Why IT professionalism matters to BCS CEO Rashik Parmar

Why IT professionalism matters to BCS CEO Rashik Parmar

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hello there and welcome to CIO UK leadership  live I'm Doug drinkwater the editor of CI   UK and for this session I'm joined by  rishik Palmer who's the chief executive   officer at BTS The chartered Institute of I.T  rishik thanks for joining me this afternoon glad to be here fantastic so if you've had a long  and illustrious career over four decades I believe   working at IBM most recently is VP of Technology  also a visiting professor at Imperial College and   obviously advising clients for your time at Big  Blue on everything from cloud computing to digital   transformation where I'd like to go today in our  conversation I'd like to speak a bit about your   career in I.T the new role at BTS I believe you  start on the first of October we really diving   into the role of BCS within the industry and if  time allows we'll look a bit on Tech for social   good and the importance of diverse workforces  which I know is something close to your heart but   also close to what BTS is trying to do with some  a bit of research and as always with the CIO UK   leadership live we'll try and ask some questions  at the end to find out who the real sheep farmer   is towards the end and I think we've got some  nice uh slightly Off the Wall questions uh to   keep it nice and Light first of all I've given  you a very small part of history of what you've   achieved in your career but just talk us for a bit  around your career so far um and did you foresee a   question I always like actually is did you foresee  being here did you have a North star this is where   you wanted to go or did your career unfold in a  different way I suspect it may be a bit of both   um so really I never expected to be in this role  today um in fact um getting to be an IBM fellow   and IBM distinction engineer if you'd have asked  me at the start of the career would I would I make   that I said absolutely not and um you know it I  think what I've tried to do throughout my career   is a very simple thing which is try to be the  best I can be at this moment see what opens up   as opportunities and pick the one that looks most  interesting and aligned to what I'm trying to do   so so that's been the the kind of um Mantra if you  like I've been I've been working towards and my   early career I was I joined IBM at the Heyday just  before the PC was launched which was phenomenal   and actually going through that whole excitement  of launching the PC getting in everybody's houses   and that was amazing and then going through the  absolute low time of IBM when uh you know there   was a huge amount of layoffs it was a really  difficult period and then the recovery and   and so on so so over the over the time at IBM  I've got I've been blessed by having a great   set of experiences and I've always tried to  balance my my role in deep technology try and   pick technology areas and and stay close to those  right so PC to start with networking large systems   um and a lot of it around systems management and  then Technologies and disciplines and so on and   then in the in the later half getting into cloud  cloud computing some of the AI work as well so   I've tried to have a good spread and as I left IBM  in July last year and I referred it was transition   because I said I was going to transition I  don't he ever stopped working I think it was   transitioned into something else so in theory  I retired from IBM and this BCS opportunity   kind of unfolded in ways that I didn't expect and  and so here I am and and I think it's a fabulous   opportunity for us and I'm really excited about  what we can do with the BCS yeah fantastic so   just from the BCS role in particular I know you've  got some objectives that you're looking to achieve   this talk goes through those in terms of and where  you want to get to I guess where's the where's the   kind of north star that you're aiming towards yeah  and so you know with the BCS um professionalism is   really really important in the industry and and  I always refer to the industry as as relatively   uh immature okay and and why do I say that so it  has been around for 70 years and we've transformed   life in ways that you wouldn't imagine but we're  still at this infancy if I look at the OPEC report   that's published uh last year it said 46 of  jobs as we know them and will be significantly   transformed through digitization in the next uh  in the next uh 10 years and and my own calculation   says that's about three-quarter trillion  dollars will shift because of that digitization   and so we've got to Steward that digitization in  a in an appropriate way right at the same time   there are significant crisis that mankind faces  sustainability is one of those um pandemic is   another one obviously and and those those kind  of Crisis those you know societal issues demand   that technology is applied in a meaningful way  to the into society and and so I think BCS has   an important role to play and help Steward the  professional to make good use of that technology   and and that's why the BCS has a big linkage with  the responsible Computing I I need responsible   Computing when I was at IBM and and so the BCS  is one of the founding members and so we think   about how do we how do we make that happen and the  third aspect is you know as you think about what   it means to be a professional professionals that  we rely on need to have competence in a way which   makes sure that they can achieve the outcomes that  they're committing to they need to be accountable   so they need to be accountable for small results  because some of the technology we build now   can actually seriously hurt people to the point  where you know people can dive the technology   is built not built in the right way so they  need to be accountable for that we need our   I.T professionals to be ethical and fundamentally  they need to be much more inclusive because if we  

build Technologies and we build Technologies using  a homogeneous mail team they won't understand many   of the topics and issues that others faced and if  we want the technology to be good for mankind then   mankind needs to be representing those projects  and that's why I'm so passionate about the whole   inclusiveness agenda and so from a BCS perspective  we're looking at a range of initiatives   to unlock the potential of the 66 000 members  increase their competence increase their   accountability through our range of mechanisms  help them become much more ethical by giving them   the kind of ethical guidelines and structures  and best practices and then using our kind of   convening power to be able to create a much  more inclusive Works officer right from Age 2   to 18 so we pry that whole school's curriculum  to accreditation universities right through to   ensuring that in the workforce we're much more  inclusive yeah absolutely so I mean I guess you'd   argue then that the role of BTS and Industry is if  anything it's it's never been more important given   the fact that tech for social good and and to your  point around some of the newer Technologies being   introduced have a massive impact on humanity and  actually this the planet as a whole I know you're   doing some work on sustainability at the moment  I guess what do you say to that BSS has a more a   bigger you know role really within the industry  as a whole to to drive some of these initiatives   absolutely and you know when you look at  ID professionals um they're all looking for   the best practices they're looking for you know  learning they're working for mentorship they're   looking for career development structure looking  for for guidance because there's a plethora of   stuff out there but he's bewildering you don't  know where to start you don't know what's real   what's not real so by curating some of that CPD  content we can help our professionals get better   um by providing mentorship from your accredited  professionals by having people who are chartered   I.T professionals by having fellows meant to you  you know you're getting advice from the best and   they care about you and your future and you're  not tied to whatever your employer says or you   know what your mate says or whatever you've got  some really clear support in helping you progress   and be the best you can be I think that's needed  now more than ever you know there's 2.9 Million   so 1.9 million I.T Professionals in the UK and  and of those I wonder how many of them think   about their career in this kind of way or are  they just doing what what's almost referred to   as working from paycheck to paycheck right what  I'd like is help people to go from paycheck to   paycheck to working from Project to project and  ultimately to work from Adventure to Adventure   because Computing can help you create tremendous  capability and those Adventures can transform   people's lives and and really make things which  are absolutely phenomenal if you look at the   uh the work that we did just for example with  coding black females they they identified as 20   000 black women missing from the workforce yeah  because they haven't had the opportunity they've   not had the support they don't see somebody like  them in the I.T profession and so the role that   the BCS has to play is to make those Role Models  very evident and Inspire those young girls to go   and follow those kind of computing careers yeah  and so actually there's a great report that with   with CBF and it's something that we've spoken to  a dozen black women in technology since and that   mentorship is absolutely invaluable especially if  you have any Ambitions of moving into more senior   which I think was one of the findings of the  report that actually a lot of black women in   technology are failing to to make that to make  that move I'll come on to a bit on diversity   in a minute though but I do want to just go  back to your point around stewardship and   uh also accreditation right because I think we  you mentioned the layoffs at IBM a while ago   we're seeing obviously that mass scale at the  moment in Silicon Valley um it's interesting   wasn't it because you can argue that certification  is important accreditation is important but at the   same time to your point about diversity actually  as an industry there's an argument for have you   got the right aptitude have you got the right kind  of um ability to be work part of a team because   the tech skills can kind of be be taught so what's  your view on that because I guess in some cases   you do need accreditation you do need formal  qualifications but in some other cases actually   you can cross-train or you can upscale in into  this industry so yeah so look I I always think of   a professional as having three core capabilities  they have the technology expertise around a set   of Technology segments that are relevant  and current and important for your employer   they need to have a technique set of expertise  so how I do devops how do um you know security   analytics how do I do performance engineering how  do I do you know systems uh Assurance or how do   I do performance engineering testing stuff  so it's a set of disciplines or techniques   that they need to know but they have to work  as part of a team so they need to have those   pure communication skills leadership skills  written skills um negotiating skills right   and if you don't have those then you can sit in a  corner on your own but you ain't going to be part   of a team and and there's very few projects now  which is just a one-person project most projects   require a team and so you need those skills and  so when you look at the certifications that we   have we recognize that so we think about you know  a chartered I.T professional needs to have the  

technical skills they also need to have a deep  set of technique skills they also need to have   those personal skills so when you're a chartered  ID professional that should stand for something   and it does stand for something in Industry if you  become a fellow of the BCS you know that's that's   something that's prestigious and you you should  be proud of the fact that you've got there and   and yeah I see that on LinkedIn every day these  days you know that people just made fellow and   they're they're celebrating that they've got to  follow on how that's going to help them unlock   their career it basically means that once you've  got that Fellowship your CV goes above somebody   else's on the interest for that that recruiter  right you're getting into a point where you can   you know your values is is a little bit higher and  your chances success a little bit more and and at   the moment as you say when the marketplace  is so tough and you've got so many layoffs   if you're not relevant you're not stage relevant  because you followed your citp or your your fpcs   right you're more likely not to to stay in  employment right so I would argue that the   the the mentoring the CPD helps people become more  relevant stay current and be more valuable in the   marketplace yeah absolutely just under in terms of  recruitment processes at the moment I mean what's   your take on what given the the mass layouts we're  seeing what what can organizations do to actually   improve the quality of people that they're that  they're attracting but also to that point around   diversity you know making sure I think that  the black women in Tech was a good example of   I think there's 0.7 of um the population working  in Black uh women work in technology compared to   I think 1.8 of the population has a higher than  3.2 percent black people in the I.T industry so I   guess the question is how does as in recruitment  how do we level it up a little bit to make sure   that this is a career um for anyone who chose  to desire and has the interest and hopefully   some ability to go with that so Doug you know  starts really a simple level which is when you're   producing your uh job application job adverts  have you thought about the language they're using   so that attracts the right people right all too  often I read these adverts I think there's only   going to be match up for males applying for these  because of the language you've used right so it   starts very simply let's get the language  in a way which makes it inclusive and then   um you know within IBM we were doing Blind uh  interviews a supply and severe analysis right   so when you look at the CVS often there's about  everybody has this bias you look at the name and   you you instantly review the CV based on that name  so we take the names off you just read the content   right and that again gives you a letter level  of inclusiveness which makes a huge difference   and then it comes back to how are you projecting  yourself in the marketplace um think about how   you're kind of adverts go out there with  pictures of individuals are those pictures   the right pictures are they are you representing  yourself as inclusive um and then when it comes   to presenting role models and and showcasing your  capabilities are you showcasing the right kind of   Role Models right are you are you are you making  yourself look like an attacker base people will go   people have huge Choice out there although we've  got lots of layoffs the marketplace is still very   buoyant right it's still an employer's market so  employees market and um you can choose your place   to go and work and as as you think about where  to work people are choosing based on things like   how inclusive the space what kind of benefits am  I going to get am I going to get that nurturing   and CPD to to progress that is does the purpose  aligned with my personal purpose right those kind   of things are much more important now so you've  got to Showcase those in a way which attracts the   right colleagues to work in the team and helps  you realize a potential of the business yeah   absolutely and I think that Peter around mentoring  is and role modeling is so important I think we've   seen some bad examples of it haven't we done  yes I mean the one that brings to mind is is   gchq advertising for people to move into security  and the imagery would stop photography you know it   was it was a clearly a model rather than someone  actually working as an architect for example but   um no some valid points I guess the valid points  are and I've spoken to many cios that say that   diverse teams are the best teams so even if you're  a cold-hearted and have no interest in this you   should want to do it because you get a better  performing team but also I know you've spoken   a bit around uh which is a key Point around as  we look at emerging Technologies in particular   AI you know to a point around four but like to  run a table or four white men around a table   um you know the input the output is going to  equal input right so you need those diverse voices   absolutely and you know so if I look at  projects um and I've been very fortunate   to talk to people in all kinds of Industries  uh tied to the Online safety Bill and yet we   care very deeply about that from a from a BCS  perspective we have to protect young people   and and you might say well that's really hard  and you know with the social media and so on   there are techniques that it can apply here and we  I don't think we've done enough to Showcase that   some of the the techniques that can be applied  to to help reduce the potential for harm we've   followed the money largely and we've gone for  things that allow those algorithms to maximize the   the outcomes that that the the organizations have  so it starts with actually setting the right kind   of objectives and and you know we don't nobody  wants governance nobody wants you know regulation   but I don't think we've got a choice here unless  the IT industry steps up and and and becomes the   grown-up in the room in these things we're going  to be forced with that and that's part of the   reason that I've championed responsible Computing  that's why I want to be able to take the best   practices for what does responsible status use  really look like and how do we how do we showcase   some of those best practices around responsible  data use what does what does ethical AI really   look like you know IBM's done a lot of work in  that space out of Microsoft and Google and so on   but they've all got slightly different views let's  pull our knowledge and expertise let's use the   platform of the BCS to integrate that and part of  the reason we have the fellows technical Advisory   Group in the BCS is to bring together all those  voices the academic voices the voices from the the   people like the Googles and Microsoft so on and  then the voices of people like the cios and the   CIO teams who are having to apply that in their  business right because the last thing that any   CIO CTO wants is to be on the nine o'clock news  or 10 o'clock news because they've had a breach   or they've had an ethical use of AI or they've  yeah you can see the list of anxieties are there   we want to be able to provide practical guidance  to help them in this really difficult time yeah   ability machine I mean I guess to turn on his  head a little bit the flip side you could say   of the technology advances uh it's not this ethics  or trust or governance as you mentioned but I was   on a actually a BTS uh event the other day it was  around digital inclusion or digital exclusion and   I guess there is that danger isn't there that as  the industry as a whole advances many people and I   guess we largely associate that with the elderly  but not entirely it could be people from poor   social economic backgrounds they get left behind  in all of this don't they absolutely and we're   trying to partner with um uh with different cities  on looking at how we can contribute to that agenda   um so some very early conversations with um  Bradford city council you know Bradford is the   youngest City in the UK and they have phenomenal  issues with how do they help their young people   find a future for themselves and in there there's  a number a whole bunch of amazingly talented young   people they don't have any access to role models  for digital careers so how do we how do we expose   them to some of that how do we help them progress  and and part of the reason that we're helping   create um we're hoping to launch a BCS Foundation  is to be able to provide us kind of a bursary   scheme because a lot of those people don't have  access to a laptop they don't have access to the   internet and and so they're kind of rely on what  they can have in school or or on public spaces and   so they can't progress a career being Pace that  we we want to and so how do we help provide that   kind of support through the BCS and that's that  we are a charity so we should be doing some of   the rechargeable things and the digital divide is  a specialist group that we have within within the   BCS and what they've done is packaged up a set  of best practices for how people been helping   um because I'm in early conversations  with some of the community foundations   um again often you find the Community Foundation  is a space that has access to the people that   can really make a difference um you know they're  struggling with technology it's not necessarily   the elderly it could be somebody who has um ended  up not being able to work because of a disability   um over an illness somebody who's a carer  who hasn't had the opportunity to access   those Technologies but has that ability right it  could be somebody who is um you know in in a in a   vulnerable space because of the the environment  the home environment that they have and those   that the foundations have access to those people  and they can you know through the digital divide   community that we have we can tap into some of  the expertise and and package some of the best   practices to help them with with simple things  like how do I go and do my online Form application   for this benefit because they don't know how to  do that right there's some very fundamental they   they're being excluded from access to Services  that's provided because they can't use the   technology and you can't phone anybody you can't  go ask for help you've got to get on this bit of   technology so how can the BCS members through the  volunteering help then that's part of the things   that we're trying to do here yeah absolutely and  I think that's what's quite exciting actually   is that it seems there's a greater awareness in  Industry brought a great collaboration you know   I don't know like the digital poverty Alliance and  others that are doing this and obviously this has   been on the political radar for some time I think  since France this morning's inclusion tragedies   almost 10 years ago so I think it's finally there  some joining the dots I think uh Freddie Craig one   of our uh community members which would probably  say of how you bring this all all together   um actually almost out of time but I guess  where next do you think we're going to see   in the industry as a whole where do you think  the industry is going and crucially what's that   mean for you in the world of BTS so I I still see  as I said the I.T industry in its infancy [Music]   um there are a phenomenal number of problems out  there we could we could address right whether   it comes to providing sufficient water  coping with climate change helping make   um Healthcare more affordable reducing the amount  of weight you know the problems are endless so how   do we Steward technology in a way to address some  of those societal issues and really make the world   that we want to be part of that's that's where  I'm I'm trying to position the BCS I think BCS   has got a lot to do there we see the technology  moving a tremendous Pace things like chat GPT   complexity.ai and Quantum which is just around the  Horizon right so there's a whole bunch of these  

Technologies and we don't know what's going to  happen with things like uh you know VR and AR and   um how we would really Leverage The 5G and iot  capabilities to to Really transform some of the uh   aspects in life and I net it down into a couple of  simple things right um and I documented the three   laws of digitization right the first law says  whatever can be digitized somebody will find a way   of doing it right so that's that's kind of obvious  second law says when it gets digitized its value   tends to become free and that's a scary thing  that's what people try and avoid but you know it's   it well what I say to people is be digital or be  digital because somebody's going to do it to you   if you don't do it to yourselves and then you've  got to Camp through that and say well so where's   the value and the Third Law of digitization  says the value comes from using the new data   to create new value right and that's what you've  got to do you've got to look for that new data and   use that as a way of finding that new value and  so I think there's a there's a new set of skills   that are coming forward and I summarize the skills  in in five animals right so there's a there's a   um the the data gatherers they're the squirrels  they look at how do we gather that data there's   the owls or the wise ones who look at how does  data transform business process parts of daily   life there's the algorithmic Geeks of foxes or  Wolves who hunting packs and write that cunning   bit of algorithmic code which does some magic  things I know you can understand then there   is a data engineers and they're the ones that  we often ignore I refer to them as the how the   um the Weaver Birds the small birds that build  a big nest yeah they look at how do we create   reliable or robust Dependable systems for the  future and then there's the the ones that we   often don't notice they're the Hawks they're the  ones that are flying high above and they worry   about the ethics the legality and privacy what we  do so so for the future I see this this this kind   of you know menagerie of five animals and five  core skills that everybody needs to develop over   a period or you need to certainly make sure you  have access to those skills to be successful yeah   I guess for shooting worth going next with that  is I guess no one CIA or CTA will have necessarily   those five skills that goes to the earlier  point of building the right teams right exactly   exactly it's a team sport and you've got to make  sure you've got a balanced set escape and actually   those those five animals are a good way of looking  at do I have the keyboards I need for success in   my team going forward yeah absolutely now we  think um we always like to finish here on CI   UK leadership live with a couple of Off the Wall  questions a little bit out of the the ordinary   um I'm going to start with what you're most proud  of and that could be personal or professional what   what kind of sticks with you so so I think my  my proudest moment I've got a couple of private   moments one is is actually achieving uh IBM fellow  in in IBM um yeah there are there's only a hundred   and something fellows in the whole of the history  of IBM so to have done that living in Leeds um is   quite a quite an achievement so I'm I'm absolutely  you know amazed about that second thing was like I   got a um a medal from uh from Prince William for  um for the work that I did um it was for business   and Innovation so it was recognized uh through an  MB which is absolutely amazing so so I think you   know I always try and do the best I can I don't  look for these things but but actually getting   those is is a great um it's a great honor to have  yeah absolutely and then finally Richard I'm going   to add kind of two questions in one what what  do you kind of do in your spare time I know I'm   going to prompt you in a couple of areas actually  that I know you're uh I think you blog about tea   and have also produced a book on happiness we  probably haven't got time to go into the weeds   or what that actually looks like but this took us  for you what motivates you what keeps you going   in your spare time so look I have a very simple  motto for myself which is um try to create the   world that you want to be part of and and that's  that's kind of driven me and continues to drive me   so I have a Sunday blog called Sunday sprinkles  and and that really looks for little bite-sized   you know sprinkles of of insight from from things  I have and that's where my t-blog comes from so   so one of the things I talked about was you know  did you need a cup of mint tea because often you   get caught up with a caffeine and all this kind  of stuff but actually mint tea is really valuable   because it's a good refreshing drink and it's good  for the health and so on and the happiness book   really came to me because um sadly I was faced  with uh with bowel cancer many years ago and and   and and and facing that kind of a um a personal  life crisis uh you start to refle you do some   introspection you start to reflect on your life  and reflect on lots of things and I realized that   um you know there's a need to help others and and  share some of the insights right so so soon after   my bowel cancer mother passed away and there's my  other girls passed away and so we had this kind of   but basically it's kind of sadness across whole  family and I wanted to try and cheer people up so   I thought let's write something on happiness  each week and and um so for a year our blog   done on happiness so just a small status update I  wasn't going to take something that anybody else   had produced I wanted to some have some original  work did it for a whole year and at the end of it   people liked it so I I wrote my 53rd blog post uh  it was actually on Facebook post was well that's   that's 53 done and I think um I hope you all liked  it I think somebody else needs to be responsible   for the happiness of the group I'm done with  happiness right and uh and I got this message   back saying you can't stop now you've got to keep  going so so I took those messages of people in my   Facebook group library then maybe others will  as well and that's why I turned into book so   that's that's how the book was published oh that's  fantastic is it is there one piece of advice you'd   leave people with in terms of I guess there's no  silver bullets to that but what if you leave the   audience with so I'll actually give them three  very simple pieces of rice right the first one is   learn to learn success in the world now is based  on how fast and how effectively you can learn   because things are moving so fast you can't  learn everything so you've got to learn to learn   second thing is always focus on your strengths  people tell you you're not good at this ignore   that focus on your strength make the strengths the  best they can be and and by the way the weaknesses   will improve because you [ __ ] certain strengths  yeah and the third thing is do the things that get   you out of bed rather than keep you awake at night  so so if you focus on those three things you'll   have a wonderful life wonderful career fantastic  one uplifting note that to finish on the show   you got some really good advice there it's like  um a pleasure to talk to you and thanks so much   for joining the tiuk um leadership live really  interesting conversations here about your career   and and what BCS is doing to support the industry  and best of luck in the year ahead I should say   thank you fantastic and of course thanks to  you for tuning in today I hope you found that   a valuable session to take away CIA UK I'm Doug  greenwater thanks goodbye and we'll see you soon

2023-02-11 08:27

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