and one  out which doubles as the arc port um and it is   e-ARC compliant there's also an Ethernet jack uh  in case you don't want to connect it via Wi-Fi   um there is an optical port in here interesting  that they're still including an optical cable but   not an HDMI cable I think it's time to convert  honestly and then uh yeah real simple keyhole   style mounting system so a couple of screws in drywall anchors and you're set it's not that   heavy um it's respectively heavy though uh like  it's it's going to be fine for keyhole mounting   but it's got enough heft to it that I I feel  like this is not a piece of junk and that's   really really important uh also really nice  thick padding on the bottom uh to isolate it   from your media cabinet if you're placing it  right on the media cabinet as we will be doing   today all right well at this point I think uh  it's time to get this plugged in powered up   um connected I'm sure there's an app so we'll  want to see what's up with the app and uh and   and then yeah I'm going to light this thing up  and get some first impressions it's not going to   be a full review uh but I can tell a lot in about  five minutes honestly on a soundbar like this um   again we're just kind of trying to gauge what the  general product quality is um and uh see how these   surround speakers sound as Bluetooth speakers  on their own going to be a lot of fun let's do it okay so I did manage to get everything set  up uh and I got to experience the system for a   little while I have some good news to share but  first some uh clarifications and criticisms the   clarification would be around the pricing uh of  the system and the fact that you kind of have to   piece it together so the surround speakers the  true X 1A surround speakers are sold separately   they cost about $150 right now as I'm recording  this video which gut check U given their size I   feel like they should be 100 bucks each instead  of 150 each uh but a surround pair is going to add   $300 to the price of the Soundbar and subwoofer  which comes in right now at about $600 so right   there you're up to $900 for this system which is  is fairly pricey then there's the charging pads I   think that the model number is cct1 a for those  we'll have a link Down Below in the description   the charging pads are $25 each and I feel that  uh maybe just don't get them uh it's an extra   50 bucks if you like the idea of having pads for  the speakers to charge on great I kind of thought   you know it'd be really neat to just sort of have  them be on their charging station in the surround   position but when your USB cable is only about uh  you know 3 ft long or so and also not very pliable   it's going to be really difficult to plug in those  charging pads where you would want to place your   surround speakers I mean this is just not long  enough and also you need a little adapter so that   you can plug it into an outlet I would probably  just skip them and use the the cable to charge   them when you need to because they do have about  a 12-hour uh battery life obviously the louder you   play them they're going that that time will go  down I think you know 9 to 10 hours is probably   reasonable uh at almost any volume um but that's  a great battery life that's that's good news right   like I imagine that you could take one of these  speakers out uh and use it while you barbecue   dinner and then put it into the surround system  and watch a movie and you'd still have plenty of   juice left to watch the football game the next day  so that's that's pretty great um in terms of setup   I feel like um it could have been a little bit  more intuitive I'm used to turning on surround   speakers in a soundbar and having everything  just sort of uh connect automatically that   is not the case here uh to be fair there is a QR  code on one of the many pieces of paper inside the   surround speaker that will direct you to online  instructions uh for registering the surround   speakers with the Soundbar and once you find those  instructions It's relatively easy but I went down   a little bit of a rabbit hole I'll take ownership  for this my fault I thought thought that the key   was to download the Soundbar controller app from  Yamaha which for whatever reason would not install   on my phone however it did install on my iPad and  once I got it on there I realized I really don't   need you don't need the app at all I mean it's  a fun interface but really you don't need it the   remote control uh gives you all the control that  you need but I will say that once the system was   finally connected it worked flawlessly uh the the  speakers has Bluetooth speakers let's talk about   that first that was intuitive I mean you know when  you turn the speaker on it's already in Bluetooth   pairing mode I was able to instantly connect with  my phone uh I had a listen using music and I'd say   it sounds good enough for a $100 Bluetooth speaker  maybe not $150 Bluetooth speaker uh the base is   surprisingly good for a speaker of that size and I  think that's because it's got passive radiators on   at least one side if not two kind of hard to tell  by looking but by list ing it sounded like it had   a couple of Base radiators in there so that plumps  up the low end uh it does indeed give a bigger   sound than you would expect from such a small  speaker my complaint though was as a Bluetooth   speaker the treble was a little bit crispy and I  mean like some folks are going to like that but   it was a little bit on the aggressive side it  reminds me of some Yamaha receivers from like   15 to 20 years ago but overall not bad perfectly  I mean I think they'd sound great outside it was   just inside at close range a little shrill for  my liking but to my delight when they're involved   with the whole system as a surround speaker uh  I got none of that in fact the the Fidelity from   the Soundbar is excellent it's fantastic uh and  I definitely think it's right in line with a $600   Soundbar and subwoofer combo no shrill High plenty  of detail and plenty of clarity in the treble   region but not shrill or harsh which I appreciate  quite a bit the subwoofer is definitely quality   uh for a bundle system like this the system does  rely quite a bit on the subwoofer for all of the   low mids and uh even part of the mid-range but  it doesn't call attention to itself so long as   you don't put it in a corner where it's going  to get naturally boomy and easier to localize   uh it gets pretty deep um it's fairly tight and  it's not a cheap boomy you know home theater in a   box subwoofer I was really really pleased with it  overall the system sounded great now I think these   surround speakers are going to be best at close  range I don't know that you would want to position   them much further than say five to six feet uh  they're just too small to have the presence that   you would need sure you'll hear surround cues  there but you're not going to get the enveloping   surround uh effect that you would want to get if  they're that far away keep them close as for the   Atmos effect from the system uh not a whole lot  of dome of sound or top down sound uh happening at   least not in this particular space uh then again  we also have ridiculously high ceilings with sound   absorption panels up there uh so we'll try it in  a different spot and see if that changes anything   like I said this is not a full review so I'm not  really in a position to uh compare this Soundbar   system uh to others in its price class I do think  it's a little on the expensive side however I will   say that the novelty or at least the uniqueness  and the utility of having surround speakers that   can function as independent Bluetooth speakers  goes a long way with me I think it's uh I don't   know I think that's something that we should have  had a long time ago like I said at the beginning   of this video I don't know why we had to wait this  long to get it um but I would highly recommend the   system for anybody who likes the idea of being  able to repurpose the surround speakers in their   home theater system and use them for something  else it's a great idea and it works really really   really well here overall I'm going to have to give  this system probably somewhere between a 7.5 and   an 8 honestly and that's taking everything into  consideration the cost the Fidelity the ease of   use and the functionality and features that come  with it it's slim it's sleek it's non-intrusive   it offers a very big sound subwoofer is uh kind of  a shining star uh of this show actually which goes   a long way for me as well uh so yeah that's my  take on the Yamaha true X system I think anybody   who needs a sleek compact home theater system  with a little extra utility 100% needs to check   this out thanks as always for watching everyone  what do you think of this not quite review we can   do this more with some other products that  definitely deserve some attention but maybe   don't need a super deep dive let me know down in  the comments don't forget to like And subscribe   I'll see you on the next one and until then  here's two other videos I think you might like

2023-12-05 12:12

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