UAP Technology - How Do They Defy Physics? An F-16 Pilot's Analysis

UAP Technology - How Do They Defy Physics? An F-16 Pilot's Analysis

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I was an F-16 pilot for 18 years and now that  I've retired and started looking into this   UAP phenomena doesn't make sense welcome to the  channel the goal of today's video is to bring some   parallels between f-16s and my experience and the  UAP Maneuvers what we're seeing from these crazy   objects out there and then relate a few theories  that might possibly explain it at least the best   that we have to go on now from my experiences as  an F-16 pilot and material science major how can   these UAP objects do these amazing Maneuvers that  go faster than light they can reportedly shoot up   into space at amazing speeds they can hover giant  objects can hover without any sound and how can   they go stationary to Mach 2 without breaking the  sound barrier without these large Sonic booms all   over the place and how can they hold in stationary  and high winds welcome to the show I'm Chris   lato I flew f-16s for 18 years I was an aggressor  pilot in Alaska focused on electronic attack it's   actually using radar energy to confuse the enemy  hopefully after this video you will have a better   understanding of uaps and the crazy Maneuvers  that they do are there any current theories   that could explain this I think there's a few  interesting theories coming from the Navy itself   so all that information coming up  now Chris Ledo welcome to lato files over my 18-year career as an F-16 pilot I  retired in 2020 I actually never saw a UAP   or a UFO I never saw or even heard  of anything that I couldn't explain   couldn't understand I remember flying and  of course every Mission you see something   you're not sure what is that and now you  have to confirm it a lot of flying is just   confirming multitasking multitasking  many different things at the same time that's the importance of the pilot cross  check is you're not just focused on one   thing it's called channelized attention so being  a pilot involves constantly moving your attention   moving your attention to handle all these uh  multitasking challenges many different things and really that's because the pilot is the main  computer at least of the past right now we have   drones coming online but up until recently  the pilot did all of the Sensor Fusion so   the pilot would actually use the systems  doing that cross check to look around to   all of the systems that help us see and hear and  fight what is that mainly for a modern fighter   is your radar and your infrared targeting pod  combined with your eyes fighter pilots work   in the radar realm for long range you know many  miles out to almost 100 miles you could say for   large tankers large aircraft we have infrared  that's basically from close out to maybe 20   30 miles for your infrared how far you can see  before the atmosphere attenuates that radiation   that thermal radiation and then finally more  important in the past but still important is   your visual Acuity so how well can the pilot  see Pilots had to see extremely extremely well   in the past but throughout my career right right  when I started essentially they allowed you to   have glasses why is that because now these other  sensors are so much more important but your radar   for your radar missiles your infrared for your  infrared missiles and then for seeing with the gun   Etc so that's where the pilot in the past  it's very critical he had amazing eyesight   and he was able to take all of that information  in and then execute the mission well now we have   uavs right your visual Optical can be done with  cameras now radar can be done with radar systems   and drones and now you don't have to worry about  a pilot in the loop anymore for good or for bad so   throughout my career we advanced the aircraft  so when the F-16 came out in the 1980 it was   mostly visual fighting just infrared missiles very  important on the pilot a day visual VFR fighter   that's what the F-16 was as time went on now they  added more equipment more sensors more weight to   the aircraft until it became a multi-role fighter  multi-role Strike Fighter capable to drop weapons   drop bombs that's why they're sending them  to Ukraine Unfortunately they can also drop   cluster Munitions which I don't recommend but  while operating this aircraft what I never saw   was a UAP I didn't see any unreasonable radar hits  never tracked any things with a infrared tarting   pod that I couldn't identify at the end and  never saw anything with my eyes that I couldn't   identify and what's interesting to me is I'd never  heard through all of my training anything about   uaps or about UFOs was never in the training  never thought about it never heard about it   it never even came up until after I retired  in 2020 and that's when part about the uaps   the famous New York Times article started  that started that discussion in my brain but   had never even considered it before that this is  despite a long history so once you start looking   there is a lot of information there the first  accounts go back to World War II did you know   that the original Foo Fighters is what they were  called before the term Flying Saucer came out it   was Foo Fighters Graham Randall has written  a very exhaustive book on Foo Fighters the   only reason why details of the Foo Fighters and  other phenomena were entered in war Diaries and   Squadron Records Was that aircrew and intelligent  staff alike believed there were some new form of   German secret weapon devices that convert a huge  advantage to the Nazis the early Royal Air Force   reports described them as flak phenomena which  is what intelligent staff believed the stories of   strange lights and meteors constituted as the war  went into 1943 yet no war-winning German weapon   emerged reports of strange lights and objects  confounded both the Specialists and air Crews   what I learned to my surprise is that These Foo  Fighters or these strange lights were seen on both   sides on the Allied and axis sides they both  thought it was secret weapons from the other   side we didn't learn about it till afterwards  that these lights actually weren't some secret   German weapon here's an example basically the  first sighting out of Graham Randall's book   to summarize sobinski's sighting it allegedly  occurred very late on the evening of 25 March   1942 as he landed back at base at 117 hours the  Luminous disc was fired upon without any visible   effect and whilst it did not attack the Wellington  bomber it flew alongside it for a period of time   before eventually disappearing upwards at a great  rate of speed according to many reports they would   actually shoot at the Foo Fighters just shoot  machine guns into them with no effect there was no   visible effect it's like just goes into the light  and then shoots off at an amazing rate of speed   this sounds very similar very similar to a recent  account that I actually interviewed Eric Delgado shooting star but then it stopped  huh yeah let me zoom in man awesome and he's not on T cast man uh well I can tell Rita now that is dude that is [ __ ] hot he is a  commercial airline pilot and he has this   amazing video it's on my channel you can check  it out eight minutes I believe total of this   orb essentially a foo fighter a light strange  light flying next to the aircraft it scanned   along his aircraft actually scanned along and  then disappeared they couldn't find it again so these accounts go back to 1942 and they're  still happening still happening today and it's   not just video counts in the civilian world  we do have good military data if you look at   the Tic Tac case Tic Tac is out on the west  coast David fravery was in the recent UAP   hearings explained that case in great detail  according to Scientific analysis on that case   in order to go from 80 000 feet to  the surface you'd have to impart an   unimaginable amount of energy amount  of energy that we just don't have and   you would definitely be going faster than the  speed of sound almost light speed essentially   so how can these objects move that quickly and how  can they move without seemingly inertia so the two   main issues that I've seen is that these objects  move without inertia they basically have no weight   and when they do move they move exceedingly fast  super fast with no effect on their environment   they're not causing a sonic boom they're not  pushing the air out of the way and if we look   to the east coast effects there was Ryan Graves he  was also in the UAP hearing what he explained is   on the East Coast they are seeing these objects  and Ryan Graves explains in detail how he saw   the objects with all of those systems I mentioned  at the beginning of the video he sees the objects   with the radar they got a new fancy ASA actively  electronically scanned array radar and they were   able to start picking up these strange contacts  then they saw the objects with their targeting   pod so that's your infrared camera if you will  tracking camera that's what we use to actually   shoot things and Target things Target laser-guided  bombs he saw with those and then he also relays   in the hearing about seeing it visually not him  personally seeing it visually but an actual visual   counter from another pilot in the Squadron and  what he said is it's a dark gray or dark Cube   inside of a sphere some sort of see-through sphere  again just uh crazy sightings but the point is   these sightings are still continuing today so  we've seen them back in World War II and we're   still seeing them today so how could we explain  that lack of inertia and then lack of a sonic   boom lack of any sound okay first the scientific  Community is just pretending that this evidence   doesn't exist they're pretending that these  sightings are not legitimate meaning we don't   have any accurate scientific data despite efforts  by uapx who has gotten other data despite all the   information coming out of the testimonials right  all we have is testimonial where is the evidence   we do have those videos so you can look at the  videos but again they just dispute the videos   so the scientific Community as of now from what I  understand does not accept that these things are   actually happening they don't accept the objects  are being tracked they think it's just a mistake   it's some issue with the sensor collection or it's  fake there's hoaxes so scientific Community the   mainstream scientific the community is basically  saying it's not happening it doesn't exist if you   look at Avi Loeb he's proposed that he found  spheroles basically tiny parts of metal from   a Interstellar meteor this could be an artificial  meteor this is Abby loeb's proposal and you'll see   he's meeting a ton of pushback from the scientific  community so scientific Community has no as far as   I can see actual theories on how you could do this  how you could have zero inertia and how you could   move without any sort of Sonic Boom the reason  these two things are so mind-blowing for me is the   way airplanes work the way our understanding of  airplanes work is they use aerodynamic principles   through propulsion okay so all we do is we shoot  dinosaurs out the back end and the plane goes   forward okay that's it it's a opposite reaction  what does that mean is we should always see some   sort of heat propulsion coming out of the back  of the aircraft or the object there should be   some way to propel it through the air right some  interaction with the air which is a heat exchange   that's why we see that heat difference the way  a jet engine creates thrust is a differential in   heat cold air coming in is compressed exploded and  then mat that temperature difference is what gives   you your thrust is from the inlet to the outlet  temperature difference turbine temperature is   your main indicator of your thrust so we should  be seeing some sort of heat which we're not but   it's that lack of inertia how can something sit  there in stationery without any sort of form of   propulsion okay how can it stay stationary  without form of propulsion we're not seeing   any sort of heat coming out so to me is that's  the inertia isn't there where is the inertia   it's almost acting like just a light like it's a  physical light instead of an actual object also   how does it accelerate at those speeds nothing we  know of at least physical material humans Etc can   take more than nine G's nine G's nine gravities is  the max that a human body can accept so that's how   we design all our fighters to maintain nine G's  based off the person right man Fighters at least   but these things can move like I said with  the Tic Tac the Tic Tac move within 5000 plus   gravities that's how much is accelerating that's  how fast the acceleration is nothing we know about   can do that nothing can accelerate that fast  it means there's no inertia there there's no   actual weight and the second point that really  blows my mind on this is there's no Sonic booms   sightings from the ground say that they move  away that fast and still there was no sound   these Supermarket sized uaps the supposed  supermarket-sized uaps Phoenix Lights   Etc there is no sound so how can you have no sound  it's like again it's not interacting with the   actual environment that we're looking at there's  no propulsion there's no heat there's no heat   exchange that we can tell it's normally cold it is  cold but apart from that there's no sound so how   can you have no sound it's not actually pushing  through the air if you look at all our Fighters   the reason Fighters are pointy right the reason  they're pointed is because of your mock effects once you start going supersonic now you're  going to have a very strong very powerful   mock wave front and pushing through this is  what takes tons and tons of energy so that's   why everything is pointing that's why your bullets  are pointy right because they're going through the   air and initially it's just to go through the  air but but at some point it's to counteract   the actual mock effect from going supersonic but  these things don't have that issue they don't seem   to need any sort of aerodynamic effects if you  look at the Tic Tac it's shaped like a cylinder   I guess that could be aerodynamic but then on the  East Coast what we're seeing is a cube a square or   cube inside of a round ball if you look at Dr case  Arrow results over 800 cases now what are they   seeing almost half of them are round or sphere so  that means again it's in the shape of a ball of a   sphere it's not pointy like we would suspect in a  flying saucer I guess you could say is pointy but   it's not pointy if you look at it from above it's  going to be round so basically how can something   go through the air that fast without making a  sonic boom so like I said there's no mainstream   theories but we do have a few possible theories  the first is probably the most mainstream is the   akubir drive now kubir Drive is a speculative warp  drive idea to which a spacecraft could achieve   a parent faster than light travel by Contracting  space in front of it and expanding space behind it   under the assumption that a configurable energy  density field lower than that of vacuum a negative   Mass could be created so I guess the proposed  argument of this is that the whole object can   go faster than light because what you're doing is  you're offsetting the wavefront you're basically   moving this wave front up yes you're going faster  than the speed of light technically here but it's   being offset here by a slowing objects cannot  accelerate to the speed of light within normal   space time instead the alcobiere drive shifts  space around an object so that the object would   arrive at its destination more quickly than  light wood in normal space without breaking   any physical laws that's how they get around  it is basically they're saying well we're not   we're not actually going faster than light  but this wave front the front of this is while   this is going down so we're able to to go faster  than life and although the alcobir drive remains   a hypothetical concept with seemingly difficult  problems though the amount of energy required is   no longer thought to be unobtainably large it was  interesting in 2021 it's led to some other issues   with Casimir cavities it's a Casimir vacuum when  you get two plates very close together are they   getting some sort of effects in 2021 DARPA funded  researcher Harold G white of the Limitless space   Institute claimed that he existed succeeded in  creating a real warp bubble saying our detailed   numerical analysis of our custom Casimir cavities  helped us identify a real and manufacturable Nano   microstructure that is predicted to generate  a negative vacuum energy density such that   it would manifest a real nanoscale warp bubble  not an analog but the real thing so that's the   biggest issue with the alcubiere drive is that  it requires implies a negative energy density and   therefore requires exotic matter or manipulation  of dark energy so like I said this is speculative   the alcobier warp drive seems like the the  most mainstream I guess speculative idea okay   the second theory or possibility is Zero Point  Energy we talked about requiring negative energy   density for the alcobia warp drive could that be  Zero Point Energy if you've heard of that this   is a paper from 2010 from Hal putoff how putoff  you've heard he was at Stargate program he worked   at Stanford Research Institute with urine Geller  amazing amazing scientist at least his background   so he wrote here engineering the zero point  field and polarizable vacuum for Interstellar   flight polarizable means can you make it positive  or negative such as negative energy density he   wrote this while at the institute for advanced  studies at Austin abstract a theme that has come   to the fore in advanced planning for long-range  space exploration is the concept of propellantless   propulsion or field propulsion one version of  this concept involves the projected possibility   that empty space itself the quantum vacuum or  space-time metric might be manipulated so as to   provide energy thrust for future space Vehicles so  what we found is if you slow something down even   to absolute zero okay which I guess is that even  possible there will still be some sort of motion   there's some sort of energy think of the cosmic  microwave background why is there just nothing   out there there is something if we look into deep  darkest parts of space this implies that there is   some sort of energy at the base level meaning  even if you go to zero Kelvin things could be   still vibrating you could still have energy  there meaning energy comes from somewhere   else some other vacuum if you will although such  a proposal has a certain science fiction quality   about it modern Theory describes the vacuum as  a polarizable medium that sustains energetic   Quantum fluctuations thus the possibility that  matter vacuum interactions might be engineered   for space flight applications is not a priority  ruled out although certain constraints need to   be acknowledged the structure and implications of  such a far-reaching hypothesis are considered pair   in link to the full paper is in the description if  you want to check it out but from the conclusions   in this paper we touch briefly on Innovative  forms of space propulsion especially those that   might exploit properties of the quantum backing  or space-time metric in a fundamental way at this   point the development of such Nation Concepts it's  premature to even guess as at an Optimum strategy   let alone attempt to forge a critical path in  fact it remains to be determined whether such   exploitation is even feasible I think someone  thought it was feasible because Salvatore paies   Salvatore Pais is an American aerospace engineer  and inventor currently working for the United   States space force he formally worked at the  Naval Air Station patuchence River his patent   applications for the U.S Navy attracted attention  for their potential energy producing applications   but also doubt about their feasibility and  speculation that may be scammed pseudoscience   or disinformation intended to mislead the  United States adversaries so could it be a scam   if you go to Google patents now and just search  for Pais you will come up with his patents   three so far and I've gone through these  in a previous video if you want to check   that out the first one here is just talking  about how to make an actual superconductor   that would be nice you put the insulating core  on the inside and the wires on the outside the   metallic wire on the outside so that would be  surprising if you put the wires on the outside   and then we have here the actual inertial mass  reduction device so this is the mass reduction   device a nursing reduction device basically making  something way zero and the basic understanding I   have of it rudimentary understanding as this is  a object this is your craft and inside basically   the skin of The Craft you have a noble gas some  sort of non-reactive gas if you're able to create   an electromagnetic field spinning very quickly  30 000 RPMs or higher right electromagnetically   on the outside and then on the  inside you can impose using sound   he proposes in here on the inside of  the craft creating a counter rotating   30 000 RPM actual electromagnetic wave now  the interaction with these two waves together   can tap into that vacuum energy basically get  into the vacuum of space I believe Pais refers   to it as the quantum vacuum so that's how he would  be touching into the vacuum of space to make this   thing weigh nothing make it weigh zero and if it  weighs zero then you can go light speed easily his   final patent was this high frequency gravitational  wave generator and that's basically the third   theory is gravitational wave generation this comes  from Bob Lazar do you remember Bob Azar mentioned   that that's how the babazar craft actually worked  is through manipulating gravitational waves   which we actually detected finally in 2015. so  gravitational waves Albert Einstein predicted the   existence of gravitational waves in 1916 on the  basis of his theory of general relativity general   relativity interprets gravity as a consequence  of distortions in space-time caused by mass   indirectly gravitational waves were reduced in  1974 through the motion of the double neutron   star PSR b1913 Plus 16. in which one of the stars  is a pulsar that emits electromagnetic pulses at   radio frequencies regular intervals as it rotates  and then finally in September of 2015 the Lego   gravitational wave Observatory finally detected  it actually started in 2002 until 2010 they didn't   detect anything this is a interferometer giant  interferometer gravitational wave Observatory   and basically on 14th September 2015 the Lego  detectors were operating in engineering mode   and actually detected a signal lasted  0.2 seconds the chirp of a bird   and so gravitational waves is what Bob Lazar  said the actual craft used was through extreme   gravitational wave management could actually Bend  space and that would be bending time as well so   now if we go back to this final patent here this  is interesting a high frequency gravitational wave   generator including a gas-filled shell with  an outer shell surface microwave emitters   sound generators and acoustic vibration resonant  gas-filled cavities so similar to the other patent   the outer shell surface is electrally charged and  vibrated by the microwave emitters to generate a   first electromagnetic field so electrically  charged in the outside to generate a first   electromagnetic field and then the acoustic  vibration resonant gas-filled cavities so   inside the cavities each have a cavity surface  that can be electrically charged and vibrated   by acoustic energy from The Sound generator  such that a second electromagnetic field is   generated so he says from The Sound Runners on the  inside now you're making a second electromagnetic   field the two acoustic vibration resonant Fill gas  filled cavities are able to counter spin so they   spin opposite to each other to provide stability  and propagating gravitational field fluctuations   are generated when the second electromagnetic  field propagates through the first electromagnetic   field so again this is creating gravity waves and  that's from Salvatore Pais this is his proposed   patent again speculative and supposedly hasn't  been proven in real life to be the piece effect   but that's using high energy gravity waves which  we detected actually do exist and the big question   is if gravity waves exist what are they actually  propagating through propagating through and then   the final theory that David grush implied is that  these things and beings are inter-dimensional Ross   coltard asked you know why do you keep saying we  can't say extraterrestrial and David Gross replied   I don't think we know point of origin of these  things I don't know where they're coming from   and it seems like he argued they could be  coming from a different dimension a fifth   dimensional space a higher dimensional space  if you will a different dimension so how do   you interact with a different dimension can  you react through human consciousness in   some manner is there another dimension or can we  interact with another dimension of consciousness   another field if you will could this be the spirit  field they argue that there's a spirit dimension   something different from the physical  Dimension this would be outside of our current   understanding of physics outside of our current  understanding of Dimensions time and space final   thought I'll leave you with is neutrinos we've  been detecting neutrinos also with the ice cube   Observatory this year that's down in Antarctica I  made a video about the ice cream neutrino being a   possible weapon as proposed by Raytheon contractor  Hecker the Ice Cube detector is a is just one type   of neutrino detector it's a physics apparatus  which is designed to study neutrinos because   neutrinos only weekly interact with other  particles of matter neutrino detectors must   be very large to detect a significant number  of neutrinos this is why they're often built   underground isolated from everything I would offer  these two Avenues as possible leads on where the   other dimension could be could they be related to  this neutrinos neutrinos are very hard to detect   although there's trillions of them going through  your body right as we speak could neutrinos be a   second dimension some sort of underlying reality  that we can possibly tap into or possibly tap into   with technology advanced technology the second  option is and this goes into Wu territory is   could it be related to Consciousness could it be  related to surviving death some other Spirit Realm   a different dimension that we necessarily do  interact with but don't fully understand yet   either way it's exciting what we're seeing out  there are fighter pilots are seeing things they   can't understand they're recording it on radar  they're recording it with their targeting pods   and they're seeing it with their eyes they're  trying to report it to the dod as it's going on   unfortunately this has been happening since  World War II fighter pilots have been reporting   Foo Fighters since World War II and still we don't  understand what they are we don't believe we don't   think it could possibly be some other form of life  some other non-human intelligence interacting with   us so in summary how do you explain lack of  inertia lack of momentum basically it weighs   nothing how do you explain no sound makes no  sound and doesn't create a sonic boom as well   as the amazing speed the accelerations cannot be  handled by any sort of gravity that at least we   know about biological entities can withstand this  all implies new physics at least physics that we   don't fully understand yet and as David grush says  could be interdimensional talking about new Realms   of reality new Realms of understanding that humans  are just touching on but if you look back in our   history thousands of years there has always been  an argument for a spiritual plane or another realm   of existence not just a Physical Realm could these  beings or non-human intelligences or objects at   least be coming from different Realm and will we  be able to create technology to access that Realm   I think we will I think it's an exciting time and  the evidence is only coming out more and more with   decentralized information flow if we can protect  these whistleblowers I think we have an amazing   amount of information about our universe waiting  for us thanks for being here please smash the like   button if you did like the content subscribe  to get future notifications and I take no   sponsorships it's all supported from the community  so please go to forward slash Chris   lato to access exclusive videos and benefits Early  Access you can also go to YouTube memberships and   become a flight lead member above for Early  Access videos or support in other ways don't   forget check me out on X Chris otis78 I'm posting  content there as well have a great day peace

2023-09-12 20:23

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