Window Server 2022 Full Course | MCSA fULL COURSE | Window Server On job training | System Admin |

Window Server 2022 Full Course | MCSA fULL COURSE | Window Server On job training | System Admin |

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foreign good evening good morning good day this is Anil here from Neil Technologies today we have scheduled for the demo on Windows Server Administration course let me share my screen then we can talk about uh today what we have planned for the demo class right so uh Amit just can you please help me to allow this skin sharing hope everyone can able to see my screen you can be able to see my screen everyone just say it in a text yes or no yeah thank you all right let's have an demo class right yeah let's begin with this today's demonstration the the agenda is for the today uh demo classes so Windows server Administration so especially for the active directory right we will be talking about operating system so it means that the windows Windows Server operating system basically why we need to learn that Windows Server operator system or Windows Server Administration right so it's the most important in the market more a vacancy right more requirement and good package and this this is a basic you know requirement we need to learn however in this forum in this today's session right uh on from the desktop support many people are in desktop support are who are already working on server infrastructure which is one or two years of experience so whoever willing to change their job with a good package and the this course for them right so this complete course for the industrial experience training it's not like in a traditional uh training kind of right industrial experience training you will be feeling as you have experience this training make you this training make you feel like you know you have an experience kind of so no matter if it doesn't have experience on Windows Server the end of the course you should feel you have experienced not you have a knowledge or skills this actual goal here so after completion of this course you can confidently attend the interview you can confidently uh you can tell that is in from the last six months I am working on Windows Server administrator on active directory and if they ask question anything on active director and Windows Server you will be able to explain you will be able to on you know answer the questions what they have asked that is the main goal so as you know already many content and will be available right in YouTube when you go to the YouTube and there are many many free courses are available like udemy right so why are you here and why you need to take a course far from us so first point you will be you know there is we are unique we say that isn't it's completely Industrial experience training where you can see that every topic every topic you feel that is in yes this kind of uh you know use cases we will be seeing and troubleshooting and uh so you should feel that is in how the actual environment is working so we will be making a complete entire lab on as per the industry which is overall we will build the infrastructure and we will be talking about the operations we will be talking about the operations activity basically we will be covering for the three areas number one infrastructure number two operations number three is troubleshooting right so these are the major area you must need so you won't be able to get anywhere this kind of training this is confidence is because since last 10 years Simon is uh you know training field and maximum people what they have kept in mind to come here to attend this training by spending time and money but after the end of the course they will feel this is worth for me and I have taken the right decision and this is my career started many people are felt and many people are in good position so the you know stage the journey come from you now to you how to attend this training so overall you know right so in IT industry we need to survive then we have to upskill ourselves right and most important we must we must need a fundamental very strong fundamental is very strong otherwise you will not be having any of the technology under control because you should be everyone need a job and everyone need a good package how we need to get it the person who has a good good knowledge the person is having a good experience The Good the person's good having a good skill and he will be able to survive in it and he will be able to get you know good offer and good package so to do that you must need a good trainer to good good teacher you should require right you you there are many people can learn self but they never know that is in how it's extract exactly Works they keep reading they keep reading keep watching but they will not understanding exactly the fundamental what it's a concept right so this is for them who wanted to seriously learn seriously they wanted to make their career uh in a better way and uh they wanted to job uh change their job and they want to get a good package this is for them right so as I said the fundamental required is a very very strong now right if one once the base are fundamentally strong then whatever topic you wanted to be learned or whatever technology you want to learn it will be easy to understand so the platform is Windows Server basically need everyone which is AD and you need to learn that later part that is in Windows Powershell for the automation this is completely packaged and you can learn for the Azure right for the cloud so whoever are planning to change their job whoever want to start their career in it whoever already working in a desktop support three year four years four years of experience who are started already their its Journey right keep in mind who wanted to go with the administration level and it Administration I.T engineer I.T system engineer many you know the designation would be there in the uh in the IT industry but you must plan for this you must have a very very strong knowledge on this I would say right strong knowledge strong skill then you need to have a additional supported skills called as a automation right how do I make uh things to automate right small small things you don't need to write the code but we must need to know that is in how we can achieve or reduce the manual work by using Powershell uh you don't need to write the code right everything is available in Google but we must have some fundamental or logic to get the code from the Google and just edit it and and fulfill your requirement right and also for the supporting skill would required for the cloud everyone is talking about cloud and force to learn in the cloud we must need your profile your resume must have a Content yes I have a knowledge on cloud and I can able to hand it which is you need to complete the resume 900 or is it 104 this is a journey you have to plan for accordingly so once you all the fork these three contains updated in your profile I'm sure you will be the you know best administrator and your profile would match for the system administrators it engineering I.T system administrator currently everyone know that is in people are looking for the multi-skill right so what do you mean by multi-scale and uh how they wanted to be you know get selected uh for the interview so you should have this strong knowledge on this right so coming to this what we are going to cover up today so as I said overall our journey it is in uh our journey would start for the Windows server operating system [Music] Okay one minute Windows Server uh complete we will be talking on activator infra level and uh so what is exactly here right so when I talk about infra you know that one it company how it works right you should understand that reason how it works and and across globe across globe across worldwide how the it infrastructure right infra or you can say you know infra will be created it means across globe no matter there is a you know thousands of users are there right ultimately we need to manage users computers right member server and the domain controller right DNS DHCP how do we manage it all these things right it will be you are making complete in a startup company take an example startup company how they want to manage for around 200 users example 200 users how do I uh how do I deploy or how do I uh build that infrastructure so what kind of requirement would be there right these 200 users and 200 computer right 200 computer how you need to make a centralized administrator or in a secure manner right basically you know that is in when we talk about in system administrator right system administrator job is what would be the job we will be managing maintaining supporting right for Server right for Windows servers Windows servers so what do you mean by managing maintaining supporting for Windows servers we must aware about the flavor of operating system right flavor of operating system and uh what are the roles are there right and uh how to configure and how it works right so when you talk about the system administrator you must aware about the fundamental I'm talking about so which operating system you are using you can use any of the server operator system start from the family of the server operator system started in Windows 2000 and windows 2003 Windows 2008 Windows 2008 R2 these are already stopped supported from the Microsoft these are all Legacy outdated operated system server operator system but still some of the companies are using with the demand of support from the Microsoft so we should know that is in what are the Legacy operative system but Windows 2012 right Windows 2012 R2 Windows 2016 Windows 2019 and the Microsoft is already released for the 20 2 right these are the flavor of server operating system so now these server operating system where we are going to use I just said the system administrator role is managing maintaining supporting for Windows server for what so every company every company product base or service base right product base or service base their infrastructure must use must use infrastructure must use server operating system right so their example their application they must use the server operating system database they must use a server operating system right and the mini controller they must use a server operating system DNS they must use the operating server operating system DHCP they must use a server operating system many thing right print server file server right file server right cluster right upgradation all you know these are all you can say these are all is a majorly we would be supporting in a in our day-to-day activity who are part of the system administrator so these are all infra side we are using right so how and what kind of server we are using and what kind of uh product we are deploying or installing and how we want to be support if any issues on a domain controller how do we fix it any issues are in DNS how do you fix it how do the DNS Works what is DNS how that how does DNS works and how do we install how do we configure what type of DNS DNS are there and uh everything we will be covering but we should understand that is in why we need to learn the server operated system because all the company their infrastructure our product base or service based company must use for the server operating system like applications DB DC like that you must also hear about that is in client operator system right client operating system for the end user there are two type of operator system one is server operative system which we have discussed here these are the flavor of operative system we must aware we must understand that for Server administrator for it engineer majorly two type of operating system one is a server operating system which we use for the infrastructure level and the client operative system which you we use for the end user which is you know that already the previous operator systems are Windows 7 Windows 8 windows write 10 and windows 11 also it's already released and you have that is in latest build version right latest build version so the Microsoft how they are releasing a server operator system parallelly same they are releasing to client operator system for the end user so end user you know all the employee can all the employee can use for the Windows 10 or Windows 11 which you have already seen who are already working on your uh your variety industry or corporate company but you must have aware about you are using for these are operating system right with the help of this basically the two environment when we talk about the infrastructure infrastructure there is a first infrastructure level is a two area one is you can say word group second one is domain right when do we use the work group when do we use the domain environment work group you can say that is in a standalone right there is no centralized Administration right cannot do the centralized administrator why because everyone all the machines right all the machines are connected over the network but if I want to make some control or some Administration right you cannot do anything so say for example this is my uh Network or in office premises right and uh these are the main work group environment for example this is which connected to all the my simple machine you would be you would be knowing that that is in what is the advantage and what is disadvantage of the work group environment right these are the connected to the machine over the switch right so this environment is a work group environment but what is the disadvantage majorly here right so every user who want to login on the system it must have that is in individual machines he has to have a one single user right this user has to be created on this computer you cannot be this user cannot be logged in here and this user cannot be logged in here right it's a completely Standalone and every system has the access administrator access you know that already if the user has administrator access what would be the impact or what would be the permissions he has right if the user has that administrator access he can do anything correct he can install the software he can connect the USB drive right he can uninstall the software he can do everything right the one disadvantage this kind of you know work group environment these are all machines are in the network however but what is a disadvantage for here to using this right single user and each computer you must create a single user and this user must be login here right but is not our actual requirement correct and we don't want to provide the administration access to the all the user these are all disadvantages and I cannot control on centrally any from the any of the machine right keeping this in mind in a bulk user in a bigger in a you know a bigger environment we cannot we cannot use this kind of infra we cannot use this kind of infrastructure so what is the best infrastructure we would use it which is domain environment we called as a client server infrastructure which is called client server infrastructure right client server infrastructure so now this is this is you don't mean to learn so this is a lot of you know having a issue with our you know disadvantage with the Standalone uh we don't want to uh you know everyone is has administrator access right everyone has a foreign okay everyone has administrator access right and there is no centralized administrator right everyone has administrator access but it is not required this okay no centralized administrator then it's very difficult right to manage for the if you want to manage the thousands users or 2000 users right fully disadvantaged right now we would need for security right there's no security at all here okay just sorry guys but basically that is here majorly there is no security right the work group environment there is no security do you have the security here anyone can connect their USB here right anyone can install the software because he has administrator access but this is not a actual requirement when you talk about the infra level so if you are using the thousands of user in multi-location right you have a company around a 2000 employee employee and uh across globe across globe how do you plan it now come to the picture which is called a domain environment or you can say client server infrastructure so what else we needed here these are lot of disorder advantages we have found it we would need a centralized Administration here we need centralized administrator and we would need majorly that is we need a security right and uh you need to control right you need to control or you can say that is in a discipline way right disciplined way you can say discipline create a create infra right so how it's going to be happening in the client server infrastructure so these are all over the yeah who is this sorry to interrupt there are people waiting in so can you please add okay so Amit can you please take care I just know screen sharing now here so I think Amit can you please just look into this okay uh yeah thanks thanks for the intimation now every system administrator must have heard about every whoever starting their career right first understand the fundamentals you don't jump into directly you know or install the server and creating a role and all but make sure that you are understanding why we need to do this all you know system administrator role and uh how do how do I perform it what is the fundamental layer actual fundamental start from here client server infrastructure so what do you mean by client server infrastructure now why don't why we don't want to go with this work group environment because we have a lot of disadvantages here so actual requirement if I want to have a 2000 employee or Twenty Thousand employee 50 000 employee actual requirement is we need a major security we would need a completely centralized Administration and we will need a very much important discipline which to create how is going to happening here right so when we talk about the centralized Administration right here we would need some of the persons required for here the person is called as a Windows server Windows Server right I you can use any of the flavor here which is Windows 2000 uh Windows 2012 already it is going to be outdated now but I'm saying that is in you can use the server operator system or Windows 2016 or Windows 2019 or you can use for the windows 2022 right and this server you installed and for This Server you want to become a centralized Administration then you must install on the server the specific role called to make centralized Administration and the secure manner you have to do for install there is a role called there is a role called active directory right which is called adds active directory domain service right so what it does here what is going to do this active directory create an infrastructure first what do you mean by infrastructure here the terminology called as a it will go into creative first Forest it will go into create a domain right it will create a default site right then it will going to create a domain controller now these are the terminology you must understand how actually I T infrastructure is going to create here it is and no matter which technology you are using no matter which product you are using using no matter which applications which database But ultimately the fundamental the base we would need active directory without active directory you cannot run anything you cannot anything centralized Administration and security compulsory or mandatory would required if you go to the cloud also there is a terminology quality ad Azure ready would come here right so whoever whoever is a strong and active directory on premises environment they can manage anything so you would need to understand forcibly how actually this infrastructure is going to build this is here so when I talk about infrastructure is going to is going to build here there's a client and server infrastructure this is my entire Forest and this is my domain right and this is my site right and here it is my domain controller and here you have a all the clients whatever these are all or group environment computer rights you can bring them into the my active directory as a member server you can bring them to your members server within this domain so now centrally you will be able to so as I said you will be creating a say for example uh my Forest name is right and the default the domain is also be going to created in example

and a domain controller it going to created here you know right the domain controller into so all the places right think about you are building a one infrastructure for your company for around uh there is a requirement 200 employee 200 employee and the 200 computer and uh you know in a in a four locations in the four locations right each location there is a requirement each location is locations the the resource hired around our 50 users right 50 users 50 users know the requirement is the interview questions will ask what is your infrastructure right you you are you might be updating in a profile working on active directory uh on day-to-day operations so the first question will ask what is your infrastructure what is your ad infrastructure they'll ask so your answer would be how many Forest you are using how many domain you are using how many sides you are using how many domain controls are using and the overall how many users and how many computers you are using you need to understand very very basic level what is your infra so once you know these things once you understood these things then you can able to manage this is all comes under forest forest means what you might have you if you have a small skill company this like 400 now this is one location for example say is a blr right Bangalore location and how many users are hired here 250 users one location same domain I will be creating one more location called as shn right and I'll put in one more domain controller here so this is a chn right and here I have hired for the reason 50 users right what was the requirement here 200 computer 200 users and four location each location must use them for the 50 users so I'll be going to use for another uh location and another location right so this location is in Italy right and again you are using for the 50 users here and you can see this is in TN tamilnad so here is also using for 50 users so overall 200 users you have catered in a different location different location four location how these all users you're going to managing centrally right you have a 200 you have all 50 users right same things you must have that is in 50 computers which you have given to them as a laptop right 50 laptop hand over to all the individual user employee right here is also 50 come laptop computers here is also you have a laptop computers there's also have 50 laptops right and within this 50 users you have a separate Department right 50 users are there all the 50 which is computer and 50 users are different departments some people are in I.T some people are in HR some people are in a uh you know marketing and some people are in uh Administration level some people are in a developer right developer some people are in uh you know leaders so each location they have these things so you should be planned well out of 50 users how many are in part of it how many are part of nhr how many are in a marketing these are all well organized discipline way we need to create a infrastructure and also it won't be having a access and permission for the same everyone we have to have a plan properly and provide the access provide the permission provide the policy on the respective Department right so this is how you need to going to build infrastructure my forest in and in this we have a one domain that is also called as a by default first time you install or configuring the forest automatically it will be having the same a forest both the domain and Forest the name would be same first time when you're going to remember so many people are not aware but when I was say I was an interview panel right when I will take that what would be the what would be the domain name and Forest name if you are creating first time if you are creating first time the answer would be same say for example I am creating for Azure Forest Forest the automatically the name is also be a name called

as a domain under this domain you are going to build your infrastructure we have a four location we have four locations and one is a Bangalore Bangalore second one is a chn third one is a tntamil art and fourth one is the Delhi four location each location there are 50 users are there and 50 computers are there right 50 users 50 computers 50 users and 50 computers 50 users and how you need to now you know this is all are in in uh you know production are in place we have well catered again in these 50 users you have a separate as I said here it Department right it HR you need to plan well right you need to plan well how you want to be manage them right as I said you would need the basically for the reason client and server infrastructure you must need keeping in mind this one right security centralized Administration with the discipline matter so you will be creating like that we will be doing the all the whatever we're talking about right it is in completely in a in a practical oriented we would need uh you know minimum six to seven machines right uh six servers and two client machines complete lab and uh this entire lab we are going to do in a Google Cloud platform gcp so technically the how is going to be registered and all everything right which is Google Cloud if you registered for the course and we will talk about the mode on this and we will be creating how the infrastructure is going to create it I'll tell you that is in this is just a small scale industry right think about you have across worldwide right let me say my image here right the infrastructure would be like that you might have a single Forest you might have a single Forest you might have a single domain you might have a single site it's a one infra level maybe very very small skill industry and they have a two domain controller and maybe they have a 200 300 400 500 users in one location there is another case little bigger than this you can use it for single Forest and single domain they must use having a multi-location which we discussed now right multiple site multiple site around 200 employee or 2000 employee right the example I gave that is in uh 200 employee think about the two thousand employee right one location we have a two domain controller and we have around 500 user other locations I have a 200 uh two domain controller here 500 users and other locations I have a another two domain controller and 500 employee this is again one more little bigger than this and there is a might be another uh you know small medium skill industry industry should have that is in single Forest multiple domain multiple domain it is not a you know medium skill industry it would be a little bigger than this and once you understood this concept for the forest domain multiple site multiple domain controller the terminology most important to understanding when you talk about the active rate infra when you understood that terminology you will be easy to manage for the infrastructure to create multiple site multiple domain and how these are all getting connected how these are all getting replicated and how they are going to talk each other everything we would be going to talk during our actual class how this is connected here each other right how this traveling how the replicated happening between the domain between the site right how you are going to create a multiple site everything we will be talking in a deeper level with a proper basic step-by-step understanding we'll be discussing now there is another infra Enterprise level very bigger level you should see which is multi forest all are you talking about in a single domain single for a single domain single Forest single domain multiple sites and here single Forest multiple domain multiple site there is another bigger picture called which is multiple Forester multiple Forest between these two forests must be you can use it for trust relationship these two forests we will be talking for all this kind of infrastructure right step by step two Forest again this Forest you must have that is in here in a multiple domain multiple domain here also multiple domain how are these going to talk about each other right since the till now you are discussed about on a single for a single domain but here you are talking about multiple Forest once you understood this entire concept right that's all you you can you can handle single person further entire globe your active data infra you must have understand that ad this is the ocean right actuator concept will not be easy to understand if you go with the this matter single person can manage yeah multi-forest environment alone can if you go with this training so once it is done right once you know that is in how we are created our infrastructure how many domains are there how many forests are there how many domain counters are there how many sites are there we understood here right but what about the operations right you would be talking about so once you done with infra operations are you need to understand that how to manage for my users a groups OU delegation Group Policy the major topic called as a group policy so what do you mean by translationship right trust relationship what is the replications how the replication has been created site how to create a site right how to create a site and majorly important topic called as in a DNS okay secondary DNS how it works and what you mean by DHCP relay agent in a dscp and uh DHCP failover right so these are all comes under for your operations backup and restore what else you required after completion of this all the topic I am sure you will be 100 taken able to manage then you can talk about troubleshooting so we will be talking about each use cases use cases so we'll we'll talk about how do we troubleshoot and how do we you know start working on the errors then we'll talk about huge cases let me show you one document here this is how actual in an industry level uh you know infrastructure would be there right see here so basically there is a L1 L2 L3 kind of concept right uh is one of the project document is a now you can see this document there is a list of use cases see here so here the all the troubleshooting tasks right overall whatever we discussed now after completion of the training you will be able to manage this we'll be talking one by one right before that you can see actual inner office what you are going to do right center creating a new user in mailbox rename user account accupulatory guide lesson procedure actual what is you're going to do the task right disable account create a group delete a group add existing in the new group move user new location organize a structure delegate permissions renaming in that is organist structure right backup create a group policies backup and a group policy right see these are all you will be going to learn from the step by step one by one I'm sure this will help you to one Clarity right you know what are the things or what are the tasks you want to be going to handle in your uh current organization it's a one Consolidated make you very much Clarity and clear increase understanding so this journey will help you to you know support and you can you can have a one or two years of experience over there and understand the little more in a deeper level then switch that switch the company and get more package the journey the directions you got to know that now you will be able to handle yourself how you want it to be manage your career right these are all troubleshooting tasks and uh we will be we'll be talking about you know many things which we have a many RCA and uh sop kind of document which we prepared all are we will be sharing later once you have complete the course so that's all so these are all you need to learn as I said you will not be a learning traditional training as I said it is not like you know just for the theory and uh uh just for traditional training okay how to install and all but actually you need this kind of training actually you need this kind of concept to be clear what are the things should be we need to support in the industry right how do you perform during the interview they can ask any question they should be Beyond no Beyond this that's it what else you're going to ask in interview what else they'll ask for the operations everything you have already covered you have already understood you have already practiced so let them ask any question confidently you can answer and image during even though you don't have experience no matter but whatever you did a lab image that lab okay and just thought about your lab and explain how you want to be performed that's all that's it guys my uh today demo if you have any question feel free to ask it's a 45 minute demo and next 10 minutes you have for uh you know question and answers so I hope you got the clear you know understanding what you're going to learn this training this course this name called as a Windows Server Administration on active directory and you will be going to talk about very deeper level every topic we will be explaining you know uh why we need what purpose we required each topic we will be discussing troubleshooting and as I said first we will be creating for the infra enter infrastructure then second one we will be talking about the operations so what are things how we wanted to be going to do mind troubleshooting this complete overall course duration is 40 hours but here was it's a weekend batch right and uh timing would be updated later so probably it's a morning time only not for the evening time right and uh that's it you will be seeing that is an after 40 hours how you can feel that and there is a difference of your confident level would change after this completion of this course and uh point of contact you can contact this person his name is Amit point of contact for your registration name is Amit and his contact let me share his number anyone has any question feel free to ask any doubt you have you want it to be planned for your career and you wanted to switch your job and uh something how confusion you know sitting in one company longer period you wanted to change your uh job anything you can ask because I'm in the same field I can able to help you so ultimately always to uh to help you guys to get a job with a good package this is nine four nine five four zero six two eight zero six his name is Amit please contacting for your further registration so feel free to ask if anyone has any questions you can unmute yourself and speak known as question anything you want to talk notes okay so you have no question so thank you so much for your uh today's time anyone has any questions feel free to ask okay thank you so much for today's time and I hope you got the reason what is the Journey of the system administrator and uh you can reach out to Amit so we'll meet up later thank you guys take care bye

2023-08-25 10:32

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