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[Music] [Music] texas let me tell you we are asking ourselves these questions come on where we go we're no longer where we started together there's no limit to this tragedy we are back to on our own wrestling with this storm and realizing that we are not looking up from here how about the devastation this reality it's bigger than the strength of community our values commitment what happened to us from marshall to midland to san marcos the dedication to get things done doesn't really matter listen we are in for a hell of a lot of challenges this journey ahead we're here for the long disappointment of short-term promises disappearing headlines the predictable posts without real participation come on we don't have time for the possibilities of tomorrow not anymore we have yet to see the hard work the currency of sacrifice are we questioning the future because it's clear that we are but tonight our answer is gonna turn this story around because it's clear that we are the future are we questioning hard work the currency of sacrifice not anymore we have yet to see the possibilities of tomorrow come on we don't have time for post without real participation disappearing headlines the predictable disappointment of short-term promises we're here for the long journey ahead a hell of a lot of challenges this doesn't really matter listen we are in for the dedication to get things done from marshall to midland to san marcos what happened to us commitment our values the strength of community this reality it's bigger than the devastation how about looking up and realizing that we are not on our own wrestling with this storm this tragedy we are back to where we started together there's no limit to where we go we're no longer asking ourselves these questions come on let me tell you we are texas yes we made it thank you thank you and yes we are here to put a smile on some faces tonight smiles on the faces that receive our gifts and smiles on your faces the ones doing the giving so welcome brothers welcome sisters welcome texans welcome americans welcome citizens of the world that are tuning in tonight here's what we got tonight we're going to share with you songs stories and traditions that define the dna of this state so many of us call home me i'm going to be your guide your dj your friend like mine over here mr charlie sexton sir i'm going to be walking you through this night of artistry this album of big hearts and hospitality this jam session of generosity as i'm calling it you see tonight we're going to show you the soul of texas ultimately tonight is about generosity yours and of the many others we are going to spend time with over the next few hours so i want to thank you all all of you for being here let me tell you a little bit about texas john steinbeck once said texas is a state of mind an obsession with open roads underneath the sky bigger than the eye can see everything is yes bigger in texas we're known for our rugged individualism and for a state pride of which we do have aplenty and whether you were born here moved here married in hey babe hey or just came here for the barbecue there's no such thing as a stranger in anyone we meet because texas makes its mark on you we're land where tradition is honored and never for rent where resilience is a breed and we ride an enduring steed they call us the friendly state because we believe in the golden rule but we do not suffer fools we appreciate consequences in texas either way they come and in the end we know that an evil man ain't got no chance against a good man if the good man keeps on a coming we like our sunrises and our sunsets and we reckon that each and every one of us ought to be able to see plenty of both we're a blend of valor and swagger full of renegades and trailblazers button-up ties and long-lost razors we are a state of evolution's revolutions and signatures on our own constitutions we are a declaration within a nation allegiant and free holding on to yesterday while reaching for tomorrow we are a promise worth reverie and a memory worth the tier because we know that sometimes taking the path of most resistance lets us know we earned it we're the long star state and our spirit will always just keep living why because we're texas so why are we here tonight well a few weeks ago our state got hit hard the worst freeze in over 70 years took the power out in our state and without that power we had no heat so our businesses and residential water pipes froze then busted and texans from every zip code in our state were left without shelter without clean water and with a whole lot of water damage yeah you could say in texas we're a little bit better at dealing with the heat than a freeze to date we have had 195 billion dollars in estimated damages 5.2 million homes and businesses without power 120 million americans have been impacted over 286 000 fema applications with 7 000 daily new ones are coming each day over 300 000 people are still left without water and 165 counties have federally declared disaster yes there is a lot of hardship and harrowing tales and the worst of the weather is begging us to surrender but hey we're texas and that's not happening on our watch can you give me a little giddy up charlie why is it not happening because it's time to start two-stepping in the direction of hope people reveal revive testify it is time to create blessings born of gratitude cash our checks in on the prepaid courage of responsibility all in the name of enabling our friends and neighbors the ability to continue their own pursuit of happiness and that my friends is called freedom those that receive your generosity get that freedom freedom from extraordinary hardship freedom from loss freedom from pain freedom from hungry stomachs freedom to go to school again freedom to drink clean water again freedom to go back to work freedom to move back into their homes tonight is about adding value to someone's life who not only wants it but needs it tonight is also about adding value to your life you the one who gives it that might sound old-fashioned and if it does we're good because i do believe the more we give the more we do receive reveal revive testify we will hear testimonies tonight your generosity will revive lives and maybe just maybe you might have a revelation [Music] let's be clear tonight is not about politics no tonight is about purpose helping people out in real need is not a political issue yes tonight is about empathy solidarity and compassion the associated values of the left but it is also about responsibility self-reliance and hard work associated values of the right you see tonight all of these values are on our table because they're the values of being a good neighbor they're the values that we teach our children it's really simple tonight is about helping people get back on their feet after they've gotten knocked down it is about lending a helping hand to people who aren't just looking for a handout it's about serving people who want to serve themselves but are having a hard time doing it right now it is about reviving our spirit not only in texas but in all of us that might be a revelation what do you say you want to do that let me let you know how tonight you can give in three ways everyone can text to give you can give 10 donations throughout the night once twice multiple times the more the better so text the number on the screen if you want to give number two if you're watching on youtube click that donate button anytime you want tonight through the show if you're giving anywhere from one dollar to ten thousand dollars you click that button and your donation is welcome three if you're looking to donate over ten thousand dollars well just come on down to the just keep living foundation website yep that one that's coming up on the screen right now and we will meet you there and thank you for your generosity now speaking of generosity i want to thank the founding sponsors of tonight's show dell technologies you were the first ones to jump on board and get this party started thank you reliant your whole team man you guys got behind this idea early and big thank you and thirdly salesforce to the whole salesforce family you know you're making this night possible thank you those three let me testify they gave us a foundation so we could fly so put your boots up throw your sandals on the floor pop a cold one for you and yours and cash your ticket on the gratitude train while i introduce to you some of my friends and favorite texan artists as we jam through a night of generosity a night where we are all texas so right now let's kick it off with hey we're lost lonely boys and we're here to help raise funds for texas relief because we are texas y'all [Music] domino save me from this prison lord help me get away [Music] so only you can save me now from this misery [Music] and i'm been lost in my own place [Music] how [Music] [Applause] [Music] praying [Music] is [Music] can you tell me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this place i'm living how just got to have some faith and just keep on giving [Music] [Music] [Music] texas one of the things that i love the most about texas the live music and the great food totally acceptable to wear these to a customer meeting my favorite thing about texas isn't really a thing it's the people very friendly they look out for each other we're all neighbors good food and good people is the sense of community here they literally treat you like family we're salesforce we're salesforce somo salesforce together and together and together we're texas [Music] we're dell technologies and we were born in austin texas founded in the dorm room at the university of texas at austin in 1984 dell technologies helped spark and create the tech hub that austin is today with more than 14 000 team members in the austin area who are committed to giving back we're proud to step up and support those who are impacted by the winter storm we're texas we're reliant an nrg company like so many of you we have deep roots all over texas where the people we serve are more than just customers they're our neighbors friends and family and together with texas together with you we're taking the next step we will work to recover and look to brighter days ahead because together we're stronger and together we're texas reliant hello my fellow texans this is don henley from linden texas and dallas texas and many points in between i want to play a little song for you see if we can cheer you up i feel your pain on that bitter cold tuesday of february 16th we had a busted pipe in the attic at my house and me and my family were shoveling and bailing for eight or nine hours there nothing of course compared to the shoveling and bailing that's been going on down in the state capitol the past three weeks now here's a tune that's 50 years old written by mr jesse winchester called snow [Music] i was tuning in a six o'clock news [Music] i was making my plans to go if i was a bird i could fly back south but bear i could go to sleep anything rather than hang around here when the snow starts getting deep now you know what they say about snowflakes how there ain't no do the same well all them flakes look alike to me everyone is a dirty shame my ears are cold my feet are cold i've got mexico on my mind and i'm here to say that if winter comes the was away behind i don't have no heavy hip boots i don't have no furry hat i don't have no lounge on underwear or a layer of protective fact i'll take a plane that the sun is pain all but i don't have no dough but i'd build a bridge and i'd walk there to get away from all that snow i would build a bridge and walk there to get away from all that snow my name is kim holly i live in abbot texas should i say home of willie nelson yeah home of willie nelson he grew up just down the road i live in a craftsman home which was built around the turn of the century when i heard about the storm coming at the time i was in another part of texas and there really wasn't anything i could do except hope that the house made it through the storm and it made it through every other storm but this one was different when my daughters finally brought me back to the house usually i could turn the doorknob and it would open but i pushed and pushed and it didn't budge so i tried the key a different way and same thing and then my dog one of my daughters took over and she pushed in the door really hard and there was a lake of water in the house and i just kind of like stood there and just didn't know what to do and so we all got towels and mops and got after it got the water out i've been trying to find somebody and calling and calling and nobody's available i started taking to facebook and twitter and trying to find out you know where where do we start you know and where where is the help and um that's that's the hard part because my mom she's really strong and she works really hard to she always provided really well for our family and she had never gone through anything like this and to see her having to go through this and not have insurance it was it was really hard and sorry i had saw a post about team rubicon and that they helped with storm damage and other natural disasters and so um i called the 800 number um and found out that um there it was closed at the time because there's it's all volunteer work and the next day i got a phone call from amy anderson and she was more than willing to come and help us and was a huge blessing to get get mom on our way to restoring what's been damaged if if they hadn't jumped in and offered to help i would have it could have been three to six months easily it's going to be so great it'll the pressure's off you know to get all the bad stuff torn out it's taken a whole lot of pressure off of me it was just such a blessing to know that somebody cared enough to you know to help [Music] towels and mops did you hear what she said we got towels and mops and we got after it well that's who we are texas that's how we work we break a sweat we do what needs to be done we get after it but this is what we're finding out it's taking more than towels and mops it's taking rebuilds and restorations to revive and that's where our partners like team rubicon come in see team rubicon was able to complete tens of thousands of dollars of work in one week because they had the volunteers and the resources to do it and folks we've been talking all night about donating about the resources needed for the restoration and rebuilding of so many homes yes please we need it keep hitting the donate button please but on the flip side you may also have the resource of time team rubicon has plenty of homes just waiting for people to volunteer and help them get after the work that needs to be done so if you're looking for a place to get on the ground and break a sweat yourself you can reach out to team rubicon now speaking of getting after it hailing from the same hometown as our friend miss kim another testimony to the soul of our state will you please bend a knee take a bow put your hands together for the living legend the one and only mr willie nelson you have all read the beautiful stories of the countries far over the sea from whence came our ancestors to establish this land of free there are some folks who still like to travel see what they have over there but when they go look it's not like the book and they find there is none to compare to beautiful beautiful texas with a beautiful blue bodies growth we're proud of our forefathers who fought at the alamo you can live on the plains or the mountains are down where the sea breezes blow still being beautiful texas the most beautiful place that i know still be in beautiful texas the most beautiful place that i [Music] know [Music] this is from my great state of texas the sun is shining we got you let's go [Music] nothing but clouds and it's dark in my heart and it feels [Music] i need for you to feel good with me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] break it down break it up [Music] come on i want you to keep loving one my another you my sister i got you and i'm gonna turn it over to my boy mcconaughey [Music] hey i'm clayton kershaw from dallas texas and some of my favorite things are tex-mex food and taking my kids to the ranch and fishing and just hanging out in the outdoors hello texas i'm jamie foxx i know people's will has been tested i know our humanity has been tested but there's nothing like texas people and we will do whatever we can to protect our texas spirit our texas roots because nobody absolutely nobody messes with texas hey i'm dr phil and robin and i call dallas texas home what i love most about texas are the people straight ahead hard-working folks we're a family a handshake and giving your word still means something we're texas i'm michael strahan and i am from houston texas and the thing i love most about texas the people we are diverse we are loving and as they say everything in texas is big we have big hearts we're texts hi renee zoecker from katie proud texans there's so much to love the land the sunsets the music the food the people it doesn't matter what town you're from and difficult times we rallied together to support one another and i'm so grateful to be part of that we're a community or texas see all this song is called heart like mine hope you like it it's an oldie but goodie [Music] somehow i always get stronger when i'm on my surface [Music] even though i hate to admit it sometimes i smoke cigarettes christian folks say i should quit not just [Music] is that he cried when he saw my tattoos said he'd love me anyway my brother got the brains of the family so i thought [Music] is [Music] away [Music] these are the days that i will remember [Music] cause i heard is is my name is tamani chris i'm 30 years old and i'm from dallas texas i'm a single mom of three phenomenal boys my eldest son is quentin he's 13. my middle son is roderick he's 11 and then my baby boy is jordan and he's six years old [Music] initially when the storm happened we slept in our car for two days for warmth and power um and then once we figured out the electricity had came back on we ran into the apartment so i can cook them some food because we hadn't eaten and 15 minutes into us being there the light fixture in the kitchen started to fill up with water so we grabbed plastic bins and towels and blankets to try to contain the water and then it started to come out electric outlets and the phone jack and then it started to come out the light fixture in the living room um and while i was placing the maintenance order the work request i heard a creek and then my instinct just told me to just run and i literally jumped over the threshold and soon as my feet landed the ceiling hit the ground so it was pretty scary it was really scary there was no power and so initially they were going to put us at the recreation center but they didn't have power either so one of our city councilmen brought out the bus as a warming station and that's where we ended up because they had power it was a warm place to stay and they had food and it was safe so the whole time we were on the bus we were looking for hotels and everything was booked solid so one of the volunteers were able to find us a hotel it's only a few minutes away from the kids school it's a few minutes away from our apartment so yeah this hotel is what we call home for the time being [Music] so they can assist the situation shift this anymore behind the walls and then pull up the floor [Music] since the storm i've been kind of dipping into my savings um to just take care of basic needs like the extra gas child care buying clothes buying supplies pretty much trying to replace everything we lost slowly so once we are able to move back into our apartment i'll have to work on new couches dining room tables kitchen appliances everything in their room even down to like shower curtains and bathrooms since the experience i think we definitely have gotten closer we were already pretty close because we do a lot together it's always just me and them um but we sit down and we talk a lot and we crack jokes and um you know they'll sleep in the bed with me and i'm just learning so much more about them that i didn't know my children definitely motivate me to just keep going maintain a positive attitude and just keep a brave face i know that it'll be okay but sometimes it's i'm a little bit skeptical because i'm just like i don't know when we'll be back in our apartment i don't know what will happen like i just think about um where do we go from here where do we go from here where does toumani go from here well i'm going to help answer that question for her right now uh toumani are you there dear yes hi good afternoon how are you i'm good how are you i'm doing awesome you know this this is one of the most amazing things about you too you got you're working from home the freeze came you were taken out of your house you slept on a bus you got three boys and here you are still choosing to respond with this strength and hope can you just explain to me and to the world where does it come from just really being a mom you know when you have little people looking up to you you just do what you have to do and you are doing what you have to do and then some you know um can you tell me about your boys i hear that they themselves are entrepreneurs they are i mean they're typical boys they love sports they love to eat um and then they love to work they have a lawn care company um you know to try to earn their own money so they can just buy what they want so they're just super awesome kids you know uh earlier i heard you ask you know where do we go from here and i want to tell you something um our team is going to help you refurnish some of your house and we're also going to get your boys the lawn care equipment that they need so they can keep on working as the entrepreneurs they are how's that sound that sounds absolutely amazing thank you guys so much i am literally so appreciative and so grateful and just so thankful thank you guys you're a great example about a resilience um not just for texans but i think for the human spirit all over and all of us and thank you for that thank you guys thank you guys so much and honestly i'm just a mom i'm just the mom doing the best that i can for her children amen amen thank you thank you you're welcome i'm just a mom doing the best i can howdy that is the kind of revival that i'm talking about that's the kind of revival we're talking about [Music] i'm hotter than your mama supper boy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i ain't no [Music] i got what it takes i sure got the means i got what you want sugar honey iced tea all eyes on me [Music] [Music] i'm aiming to please i got what it takes i sure got the means i got what you want sugar honey iced tea all the eyes on me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ain't no competition babies just can't you keep up with me do a thing about my wicked ways with gravity higher than the leaves they fall from trees [Music] oh [Applause] now joining us one of my favorite texans coat mccoy colt howdy sir how you doing i'm outstanding man how are you doing man doing good man the show's going great a lot of people are donating it's happening it's happening um i got a question for you we've got the world watching and you're a great texan tell the world and tell me what's something you love about texas oh my goodness where do i start um i tell you what god spent a little bit extra time when he created texas from big bend west texas all the way to piney woods in east texas from the plains up in north texas to the south texas brush country you've got the texas coast on the side and and the beautiful hill country jammed right in the middle it is it's beautiful it's awesome but but the best thing about texas the best thing about texas is the people i grew up on the farm and i've lived in the big cities and it's the most genuine loving kind helpful people you'll ever meet yeah texans do they come together you know and a lot of people are out there giving right now and there's a lot of people that still need to be given to so on that question your job that sometimes takes you out of the state of texas what is it when you're gone about texas that you miss the most oh man i miss the people i miss the food food's amazing great tex-mex great barbecue uh you can't find that anywhere else um you know and and being able to play at texas for four years just the relationships that i had i i miss those when i'm out of state yeah i hear you that's another thing texas is about family um so colt you know we got a lot of texans out there that are hurting from this winter freeze any words you want to you want to give them let them know encourage them i just say stay strong texans are tough we bind together neighbors helping neighbors families helping families friends helping friends stay strong amen there it is and on that note thank you for being a great texan a great longhorn too sir and why don't you introduce this next act for everybody yeah this next act is someone who i've loved since college awesome music amazing person hailing from san marcos texas please welcome the one and only randy rogers hey there texas all you texans all you honorary texans randy rogers here from the randy rogers band we miss you we miss seeing you on the road i know it's been rough and rocky traveling of late but we hope to get you dancing soon if not dance in your living room i've been watching you stare at the floor and that guy's got two left feet i made me wrong but you must be bored you look like someone who i'd like to meet i could walk over and say hello i think you need one more drink [Music] so looking like you're getting ready to go and find some words quick now let me think where the things don't work out by the next song and you're looking about someone who can dance i'll be right over there by the jukebox quarter in my hand trying to buy myself a chance [Music] some have a flexion and an empty glass so i rehearse my lines so i ain't looking for trouble i know you came in here with him tonight but things don't work out by the next song and you're looking about someone who can dance i'll be right over there by the jukebox quartering my hand trying to buy myself a chance well here goes nothing i hope it's something walking now across the floor cross my fingers tap the shoulder and i say it never done this before [Music] but if things don't work about the next song and you're looking about someone who can dance i'll be right over there by the jukebox where the things don't work out by the next song and you're looking about someone who can dance i'll be right over there by the jukebox quarter in my hand trying to buy myself a chance trying to buy myself a chance [Music] all right thank you thank you yes mr randy rogers you said it so many people are trying to buy themselves a chance thank you sir i also think you've got a few of us dancing in our living rooms and while that's going to have to do for now myself and so many are looking forward to the day when we are all dancing here together in austin texas right here in the gorgeous austin city limits live at the moody theater will you join in with the good folks like acl live and give a little something back text to give or hit that donate button right now lickety-split lead pipe cinch you got it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it wasn't only individuals that called me and said hey i see what you're doing how can we help it was also texas companies reaching out to see how they could help companies like american airlines hi i'm kyle mabry and i'm proud to be a texan our company american airlines is headquartered right here in dallas fort worth and is proud to call texas our home we're honored to be a part of this event to help care for our fellow texans especially in their time of need we're american airlines and we're texas so here's what they're doing if you are an american airlines advantage member go to jklivenfoundation.org

a a donate now and you can earn 10 american airlines advantage miles for every dollar you give on donations of 25 or more through march 31st 2021 and remember every one of your dollars is going to our nonprofit partners helping the people in our state so thank you american airlines for your partnership now we are going to tell you the stories of the real texans in need my name is john paul deneen iii i'm a first generation farmer here in waxahachie in ellis county texas i've been farming about 30 years raise wheat corn milo raise some soy beans run some cows we direct market our beef to here locally to the consumers we try and have always tried to do just about everything in-house so i've got a service truck where i fix all my own stuff that i possibly can i can fix it out in the field and all that stuff over the years we've tried to buy you know fix it fixer-upper kind of things and and i've been very blessed to be mechanically inclined so i'll fix it up and get it going and then that gives us something kind of cheap that we can you know use and rather than going and buying feed for instance that kind of stuff we always watch the the weather i mean that's part of our livelihood and of course you know at any given time it's texas you can wait 30 minutes and it'll change but those cold temperatures we were kind of seeing those things drop and everything so we knew that that there was something serious you know looked like it was coming it's a little bit you know nerve-wracking as as a parent you know because you know you want to keep your family warm you got animals out here that we're trying to feed we're going out and taking care of them coming back in you know we want to kind of warm up and everything we did our best to try and stockpile hay for the animals fill up with fuel you know so that we we weren't having to go to town if there were power outages that kind of stuff what we didn't expect was the seven days below freezing we didn't expect to wake up at depending on exactly where you were zero degrees or negative one negative two that kind of stuff our fuel gelled up in our tractors we couldn't we couldn't start them we don't have block heaters to keep them warm here because we don't get that cold it was never needed so for about two days we were just dead in the water anything that ran on diesel didn't run anymore [Music] we were fortunate on the cattle um that we didn't lose any cattle any frostbite or anything like that we we were very fortunate this is calving season in this time of part of texas and so after the bitterness of the cold had kind of broke a little bit we started having some babies and so that was really good that we didn't have to deal with them in the brutal sub-freezing temperature now we're very concerned about the wheat crop we really won't know for really several more weeks till there starts to be some heads produced to to see if there truly was damage or not but we're feeling better now that the sun shines out and things kind of growing a little bit i think the spirit of being a texan and more importantly being a farmer or a rancher is forever adapting trying to make the best out of what you're given trying not to ever give up and and do the best with what you've got and just uh looking forward to those better days ahead did you hear that adapt make the best of what you got make the most of any situation now that math adds up please purchase now the question is how do we make the most of any situation i think first we all have to hold on to that infinite optimism and i'm talking about an optimism that is more than just a damn feel-good hallmark card i'm talking about an optimism that is necessary for survival john paul is already leading the way but he is still in need so how can we help him out tonight let's do something together right now john paul yes sir hello sir good to meet you how are you sir we're doing all right you know uh um being a texan and i'm a texan share with us something that you love about texas i love about texas no matter what we are given in life i think texans uh they adapt they endure they persevere boom boom boom adapt endure persevere now we saw in the video that you have a specific piece of of equipment that insurance is not going to cover tell us what that piece of equipment does how it's holding you up if you don't get it back in service and tell us what you need what that piece of equipment gives you that you need so we farm full time here in north central texas our piece of equipment we're talking about is is a sprayer it holds 1200 gallons of product it opens up to 120 feet wide connects to satellite that kind of stuff it's very important in our operation for controlling you know weeds pests that kind of stuff we're actually planting our corn crop this week um that machine would have been used to to go behind to uh spray the ground in preparation for that corn to spike up i hate to hear that you got a you got a piece of machinery with a with a part in it that's not covered by insurance so what we're going to do is we're going to pay for that part all right for that piece of machinery that gets you back in full business all right so that's a gift from us thank you so much you have no idea how how good that feels from getting the phone call that you know it's not covered and you can't pay to to having that that hope to go forward amen keep doing what you're doing you're inspiring a lot of people in the way you do it too sir i appreciate it yes sir now listen isn't that the kind of man you want to get behind isn't that the kind of person you want to back a man who needs but is too proud to ask i say i purchase so let's keep this short rolling here to sing for you would you please welcome mr parker [Music] mccullum i didn't think i was i knew that you were good you were good [Music] and what does that say about me i could do you like [Music] [Applause] [Music] as you drove off in your car and what does that say about me now that i've broken you're pretty hard [Music] i've been drinking like a drunkard [Music] and what does that say about me i could do you like i did that i could break an angel's ring what does that say about me [Music] about me now that i broke you're pretty hard [Music] and what does that say about me i could do you like i did that i could break your angels wings what does that say about me that i stood there like a fence post as you drove off in your car and what [Music] you're pretty [Music] you're pretty hard you're pretty hard [Music] i caught every single red light as i cried my way back home my good lord she turned me sideways in the end i might never let nobody do me twice what she's done wrong fool me once shame on you i'll be gone fool me once and i'll be gone i'm gonna leave my house and roll i'm gonna go out on the road and sing my songs i might find enough some time i might even walk further but pull me once shame on you i'll be gone you can't trick me into thinking that you've loved me for a while you can't make me think your love was really real but i'm gonna read between the lines before you shine your plastics and when i do i will run for miles and [Music] fool me miles and i'll be gone i'm gonna leave my house and home i'm gonna go out on the road and sing my songs [Music] shame on you i'll be gone [Music] pull me once and i'll be gone i'm gonna leave my house and home i'm gonna go out on the road and sing my songs [Music] [Music] shame on you i'll be gone fool me once shame on you i'll be gone [Music] so [Applause] [Music] hey everyone it's chip and joanna gaines here in waco texas and we are all rallying together to try to do the best we can to help all of the people affected by these events the last few weeks because together we are texas hey y'all i'm angie harmon born and raised in dallas texas the thing that i love most about my home state is the people they are strong and independent and kind and loyal and they will give you the shirt off their back at any given moment they're our neighbors they're your neighbors we're texas hi i'm jordan speed and i'm from dallas texas where i was born raised and where i still call home today one of my favorite things about the state of texas has got to be the people texas hospitality is unmatched let's help our fellow neighbors out in any way that we can please make a donation and keep an eye out for your neighbor we are texas hey everybody i'm miranda lambert and i'm from glendale texas and i am so proud to be from texas like all of us always are i truly believe there's nothing that we can't do as a community and family and state by sticking together and being strong and doing what texas do so thanks for letting me be part of this i love y'all howdy texas uh woody harrelson here from austin from midland i'm gonna be moving to austin so sometimes i say you know i'm not actually from austin but uh anyway i i am many many miles away from you but my heart is with you and i hope that what matthew and camilla are doing really helps and uh i'm sending my love and then when we move there we'll give you a love in person because we're texas now listen some folks who have already been generous are our sponsors sponsors like camping world whole foods the moody foundation austin fc san antonio spurs and gallery furniture to name a few we are grateful for you check it out at camping world we believe in helping our neighbors and supporting our communities which is why we are proud to partner with the just keep living foundation to help unite support and rebuild the great state of texas with 14 camping world locations in texas we are dedicated to providing a helping hand to our customers employees and communities affected by the winter storm join us in helping texas rebuild even stronger to donate or learn more visit jk jklivinfoundation.org i'm ross moody with the moody foundation and we love texas because we believe in the spirit of all texans and their communities and our need to help one another we're texas we're whole foods market founded over 40 years ago right here in austin texas we love texas and are grateful for the opportunity to support the community our team members suppliers and of course our texas neighbors during this challenging time for the past 40 years our mission to nourish people and the planet continues to drive everything that we do we're texas hi i'm matt biesler and we are austin fc together we are texas we're proud to call austin our new home please consider donating to the weir texas just keep living relief fund somos texas i'm patty mills from the san antonio spurs we look out for each other and come together we turn neighbors into family we are texas i'm michael young with the texas rangers and i love texas because it's our home the reason we're supporting our fellow texans is because they're our neighbors and they're your neighbors we're texas hi jim mcenvel gallery furniture during the recent arctic storm we house thousands of texans at gallery furniture because tough times never last tough texas do we band together in time of crisis by banding together will overcome this arctic storm there's no place like home there's no place like texas we love texas damn straight we do love texas and you too can share your love for texas by making a donation just text to give or click that little donate button on your screen there it is and up now is a texan who number one sent me to go get my own cowboy hat he really needs no introduction he is a man who is a testimonial to the texas gentleman would everyone please welcome mr george strait [Music] i still feel 25 most of the time steer is a little cane with a boys honky tonks and pretty women a lot but i'm still right there with them singing above the crowd and the noise sometimes i feel like jesse james still trying to make a name knowing nothing's gonna change what i am i was a young tribal door when i wrote in on a song and i'll be an old troubadour when i'm gone where the truth about a mirror is that a damned old mirror don't really tell the whole truth and don't show what's deep inside i read between the lines and it's really no reflection of my youth sometimes i feel like jesse james still trying to make a name knowing nothing's gonna change what i am i was a young tribute when i wrote in on a song and i'll be an old troubadour when i'm gone i was a young trivia door when i wrote in on a song and i'll be an old true door when i'm gone i'll be an old troubadour when i'm gone hi i'm troy aikman i came to texas straight out of college and i can't imagine calling any other place home and what i love most about texas is george strait and the pride that permeates through the people of this great state we are texas thank you hall of famer troy aikman for being with us and giving us an amazing donation to our cause i too cannot imagine calling any other place home so a special shout out to you brother yes we are texas now you know troy played for the dallas cowboys for 12 seasons and he led the cowboys to three super bowl victories so speaking of the cowboys a special shout out to the jones family for all of their support they give to texas every single day and now let's hear from the man who takes snaps under center for the cowboys today mr dak prescott i'm dak prescott and our team plays at atnt stadium in arlington texas the jones family and the dallas cowboys are proud to help present this event in support of all of our neighbors we are texas yes and right next door to at t stadium where the cowboys play you'll also find another friend of ours in their new ball park our tried and true partners of 11 years with the just keep living foundation the texas rangers baseball foundation we serve schools all over texas and i want to show you one in particular that we can all impact by just hitting that donate button on your screen and giving back [Music] i'm marcelo cavazos i'm the arlington isd superintendent and today we're here at dunn elementary one of the schools in our district that received a significant amount of damage as a result of the winter storm that we had our initial expectation when we heard the storm was coming was that we would be in a situation where it could disrupt our schools but did not anticipate that we would have lost power [Music] and so what we see here today are floors that have been taken out because there was a lot of water the walls have been cut about two feet to dry out the building really making the building not functional so we're looking currently at damages over six million dollars [Music] so the total amount of time that we've been out of don elementary is beginning around february the 10th so we relocated the students from this building into another facility another school a nearby school that had room i thanked our students for being resilient and being those students that are a model for others about tenacity but i still know that it's a challenge because we still have a big disruption so my favorite thing about being a texan is being able to serve students and being able to be a leader that provides opportunities for young people for their future that could change their lives yes sir yes sir yes sir so you see this is not only about getting water back in pipes it's also about getting kids back in schools it's about the opportunity to get them an education and that is a revival of a child's daily bread so hit that donate button text to give and be a part of that revival what's up y'all it's leon bridges i just want to send some love and light to all my people of texas affected by the winter storms i hope this song can be uplifting for you during these tough times and this song is called texas sun here we go you say you like to win going through your help come over with me if the sun goes down it takes the sun [Music] say you want to hit the [Music] walker [Music] oh [Music] when i'm [Music] cause you keep me nice and you keep me warm wanna feel your arms can't [Music] texas [Music] the sun goes down all girls [Music] how about you and me take a little trip in a big body take a ride with me baby you by my side how does it sound [Music] how does it sound you and i baby oh no if you go to houston i wanna go to san anton gotta go to austin first baby you know [Music] what's up y'all hey everybody thanks for tuning in to help texas i'm clint black i'm from houston and out in katy this song uh came from an idea hayden nicholas uh up in austin he and i were on our way to a gig in spring texas when we came up with the idea for this [Music] one you were the first thing that i thought of when i thought i drank you off my mind [Music] when i get lost in the liquor you're the only one i find and if i did the things i ordered you still would not be mine so i'll keep a tight grip on the bottle getting loose and killing time and this killing time [Applause] is killing me drinking myself blind thinking i won't see that if i cross that line [Music] and they bury me well i just might find i'll be killing time for eternity i don't know nothing about tomorrow all i've been lost in yesterday i spent all my life just dying for a love that passed away and if there's an end to all my sorrow and this is the only price i'll pay i'll be a happy man when i go and i can't wait another day in this killing time is killing me drinking myself blind thinking i won't see that if i cross that line and they bury me well i just might find i'll be killing time for eternity i said it just might find i'll be killing time for eternity [Music] so i got another friend i want to talk to here everybody say hi to uh joe rogan joe hey how are we doing sir i'm good brother how are you i'm doing real well man we're having we're having a good show man we're rolling right along um you sir not from here you are new here a new texas transplant why tell me about texas uh well i've been coming here since 1999 that's when i first started doing stand-up in austin and i've always loved it here i came down here with my family and my kids loved it and so we uh packed up our bags and here we are you find a different set sort of a common denominator of values in texas than you find other places the friendliness and that it's uh a virtue here i think that's a big thing i really i really think that that's very important it's it's nice my kids were kind of blown away by it right away they noticed that the kids are friendlier and they say ma'am and sir that was kind of shocking they were like whoa this where are we i love that hey so joe you know we got a lot of texans that are hurting from the freeze we're helping a lot of those a lot of them out right now you got any words encouragement for them uh well it's an incredibly unfortunate event right and it's horrible the things that these people had to go through and uh i don't know what i can say that's going to make them feel better i mean other than you know i'm more than happy to contribute money and i'm more than happy to contribute time and spread the word and try to get as many people involved in this relief effort as possible but hard i mean what other than that what can you say to these poor folks that have experienced me some people still don't have their water yeah the water's still off it's crazy it's unprecedented once in every 120 year storm and it's just extremely unfortunate well you being a part of this brings an amazing amount of awareness to what we're doing so thank you for being a part of it my pleasure brother thank you very much and thank you for what you're doing i think what you're doing is beautiful that you are putting your time out there to do this is amazing hey there it's casey here and um excited to be a part of this the other night i got a phone call it was kind of getting late and um i don't answer unknown numbers but for some reason i did and it was matthew and he was like hey casey want to be part of this thing i'm doing it's going to be really cool um obviously it was a hell yes for me so thanks matthew for asking me um i think this is wonderful anything i can do to support and lend a hand to my wonderful fellow texans i'm there for it i'm all about it and um man i really miss my my home state i miss the food i miss the people and um i miss being on the road so let's bust this one out by the good old patron saint willie nelson and uh wherever you are sing it with me and um i hope i get to see you guys soon here we go by the way i cut my nails for you guys for this that means i love you all right on the road again just can't wait to get on the road again the life i love is making music with my friends and i can't wait to get on the road again on the road again going places that i've never been seeing things that i may never see again and i can't wait to get on the road again on the road again like a bed of gypsies we go down the highway where the best of friends insisting that the world keeps turning our way in our way is on the road again i just can't wait to get on the road again the life i love is making music with my friends and i can't wait to get on the road again i can't wait to get on the road again yeah we can't wait to get on the road again [Music] love you all hope to see you soon thank you there are still so many homes in texas that need shoveling and baling doing that work is one of the non-profits that we are serving it's a non-profit that's near and dear to both mine and camilla's heart meals on wheels central texas now i want to read you a letter from them dear camilla and matthew our mission here at meals on wheels central texas has always been to enable our seniors to live nourished lives with independence and dignity it isn't just about a meal being delivered it's about lifting people up each meal and act of service is an extension of the value we place on vulnerable homebound older adults in our community we were on the ground serving after winter storm yuri and learned about matilda's storm damage matilda is a former nurse and educator a mother grandmother and a proud texan during the snowstorm matilda's roof caved in causing significant damage to her home we need to remove and replace that roof the walls the siding interior walls shower toilet vanities and flooring all for her health and safety this kind of project is a twenty thousand dollar job that we need support for matilda is just one of many seniors that we're helping with our more than a meal programs that promote dignity and independence so thank you for featuring meals on wheels central texas and the senior neighbors we serve like matilda together we can and will rise again your friends at meals on wheels central texas now what you just heard was matilda story what you just saw was matilda's home and as you can see there is still a lot of work to be done and you know what we're gonna get her done matilda thank you for inviting us in to your home folks this is the under the hood work that we've been talking about this is the work that is not cosmetic no this is intestinal it's internal this is work on the soul now let me let everyone know meals on wheels central texas has 319 clients on the wait list for their home repair program right now so just remember when you hit the donate button or when you text to give you are helping the matildas in texas and so many others that need what you can give to help them rise again i'm lyle levitt when i first learned matthew mcconaughey was putting this together to help people affected by the winter storm i wasn't surprised that's just the way matthew is that's the way people from our state are i'm grateful to matthew for including me and i'm grateful to you all for caring enough to support your fellow texans through your donations may god bless you together we're texas in the darkness hour [Music] in the dead of night [Music] when the strong clouds gathered and the lightning strikes [Music] and the thunder goes [Music] and the cold rainbow [Music] the future it holds [Music] what god only knows and i will rise up [Music] though i'd be a dead man [Music] you should have been on the record back in 1904 [Music] you could have found you a dead man [Music] and i will rise up and i will rise up [Music] [Music] in 1910 they was working the women like they was working for [Music] will me up and i will rise up though i'd be a dead man i said yes and amen and i will stand tall my captain don't do me [Music] until [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] strong in the graveyard [Music] and the sun going on [Music] [Music] [Music] though i'd be a dead man i said [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my mean my [Applause] marcus lemonis are you there sir how are you my man oh we're doing good from from where are you calling from my friend i'm in california i'm in california not not too far from texas but farther than i should be okay okay you're calling from california uh you're not from texas well so why are you calling in tonight wanting to help texas well listen i i've heard about what you're doing uh and i have a lot of businesses both big and small businesses throughout texas and i have a lot of employees and friends that have been affected by what's happening there and in thinking about everything that you're doing through jkl to help the people of texas i i just felt like i needed to hack into your your show and show up hack away sir hack away sir now you work with you have a company camping world you're helping out a lot of uh relief efforts in texas you're helping people get generators tell us a little bit more about this so you know part of my life is my camping world business the other part is my my small business efforts but at camping world you know we kind of really stay focused on what's happening on the ground in texas and so we provided thousands of generators truckloads of water and we do that in a quiet way because we understand the importance of making sure that people that not only work for us but that shop with us or that live in our neighborhoods are taken care of and that's ultimately how how this came to be right i i heard about what you were doing and i started calling saying how do we do more you called and right away you were saying how you could do more well you've already done a lot is there anything else you want to share with us and texans in the world right now look i know that there are a lot of people struggling right now to try to make ends meet to put their house back together and how much love comes out of your heart so i thought i'd add a little bit to the numbers but you know me well enough to know that i always have a little twist okay always have a little twist love it so i'd like to uh uh contribute 500 000 500 dollars i'd like to contribute five hundred thousand dollars to the word texas program to jkl because i trust what jkl is doing to to distribute the money but i have a caveat i better see other businesses and other individuals calling up going online clicking on youtube doing whatever they have to do to put that money down there it's not just my 500 000. we better get to 20 million and if we don't we're going to have a problem 20 million bucks is what we need tonight marcus ammonius kicks us out of the gate with five hundred thousand dollars you hear that and he's calling on you other companies out there to help please do the same or something similar marcus five hundred thousand that's a wonderful amount of zeros behind that five sir and thank you thank you very much your money's gonna be spent wisely our foundation is vetting the people working with the nonprofits on the ground the work 100 pennies of every dollar is going to help out the people in texas in need thank you now before i go i just want to remind everybody that this was camilla's idea of course it was my wife's idea so thank you camilla and thank you marcus you got everybody good luck you and camper appreciate it marcus yes you guys we love texas thank you for everything hear that we're texas we love texas let's keep it coming beautiful thanks to marcus and our friends at camping world we are damn grateful for you [Music] after we determined that we would not be meeting in this building we got on the phone and called every single parent and explained what was going on with the daycare the initial reaction from our parents of course was what am i going to do where am i going to take my kids it was heartbreaking to hear some of the stories that we did hear over the phone and it's heartbreaking to hear that some of our parents that are just now getting to go back to work or having to stay home again because of the freeze a couple of days later i started receiving phone calls we can't find daycare the the daycare's of course due to covid they won't let us take tours we're not taking our children to a place that we can't see or we can't meet the teachers i have to go to work the most emotional piece of this entire storm initially i guess it was the building but the effects that it's had on our parents and our children the families our teachers our staff has been unbelievable [Music] there must be a little bit of texan in a lot of people in this country we've had people call from all over offering to help or asking what they can do or sending people to clean up or help repair the next step as a director of the academy day care is to make sure that this facility is up and running as soon as possible our number one priority is our children and our families in this community texas is my forever home i've lived here all of my life i love texans we're strong we will come back from this it may take a while but we will come back from this [Music] yep debbie's right we will come back from this but don't miss this piece of what she said you see this isn't just about children it's also about parents unable to go to work because they have to stay home and take care of their children because their children don't have a school to go to anymore and these are families that cannot afford not to go to work i do not like that math so when you donate remember that 100 pennies on every dollar you give is going to places like our non-profit partner save the children which is not only helping out kids but it's helping out their parents and their families who need it so again whatever you can give five dollars 10 20 20 grand we're gonna take it bring it please your generosity is creating the revival up next will you please welcome khalid hey what's up it's khalid here i'm sitting in texas all my love sending texas all my life and we can all get through this together this one right here is called angels i haven't seen seeing angels in my living room that i've walked the sun and never lived on the moon covered in the fragrance of their own perfume telling me the stories stories coming true while you see these angels these angels see the light yeah i have my troubles troubles on bright i've been seeing angels [Music] now hold on to their secrets and told our memories will float above horizons and sail across the seas [Music] [Music] [Music] anger [Music] angel yeah [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] let me tell you about our non-profit partners doing real work on the ground reviving they are the direct recipients of your generosity partners like salvation army meals on wheels central texas austin disaster relief and s b p my name is mark smith i'm the executive director of spp houston sbp is a national nonprofit disaster recovery and resilience organization that helps shrink the time between disaster and recovery we're serving all of texas right now so we're giving free resources and guides to homeowners all across the state we're also actively repairing homes here in houston we're at the home of the leonard family unfortunately a lot of the pipes in his ceilings burst during the freeze and so he's had significant plumbing and then damage to his ceiling so we're putting insulation back up we're putting the walls back up and we're getting mr leonard and his family back to normal my name is laurie strather i'm from originally houston texas i started serving with svp in 2019 and it's been wonderful in mr leonard's home today we're putting up drywall insulation first of course i have demoed a house totally put the flooring in from the ground up name it we have build homes we get her done that's our motto we get her done i want to serve i love people period i always put them ahead of you know what i had to do because i can always come back to what i'm doing we're going to make it you know no matter what you know because of that the love that people some people have for others and that's always good to see what we do to others we do it to ourselves we get her done we serve and we're gonna make it well that makes me wanna roll up my sleeves right now why because what we do to others we do do to ourselves that is miss lori strather testify well let me tell you something else about miss laurie that she's not gonna tell you while she's out helping her neighbors be able to move back into

2021-03-25 12:03

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