Unlock Massive Profits A.I. Trading With Trage Technologies || TRAGE TECH Complete Presentation

Unlock Massive Profits A.I. Trading With Trage Technologies || TRAGE TECH  Complete Presentation

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Friend of Navid Akhtar and you are watching Navid 579 Friends, today we will talk about Trez Technology, what is this, how to join it, what is the system, where is it registered, how is it earning, how is it working. I will guide all this in the video. It is possible that the video may be a little long but you do not have to take tension, you do not skip the entire video and you have to follow my steps step by step in the video. Let's start, see, we have come to Trez Technology Trez, here it is written that all this is registered from Marshall Islands, let's verify whether it is registered or not, first of all open it by clicking on Open. After scrolling down, you have to scroll down a little and after scrolling down, you have to write the name here and when you click here, this page will open. After this, you have to write the name of the company here,

after writing the name, you have to choose it, click on the corporation, click on your search here, then all your details etc. about it will come here. Now look here, the registration number of the company has come, the name of the company has come and see the status, it is written as active. We open it again by clicking on the registration number, open it and check it in detail. Now see this. Its corporation status has come, its status is active

and since when is it active, it is active from 18 January 2024, it has been fixed, now see here the name of the company etc. and the entire address etc. of this company, from where is it registered, how is it, how is it not? The first one is ours, that is fine, now we click on the second one again, now come to this, you see this, scroll down a bit, now write here the main thing is from USA Security, this is registered from US SEC. Let us verify once what is registered, before this, these Bines are also from the same, which is registered, SEC is fine, now we search what Bines are there, now see it here, here, here. It will be written, now look here, the SEC file has made 13 charges against the vehicle, open it and see which ones it has made, because whatever it is for the bass, it has also charged the CG as well. Because this SCC is such a rate that whoever registers with it, then he

cannot do any wrong thing or if he does not fulfill the commitment he has made, then there is a complaint against him, then ACC charges him. Now see this SCC has banned Binance. There are about 13 charges against which the people had complained. After complaining, SCC has taken action. After taking the action, they have neither returned the money nor have charged the fine, but have returned the money to the people to whom it belonged.

See here also that the SEC has fined him for the commitment he had made and for the wrongdoing he had done. If he had committed any wrongdoing, he should also be fined in August. Or SEC is a great and good branch and it is the branch of America. Now let us look at our company. Is it registered in it or not? Write USA SCC in whatever it is and press enter. After pressing enter, see this. Its website has arrived, open your website and see friends, now you have to click on it like search edge, the page will open by clicking on it, after the page opens, you have to write the name of the company here like If you have written a trade then it has come but still we click and search, after searching its page will open, after the page opens you check here, see this, trade technology has come like above. Let's click

and see its details etc., all the details etc. are coming. When we scroll down, see here friends. If you have to click on it, then the documents etc. will be shown to you. If you click on the open document, then friends, see

all the documentation etc. behind it, you have to download it, download it, it is okay, all the details etc. have come, what is it, how is it, in what way, so know from these things. Let us tell you that the company is registered with an SCC, which means we can trust it. It is registered with Marshall Islands, both of these are very powerful things,

which means that if the company tries to do something wrong, then we can catch it and we can tax it. Now you can know what work this company does and how it works. Generates profit. Well, now the concept of the company, what is arbitrage, if you check it after three, four or five or other changes, then its price will be different, that is, if you take BTC, the rate will be above Binance, the rate will be above Kukan, and the rate will be different.

There will be a further rate on the globe by finding out the difference between these things, which is the difference between selling one to the other and selling the third to the third and the fourth, whether it will be profit or lust, okay in this there will be lust and profit. What happens is the trades etc. done by the company, I will tell you further, which trades the company does, what is Arbit, is it a new thing, is it an old thing, let's search about it, it is not a tax thing, it is a very old thing. What do I open, see what is written here, how does it work, what things do we do, now what is written, in what way, what is working, after doing your research, you see, convert BTC to BTC. By converting with three pairs, first BTC and then like this, whatever you trade, you can get the proof by trading. In the example, it is telling that you have

cut the ribbon 5000 by 500, yes BTC converted into BTC corner covert. When you sell from left to right again, you will get Rs 5000 to Rs 2000. This is their main concept but if you try to do it yourself then you will waste a lot of time or you may be forced to trade . Five minutes in this thing, but this is a company, this company has prepared the board which is doing this transaction , complete the transaction in a minimum of three to four to five to six seconds and for this I will also show you a live demo of how the company works and See how the company is doing pat, see here also 00 bit purchase is telling that on top of this you again went to that place and sold it, but this thing may take time, okay, in this you spend a lot of money. You can set the category, you can give everything, see this, tell me what you took before promoting it, but here also it is telling that BNB BTC, bought BTC from BNB, then bought BTC from BTC, again came to reside and It took about 55 seconds and within 5 seconds it has made profit i.e.

in 5 seconds it has made 3.87% profit but in the live demo that I will show, it will be able to earn almost a lot of profit in just 4 seconds or 5 seconds. Now its specification tells that it is active 24 hours and every week i.e. not every day, 7 days and 24 hours, it is fine, its development etc. work is done, it is low risk, performance is good and it is 100% automatic. Its boat is automatic, it selects the per, selects which one to buy, to whom, how to sell, where, what to do, in what way, it is a total automatic system.

Now see here, it is telling that its That is, many tokens etc. are being launched, it itself creates pairs, after creating pairs its value is 1.9 trillion dollars, it is in the market, there is 9.2 billion trading volume, it does this 20 24 hours and That is, Seven Days A keeps doing this continuously. Now look here, its gist is telling what its fee is, i.e. with draw, etc. fees,

etc. What is its fee at present, what is its fee in this year, i.e. in 2024, when you If you create an account then the account is created for free, it is ok as you have to deposit your amount and start taking your profit but from the next year it will be around 30$-35 which is the fee for creating the account etc. Tax Withdrawal Whatever your withdrawal is, it will be minimum $ and or %, whatever amount you withdraw, if it is okay, then daily distribution etc. is also done on daily basis, which is in your account daily at 7:00 pm Pakistani time. Your profit will come

i.e. whatever profit you get, you get it on daily basis. Okay, you calculate it on monthly basis. What happens, what doesn't happen, then what is its meaning. Now let's talk about it. The risk which is trading risk, what is it? Now whatever is fed inside it can be a loss at about 50% and 80% of the profit in it is the average of the trades which is at 85% which is in profit. And whatever is there on 15 is in the last i.e. if we calculate its average, then whatever is there for us is mostly in profit, whatever is there is not ours, that keeps going on, whatever is inside it keeps giving us profit even on daily basis. They keep giving,

okay, there is no weekend, there is no holiday, no one, nothing, whatever you have on a daily basis, now see, their meetings etc. are happening, meetings etc. are happening. After these six why ta aahista which is exactly now this started in the year 2024 i.e. in June, Tata is holding meetings in Bhusan city in South Korea etc. Okay, had come to Pakistan also, last day had also come to Mexico, Mexico ahead. It was done in Mexico etc. on 25th June, it was fine, so now let's move towards its plan

. Now see this, they have started showing you live demo. I hope I will not get copyright on it, so you see this, currently it has 0616 2291. Therium is lying there , okay after lying there, what is there on it, they have to trade, now they are looking at this theme above it, it is telling that it has 6.68 theme lying there, now this is the account star, what is your Binance account. By attaching it to it, that boat is that boat which is searching for pairing etc. with it. After searching the pairing, it has

selected the pairs. After selecting, it is trading etc. whatever thing has to be taken, whatever thing has to be given. After doing everything, first see now the first trade which is in BTC, that is, first he did his system, after doing the system, he did the first pair which is in BTC etc. Now all this has

become a complete record . How has it done what all the things it has done, TA is taken in BTC, TA is taken in BC, it has taken so much percentage, its risk is 4.91 but its risk factor is ok, now these things are coming. First trade is in this, it is taken in BTS, second trade is in TH and BTC and whatever trade is done in this, after doing this, see this total which is telling you that the starting balance was this much, okay the ending balance is 6.12. And the trade amount is 0.2 and the trade profit is 0. This has been done and this is how much time it has taken. It is telling everything in it. Look at everything. It is telling in it. Now look again, its

6.68 is that. There is a balance, now let's refresh it again. After refreshing, now see here what is absolutely live in it. See again, it has become 6.61. It has become 6.61, that is, it has become 0.61, that is, it has made so much profit. See here also 6.61, that is. Who attached the bot? The bot is absolutely accurate, it has shown the profit etc., it is fine and it is telling in what manner it has traded, that it

has done one trade, two trades, three trades, after doing three trades in this manner. Profit has come and its history is being made, it is not that it just did it just like that, its history is being made, see, its history is made, first in what it had taken, then it had taken a promise, then bye bye, then bye bye bye. After this, all this history of the sale of therium etc. is being made, it has done this since 0.2, after this it has done this, after doing this, this is a proper history of this thing, it is not that they just did it like that.

After telling the figure, he killed the trading etc. So friends, what is its dividend plan, in what way i.e. it gives us profit, how much amount of profit it gives, see the DV plant of Arbiz. Aa Gaya Pate is the name of a package and the minimum investment is almost the same and on monthly basis it will give you % and on daily basis it will give you 0.136 i.e. daily at 7 pm Pakistani you will get profit in your account and this will come level one level. For 2 you have P2, for 20 it should be $ and if you have 100 to 9

or $0 then you will get %, after that come P20 or $200, for 00 you will get % on monthly basis, daily basis P 0.26 7 You will get this, your second level has arrived, now it is t5, okay this is a great plan, it starts at $500, okay on daily monthly basis you will get $1, on daily basis you will get 0.4 and this is level four, now which is its best and amazing package. Which everyone can afford, that is t10, it is a package of Rs 1000, you have to deposit Rs 000 in it on monthly basis, you will get 20%, if you deposit Rs 000, then you will get $200 on monthly basis, that is, you will get 0.67 on daily basis every month. You will get it on daily basis and this is the sixth level, after that if you want to get better then 50 is 5000 package and this is 28 which is sorry, on 28 you will get it monthly and 0.93 which is this you will get it on daily basis and if t10 is t is of 10000, that is a package of approximately 10000, but you will get it monthly or it means that you will get $20 on daily basis. There

are 10 10 levels in this package, that is, the bigger the amount, the sooner your package will be completed. This is approximately 36 This package will be completed for you in three months This will be completed for you in approximately four months This will be your principal amount and this will be your principal amount on 20, this will be completed in five months. The interesting thing in this is that whatever principal amount you deposit in it, you can withdraw it whenever you want. Yes,

what is the withdrawal processing, let me tell you what it is, it will be given to you within two to two days, that is, within 48 hours, your deposit will be made, of course, there will be the principal amount, of course, there will be your profit, of course, whatever will be your dividend, you will give it to someone. You can also get the time withdrawn in your BAS wallet in Binance. Whatever is there in TRC 20 Tether works for deposit as well as for withdrawal.

Withdrawal will come to you within one to two minutes, i.e. You can withdraw the principal amount at any time, there is a little procedure for it, okay it may take 24-48 hours but you get the amount in your account whenever you want, it is not like other companies that you You cannot withdraw your principal amount. If you do, you will have to pay more fees on top of that or you cannot withdraw it before three months, six months or neither, but there is no such restriction in this. You can withdraw your principal amount at any time you want. You have also made a deposit, at any time

you want, you can withdraw it. Now let's go down, now what is its system, now you have a USDT wallet, what is in it and what is coming, let us tell you what is it, okay now you When you deposit USDT in it, you will get this amount in your Tether USDT wallet, then what you have to do is, after this, the next option will be to send the funds to the full arbitrage budgie wallet. This is yours, it will start working and your profit, dividend profit, will come in it.

The privilege profit is that if you win any of its conditions or any of its promotions, etc., you will win. Now this thing has come that if your client has deposited Rs 10000 in this USDT wallet on 20th April, the deposit made by him has been properly heat transferred i.e. on the same day itself. That 10000 USDT wallet which is in the arbitrage wallet has been transferred, its funds which are in the arbitrage fund will reach there on 21st April, ok after 24 hours the funds which are in the arbitrage wallet will start showing. And after 24 hours, whatever is right, whatever is on that fund will start earning, the arbitrage operation will start next day, whatever is on 21st April, it will start and right, whatever is on 22nd April, its dividend will start. Funds will start coming, now see here it is being told that if a person makes Rs 10000 per day, he gets Rs 1.6, 1220, how much profit does the company make, I will tell later how much profit the company is making, in what ratio the profit is made. Now look let's come down

below also the same thing is being told as per the package i.e. which is telling you that if you have taken Rs 10 USDT then you will get this much on daily basis and this much on monthly basis. You will get this much in three months and in 12 months i.e. there is no such benefit in taking the Rs. 100 package or Rs. 200 package, the benefit which is the highest i.e. if you do the minimum then the Rs. 500 package but which is the case nowadays. What is becoming very popular is the package of Rs 100-1000. It can come in everyone's Ford,

there is no tension, maximum you have to take a risk of five months in this and told you what it is, it is registered with SEC Security A Exchange. It is not a matter of tension, you can make the deposit easily. After depositing, whatever is yours will be cleared within five months. On top of that, your profit will continue . You will get 46 per day, 1300 per month, approximately these are the dollars you will get, or 00 per month, you will get 4119, and for 12 months, you will get 1.22. Okay, if we take 00 daily, you will get 120. For three months, you will get 3600, sorry daily. You will get Rs. 120

, you will get Rs. 3600 in one month, Rs. 10800 in three months and Rs. 43800 in 12 months, that is, your amount four times will give you more profit, the bigger the amount, the bigger will be your profit. That is, you

create an external wallet, whatever amount you send from outside, you will send it right from the external wallet i.e. from Binance, from any place, you can add money to this wallet. From here you will send it to the arbitrator. From here you will send the dividend to the arbitrator. Then in this way, from the dividend wallet, you will send it to the USDT wallet. From the USDT wallet, you can get it withdrawn etc. How can you get it done,

the withdrawal fees etc. What is there at present, will it be the minimum level or will it be a qualifying percentage and the one dollar fee etc., this thing has been done, now the levels have come, its levels etc. have come, okay, the level that you will get is level one, then the referral system will come. There is a referral system for you, if you invite a direct link, okay, on level one you will get 12%, if he refers someone further, on second level you will get %, on third level you will get 5%, on fourth level to fifth level. Sixth level at 2, Level Sen at 2, Level Sen at 1, 8, 9, 10 will be available at 1, how to open this level, what to do, it all tells you that you see this, now yours has arrived, now yours is if p1. So your level one of p1 is your level one will open, it is done, that is, you can get anyone to sign up directly by staying in p12. Directly, you

will have to get commission for that person on level one page 12. Of course, it will continue to be received whether it is from $ 00, it is from 00 to 000, it is from 000 to 000 or it is from 10000 dollars, it is okay, but after this, the save level, sorry second level, third level, it will not be active, what is it for that? We will have to give some samples in this. If Client B has made his orbit investment from Rs. 00, then his package which is T5 and his four levels will become active. After that, whoever invites his direct people, then he will get the level accordingly and 120 can earn around 1280 lakh USDT daily if they can get these people who are their direct etc. to do the same i.e. the direct one should be worth Rs 2000 i.e. the Hajj people should be two, okay the second level should be Rs 4000. If he goes to the third level, he can do 5,500 Hajj, he can do 5,000 Hajj, he can do 10 Hajj, he can do that at the second level, he can do that at the fourth level, if he has a team, then according to this he can earn 80% daily. Now one Another thing, if

you come to the first level, then you will have only level one, that is, you can earn level one earning. For PTU, your three levels will become active, for t5, four levels will become active. For t10, your six levels will become active. That is, if you take this package, your earning will be up to six levels, that is, your referral, his referral, then his referral, in this way, you will earn up to six levels. If your package is Rs 5000, then you can earn up to eight levels. If you have a package of Rs 10000, then you can expect to earn up to 10 levels. This is not true. If you have a package of Rs 100

and you will take 10 levels, not a package of Rs 100, you will get only the first direct direct. If it is a package of Rs 200, you will get the bonus. If you want to bring it to level two, then you have to keep your amount in the arbiter of $, then the second level will become active. If you keep it at Rs. 500, then four levels will become active, that is, you can earn up to four levels. If your team is worth Rs 100000 then you can earn your team up to six levels, if it is Rs 5000 then up to level 8, if your team is worth Rs 10000 then you can earn your team till level 10. It is a duty that if a person who If someone has a package of Rs 100 or Rs 200 or Rs 500, if someone has a package of Rs 100 and he has invested Rs 10,000 or Rs 1,000, then the commission he will get will not be received on a daily basis . It will be divided i.e. if he has invested 10000 with 10 10's then he will also get almost level one. If we withdraw % at level 12 i.e. % of 10000

then it will increase by approximately $0. This 120 will not get this step. Whatever it is, he will get it on daily basis. Like his commission will come along with the commission, he will get his own commission and that and the referral commission will be shown in his account. If you do this, then it is possible that he will get the commission immediately. Then he will get his purse amount withdrawn. Let's take that and take this also, that's why the company has a great plan that the company gives commission to you after earning and gives you commission for your referrals, it is not that it gives you commission without earning, complete trade. The profit that will be made in trade B, along with the profit, you will get your commission and you will get the commission of your referral. This is a

tremendous type of plus point. Now let's go down and let's go down. Now see this. Above this rank comes and achieves rank. If you have an account of Rs 500 and you have directly invested Rs 000, then you will get rank Dividend means you will get 100% extra, that is, if you are getting it at 12, that is, you are getting it directly at 12, then you will start getting it at 13. Junior Manager means that you have a rank of 1000 and you have got a rank of 3000. 5000, 1000, whatever you do, you will get 3x which you will start getting at 2.5 , so the senior manager's is yours with 5000 and your direct people are with 6000, if they come then you will get %, it is ok. And

for direct, you should have an account of Rs 10000 and yours should be of around Rs 30000, your referral should be a duct referral, you will get it at Rs 10. In this way, if your account is Rs 25000, then you will get Rs 600, that is, you will get Rs 60. He will come from your direct team, he will join you as a doctor, you will get him on 15, in this way, it will be a later matter, you will see what he does now, he is telling that if the client is a divisional director, how much will he get on direct pay. What are the things that have been done, its

amount will be $375 every month, it reaches a very high level, okay, if you want to work openly, then you can do it in this way, now see this member. Trez has arrived, USDT wallet has arrived, Trez will go in a moment, Trez will go to crypto exchange in a moment, trading profit will come, whatever is at 80 is 8020. Now see, they have kept that of 8020, that is, whatever is at 80 will go to RPT dedent at 20. But it will go into profit sharing, in this way, those things will come in your dividend wallet. Okay, this is business day, business to a. Look, I told you that its annual fee is Rs 990, which means $30, its annual fee, but at the moment Whatever is there is for system maintenance but at present they want a promo that they will implement the fees till the end of 2024 i.e. in the beginning of 2025. At present, whoever creates an account and makes a deposit before that, then this fee should be waived off.

It will be waived off, whatever is fine, then the fees will start from the next year. Now see here its withdrawal etc. fees, its set withdrawal fee is $ ler, if it is more than that then % whatever. On top of the withdrawal you will make, there will be a % withdrawal fee. If the withdrawal system is fine, now let 's talk about how to make an account, how to deposit, how to withdraw in it. Friends, I will tell you the link of this video.

Ok, this is my referral which is 184 A1 a 84115 905. Here you have to set your user name, here you have to give your email, then you have to give the confirmed email, click on get code, the code will come on your email. You have to put the code here. After putting it, you have to put your password here. After entering the password, you have to click on confirm password. You have to give the PIN. Your PIN should be minimum of eight digits. PIN should be minimum of eight digits. All you can do is to click on confirm. After clicking on confirm, you have to click on submit.

After clicking on submit, your ID will be shown to you. You have to copy the ID or you have to take a screenshot of it. It is okay. After that, you will also get an email, then you have to click on login again, you have to give your member ID and your email at the top, you have to enter the password below, you have to solve this captcha, the captcha will be GXA2, after giving it, it is ok. You have to click on the login page, after clicking, you will get an interface like this - USDT, you will have USDT address, you have to go to Bamboo, whatever amount you want to deposit, deposit it here or you can see this and click on this wallet. Click on USDT. After clicking on USDT, you will see here that you have to click on Deposit. After clicking on Deposit, this will be your wallet. You have copied the wallet. After copying, now you have TRC 20 Tether here. TRC 20 have to be sent, $ 1

has to be taken, $ 500 has to be taken, whatever amount has to be taken, its fee will be $ dal, if you have taken 000, you will send 001 1001 on this, after sending, what is your fee, which is here. It will be shown approximately after some time, that is, after one, two, three, four minutes, that is, here you will be shown, then the fee will be shown here, here, here, your fee will be shown, then you have to go to the arbitrate wallet and click on arbitrage wallet . After this it will open i.e. you have to send your US GT in your orbit wallet, okay, here you have to click on deposit, okay then you have to select your package, you can also select it manually or a 100 one The package is 200, the package is 500000, 5000, 100, you can also select manual or click on deposit, your balance will be shown here as $ 200 500 1000 10000, okay, so you just have to write the amount above here as much as you want. Want to activate Rs 5000? After activating you have to give the PIN here. After giving the PIN, as soon as you click on submit, your balance which is there will be activated. It will take 24 hours when you send it from the wallet. If you do it then it gets shown abroad but when you deposit it then after deposit it is fine, if it is yours it takes 24 hours, if it is yours it takes 24 to 48 hours, then you get it daily at 7 pm. Your commission starts coming at 00:00 in the dividend wallet. When you open the dividend wallet, it will tell you

how much commission has come. Look, my commission is coming, it is fine, I am getting marks etc., it is fine. It is done because I have also set up some referral systems but their earning has not started yet. If it is okay then gradually whatever will be yours, if yours is yours, you can also do that by withdrawing it or by withdrawing it, you can do it again. If you keep it in the updated wallet, your profit will start coming accordingly. If you want to withdraw, you will click on withdraw. By clicking on withdraw, you will write here the amount you want to withdraw.

It will come to your USDT wallet. Withdraw from USDT wallet. If you click on Pay then you will give your Binance account. After giving the amount in your Binance account, your commission and profit which will have to be withdrawn will be shown in your Binance account one by one within about one to two minutes. It will go because the system has also been seen by taking withdrawals etc., I have also seen it by doing the entire system, so please join it and do the working. Inshallah, you

will get a lot of profit, so I hope you liked the video. Kandli channel liked the video. Please subscribe and remember me in your prayers. Thank you Allah Hafiz.

2024-08-26 00:17

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