Webinar: Proactive health and welfare technology for Nordic users and societies

Webinar: Proactive health and welfare technology for Nordic users and societies

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Hi and welcome my name is Bengt Andersson and I  work at Nordic Welfare Center as a senior adviser   in the area of welfare technology and I will be  your moderator today during this webinar since   2020 Nordic Welfare Center cooperate with  and coordinate the Nordic research network   Health and Welfare technology with focus on user  perspectives and there is a lot of research going   on in this area I was a little bit surprised  coming into this network working with these   researchers that there are quite many researches  and research that has been going on over the   last 10 years in this area and today the network  consists of nearly 90 researchers from all five   Nordic countries with focus on health and welfare  technologies and at today's webinar we are going   to have focus on a research pro project called  Protect project proactive health and welfare   technology for Nordic uses and societies and  this project has been a part of the research   networks activities during the last years Helinä  Melkas professor at LUT University of Finland and   Christine Gustafsson professor of Sophiahemmet  University in Sweden will present the project   and after that we will have reflections from user  perspectives from Stig-H Nilsson from SPF seniors   Sweden and from policy maker perspective from  Bjørnar Alexander Andreassen a program manager   at the welfare technology program at the Norwegian  Directorate of Health in Norway and you can't use   your mic or or camera as a participant on this  webinar but you can use the chat function so   please do don't hesitate to put questions write  down questions to us here at the webinar I will   forward the questions to our presenters and we'll  have a discussion panel discussion at the end of   this webinar where we could put your questions  if you would like to have captions subtitles you   can just click on the show captions function in  Zoom and there will be a text coming up helping   you to follow this dialogue here okay let's  start and first I would like like to welcome   Helinä Melkas Helinä is a professor at LUT  University in Finland and she's been very   active in in starting up this research network  that we have also Christine Gustafsson both these   professors are very active in this network  collaborating with us at the Nordic Welfare   Center with different activities in this area  and both of them are members of our core group   of this network so with this introduction  I would like to give the word to you both   and I think you will mix between between you  both presenting this Protect project proactive   Health and Welfare technology for Nordic  users and societies so welcome Helinä and Christine thank you very much Bengt and yes we   will be presenting together and I  will begin with the basics of the project if I'm able to change okay yes so Protect  as Bengt already mentioned stands for a proactive   health and welfare technology for Nordic users  and societies it wasn't a research project as   such but it was a networking project where  we synthesized and with that Aavanced Nordic   research-based knowledge of about this topic  of proactive health and welfare technology HWT we had both a user and a societal perspective  or actually we had three perspectives but I will   go to these levels a bit later my University  LUT University from Finland was the coordinating   organization and we had also Norwegian Center  for health research Danish dementia research   center and Mälardalen University as partners in  the project and the project itself ended in June   this year but we are still distributing or or  disseminating the the results and and building   on the results in various occasions and actually  I think think Christine will tell a little bit   more about recent activities in her part this  was a networking project because of our funding   we were funded by The Joint Committee for Nordic  research councils in the humanities and social   sciences via NordForsk its Ssretariat was at  is at NordForsk currently it was actually at   Academy of Finland during the first part of  the Project project we have received great   support from Nordic Welfare Center and the  Nordic research Network on Health and Welfare technology so why did we have this project the  use of health and welfare technology is more and   more visible you can see health and welfare  technology being used in new circumstances   in new tasks maybe partly because of the recent  great uptake of digital solutions in healthcare   and social care due to the corona pandemic for  instance so this type type oof technology is   playing an increasingly important role in many  ways in users lives whether we talk about end   users their informal caregivers or professional  users in care work more generally speaking and   care processes and also in our societies as  a whole in the Nordic countries but as also   of course elsewhere in many other countries  and since this is becoming so important we   also need new understanding we need to advance  research-based knowledge and understanding of  these different levels so to say we need to  understand end users and informal caregivers needs   and we need to understand implementation related  topics and we also need to build up more and more   systemic understanding related to organizations  and the societal level we can often see that   technological solutions may be taken into use  too late in an older person's life for instance   and so it's really really important to try to be  proactive so that they would be taken into use   early enough when the person the user can still  really benefit from the solution or the device   so proactiveness is one topic that we wanted to  also advance with the help of our project the   Nordic countries are in many ways similar but  of course there are also many differences you   could say that they are sufficiently similar  and sufficiently different for project of   this kind so this Nordic region provided an  excellent environment for our research or our project it seems that it's taking some time to  change the slide sorry about that so how did   we work we focused on these three levels that I  already referred to in Nordic workshops and the   micro level concerns the end users and their  informal caregivers the meso level concerns   the implementation level professional caregivers  and their organizations and the societal level   is then the macro level we were able to have  nearly 200 workshop participants from the four   countries Finland Sweden Norway and Denmark  in our workshops and that was really a great   way to work it was really interesting to have a  combination of researchers from many different   scientific disciplines and also many types of  stakeholders from for instance user organizations   caregivers organizations decision makers from  different levels local regional national ministry   representatives and I'm probably not even  remembering everyone now but there was and   of course there were also differences between  the countries so a broad range of different   stakeholders and the researchers as I already  mentioned it was a very multi-disciplinary group   from many different scientific disciplines from  care sciences and health sciences there were many   researchers involved but also from many others  such as educational sciences engineering sciences   and and so forth and this is really key in my  view because we cannot and should not look at   this topic from the perspective of one scientific  discipline only but it requires a combination of   different perspectives and also different methods  research methods it was essential for Protect to   support early career researchers we had many early  career researchers involved from all these four   countries and they had an opportunity to present  their research at these International workshops   and also get feedback concerning their doctoral  studies so these early career researchers were   or are working on their doctor dissertations  or newly graduated as PHD:s we also wanted to   understand the diversity of users and value  users voices and this is one of the reasons   why we had also many user representatives  or user organization representatives in our workshops yes thank you for this Helinä  Christine Gustafsson is my name and I'm a   professor in Health Care Sciences at Sophiahemmet  University in Stockholm but I'm also an affiliated   researcher at Mälardalen University which was  one of the partners in in the Protect project   I'm going to present you the results from the  the project but first we're going to start to   with some kind of definition of health and  welfare technology that we use as a concept   in this project health and welfare technology is  used as an umbrella concept covering a variety of   technologies with the aim of supporting people  in general citizens including patients older   adults and people with disability as well  as their relatives to achieve better health   independence activity participation safety and  security for cast of the expectation of health   and welfare technology is an improved working  environment and additionally health care and   social services organizations expect health  and welfare technology support for example   logistics data handling and the provision of  more effective health care and social care   services some examples of the kind of technology  that are included in this use of the concept   is E-Health Tele-Health Tele-medicine  Tele-rehabilitation M-health and home monitoring and now we're going to move over  to the results of the Protect project health   and welfare technology use does not occur on  only one level it affects and is affected in   numerous ways by the three levels of micro  meso and macro and the dynamics between them we will start with the micro level to  successfully support the use of health and welfare   technology it is necessary to first understand  the challenges it faces and the opportunities it   provides at a micro level knowledge is needed for  such understanding to emerge a starting point is   to acknowledge diversity and people's individual  circumstances we concluded that one size does   not fit all in principle anyone can be in he a  health and welfare technology user at the same   time users can have professional roles users have  varying needs and may lack awareness of access   to and ability to use technology or make sense of  information related related to health and welfare technology the main Nordic challenges and to us  knowledge needs at the micro level the end users   and informal caregivers has been identified  as you can see in the slide about digital   exclusion for example what kind of active  support and how much support is needed and   what is sufficient to decrease and hinder  digital exclusion active work with digital   inclusion is also a way to move forward while  the process of digital transformation continues   in health care and social care services many  people could benefit from the use of health   and welfare technology but are yet its  uses it's essential to consider how to   motivate such nonusers moving to involvement of  current users the development and refinement of   new methods to involve users should be focused  on overall building knowledge about the micro   level would benefit from the development of  research methods and especially collaboration   among different scientific disciplines in general  the implementation of technology is challenging   and does not occur automatically or in a vacuum  major efforts are required for truly successful   implementation such as those to develop management  practices train professional caregivers and find   shared language amongst all the involved safety  security and ethical issues are an integral part   of health and welfare technology use to deal with  these issues there should be a deep understanding   of the everyday life of health and welfare  technology users and the prerequisites for   meaningful technology use should be carefully  considered we also need to develop research   methods so we better can contribute with research  in the area of health and welfare technology use challenges and opportunities at the meso  level depend on local characteristics needs   and prerequisites of the organization the  community municipality or alike one size   does not necessarily fit all even at the meso  level each care organization and its personnel   clients or patients differ through us their  knowledge levels implementation challenges and   opportunities and needs for change management  also vary the main Nordic challenges and   throughout knowledge needs at the meso level  the professional caregivers and organizations   excuse me have been identified and related to  change management it's about introducing the   use of health and welfare technology changes care  processes and the traditional ways of working and   giving care also professional caregivers working  environment changes in line with the introduction   of health and welfare technology which requires  planning development and assessments anchoring   of the implementation of the technology is a key  issue the prerequisites in the organization and   services need to be known for example concerning  money time existing knowledge and infrastructure   care personnels and employees understanding and  knowledge of technology use also needs to be   increased the incentives for introducing health  and welfare technology need to be more clear why   would technology be used what technology  should be used and how what is available   essential and useful and for whom what kind of  education training or other competence building   are needed we also have identified knowledge  needs regarding knowledge it's about decision   making processes and leadership participation  co-creation collaboration and assessment of needs   the importance of introducing technology which  corresponds to real needs related to decision   making careful attention is required concerning  procurement and system admin administration the   interoperability of digital products may be  a challenge that requires understanding and   the broader infrastructure and its readiness  to integrate new solutions and finally impact   studies and cost effectiveness studies are  needed there's a large need of these kind of   studies looking into the impact of health  and welfare technology has in practice   does the technology do what we wanted to do or  expected to do for the care professionals the   organizations and of course the end uses and  is it cost effective moving to the third and   last level decision makers plays an important  systemic role in the societal strategies and   planning related to health and welfare technology  use they need sufficient knowledge and a systemic   understanding of the broadness of the topic and  its links to services and the entire service   system while health and welfare technology use  has increased across the Nordic countries there   is a lot to do in encouraging promoting and even  formalizing the use via policies this decision   makers has a crucial role in consolidating  this trend by establishing line of actions   that could be followed to improve the condition  for health and welfare technology use the main   Nordic challenges and throughout knowledge needs  at the micro level the decision makings has been   identified as follows the results further  confirm the importance of building knowledge   on the impact of health and welfare technology  use to find out about those including economy   and perspectives such as cost for decision makers  systematic reviews on what is known are essential   this means for example the need for a clear  categorization of solutions that would enable   systemic monitoring of the appropriateness of  solution for different types of uses and their   impacts it would also ease the identification  of various knowledge gaps various stakeholders   should have the opportunity to participate in  identifying research gaps concerning health and   welfare technology and its use such identification  requires understanding and focus on the micro meso   and macro levels and decision makers have an  important an role to play in this decision   makers role in supporting the implementation of  change management is crucial the implementation   of technology as a part of the care process  requires new knowledges and competences the big   picture of economy of well-being was emphasized  where it is concluded that we need to be more proactive yes Helinä thank you Christine and we  will move on to the key messages for the future   it was not an easy task to let's say squeeze  all this information from the workshops into key   messages and there are obviously also many other  things that should be and could be emphasized but   we came up with with four key messages for  the future and the first one is related to   collaboration firstly it's essential to really  truly involve a diverse range of individuals and   organizations and desicion making organizations  as well from the user organizational and societal   spheres and when I say truly involving it means  that these individuals and organizations should   not be just targeted as objects but really  participate and have their voices heard   in these health and welfare technology related  processes secondly it's important to to take into   account that this health and welfare technology  topic is really or requires multidisiplinary and   interdisciplinary thinking and work as I already  brought up in the beginning we cherished that in   our project but it's also generally speaking  important for the future so that we can build   knowledge collaboratively among different  scientific disciplines and also of course a   broad range of stakeholders from different fields  it's also important to promote really bottom up   participatory and action-based policies so that  also for instance grassroots care professionals   can participate and end users can participate in  knowledge building and this needs to concern both   needs identification implementation topics related  topics and assessment of impacts and effectiveness   and knowledge building more generally for instance  when you talk about needs identification you   cannot really identify needs properly I would  say without really bottom up processes because   it's not enough to kind of assume what users  need it's really important to listen to them also secondly the second key message is related  to orientative activities so it's quite typical   still nowadays that quite technologically  oriented training is provided when when   some health and welfare technology device or  solution is brought into use but that's not   sufficient it's important to provide more than  training to expand the focus towards orientative   activities as it says in the title towards a  more comprehensive and continuous process of   training and familiarization of technology in  a co-creative way this continuous character is   also important because people typically need  reminders they need new training sessions so   just providing for instance half an hour of  a very technical training is not sufficient   if we want to really build up more long-term use  and implementation skills so in addition to mere   introduction it's also important to really learn  multifaceted knowledge and skills for this type of   technologies' effective use and moreover it needs  to be remembered that such orientative activities   should absorb even critical views and questioning  attitudes concerning technology not everyone   is right away willing to take into use such new  solutions or devices and it needs to be known why   or should be known why and these critical views  should be somehow also responded to so that we can   come up with more sustainable use and the third  and fourth key messages for the future are related   to consensus and diversity first of all related  to consensus again it's a question of embracing   joint learning and creating new awareness together  perhaps it's not possible to really reach a full   consensus about everything but this joint learning  and co-creation is important and as Christine   already mentioned there are many different  or let's say neighbouring concepts related   to health and welfare technology so those should  also be clarified what do we actually talk about   together and and this kind of knowledge building  concerning the concepts and features of of these   technologies is also crucial designing policy  conventions or designing policies in collaboration   with key stakeholders also including companies  is one more point that we should pay attention   to in the future so stakeholder involvement is  absolutely key for for this area of activities   diversity you have heard about that already  many times during this presentation so we need   to acknowledge different users needs and also  different users responses to technology again   refer to perhaps also questioning attitudes and  critical views so one size definitely doesn't fit   all and the policies at micro and meso level they  need to be developed so that they are targeted to   the circumstances in question and differentiated  where necessary digital exclusion is a big problem   and therefore it's also necessary to work actively  towards digital inclusion the process of digital   transformation continues we can see more and more  digital services being taken into use and while   it continues we still need to remember that not  everyone is equally skilled and equally ready for   various reasons to to use digital services  so this inclusion topic is also very very important and we discussed these Protect  results in also a broader European context   at the European Social Services conference in  Malmö in June and we had quite a big audience   there from European countries but also outside  of Europe many participants and there was a wide   agreement about these results obviously there  are also many national differences national   emphases and national needs and and needs  within the different countries can be very   different but in general the the participants of  this workshop felt that we had recognized some   key results in this project and I will hand  over to Christine yes thank you Helinä as an   continuation of the Protect project we have  also invited the business sector the health   and welfare technology companies to discuss  the results and as you heard in the earlier   presentation we didn't do that in the workshops  we didn't have any business representatives but   here in the beginning of November we participated  in the Norwegian national conference E-hälsa in   Norway and we invited some companies to discuss  the results from the Protect with us and to have   what should I say share point of departure in the  discussion with the companies we started with an   illustration of a quadruple helix collaboration  which includes the public authorities the   governments parliaments for example and also the  civil society with interest groups the different   parties and different organizations related to  this area and of course it also participated   you researchers representing academia but  also companies and having this illustration   it could be a shared point of departure in the  discussion of how we could collaborate better   and what can we do together another way to also  illustrate this area is to look into the use of   health and welfare technology as an ecosystem and  and this is an illustration of how this could be   seen as well it's about the end users as patients  older adults people with disabilities and their   relatives and we also add the professionals the  healthcare and social services professionals and   we add academia the research area about research  and development evaluations and the contribution   by knowledge but of course also the governments  the policy makers which also have needs and and   regulates this area by different laws and also of  course funding for this kind of technology that we   introduce in healthcare and social care and here  also comes the companies the business in this area   and also the civil society and stakeholders  it's also about needs but it's also about the   proactiveness in this area this work and also to  know about what is available so this was discussed   at the conference in Norway two weeks ago and we  also involved the audience to by asking them what   collaboration they would prefer and also why we  should do it and we had invited the multinational   company Atea Norway and Atea Finland to share  their experiences of incorporating research   into their operations and we ended the session  with a panel discussion with representatives   from both academia and the business sector  discussing opportunities and barriers for   collaboration in scaling up the use of health and  welfare technology and during that session it was   highlighted that the business sector finds it  challenging to navigate research and its results   as they often appear siloed and fragmented  this situation leads to multiple researchers   working on the same issues without being aware  of each other resulting in numerous pilots and   ineffective use of resources representatives  from the business sector emphasized their need   for extensive research including studies of cost  benefits healthc care professionals experiences   with technology how services can be organized  and end users experiences however they noted   that customers rarely request research results and  many are more concerned with today's solution than   those of tomorrow furthermore it was pointed  out that many companies especially small ones   have limited resources to connect with research  environments and find relevant studies at the same   time many researchers are hesitant to align too  closely with the business sector so the business   sector and researchers often have different  incentives for collaborations researchers may   be more focused on publications while the business  sector wants things to work and have an impact so   in summary the necessity of close collaboration  was emphasized by both parties to strengthen   this there is a need for a common platform for  communication between academia and the business sector and here it comes to the last slide yes you can find our policy brief  we produce a policy brief of a couple of   pages for decision makers first and foremost  but also for anyone interested in this topic   with our results and recommendations you  can find it with the name in the LUT Pub   database of LUT University or you can use the  QR code on this slide and you can also see the   Protect team members names on this slide and  and I would also like to mention that the nice   visualizations were an important part of  the workshops we had a person doing live   visualization of the discussions and her name  is Raquel Benmergui thank you very much for your attention and back to Bernt please thank you very much Christine and Helinä  you will come back after I have had a chat with   with Bjørnar and Stig-H so I recommend all  your participants out there to put down your   questions in the chat forum and I will take them  these questions and bring them over when we are   together all presenters here a little bit later  and but now it will be interesting to hear from   a policy maker perspective and we have invited  Bjørnar Alexander Andreassen and to join us here   and I'll have a couple of questions to you  and here what about your reflections of the   presentation and of this project so let's see if  we have Bjørnar with us yes there you are are nice   to see you Bjørnar thanks tack för sist we met a  week ago in Oslo at the conference that Christine   and Helinä mentioned you've been very active  in this project I know you you have I think you   been at all three workshops haven't you yes I've  been lucky enough to be able to participate it's   been it's been very nice very interesting all  the way yeah and an open question first what's   your reflection well I think well first of all  thanks a lot for the opportunity to comment   here and also thanks to Helinä and Christine for  taking us safely through the presentations and the   projects my reflections as a policy maker so to  speak like you said we're part of the Norwegian   directorate of Health so we're working to to  improve health of the citizens and the community   as a whole through targeted activities across  services sectors and administrative levels so   we're like in between the politicians and the  healthcare services and we also have a role in   implementing welfare technology in Norway so my  initial impression of this presentation and also   of the project is that it is very relevant I think  perhaps one of the things that that I like the   most is the different levels that you address in  the Protect project by the way Protect project is   a very difficult thing to say in Scandinavian but  the combination of user and societal perspectives   and the focus on both micro meso and macro levels  it ensures that you're relevant for actors in all   levels and as a national policymaking entity we're  of course particularly interested in the macro   level so that's been very interesting to follow  especially that level but all the levels of this   project and when you looking listening into to  elements to consider and key messages that has   been presented here do you recognize yourself in  this what it brings in the program you have for   welfare technology in Norway do you recognize  the elements that have been considered and the   key messages that is brought up yes absolutely  particularly some of them one thing that we have   been working a lot on is the digital inclusion  and that is that has been also a something that   you you've pointed out as something important to  take part in to have focus on in the continuation   here we have just had I've just come from a  conference on AI and I'm thinking there are   so many possibilities in welfare technology and  digitalization of the healthcare services but   there are also many challenges and I think it's  very important to address the digital inclusion   because it's something that doesn't do itself  we can think that elderly people are being more   and more coming from the digital age but it's  it there are so many ways to be confused there   are so many dangers you get fake emails from  the your healthcare services telling you to   give your credit card information and so on  so even though you were digital a few years   ago you might not be digital anymore so focusing  on the digital inclusion is very important and an   important aspect of being able to receive health  care services digitally in the future so that's   one of the key messages yeah and I just hang on  to that because I think that's very interesting   and I think we I'll talk without with Stig-H  about this as well but I mean we can see it   from from different perspectives here one is that  there are people that are digitally excluded but   as as Christine and Helinä also said by the end of  the presentation yes last week they had a dialogue   with the businesses with the industry and I mean  in universal design and open up making it easy   to use these these kind of services also is an  option maybe not so often mentioned do you how   do you work with the industry and businesses  in your connections we're addressing them and   and they have a good focus on this I think so  all the solutions are being more and more user   friendly this is going in the right direction I  think but also the ones with the motivation to   trick people fake actors so to speak they are  also following in the footsteps so things are   getting easier and easier to use but it's also  easier and easier to get fooled by by digital   solutions so I think we need to address the end  users and and make sure that they follow us on   this digital journey so to speak safely yeah I  think it interesting you see between these levels   micro meso macro level the there are things that  go through all levels when things some example   of essential elements to consider but there also  one a couple of classical elements to consider so   that comes from the different levels and one is  from the macro level that is important with the   impacts and costs I don't know if you want to  comment on that well absolutely like you said   initially I'm program manager for Norwegian  welfare Technology Program where we try to   implement technology and we have to do this in  a knowledge-based way and to do that we depend   heavily on research and research and results  from it is crucial to be able to continue the   promotion of welfare technology in municipalities  and in hospitals that we are working on and there   are naysayers out there there are particularly  traditional medical environments that feel that   the research has not come far enough when it comes  to documenting saved costs or saved time through   technology so I think your focus on these things  on the macro level will be very important it will   be very important to motivate the politicians  but also to motivate the health care providers   to join this digital transformation and also  like I know the Protect project has also been   a very important arena to meet to network in the  research environments and I know that you also   are starting some of you are starting a focus  on climate impacts which also is a macro level   viewpoint here I think it's very important to  to get more research on those fields as well to   motivate us to take part in in digitalization  of the healthcare services yeah because you're   going to be the most integrated and sustainable  region by 2030 and we need to work on more cross-   sectoral areas there that's important we also  see one very important element to consider is   what also this project is about when you look at  the macro level is proactiveness to be proactive   something that very much came from the highlighted  and that is more explained preventive care how how   can we help our citizens to be more think and work  being more prevented and that is very important of   course we are all Nordic countries we face some  of the same challenges that you've mentioned we   have an aging population we will have a lack of  health care personnel we need to be proactive to   prevent unnecessary need for heavyduty health care  services in the future because we will be fewer   people to be able to deliver these services  and I think that you have shown and you have   indicated that welfare technology can be part  of this proactiveness there are other means as   well we can change the way we deliver healthare  services we can have more focus on prevention we   can have more focus on rehabilitation but welfare  technology will most certainly be a part of this   proactiveness so you're very good at highlighting  this and documenting this in the Protect project all right Bjørnar I have more questions  but we can take them when we all gather together   again when when Stig-H and Christine and Helinä  comes back so thank you for now and you'll be back   very soon and we will go over to talk to Stig-H  who comes from the Swedish SPF Organization for   pensioners welcome Stig-H thank you thank you  were in the first of these three Workshop when   we talked about the user perspective and what's  your an open question to you as well first what's   your reflection on Helinä's and Christine's  presentation about Protect well I think they   have pinpointed many of the essential issues we  have here with the digital future and with all   these type of new gadgets we're going to use I  think I will highlight a few of them and one of   that even Bjørnar has spoken about is the digital  exclusion of people and not only elderly people   which I represent but also handicapped people and  people without money to buy into to that and that   is where we really have to do more of it and I'm  mostly concerned about the very elderly which are   maybe isolated back home and are not out in the  society they are sitting there and they met only   with the the personnel from the home care systems  we don't reach out to them we are running a lot of   digital training in my region for now when we have  an enormous interest from people like me who are   interested in see the benefit of them but there  is a certain amount of people that are negative   to it they don't have the means for it they might  not even be aware of what they can achieve with it   and that's why we have the biggest issue and how  not let them be on the platform when the train   runs and that that's where the social security  system will have an major responsibility not maybe   to teach them but at least to inform them and that  brings back to the personnel that we do today have   in the home care system their level of knowledge  of this every from everything from digital things   to language issues that's a very big challenge to  bring them back on the train and let them be aware   of what's the benefit of being a digital person  in the society today what is the benefits of not   they will not buy in all of them but I think we  can get more of them because today the transition   of social services and health services is moving  very quickly into digital ways and we will exclude   people we are not and another issue is that we  talk about user involvement we have introduced   new ways of communication with our local GP or the  local doctors which if you're not really trained   in digital interfaces you will be excluded and  I think this is something very important that we   involve the end users much much earlier than they  are doing today I'll get back to you more more   about that but I want you to want to reflect  a reflection that I have have done I've been   also as Bjørnar had participated in all of these  three workshops and to inform you all participants   listening to this the first workshop I repeat that  the first workshop on was on the user level on on   the micro level and and that workshop sort of  set the agenda for the upcoming workshop out of   of meso and macro level and and highlighted then  and you highlight now Stig-H digital exclusion   as a very important area that we must handle and  that sort of had an impact on the on the upcoming   workshops that were performed in this Protect  project and I think we haven't really got the   answer how to solve this issues but there are  as you mentioned and also Helinä mentioned and   Christine mentioned that it is about knowledge  information sharing how do we reach out to these   people one area that we discussed with Bjørnar  is what can the businesses do what could we have   more universal design in the services there are  could it be easier to use some of the services   like could it be easier to use bank ID you've been  in the business quite a lot what's your reflection   Stig-H I certainly think it could be done we  could do much more research testing with the   end users on several levels to make sure that  the interface is adapted to elderly people and   the other thing we have found out is that training  elderly people should be done by elderly people we   think differently we move differently we are not  so skilled as the the younger population so we   take it in a slow pace and I think that's a way  forward but also to make sure that the support   function is there it's one thing to go into to  a training for a few hours about using the for   instance the bank ID but if you don't use it on  a regular basis you forget about the tricks so   there must be some backup from the society how to  work with this and things are moving now at least   in Sweden that we know some some cities have a  introduced a let's say a digital service that you   can call off if you're old enough and they will  come home to you to train you to fix problems but   that's just a few cities in Sweden that has this  service the rest of us is just fumbling in the darkness so with you take you listen to Bjørnar  are here present the policy makers and the work   they do in Norway what would you like to recommend  policy makers to do what should should be done   first of all I think this support functions should  be introduced everywhere secondly I think we have   to involve the personnel much more those that  are out daily to the elderly people which are   today are mostly digital excluded they have to  be involved in such a way that they don't feel   this as a threat to their job or that is another  burden on that should be a help for them so they   are in interested and motivated to help their  core customers or users to be more active in   this field there will be of course limitations  to it we will not reach out to a 100% so we we   can't forget them so there always have to be  backup systems old way way but there are the   majority can definitely be transfering be more  digital and I will say that elderly people are   not afraid of learning things or trying  out things but they have to do it in their pace yeah we still see we think that  digitalization would sort of comes with what   we'd been doing doing at work but we still see  that there is a lack of knowledge even if you had   worked a lot with computers etc during work time  and then you be it takes quite a short time to   lose your competence in this area in fact and and  don't forget that the digital world is developing   as well so even we who think we are trained in it  and used to it we have our challenge to cope with   it think of AI or things like that which that will  be also challenge to use that and if you've been   following this and you also heard Christine and  Helinä presenting here if we go into the research   needs and what we need to do more research what's  your reflection on which area we should do more   research in this perspective I think one of the  the key issues is how do we reach out to people   we have the digital solutions today there are  those that we can introduce today but how to   get it implemented and to reach the end user to  make them let's say accept it the security is of   course a vital issue here because what I hear when  I meet with people that are not digital the only   thing they say is we are screwed up and they don't  want to even try it and try out what the benefits   are and what do we read in the papers today or  in the news programs it's always about all the   frauds and the fakes not about the benefits of  it and I I'm a little bit disappointed that there   hasn't been more developed on security like Bank  ID you're speaking about why can't we there must   be ways to make them that even more secure than it  is today we cannot come to a situation where there   is no fraud or fakes but we can definitely make  it more difficult and and turn it around in a more   positive way that a digital world gives us so much  more especially when you're ill you're sitting   home you can still participate in cultural events  and read your magazines or whatever you won't be   isolated but we have to bring that message to  the end users yeah good fine Stig-H hang on I   think we'll we'll go on and invite Bjørnar,  Christine and Helinä to to join us in the   final discussion here that we have together  discuss let's see if everyone comes in here yes okay good now we are all here thank you  again for being here and first of all I think   again you all both Christine and Helinä you  mentioned it about the method here I can't   really just let that go I think there a very  interesting method we've done this through   these three workshops and I think that both the  hybrid version of this we had to do it due to   the pandemic but it was very well we have over  200 participants in these three workshops that   has joined this project but again nice to hear  anyone have a reflection on what I discussed   with Stig-H that we started up with the micro  level and had the first workshop from the user   perspective and that will sort of set the  agenda for the upcoming work I don't know   if Bjørnar Christine and Helinä if you  have any reflections on my reflection on that yeah just talk you don't need to raise  your hand just put your microphone and have   have the microphones on and we just talk  I think we do like that Christine this is   one of the good effects of the pandemic since  this was not the original plan for the Protect   project but it was successful by that because  we could then include so many participants and   as you said we conducted it as hybrid we'd have  our national discussion but then we shared the   results of this discussion and also some key  speakers in different areas during all three   seminars we or workshops where we conducted this  and and as you said Bengt I think it was a good   method for this work because we could cover  a larger amount of people and also different   stakeholders in this area and if we look  into the first session where we discussed   the micro perspective we had for example  representatives by older adults and also   representative for retired people's organization  but also representatives from disabled people's   different kind of organization and I think this  was good way to do this work that we kind of   merged the knowledge and also in the analyzis of  it raised it to a more meta Nordic level in this project I agree in what Christine already said  it's not really possible in practice to separate   between the levels I think that we kind of touched  upon some points from the other levels during the   workshops too but that's not really the point I  mean or that's not a problem because you shouldn't   separate them entirely it's really as you said  Christine in the presentation it's really also   very much about the dynamics between the levels  and that should be also focused on so I think   it's it was a nice way that we kind of had to  innovate during the project that it was a nice   way to to move towards systemic understanding  that then covers all these levels and and we   also kind of learned during the process it was  an environment or participant who allowed us   to try trial and error in this area and to be  honest it was Helinä it was quite hard work to   figure out how we should do the workshops and  also how to handle the technology you know the   challenges due to that and also to have this kind  of process thinking that we start at one level   and then we try to move to another level but I  think it turned out very well and of course if   we should do it again we have these experiences  and also so we could make it even better a second time if I'm going to add something here I from  my perspective I think these these workshops   have been very good they work very well and and  like you said it's it was almost lucky that we   were in the it's wrong to say that we were lucky  to be in a pandemic but we we had some some gains   digitally during that period and conducting these  workshops as a hybrid meeting I think that worked   very well then you could have like you could have  some discussions between the countries and then   you could also have some sessions you know just on  a national level and it was also very interesting   to be from the start to be invited in as a policy  maker to talk about the needs for research from   our perspective so because that's not always easy  for the policy making perspective and the research   perspective to meet but you facilitated that from  the start and that I think is it makes this more   useful it's a more useful approach from my and  our point of view so that worked very well I think okay I'll jump in right to the chat because  we have had questions from the chat it's from   Rannveig on Iceland who wonders if there's a big  difference between services for the disabled and   the elderly for the rest of you here in Iceland  whether it's digital service or not services for   disabled are light years ahead of services for  the elderly so it differs a lot on Iceland you   have any reflection on that from Sweden Finland  and Norway yeah I have some reflections where I   can refer to my time when I worked in Eskilstuna  municipality the organization is that there is an   elderly care organization in the municipality and  there is an LSS organisation is about the people   with disabilities and from my experience both  the staff and the people with the disabilities   are a bit more on their toes so to say more  interested and or more eager to include this   kind of technology in their everyday life I  don't know the reasons for that may maybe that   the the staff have a more perspective that they  should support the the persons with disability   for example with intellectual disability in  their daily life to be independent and this   is one of the main expectation of health and  welfare technology to support people to be   more independent or maybe to to stay independent  during the life so my experience is the opposite   to Rannveig that I think the organizations  working with people with disability are   beforehead compared to elderly care could that be  depend on the volume of caretakers you have it can   be that but I think it might also be based on on  different attitudes in the organization and also   the staffs attitudes towards using technology  for to support the people they care for their independence yes it's an interesting question  and and it's not I think of course some of the   disabled of a younger age group in Norway we  use more resources on them so that is true   when it comes to the digitalization of the  services or using technology I don't really   think it's easier or more emphasis on that  group so I agree with Christine here it's in   Norway I think perhaps there is more awareness  and is more straightforward to implement welfare   technology in the services for the elderly and  I think there are different reasons for this   but one of the reasons I think is perhaps  that younger disabled patient and users   they're moving between sectors they get health  care services they are at school kindergarten   work the social sector sometimes it's very  difficult to have technology that works on   all sectors and all platforms and arenas so  it gets more complex so in our experience   it's it's more complex and more difficult  to implement welfare technology for that   group it can be than for for the elderly so so  yeah the emphasis on resources is high on that   group but not necessarily easier to implement  welfare technology for it yes from the Finnish   perspective I maybe find it a bit difficult to  compare the the practical services because we   haven't done so much research on services for  people with disabilities actually but I would   say that there is generally more interest or  let's say higher hopes towards technology use   in services for older people and quite often  those hopes are maybe a bit unrealistic too   because the the challenges are also bigger Stig-H  and you mentioned that if you were digital a few   years ago you may not be digital anymore in  older age and that's one of the reasons why   in elderly care technology use encounters  perhaps even more bigger problems because   people's let's say health condition can change  even very radically even in a very short time so   in the case of people with disabilities maybe the  let's say opportunities stay more similar over the years I go on with a question from Jutith from  from the Swedish national association for persons   with intellectual disability she says that they  are concerned about the ethical aspects involved   in the use of welfare technology in group homes  for example they see an increased interest in   replacing staff with technical solutions just to  save money I don't know what your reflections is,   it's not a question it is a reflection and  what's your reflection on that I think this   is a very important aspect and I agree 100% it's  very important to focus on the ethical aspects   however there might come a time in in the not too  distant future where where the alternative is not   necessarily continuing giving the services  in these homes as we did before perhaps in   some places technology will be our only way  of maintaining a level of services because   there is so much lack of people lack of staff  personnel so I agree absolutely we need to take   that the ethical aspect into consideration but I  think in some cases it's not really about saving   money either it's about being able to maintain a  certain level of health care services so in some   cases the digital Solutions might be the only  solution especially in in the not too distant   future and and I also think that it's a kind of a  game changer here where we might have technology   that could offer other ways to have support in  your daily life so maybe if we have technology   that could support for example a person with  intellectual disability to be more independent   in their daily life maybe staff not is needed so  maybe it's another way that we need to also change   our way of understanding what support in daily  life is and can be and how it could be given I'm   not saying that it might be an incentive that  we need to save money of course but maybe we   also have to raise the question on a more personal  level about the effects how it affects the person   with intellectual disability because from my  experience and understanding it's important to   be independent even though you have this kind of  disability so if we could support this I think it   might be a good thing but then again here the  research area could contribute maybe with this   knowledge to to help us to understand the effects  of this is it just to save money or could we maybe   support people with this kind of disability maybe  to better life better quality in their daily life   but there are so many expectations but we don't  have the evidence and as I see this is one of   the missions for the academia to to support  this organization with this knowledge from   our perspective there is a fear that technology  will replace people in the home care but we don't   have any evidence for that that has has happened  although I think that we have to be open in some   areas like say you have a night Patrol coming to  visit you instead of having a camera maybe we have   to be rather rude here that we can't afford having  night people running around to make your a visit   instead of having a camera that can monitor you  all the night so I think there are areas where   we definitely can have this discussion that we  go for digital or technical solutions instead of   personal but not in in a general way Christine was  talking about effects and I would also highlight   that kind of knowledge the importance of it  so when we talk about impact assessments they   should really be done early on before something  is even implemented at the planning phase so there   should be already an assessment a multi method  assessment preferably utilizing both qualitative   and quantitative methods so that we would already  have information for the planning and then impact   assessments meaning recognizing or identifying  both positive negative and neutral impacts those   should be also done during the implementation  phase and and during the the use of the technology   they they kind of bring up the users experiences  as well and when you think about some savings   for instance are they really savings that's one  thing that can be brought up via skilled impact   assessments because often savings can lead  to increased costs elsewhere so this is why   we also need this systemic understanding more and  more yeah I totally agree with you all and I just   could give we have no Danish perspective here  but I you could just from my Nordic perspective   look at the countries and the perspective they you  have had in different countries and in the Danish   perspective they are the one that invented the the  expression welfare technology and they have always   been talking about that it is cost effective you  should save money using these kind of services   they have left that a couple years ago it's a  lot of focus of of more hands in healthcare and   social care and what could digital solutions do  to make us handle the situation where we need more   people we need more services and we need more both  quantity of services but also quality of services   so they sort of left this save money perspective  to how can we handle this situation how could we   still have the same quality and quantity in our  service model so I think that's quite interesting   that they so clear from Danish perspective we have  another question I think is Ulrica from Gothenburg here comes the question we often get  asked why we in the municipality driven   healthcare aren't using welfare technology  in a wider range what does the science say today yeah I think the science say says the same thing there are a lot of pilot studies and  when the project money is used the pilots   is finished and it quite often it doesn't  lead to any wider implementation of the   welfare technology and for example in Sweden  there are 290 municipalities and it's all this "kommunalt sjävstyre" the municipals  have their own decisions and it means if   we are planning to introduce some kind of new  technology we have 290 ways to do it and all   of them need to do their own evaluations so  there are some systemic challenges in these   areas as well we are looking very much into  Finland how you work in this area now I think   it's important to toget the local citizens to  work closer to each other they are they always   claim that they are different and they have  to do it the way by themselves but that's yes   to waste of money and I think we the government  has to be stronger than that if something works   in one municipal it should work elsewhere  as well why do you have to invent the wheel again I think you also said something about  that how to reach out and how important it is   with the the good news about this not just the  problem so I think storytelling is a good way to   work with this and also as we found Helinä in the  orient project that we also need to to work with   the citizens that they should know about this  technology is available then we also could make   them to demand the technology because it's hard to  ask for something you do don't know exists so we   have some kind of orientation task in this area to  to educate the citizens what is available and how   could it support us I like to bring up this issue  that the collaboration between industry and and   academica to get things moving to get further say  what what you find out in the academic world into   products which can be used and I would like you  to look upon what's happen

2023-12-25 13:17

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